Is it Safe to Delete Duplicate Files?

Is it Safe to Delete Duplicate Files?

Ask Leo!

3 года назад

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M P - 12.09.2023 16:13

Thanks for another great video! I have too many duplicate photos on my laptop & PC. Would it be safe to completely backup both machines to a large external hard drive and then delete all photos from both computers?

benzinc - 12.10.2022 21:44

I completely agree... if possible don't delete files. Buy bigger drive instead. And! Have a master copy of non deleted.

MIWAM FLIMFLAM - 11.10.2021 01:57

A thinking man's Philosophy of Deletion. Nicely done.

suffist - 05.09.2021 00:34

I used a duplicate file finder yesterday. Thankfully, it would only allow me to delete the duplicates in the downloads folder. It said I wasn't authourised to delete the Program Files or Program Files (x86) duplicates. Then I saw your video. I feel like I've had a lucky escape. I haven't run into any issues yet. But it's early days, I suppose.
Anyway, thanks for the save.

Botanifiles - 04.07.2021 14:07

How would I go about removing duplicate photos (thousands)?

sanjayke - 13.06.2021 12:34

Thank for solving my duplicate files issue…superb advice!!!

Ish Perez
Ish Perez - 15.05.2021 20:18

Hello Leo. So we bought a Dell and transfered our files using our Seagate backup. It took up almost 99% of the new hardrive disk space. Is this typical, or did I do something wrong.

Shuriver - 18.04.2021 06:32

I have duplicated files that reaches 10. Most are installers of AMD and some of its files.

But since the time they were created are not even a second in difference. I assume they are important. Unless they are created in a huge time difference

ros-spur - 01.04.2021 00:43

Love your honesty, was about to do this but now changed my mind. Thank you.

Marius - 23.01.2021 20:01

Hi, Leo! I have ran into a problem. I used the dupeguru to delete some of duplicate files on my PC. I wish I'd seen your video before doing that, because after deleting some of the files I am facing problems. So currently some of my programs and apps aren't working properly. If I try to open them thru shortcuts an error appears that the shortcut is experiencing problems and can't work properly with specific file, because it was moved or changed. If I try to open the program/app dirrectly, it fails to open/ doesn't work properly. At the moment, only reinstalling the programs/apps works. Also I have no clue what apps are affected by this and what other damage there is. Maybe you know solution to this problem? Is it possible to fix it? Should I do a complete reinstall of Windows? I would love to hear a response from You!

Chinmay A.
Chinmay A. - 12.11.2020 18:36

Hi Leo, Chinmay from India. Love your content. This video was awesome. I m astonish to see your subscriber count. You deserve a Million Subs.
