Learning Python? You Must take a look at this book! Not Just for Scientists.

Learning Python? You Must take a look at this book! Not Just for Scientists.

Python Programmer

3 года назад

66,582 Просмотров

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camoph - 26.09.2023 00:07

I'm teaching a course in scientific computing with Python, following this book, and it is definitely a great reference on the subject. Highly recommended.

Dima Math
Dima Math - 09.11.2021 23:33

Have you seen the price?

Wes W
Wes W - 08.09.2021 11:55

Great content! Is this a book you'd also recommend to read on a kindle?

Nishtha Sharma
Nishtha Sharma - 04.09.2021 12:00

excellent recommendation!

Sanjay - 16.06.2021 17:15

I am medical graduate. Can I learn python to program?

carlos ferreira
carlos ferreira - 04.06.2021 03:58

I’m using this book and it is deep on the subject! Good read!

Squirrel - 02.06.2021 16:57

Thanks for this recommendation! I got this book after watching this video, and I love it :) It's very clear and thorough. Much appreciated :)

Taoufik Manai
Taoufik Manai - 31.05.2021 14:17

Pls keep up the passion and healthy thoughts around coding concepts ! Lerner a lot from you and I would like to reach out and discuss with you !

Taoufik Manai
Taoufik Manai - 31.05.2021 14:16

Man I really appreciate all your videos and post. Just amazing !

jain11 - 25.05.2021 21:01

I saw this book on Amazon and it's so costly especially for indians..sadly I can't buy

Flavio Mosafi
Flavio Mosafi - 24.05.2021 00:42

Hello... I have doubt about this book. I started my Phd and I dont know if should purchase it now or more later. What you think?

Rahul Sharma
Rahul Sharma - 23.05.2021 09:34

Hello sir,
Can I build Face mask detection website using python, html,css ,javascript....

Rahul Sharma
Rahul Sharma - 23.05.2021 09:33

Hello sir,
Can I build Face mask detection website using python, html,css ,javascript....

Karthikeyan A K
Karthikeyan A K - 23.05.2021 05:12

Is there any similar book in Julia as its dominating scientific computing now.

John Sharma
John Sharma - 23.05.2021 04:36

Thanks.This is an excellent book, and there is supporting material on the Cambridge University Press Website.

Hagamos lo imposible
Hagamos lo imposible - 23.05.2021 00:05

How can i get this amazing book from Argentina? Tthanks!

Elton - 22.05.2021 16:44

Please any recommendation for scientific programming for R?

365 Data Science
365 Data Science - 21.05.2021 16:01

Interesting! 🙌

Luis Mediavilla
Luis Mediavilla - 21.05.2021 13:19

if you are not on ML or Hacking move from python to something else.

Magmatic91 - 20.05.2021 05:27

Have you any suggestions for good books about data analysis? Thanks.

Tom Backhouse
Tom Backhouse - 19.05.2021 17:18

I'm glad I'm starting to find Tech channels like this one, and Continuous Delivery, and Russ the laser cutting bloke. There are too many beaming fresh faced Californians about. Call it baseless prejudice, but I find it much easier to trust technical wisdom when it's delivered by a reserved british bloke, possibly wrapped in a cardigan.

Edit: spelling correction.

Gia-Bao Ha
Gia-Bao Ha - 19.05.2021 02:26

I started learning Python two months ago and have been using this book to study. I am halfway into the book and have tried to do all the exercises as well as examples. I can testify that it is a truly great book, that explains the essentials of Python without going too deep into CS concepts.

Demon Lord
Demon Lord - 18.05.2021 23:54

Hi there
I am just a beginner in python and I wanted to ask you which book among Python Crash Course and Automate the Boring Stuff With Python will be a better one to understand the concepts according to you .

Kindly suggest it .

Nayan Vats
Nayan Vats - 18.05.2021 03:29

Is there a book that deals with "Speech Signal Processing with Python"?

CannyDou - 18.05.2021 01:38

Oi...thanks for this

Yoboii Sergio!
Yoboii Sergio! - 17.05.2021 19:05

The Minecraft desktop, I love it lol. Great video as well!

sankar subramanian
sankar subramanian - 17.05.2021 18:28

Pdf book available

Kağan Özdemir
Kağan Özdemir - 16.05.2021 19:21

Great vid! Is there a counterpart of this for C++?

Captain Elias Jinko
Captain Elias Jinko - 16.05.2021 14:56

Hello and Anyone who can help with this question: I have a problem concerning Books in Programming. Because The IDE keeps on updating fast in a rapid manner. Most of the time it turns out the examples or the syntax is not supported anymore. Soon there will Python another version. And most part of the book becomes obsolete. Do you have any solution for that Sir? Thank you

rahul bhambri
rahul bhambri - 15.05.2021 17:59

Is that an angry ironman in the background computer

TheJackal917 - 15.05.2021 10:34

What if 'm not mathematician nor computer scientist? What if I'm just a guy who wants to make games? Hm? I bet this book is not written with the likes of me in mind.

Nasser Chams
Nasser Chams - 14.05.2021 04:31


Antonomase Apophasis
Antonomase Apophasis - 14.05.2021 01:43

Is there an atlas of Python Programmer locations?
Reviews are confined to one set location?

Sreedhar B.K
Sreedhar B.K - 13.05.2021 20:45

Is there any book on Solving differential equations using Python"?

Tiago Gomes
Tiago Gomes - 13.05.2021 13:33

What is the best python book for business intelligence?

William David Vargas
William David Vargas - 13.05.2021 06:08

thanks for the suggestion bro, amazing insights and review

nagasai purvaz
nagasai purvaz - 13.05.2021 05:55

man you made my search easy iam an elctrical enginner i program in matlab but it has some implication like you need matlab in other computer to run now i can make a python exe to run on others computer to easily check the hardware parameters thanks [love form india]

Empreendedores do BEM
Empreendedores do BEM - 13.05.2021 04:12

Julia Language is also a good option for scientists

Galván Diego
Galván Diego - 12.05.2021 21:50

Hi, I don’t know if you have a review about the course “How to win a Kaggle competition”, which is available on Coursera. I’m taking it and so far it’s quite comprehensive. I’d like you to review this course. Thank you.

Sarthak Papney
Sarthak Papney - 12.05.2021 08:07

Is there any pdf version of this book
If yes then please provide it, i need it 😭

Smith Will
Smith Will - 12.05.2021 03:02

Greeting from Hong Kong.

Youssouf Kharabi
Youssouf Kharabi - 12.05.2021 01:14

Hi @python Programmer,

could you do a review for the best books to lean 3D modeling for simlation purpos, game developpement please ? there is PANDA 3D as plateform, but I am not sure that it's the only thing available to master 3D modeling. thanks

Xolani Silangwe
Xolani Silangwe - 11.05.2021 21:44

Watching from South African The Python Programmer

A I - 11.05.2021 16:11

Hi there, from Japan.
I'm a Japanese university student in the 2 grade.
I have studied Python and English for several months.
The videos in this channel are very useful educational materials for both.
His pronounce is very clear and Information of video is very good.

I'm your big of a fan and looking forward to next video.

Ramesh Babu
Ramesh Babu - 11.05.2021 14:24

What is the price bro

Oswaldo Páez
Oswaldo Páez - 11.05.2021 08:18

Great video!
I'd like to know if you may make a video about books for finance with AI/ML/DS, please? Thanks in advance 😃

AJ - 11.05.2021 05:01

Nice! Thank you for reviewing this book! I'm learning Python for scientific computing and this will definitely fit my needs.

Chief P
Chief P - 11.05.2021 01:45

Hello From Cape Town

TheMRWani - 11.05.2021 01:31

I just started learning python. "Python crash course" book is a great start for a beginner. I can do data analysis with R.

ddiva1973 - 11.05.2021 00:44

I really enjoy these book reviews!!
