CATALYST - One Guild Wars 2 Elementalist Build for PvE, WvW, PvP - Astronomer Guide

CATALYST - One Guild Wars 2 Elementalist Build for PvE, WvW, PvP - Astronomer Guide


2 года назад

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@Angelys03 - 12.05.2022 17:14

Great video as always!

I had a go at this build and it does seem quite fun but sadly there are too many buttons to press :(

@High_Exotic - 12.05.2022 20:35


@xerann9653 - 13.05.2022 13:18

Your videos are great especially this one elementalist is so much harder to grasp compared to most proffessions.

@aricoseco - 13.05.2022 18:31

You should have named it The AstronHammer :D

@robinwesterbeeke1498 - 14.05.2022 12:12

What's that little meteorite hovering over your shoulder?

@becky5414 - 14.05.2022 13:22

I remember you recommended the Superior Rune of Sanctuary in the past (e.q. for the cele weaver). The wiki says the healing generated by passive effects like the passive of your healing signet does not work with the 6er set bonus of the rune (barrier generation). Do you have any insight here?

@Jbcski - 15.05.2022 03:55

"enjoy" in wvw sadly not a meta class any more by a long shot. (only commenting because this was on gw2 twitter nothing to do with your build or views on the class any thing to get though that anet bubble).

@danteyoda - 15.05.2022 04:14

Really Ele.. is it like crazy multitasking?

@ryanu3708 - 15.05.2022 16:29

I’m not surprised. They should rename the game Cookie Cutter Wars 2.

@goethenameless3295 - 16.05.2022 03:01

Damm i want see pvp end stat in the video end :D

@borislavangelov3697 - 16.05.2022 13:12

Ele needs a simple spec or build asap... I am not a pianist, damn it...

@lestertalde9707 - 16.05.2022 15:59

staff cata with 2 meteor still effective in wvw haha

@pllasma - 16.05.2022 16:45

I left gw2 forever... bye.. have fun

@bensun432 - 16.05.2022 22:13

After so many years of weaver, it is now time to switch! I was so close to giving up, but now I'm excited to play again. Thank you for the detailed information, especially with the raid

@anders8461 - 21.05.2022 05:03

Still simpler than weaver. If you can use weaver, you can use catalyst. Still not a fan of the hammer tho but i love catalyst's concept

@ICZiman - 27.05.2022 10:25

Another "good" build without dps meter, kek. Random gear, random talants, random abilities, oh look, im that guy in raid who do 4k dps and 40% boon uptime!

@Debianz - 09.06.2022 02:06

Love how the PVE instructions in your guildjen link and the video don't match AT ALL. Great waste of my time.

@mikereyes2269 - 12.06.2022 06:45

I have that hammer skin for my cata totally worth the money because it looks like black mage staff from a realm reborn.

@senjiroth1 - 29.06.2022 02:25

Does this work with celestial gear? I'm returning and don't know how to change stats to my ascended gear

@Respen999 - 01.07.2022 20:34

what you can say about this build now, after last update?

@OSRSSco - 04.07.2022 11:42

Great commentary and gameplay!

@kewan8787 - 09.08.2022 09:10

what race

@Relhio - 23.08.2022 10:27

What are your thoughts on using fire traits over air? The 2nd GM trait spreads might to allies, which means you can buff the hell out of the elementals. I don't know however if more power is better than crit damage.

@albertovb88 - 29.08.2022 12:01

hello, i'm back to GW2, i'ven been out like for years, and i'm using and ELE again as main. I'm really curious about this build, but i didn't even know it's possible to handle a hammer as an ele. It is a thing of a new expansion? what content do i need to unlock for this? Ty in advance!

@arielchan2009 - 04.09.2022 19:59

if i cant get durability runes yet, which is a good 2nd option?

@aldenencluna6409 - 05.09.2022 07:38


@Weasel6x6 - 06.09.2022 12:12

Hey :) i saw that the combo here is 2>3> jade sphere > 5 :) but on guildjen there is a different combo for basic burst. Which one is the better one?

@rileymcmonnies - 17.09.2022 06:13

What’s the fashion used for this character?

@MrJinfizz - 27.09.2022 21:31

How about celestial set ? Would it be good ? Nice video BTW

@Vjklv-ty7mn - 28.09.2022 17:43

honestly i just started playing,i go pvp as catalyst,im dying alot,i go online to see what build i need to be more tanky,here we got air arcane but gear and boons make you tanky,another vid i saw full dmg gear but water fire to have sustain and condi cleanse,then i saw a dude say earth elemental and keeping up the max dmg resist from elemental empowerment gives him sustain,then i see a dude go air fire with 11k hp using all defencive utility skills to not get oneshot,then i see a guy say just make a water sphere,use leap,use elite skill,use leap again,boom you got a massive heal git gud,and finaly a dude who made a 26000 hp catalyst build but has no dmg burst,to compare this,i got my weaver to sustain on accident,just dodging generates barier,dual atack gives vigor,and signet of water is broken with arcane dodge,like every dodge gives 660hp and 1000 barierr,cant kill me but i dont do dmg,interesting game, will have to make a catalyst build that bursts and doesnt die somehow

@motkceb1635 - 05.10.2022 03:36

use water 3 after after fire 3 then rock 3 then because it will extend them 10 sec

@paulo.valverde - 09.10.2022 16:29

I just leveled an Elementalist, is this guide still working? I’m new to GW2

@merrex4808 - 14.10.2022 00:37

Ele could have been given so many other weapons and instead they gave them a slow clunky melee ranged 2 handed hammer . Why not a 1500 or 1200 range weapon like a bow or rifle or a great sword like mesmer has ?

@davidp252 - 18.11.2022 13:32

What stats should I use in my trinkets and amulet? Same as Marauders?

@filipberger2979 - 20.11.2022 20:19

I still have no idea when to switch elements

@canadians1982 - 27.12.2022 09:10

this build could use some updating

@Pow3rGaming - 05.01.2023 06:03

I think it's kinda hilarious that as a new player (started 4 days ago) I feel like the information you've laid out here would take a year or two to learn but it only takes like a week or so to hit level 80 according to everyone. If you don't know all of these mechanics do you just melt quickly in all situations?
TY so much for making this video. I'm sure I'll reference it in the near future a lot as I think I'm going Catalyst. Thanks again!

@Gwentron - 06.01.2023 19:37

Hey dude you helped me fall in love with Hammer Catalyst and I love it now! Thanks!

@Pow3rGaming - 07.01.2023 21:18

Watching again, taking notes and this is super helpful. Thanks again.

@Subaru_God - 25.02.2023 02:43

Awesome video. Thank you, Vallun.

@MaxWoudenberg - 02.03.2023 18:12

If you get durability runes, doesn't that make you aggro the boss in raids?

@Mallden - 25.03.2023 21:18

is this still viable? :)

@TheRobandSherry - 27.03.2023 21:12

I’m going to build this and have the same question as @Mallden. Have the builds changed any since the February 2023 update? Or, are these still valid? I’ll play around with it as see, so if you don’t know, that’s okay. Just curious. Great vid BTW. Thanks.

@tylerkrug - 07.04.2023 17:46

Awesome vid - thank you for the clear instructions on how to play. How significant of a drop in DPS will I have using Marauder gear vs Beserker? I can only get about 10k DPS p/s max with full Marauder in raids and strikes - and that's when the stars align! Most of the time I'm sitting at around 8k p/s

@gadomoya - 19.04.2023 00:23

For some reason I thought the pve in your One Build videos were just for Open World and Bounties. I ask this because I legit am ignorant, but are dps checks lenient enough in raids and T4 fractals to play builds like this with non offensive runes? Cause I would love to rock this build cause I’m poor (Again I’m a pve noob who’s tried a few raids and strikes and is only just getting into fractals recently)

@alcoholictaco9278 - 19.05.2023 22:47

This still accurate?

@pierrekennedy4872 - 06.11.2023 13:20

Hello Vallun, thank you so much for this guide. Ive been playing necro for a long time and decided to switch. i have started with this build and i think it is amazing.
finding it challenging to get to all the buttons to swap between the elements, could you perhaps suggest a more effective key bind ?

@pierrekennedy4872 - 10.11.2023 09:36

Hi Vallen, ive been getting better with the build and enjoying it so much, was just wondering if you could maybe do an update video for SOTO?
