How To Record METAL in FL STUDIO - Home Recording

How To Record METAL in FL STUDIO - Home Recording

Keyan Houshmand Live

3 года назад

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@KeyanHoushmandLive - 19.04.2021 02:05

Thanks for watching guys! If you got any tips for recording metal in FL Studio, let everyone know with a comment below!

@Unharmed - 15.01.2024 04:48

wow this was an amazing video and walkthrough. you showed us everything we needed to know. Thanks so much!

@patrykbb5254 - 16.12.2023 22:18

where can i download this bass?

@micahbell9412 - 08.11.2023 02:25

BEEN playing guitar never been able to record anything, luckily I was gifted FL from a friend. I can’t even figure out how to record 1 track so this’ll be fun

@killeveryvenue - 30.09.2023 20:50

for some reason after i create the outputs in Kontakt i can't assign the kick or overheads to different outputs. When i click the drop down menu it just shows st. 1

@OpenizeMusic - 27.09.2023 04:02

What about recording and mix live drums for metal in FL Studio?

@jameshogan617 - 15.09.2023 02:36

for anyone struggling with the amp bit - next to imput it says ext , change that to post track and it will record your amp sound , it also always monitors so remember to change it back after

@sergeimason2893 - 06.08.2023 21:03

name of the song?

@_williampettersson_ - 23.07.2023 22:53

When I record my guitar it's already routed to my guitar mixer fader that is 26 for me so when i put it to the left mixer fader 27 it's just the di sound... After you recorded it's not routed yet. What am I doing wrong

@cruzmacias3257 - 27.05.2023 20:59

Excellent tips. Thank you for sharing. I want make a note for those using a drumkit plugin outside of Kontakt such as ML Drums Free from ML Sound Labs: when mapping the connections on the Processing tab of the settings, you'll notice that there is an output connection. I map this output to a separate channel than the Master (null) and route my various instruments (kick, snare, cymbals) just as shown here, but I remove all routings on the output channel so that it is no longer audible. This enables me to isolate the kick or snare or any of the other channels if I need to.

@mikelohr3201 - 26.05.2023 15:18

So I’m new to all this and just installed Fl studio 20 yesterday. I got it all set up and can see the signal from my guitar but I don’t hear anything? I selected my interface with the audio input but still nothing. Do I need headphones or speakers installed to my interface? I thought I could just hear it through my computer speakers but that doesn’t seem to the work. Anyone have any advice?

@xyz-dc7no - 08.05.2023 11:42

Great video

@AndriiGoogle - 06.03.2023 02:30

It would be very useful also to see a tutorial for mixing and mastering

@Noah-ct2me - 02.03.2023 04:47

when i switch my recorded track into the left and right tracks my amp effect is gone and it’s just playing the interface input can u please tell me why

@raviolimaster - 19.02.2023 21:22

go get yourself a razer mamba mouse 2 and assign the 2 left thumb buttons on the mouse, to your Right side Shift and Control buttons on the keyboard.... Right shift key allows you to slice audio in the playlist, and right control key allows you to lasso grab in the playlist.... its the most natural feeling and handy shortcut ive ever came up with (esp considering half the time i got a guitar in my lap and my left hand is usually holding it, so the other hand and being botherthed with pressing the keyboard just to make a quick edit can be a PITA) thank me later if you ever get to giving it a try. You wont go back to a standard mouse ever once you do.

@vtawwd - 23.01.2023 02:13

To muck talking

@phatrhymes_4019 - 15.01.2023 13:09

It's one of the most useful vids i've ever seen about recording heavy music in fl. Thanks a lot!

@raymondclarke2171 - 15.01.2023 11:31

Great job sir! I subscribed as soon as I saw the word Metal! This is the perfect example of why FL is a very complete and powerful multi-genre DAW! All it takes is time and imagination with ANY DAW! So many people instantly discredit FL Studio simply because of...okay...I'll be nice....SONIC STEREOTYPE's that! Mr. Keyan even got props from Image-Line themselves! They were probably like..."Finally, someone gets that we're a DIGITAL AUDIO WORKSTATION!" I personally remember purchasing Fruity Loops when it first came out on CD. Got home...opened the box...inserted it in my briefcase-sized Fujitsu laptop thinking I was gonna be the next Quincy Jones, and it all looked like prehistoric hieroglyphics. I left it alone. I'm much older now. A week ago I went to FL's website. "The fastest way from your brain to your speakers." I got the 21 Producers Edition. All the tools are there....and I get it! Peace and Love!

@daniel.blackbeard - 27.12.2022 19:36

This is great content, subscribed :)

If you don't mind, can I ask: when recording guitars this way, how do you manage latency? I tried this 12 years ago and for me with cheap equipment was hard (and frustrating) to monitor what I was playing. Do you use specific hardware? Or do you have a video on how to setup the actual home studio? Thanks you

@musamali7858 - 18.12.2022 20:44

Since FL 21 came out. Are you going to revisit this video?

@VaylewMusic - 02.12.2022 19:17


@lololweew - 29.11.2022 17:22

Please help, In kontakt, when i click ond the drop downs to assign the outputs I only get default and st. 1. even thought I created all the others..

@batuhanguzelhan - 26.11.2022 14:54

Bro this is really helpfull thank you for sharing your experiences. I have a question tho.. If I wanted to record a vocal, where ahould I route that channel?

Thanks again!

@diiosaodiiosa - 17.11.2022 05:16

amazing tutorial thank you <3

@consecband - 15.11.2022 22:42


@HarmonicGray - 21.10.2022 08:50

How do you change the metronome click pattern for non 4/4 time signatures? I use FL for my synths and stuff but do all audio recording elsewhere because I feel like editing audio and doing small punch ins would be a hassle in FL, but it would be convenient to do everything in FL instead of two different programs.

@RaijinSozin - 14.10.2022 16:15

All but one of my creator friends think I'm absolutely insane for making metal in FL. It's all I've been using since 9 (when I was in the 9th grade too lol) and I love how chaotic I can be with my silly writing process

@matty-atty9460 - 04.09.2022 14:27

Good watch - Cheers from Victoria!

@natalieoyler-lusco9564 - 02.09.2022 21:25

Thank you so much for this!

@icoicocaballito - 29.08.2022 06:18

hello, how do you make the plugins not make noise? I have a noise gate pedal, but the plugins make noise. Thank you.

@CHOKSTARmusic - 19.08.2022 17:37

Please reduce the plossive on your vocals man.

@crepeultime4697 - 19.08.2022 01:06

Awesome !!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🙏

@daveshindig149 - 13.08.2022 16:45

Is it recommended to route Superior Drummer 3 to the mixing board?

It seems to have its own pre selected bus setup to which I give its own master in my FL mixer.

I tend to sequence midi and handle mixing on the SD3 plugin itself.

Not sure if it's optimal.

@JulenPlays - 27.07.2022 16:34

You're a fcking god man!

@buckeysmadness - 09.07.2022 21:51

This video was exactly what I needed. I was having trouble getting clean mixes and I also use FL studio 20. Very helpful and informative! please, keep doing more mixing and recording tutorials!

@thomassmith8119 - 07.07.2022 08:15



@zainpunka1703 - 20.06.2022 00:56

Thans for this, in depth tut. Just getting started with FL so much appreciated. Subbed

@xavianmarotta - 15.06.2022 10:53

Very helpful tutorial. Thank you my friend, I have learned quite a bit from this.

@rener.s.6477 - 07.06.2022 22:10

This was incredibly helpful! Thank you so much for making this video!

@jw8877 - 24.05.2022 03:40

I'm having an issue with matching the channels from kontakt to the FL mixer. For some reason i'll get the snare showing up in the same channel as the kick in the FL mixer but I they are clearly in their own channels in kontakt. And in Processing tab I have them all matched up perfectly. I don't understand why it isn't working properly. Any one els ran into this problem and found a solution?

@NWO963 - 23.05.2022 02:25

for coloring you can just press ''control'' and drag to select multiple adjacent channels , then click right on any channel then ''change clolor'' , now select any color and it will be applied to all the channels you just selected . (excuse my bad english)

@indigoakaben - 29.04.2022 06:07

I love this. I've been meaning to record creative process videos for my own channel as well. Any non-musician I've met has no idea what the process is like and I love showing them and seeing their reactions. You've done a fine job: clear, collected, and concise.

@tdspbrtdspbr4019 - 20.04.2022 16:16


@1misfits - 20.04.2022 04:15

This shit makes no sense 😫

@MiketheNerdRanger - 07.04.2022 06:30

Does FL Studio not have a native cabinet plugin?

@regdenee - 13.03.2022 22:43

Do you do any quantization in FL studio?

@sempornamari - 08.03.2022 06:48

Can you mastering song bro,,, for metal if yes please repley

@ph0kused - 22.02.2022 02:11

Pro tip- do all that drum routing to the mixer and then save it as a FL template. Fl templates are nice. Save as- template. That way you only have to it once. In fact i have a template with the exact same stuff Keyan uses, modern massive drums pre-routed to mixer, nolly nueral, and djinn bass routed as well. For writing i find this super helpful. Every session i load up with those plugins already mapped. Its easy enough to switch kontact instrumentals if im not doing a metal song.
