The Most Broken Ideology In Rimworld

The Most Broken Ideology In Rimworld


1 год назад

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Emmy Turner
Emmy Turner - 16.06.2023 22:24

This is my favorite video from your channel

David Bolduc
David Bolduc - 26.05.2023 19:30

Great video. I am not even close to trying a DLC. Vanilla has more than enough going on for me to figure out first, lol.

Crimson Sakura
Crimson Sakura - 18.05.2023 06:31

My "best ideology" is -
Supremacist - for shooting specialist
Pain is virtue - it's so damn OP. It disables comfort meaning that you can save some colony wealth on chairs, and a usual pawn with 20 mood would have 5 mood from severe pain, but a maso pawn will have somewhere around 27 mood because of that pain. It not just negates the pain like "pain - -1 mood - yea, i'm a strong guy, i shouldn't cry from pain", it just straight up turns it into a mood buff.
Human Primacy - for production specialist. A smith & artist in one pawn is a column that keeps a colony thriving, because even cloth clothes become really nice (full set is "-21 to 49 C" on pawns) and any workshop/barrack/room WILL have at least 80 points of expressiveness because of statues (large wooden statues do that great, masterwork adds +500 beauty, excellent +300), and the equipment that such smith makes is also OP (if he has inspired creativity i assign him to make a plasteel sword/a weapon. it's always legendary)

precepts -
i'll only talk about Diversity of thought - i think there's only two nice ones to pick:
Intense bigotry - It lets a united colony be happier by 3 or even 8 points of mood because of the union in faith, but if there's someone with false beliefs - the same united colony suffers a bit, getting -3 mood debuff and hating this impostor, which can lead to a social fight and lots of insults.
Appreciated - Pawns will be OK with anything: with united thoughts, with dual, or with as many as it can possibly be. It can be useful if you want to have a pawn with a role that you can't get, like miner/plant worker, but such pawns usually won't be ignoring corpses and their ideology will make them sad about such things which don't bother your own pawns.

Mateusz Sławiński
Mateusz Sławiński - 29.03.2023 16:56

I recently bought the game with relevant DLCs and have a blast with Tunneler-Pain is Virtue-Human Primacy-Blindsight. Masochist moles/dwarves are easy to please and with right precept you don't actually have to bother blinding ritual (and after you blind a pawn, he/she may get psy link, yay).

Ragnar - 02.03.2023 23:19

Here ´s mine: Supremacist , Human primacy & Pain is virtue. - works deam good in Vanilla.
If u wanne spice things realy up - mix in the the Space Marine + Run & Gun Mod. Whoever/whatever attacks now your Colonie's will be in for a very bad time, and probaly regret every deam single Life decision he/she/it has made to end up in front of your Colonists.

Matiu - 03.02.2023 09:10

The human primacy, animal personhood, tunneler mix seems nice but aren’t specializations limited to only 2 at a time (+leader and moral guide) so you can’t have animal specialist, shooting specialist and production specialist at the same time?

Mcflurry Butts
Mcflurry Butts - 06.01.2023 18:59

I like the Seth references.

Bonzi Buddy
Bonzi Buddy - 04.01.2023 02:10

you pay someone to write these?

oojikarasuma1 - 27.12.2022 20:22

Does this still work? With animal personhood, my pawn still hate insect meat even with tunneler

Polygon Death
Polygon Death - 03.12.2022 23:31

How do you add more than one meme? At my start I was only able to add one and able to add one more meme each reform

ShadowWolfTJC - 26.11.2022 01:39

Personally, I believe I could come up with a more useful fluid ideoligion than this:

- Animal Personhood/Rancher for early-game to mid-game, possibly swap to Transhumanist or High Life for end-game
- Human Primacy
- Supremacist
- Tree Connection

- Starting meme: Either Animal Personhood or Rancher for the animal taming and/or venerated-animal-summoning rituals, since animal hordes can not only be useful for protecting against enemy attacks (and providing animal products as a parting gift when they die) throughout the early game, though would start to fall off in effectiveness from the mid-game and onwards, but can be sold off to bestow your starting faction with enough money to allow them to gear themselves up with advanced weapons and armor that'll allow them to get a good start when deciding to settle down for the early-game or mid-game. (That, and they'd be great at plundering ancient dangers for their treasures.)

- 1st reform: Either Supremacist for the Shooting Specialists, or Human Primacy for the Production Specialists, depending on whether or not you'd want to settle down and establish a more permanent colony after travelling around the world map taming lots of animals to train or sell, or continue to travel from one map tile to the next plundering the lands of animals and ancient dangers, perhaps taking out an enemy faction's base in the process.

- 2nd reform: Either Supremacist or Human Primacy, since by then, you'll likely need both Shooting Specialists and Production Specialists more than you would need Animal Specialists, since by then, you'll probably be dealing with raids so severe that animal hordes wouldn't cut it anymore, so base defenses would be needed in order to survive without relying on things like Shield Pops, Doomsday Rocket Launchers, or Psychic Animal Pulsers, and thus, settling down and establishing a permanent colony becomes highly recommended. Besides, by now, your tamers should be skilled enough where they could probably remain effective at taming and training animals, even if they've been retired as Animal Specialists.

- 3rd reform: Tree Connection. Once you've settled down, have a strong supply of wood to not need to chop down trees for a long time, and have even beautified the colony up some with bonsai trees, you could afford to make use of Dryads to not only replace trees as a source of wood, but also to boost colony productivity and base defense without needing to keep animals that would need to be maintained. (Mechanoids could also be used, but would be limited by bandwidth, so Dryads could be used to supplement Mechanoids for both labor and combat.)

- Optional 4th reform: Drop Animal Personhood/Rancher as a meme in preparation for taking a new meme, since by late-game, you'd most likely be no longer dependent on animal hordes for combat, and should also be stable in terms of animal populations for farming, even without Animal Specialists, or even taming new animals.

- Optional 5th reform: Transhumanist for the end-game, since those neural superchargers and sleep accelerators require so much infrastructure to support per colonist that it'd be preferable to give all your colonists bionics, custom genepacks, and even a regular supply of drugs before considering going for this meme. Besides, all those mood penalties from Transhumanist pawns make this meme largely intolerable until the end-game, when colonies are developed enough to be able to support this meme. (Alternatively, you might be able to recruit or enslave a pawn that follows the Transhumanist meme, and have them build Sleep Accelerators and Neural Superchargers for your non-Transhumanist colonists to benefit from without suffering from all those mood debuffs that Transhumanist pawns would have when their lofty demands for artificial body parts, age reversal, or neural superchargers.)

- Alternative optional 5th reform: High Life for the late-game or end-game will speed up drug production to help supply your colonists regularly with performance-enhancing drugs like Wake-Up, Yayo, or Go-Juice using less labor, and also unlock Autobongs, which could be used in base defense to debuff enemy consciousness.

As for precepts, Lighting: Darklight Preferred, Combat in Darkness: Preferred, and Body Modification: Approved can all be picked, even without the Darkness, Tunneler, or Transhumanist memes.

Koffee - 22.11.2022 02:53

When are you doing the playthrough?

Sullyvan Bastien
Sullyvan Bastien - 21.11.2022 18:22

I like to have accepted canibalism because it allows to eat food and sell human skins, that is very nice for money. So we get richer with raids.

Evocatorum - 08.11.2022 21:31

You have really interesting information, but the "background music" is competing with dialogue.

Mehod - 05.11.2022 06:57

Can't find the link in the description XD

Bigcoin - 31.10.2022 18:56

Sir, do you have a license from Seth to start your videos with "hey hey people"?

Johan Danielsson
Johan Danielsson - 26.10.2022 23:38

I played Rimworld a lot a couple of years ago or so. I am about to take up playing it again, and have put together an ideology: Collectivism (for the work drive), Transhumanism, Ranchers (no longer require a preference for meat eating) and Nature Primacy. Nature Primacy is just for the plants specialist, I figure that this may mitigate the drawback Ranchers have to plant work. I set cannibalism to accepted, the Cannibal meme is not needed for that. I considered the Tunneler meme, but discovered that I can set insect meat to "loved" even without it. It is as close as I could come to an eat-everything-ideology.

chris willis
chris willis - 19.10.2022 18:41

Actually, my primary ideology looks like this. Call it the cult of Lolth. The others I use a lot are pacifist vegetarians, and a viking themed raider group.

DoctaDude - 19.10.2022 13:36

The Inbuild "Like&Subscribe" got me to like and subscribe

Hozic - 15.10.2022 03:56

In my opinion pain is virtue , canibal, human primacy ,colectivist is also awesome

nam vo
nam vo - 09.10.2022 21:44

Shooting specialist and production specialist are the most powerful

HidesHisFace - 05.10.2022 15:46

This is a good ideology mix, but I personally find keeping large stocks of animals to be a bit of a hassle, especially if you go with underground base. I usually just keep couple of horses for caravan work, maybe few cows or anything else that can be milked.

My personal favourite mix is:
Supremacy - mostly for shooting specialists - they are optional and least essential part - but pair of specialists buffing each other are unmatched in terms of combat. If you don't care about these specialists, feel free to take something else.

Human Primacy - hilariously, this does work perfectly fine even if you run a colony made completely of alien races, so no issue here - I find production specialist to be simply too much of an asset to pass. Being able to make highest quality items easily and quickly is a huge boon later on, when raids become massive.

Tunnelers - if you are going with a mountain base - they are pretty much a necessity - mostly for the shrooms and fungal gravel. Mountain bases have generally easier time regulating temperature in base, and ignoring room size is just a nice boon, but food production opportunity is fantastic.
Nutrifungus is easy to grow and convenient, and once you get sunlamps, you may use fungal gravel to grow all the other crops all year long - slower, but constantly. And if you can set up a good chemfuel refinery processing excess food, you will be able to power your base easily as well - with ALL the infrastructure safely under ground.
Another good thing - infestations - if Randy wills it - infestations will give you so much food, you won't even need to grow nutrifungus, only utility plants.
I would avoid "fighting in darkness" preference - it gives you a buff for fighting in the dark, sure, but it debuffs you when fighting in the light. Keeping your base well lit is not difficult and is preferred due to work speed penalties for darkness. And it sucks for caravans.

Finally - Transhumanists - a lot of people hate the early penalties - and they are indeed a pain, but the whole trick with transhumanists is to horde components early on - keep your colony wealth in check and rush to long range mineral scanner. Or just start with fluid ideology, that works perfectly fine as well.
Neural superchargers keep your guys happier AND more efficient - so they are worth it.
De-aging - takes a lot of space, but pods largely eliminate the need for medics, and save your old, valuable pawns from developing age-related diseases. And you won't have to care that much for lost fingers and minor body parts.
And finally bionics - even normal bionics are better than normal body parts. And I will assume you are using mods to add missing bionic body parts. But even if you are not - a pawn with full set of bionics is amazing. And let's be honest - over the course of the game, your guys will be losing eyes, fingers, entire limbs even. You will no longer need to dispose of valuable characters only because they got crippled. Sure, you can do bionics without Transhumanist meme, but considering you will need bionics anyway, why not get a mood buff out of it?

Yes, this is a bit cookie cutter and basic, but works very well, allowing you to keep a pretty self-sufficient colony that is also resilient and stacked with very powerful pawns if you can get far enough to actually get the bionics you need.
A fully decked bionic pawns can hold against most threats rather easily, which means safer base and safer caravans.

Heck, I might try running this setup with nudism for added challenge, so my biomechanical pawns would run only with armorskin glands for protection.

Other good choice is "Pain is virtue" - especially early on with fluid ideology, as it negates pain penalties. But too many scars may become a problem in a long run.

Luca OC
Luca OC - 04.10.2022 03:34

this guy is always drunk..

palehunter - 09.09.2022 10:51

My favourite Ideoligion is darkness tunnelled transhumanist supremacist. If you do it right the late game is just everyone having max mood always with a type of inspiration.
mountain bases power is easy you turn fungi in chem fuel and use a bunch of chem fuel generators.

Brett Mcclain
Brett Mcclain - 06.09.2022 04:34

The age reversal for trans humanist sucks, most pops are in a tank for a quarter of the game.

Steampunkerton - 04.09.2022 23:06

I usually run Ideological, Proselytizer, Supremacy, Human Primacy, and Collectivist with rituals focusing on Faction Goodwill (For Fallen Empire) and New Recruits

Dolph Vader
Dolph Vader - 31.08.2022 18:35

is it just me? or is the link to the ideology guide NOT in the description?

Elizabeth Humphries
Elizabeth Humphries - 29.08.2022 22:53

Tree connection nature primacy animal personhood and cannibalism.

Paxton Wulgus
Paxton Wulgus - 21.08.2022 19:34

Tunneler is annoying though because as I recall, it gives you a mood debuff any time you eat vegetables OTHER than mushrooms. So you get a bonus when eating 1 food and a debuff when eating like 12 other foods

Darkequation Huang
Darkequation Huang - 21.08.2022 12:32

The sole access to Production Specialist of Human Supremacy just nail it as top tier meme.

Panda Prince
Panda Prince - 19.08.2022 06:55

Start with fluid Ideology Supremacy, wait for sunblocker event (sunblocker wont spawn if you start with darkness meme)
Then get tunneler as you start moving into the mountains
Then get Darkness (if you already got the sunblocker) or Human Primacy first for the production specialist if sunblocker still doesnt spawn.

If you're lucky and a sunblocker spawns early you'll get the most overpowered combatants. A lvl 15 shooting specialist with trigger happy would shoot a mini-gun like a laser beam (super accurate, yeah that pretty fkin OP but its hella fun so...)

If you're unlucky and cannot get a sunblocker to spawn then just get transhumanist or High life. Kinda boring tho

Alexander Elderhorst
Alexander Elderhorst - 17.08.2022 03:51

As overused as cannibalist is... don't forget how useful that one is for getting food. Not important if you can eat insect meat as a tunneler but... yeah.

WuShi - 16.08.2022 16:33


Toxic Gamer
Toxic Gamer - 16.08.2022 03:54

I made Star communism and I absolutely love it. It’s funny as hell.

TheSullivanGamer - 15.08.2022 17:36

A little trick I picked up for early transhumanism was to give pawns dentures, it classed as a extra part and cost next to nothing to install

Amateurish Author
Amateurish Author - 15.08.2022 12:59

the requirements for Transhumanism doesn't kick in until you research Electricity. Except for maybe the lack of Bionics.

Un7n0wing - 15.08.2022 10:57

Pain is virtue is broken strong with anything, but I like to run it with blindsight, darkness, and tunnelers. The pain of having your eyes removed means you need less scars and get free psy levels when the blindings go well. Tunneler, darkness, and blindsight means you don't even need darklights and you can specialize in melee to ambush raiders around dark cave corners with no penalties. It's a beast on home turf, but does struggle when you're doing the raiding. Basically, psychic mole people.

Stanislav Iliev
Stanislav Iliev - 14.08.2022 17:50

Animal personhood is just RJW with extra steps

Blue Beetle
Blue Beetle - 14.08.2022 16:41

Every time I start a new game I make sure to overengineer each factions ideology so that I'm not running into anything too random and nonsensical or the same kind of people over and over

nope nope
nope nope - 14.08.2022 15:35

I think it could be cool if you do a playthrough with the ideology of the video. So maybe little let's play series for all the various ideologies you show and what goals your looking for: go to space, chinchilla army, ect.

Zero #4793
Zero #4793 - 14.08.2022 13:01

1 heater per tiny bedroom?! jesus. do you not use vents???

Rytoasty_ - 14.08.2022 08:19

Great video idea thanks

Not a Sabbat
Not a Sabbat - 14.08.2022 05:51

Will this be adding vanilla expanded memes in the future?

DeltaDarems - 14.08.2022 03:04


Nnacchho - 13.08.2022 23:48

Whith blindness u can do a blinding ritual to get psychic levels. Then u can extract eyes of prisoners and give them to your blinded colonist. Repeat the process for infinite psychic levels.

Stuff 96
Stuff 96 - 13.08.2022 21:26

Noobert "Here's some religions to make your game easier"
Me: Cannibal nudists tunnlers that smoke a ton of weed

Эдуард Толкач
Эдуард Толкач - 13.08.2022 17:30

If you choose to get Rancher, than it's in your best interests to also pick up a Human Primacy, otherwise situation like - you can't it your steak because some dumbass named it Farter (legit cow name in Rimworld) and telling you not to kill it because "she is good girl" - would happen all the time.

Michael - 13.08.2022 14:54

Mine is vanilla expanded I have the god emperor meme trans humanist supremacist and finally undergrounder I have 2 relics a suit of cataracts and a persona sword I uselly give the armor and weapon to the emperor and I have the emperor take all the empire quest’s oh I should add that this ideology works best with an empire play-through
