Super Simple Workshop Dust Filter for $30!

Super Simple Workshop Dust Filter for $30!


55 лет назад

55,192 Просмотров

Jason details his super simple dust filtration system in his workshop. Add this to your own workshop today for under $30. Help clear the dust from the air without breaking your bank account.

#DIYAsAFirstResort #workshophacks #budgetworkshop

Lasko Box Fan:
20 x 20 Furnace Filter:
Light Socket Outlet:

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@fan1080Travels - 26.11.2018 18:37

Nice simple filter system for the shop.

@TJSWOODWORKINGSHOP - 26.11.2018 20:49

Hey my brother it's a very good idea to for sure,I like it good job and take care I will see you later :)

@NewTestamentDoc - 28.11.2018 03:56

How long does the filter last?

@bobbycouch587 - 25.05.2019 03:50

I made one like this, on a 90 degree day, the filter blocked enough air to cool the motor and as a result burned out fan, throwing whole contraption out. Never to repeat this dangerous method.

@jjs777fzr - 03.06.2019 10:42

If you tap that filter ever so slightly all the contaminants it caught are going to fall and enter the air. Big fan of box fan/filter methods but the fan on the bottom while suspended in the air is not good.

@jeffreyEsoteric - 10.06.2019 15:12

Very well done! Thanks for posting this useful information.

@RoseWoodWork - 21.06.2019 17:26

I'm going to have to do this in my little woodshop, thanks for the idea :)

@user-zk8ed4kd2b - 12.11.2019 20:52

There are other videos about attaching filters to these type of fans. Each video puts the filter in a different location. Some attach to the back of the fan, some to the front. Who is right? That’s what I want to know.

@regbowes1127 - 01.01.2020 15:48


@scubaguy5455 - 01.03.2020 01:27

It unfortunately appears that you crack repair on the wall behind you didn't work. Any plans to have it professionally repaired in the future? We have one corner in our basement that needs repair.

@Andy-df5fj - 25.03.2020 21:17

The direction of the filter is only important if you are using it with a powerful blower like that in a furnace. It's there to have the wire mesh support the pleats and keep them from getting sucked in.

@craftychinurse5240 - 04.04.2020 10:23

What kind of electrical cord did you use?

@DoItLikeDoli - 26.04.2020 03:08

Just installed mine but I think mine might be too high. How many feet above my table saw do you think this should be?

@MikeTwoPoint0 - 14.05.2020 09:08

But the dust falls out when you turn the fan off.

@joedirt7521 - 29.05.2020 00:39

Turn off the fan and the dust falls out.

@luisantoniogalvezheras2792 - 30.06.2020 01:46

simply genius, so, i have a small workshop where i do woodwork and epoxy Jobs, i have no air filtering sistema and im continusly having dust specles in my epoxy pieces, do you think that with this it would stop or at least reduce those dust specles?

@normanerwin4242 - 09.09.2020 18:25

Awesome! Great for starting out, especially for a small basement workshop. I might put in the ceiling centered above my table saw. Biggest dust creator in my shop so far.

@Random-rt5ec - 05.10.2020 16:35

I made 3 of these for around the house. A Merv 13 filter removes pollen, mold, and many nasties out of the air and I noticed my wife who is allergic to just about everything has been sneezing much less with these running. It is especially good at remove pellet stove related dust from the air and cat dander.

@crackerjack3359 - 04.01.2021 02:26

I do the same thing but simply place the fan on the floor or on the bench where ever I am working . After all dust naturally and
settles it does not rise .

@chrisdutson9894 - 22.01.2021 23:39

Why not have the air blow down to the ground? The air flow will kick up the fine dust so it can get recirculated through the fan and filter. and put the filter on top.

@EMWoodworking - 01.02.2021 20:15

Is there any advantage to mounting on the ceiling verses sitting on the floor?

@marbetu5394 - 10.02.2021 23:24

I m gonn maake one. How would i add a way to collect dust into a bag with your supzr system? Thanks from Belgium

@ibrahimwehbe1153 - 14.02.2021 12:19

I see it more as a dust mover/spreader than dust collector

@michaelmckenney7214 - 14.02.2021 21:48

Nice idea, how often do you have to replace the filters on average?

@marnas7809 - 21.02.2021 02:21

Got something similar going on in my shop, but hooked to a smart plug. Can tell google to turn it on, turn it off. Turn it off 2 hours after i leave to scrub the air a little. Very convenient and CHEAP!!!

@allantheoret5389 - 02.03.2021 04:38

What a cool idea. Simple, affordable and doable. I guess I am just oodable. Yeah, trying to be funny. Failed. LOL

@ranmac54 - 02.03.2021 19:42

Yes you solved my problem today! I have viewed several of these and they are a lot more time consuming which is a commodity I don't have a lot of. I will have this done today. Thank you. Liked, subscribed and hit the bell. (Rare for me)

@monicatdelgado1971 - 10.06.2021 00:31

Very well explained thank you!!

@romeliapolly4171 - 10.06.2021 10:17

Mine works too. I used the Woodprix plans and performed it without any problems.

@thebuyingseller - 28.07.2021 06:54

Why expel clean air up into the joists? 🤔

@MrKredinger - 29.07.2021 00:28

Simple is elegant! Very nice

@mackin800 - 31.08.2021 06:07

Who could dislike this????? 🙄 awesome video!

@Joe-if5rq - 16.04.2022 15:43

Get a 4 or 5 inch filter better airflow and filter will last longer

@christopherdekonstrukt444 - 22.08.2022 07:11

The Wen 3410 is reasonably priced but the filters will run you broke.

@stevesiefken6432 - 22.08.2022 17:47

I copied your idea in my shop. Works great and clears up a little floor space too. Thanks for the video!

@periux100 - 21.11.2023 03:52

Amazing idea thank you 🎉

@thomassciurba5323 - 29.11.2023 17:05

I was tired of the crappy air quality in my small basement shop and looked at many videos of DIY air cleaners. Based on your video I bought a Lasko Air Flex fan and filter combo ready to go on QVC for $35 delivered after a $15 off coupon. Hung it from the floor joists in the ceiling using hooks and some old light chain then wired it to an existing outlet controlled by the light switch like you did. One nice thing about that is you can still use the fan switch to turn it off when not making that fine dust. It is amazing how well it works, I plan on modifying it more by adding a second lower MERV pre-filter. Worth every penny, a very affordable solution and super simple. Could I have built a better, more efficient system? Absolutely but not at this cost.

@jaytea23 - 30.07.2024 07:19

I had been looking for a super simple solution for this but everything seemed overly complicated. I just went and did this in my shop after watching your video. Took about an hour and was so simple, thanks!

@Handyverse - 26.11.2018 03:04

This was a great, inexpensive workshop hack. If you have any other good ones, let us know here!
