How to Open as the Oberkommando West (OKW) - Company of Heroes 2 Faction Guide

How to Open as the Oberkommando West (OKW) - Company of Heroes 2 Faction Guide

Greyshot Productions

2 года назад

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MaxImpact - 18.01.2023 19:29

I'm sorry, but your friend is barely understandable.

Cecil - 12.08.2022 02:20

I'm pretty sure this faction is made so that journalists can feel like they are good at the game.

Hyper Lethality
Hyper Lethality - 24.07.2022 08:13

Then you can ducc em

BrokenMetalJaxx - 25.05.2022 04:52

i couldnt understand a thing

JanGaarni - 19.05.2022 18:28

*Folk. :)
I know it's written with a "V", but it's pronounced as an "F". :)

Dux Unhinged
Dux Unhinged - 09.05.2022 17:35

I can't understand a thing that the other guy is saying

C3WhiteRose - 24.04.2022 15:36

Allies TDs got alot of buff to fight heavies with 260 pen. Jadpz has 180 pen and struggle against anything thicker than KV1. But Jadpz is extremely op vs TDs
- Camo with 45 sight for first fire.
- The fastest TD reload
- Add 5th healthpoint at vet 2.

- 220 armor makes Medium cant support focus fire on Jadpz.

Ray jin
Ray jin - 23.01.2022 21:49

In small to medium maps - 2 Sturm and kubelwagen start.

Medium to large maps - kubel volks start.

Aston Hodgson
Aston Hodgson - 31.12.2021 11:57

Volk, volk, volk, volk, volk, panther, panther, panther durr durr. That’s the 4v4 build order.

Homme DesBois
Homme DesBois - 21.12.2021 02:59

Rifle ma dude, I dont understand a word coming out of your mouth

Majestic turtle
Majestic turtle - 10.12.2021 19:24

Your intro made me subscribe

OrisOsiris - 10.12.2021 09:42

a great substitute to volksgrenadier is the fallshchrimjager. their FG-42 firepower is superior to most allied infantry and 2 squads of them can win most engagements, especially when using the bundled grenade and first strike ability properly

The Roaring Dragon
The Roaring Dragon - 18.11.2021 10:06

i do what is called the crackass opening. dont know what im doing and just shit out as much funny meme squads from flamethrowers to rekentenwefers spam and watch as we lose the game while having k/d ratio of five allied dead for each german loss under my shity command.

Adam - 31.10.2021 20:45

Hahaha this guy Accent is impossible to understand pls use Computer voice netto time 🤣

Felix Alexis Ortiz Lagos
Felix Alexis Ortiz Lagos - 04.10.2021 20:38

mechanical opening is fine with firestorm because you can replace medical HQ with the truck

Steiner 01
Steiner 01 - 04.10.2021 14:52

If my team has a good fuel control I am often rushing for the Flame-Hetzer with the Firestorm commander which can be pretty effective

Ray jin
Ray jin - 04.10.2021 08:23

I've always opened with 2 Sturmpioneers and kubel.

Kubel harrases, sturms close in, repair kubel. Repeat.

Downside is. It requires tedious micro.

Tau-5 Samsara
Tau-5 Samsara - 04.10.2021 05:38

My build is usually centered around team games, 2v2's or 3v3's. I usually play with a friend in discord.

3 Volks opening then an SWS for Battle group HQ for the heals and mechanization. The BGHQ will help me and ally as it'll save my ally manpower from building a Medic bunker. Depending on the situation I'll either get an MG or Rak(More support weapons depending on the situation), I'll then rush for Obers, if I play my cards right I can get double Obers by the 8 minute mark whilst my teammate will get his P4 some time later. After that it'll depend on what the enemy does but usually I'll just build a panther then back tech to the Mechanized building. Sometime into the match my Volks will probably die so I replace them with Obers.(Expensive but if you play ur cards right ur gonna be fine)

aa1944 - 04.10.2021 05:29

im new to the game can you tell me why the anti tank guns wouldn't turn and engage the enemy tanks if they drive ourside the arc of fire? same for AT gun emplacement, they just sit there do nothing when getting fired by tanks on the side. im so tired micro managing all these guns

salt bottle
salt bottle - 04.10.2021 04:06

I'm new to okw and I'm still experimenting on the build orders but here's my personal build order
volks-volks-sws-volks-medical hq - mg 34- medics on medical hq and activate medical hq- AA halftrack - rakenten - sws- schwere panzer hq - obers -panzer authorization - p4 or panther
i would love any suggestions to improve my build order

Slender Hintermann
Slender Hintermann - 04.10.2021 01:16

Please also do british openers, great series really love it! <3

rochen manta
rochen manta - 04.10.2021 00:47

I once placed a medical (on whiteball express) around the Point behind Fuel and VP which was really usefull in the early as me and my ally were able to have a constant strong frontline presence, but developed in a lategame deathtrap as the enemy used calliopes and priestes to render it useless (after wiping some squads) so my lesson was if the enemy has a lot of arti options place it a bit safer if the enemy probably can't hit it place it relativly close to the front

Máté Farkas
Máté Farkas - 03.10.2021 22:55

Really help full videos. Thank you!

Ahmed Ganna
Ahmed Ganna - 03.10.2021 22:54

Thank u for these good tips , can u plz talk about how to count blobs as ostheer ?

Imperator Noinga
Imperator Noinga - 03.10.2021 21:40

With medical build you can get the mg34 to sub instead of a third volk, wich makes it easier if you are going to have elite infantry focus, as you can get the support infrastructure to support the early elite units. I would recommend 2 leigs only if the enemy are static and the stuka if they have an affinity with team weapons.

Infamou5killer - 03.10.2021 21:15

the biggest downside for the medical build is that you dont get access to the panzerfaust where the mech build you get it alot faster

Greyshot Productions
Greyshot Productions - 03.10.2021 21:02

Do you have a better strategy to start as the OKW? Let us know!
