The anc destroyed our future after the boer worshiped his devil.
ОтветитьBetween the boer and the black South Africa has no future
ОтветитьWhat’s the best area to visit
ОтветитьThen South Africa is a paradise but nowadays is a hell politicians intellingence level 65IQ there is no future in South Africa
ОтветитьGents, where do you braai the meat that you buy here? 🤔
ОтветитьWhy is there a lot of trash all over the streets?Why can't the city authorities provide garbage bins?
ОтветитьToo many roads and too many cars. Very loud and unpleasant
ОтветитьWalk in the park, should walk the ghettos of Philly, Baltimore, or Washington DC sometime
ОтветитьWhat's wrong here? I don't see it.
ОтветитьLooks like a regular city, am I missing something?
Ответить❤🎉😊 Blessed up Y'all 🙏
Ответитьlooks like some parts of brooklyn
ОтветитьUsed to drive this roads very often. But it was clean and no loitering. Safe and friendly. Became a shithole. Thw beautyful new South Africa. Stripped of all her dignity.
ОтветитьI wonder why the local authorities don't clean up the mess, and repair the roads and the pavements. It looks so derelict.
ОтветитьIt was good when blaacks did not live there
ОтветитьAre those girls selling ?
ОтветитьNigerian men have slept with every black woman in joburg
ОтветитьSad,such a beautiful city,and nobody cares garbage everywhere
ОтветитьThis is what black majority rule looks like,had an uncle who worked as an engineer in mining in south Africa in the 1980s and when the blacks took over in 1994 he left and never returned.He said to me that he knew where south Africa was heading,giving power to black communists would destroy the country.Anarchy,crime,corruption,nepotism,poverty would skyrocket he said these words to me in 1995….
ОтветитьWhy can't these people ever succeed? Even when they go to places like Europe and usa they STILL turn it into a cesspool? They are a lost cause
ОтветитьLived and worked in Jo'burg 1972 - 1975, then again in 1977 and in 1990. It was a good spot back then. Though it has changed, I still miss it sometimes.
ОтветитьThat end of town was always pretty rough and very dirty - but I can tell you that I would rather go back to Johannesburg now than, say, the UK. I would feel much safer inJo'burg. Trust me.
ОтветитьRisking it for us, respect
ОтветитьUntil 20 years ago a first world city,now just another african city.
ОтветитьSuch a beautiful place!
ОтветитьPlace is f**ked . . completely stuffed !
ОтветитьThis is the ANC Government situation. I remember before 1995 it wasn't like this , now everything is destroyed. Wakeup people of South Africa .
ОтветитьAlmost as dirty as New York City.
ОтветитьLooks a lot like San Francisco, South of Market under the fwy.
ОтветитьMost African countries look like this.
ОтветитьSouth Africa can be a Hell and challenging place for other African citizens. Let's strive to support and befriend one another.
ОтветитьWell done ANC joburg looks clean and safe 🙏🏽 love the amazing work the ANC has done for our country 😂😂😂
ОтветитьThis nothing compared to streets in Philly
ОтветитьBetter than Philadelphia
ОтветитьIt's so decadent it almost looks like Philadelphia
ОтветитьThe ANC inherited the richest country in Africa......Corruption Kidnapping Robbery Murders daily, all as I seat in my house surrounded by high fencing security cameras and electric bardwire, 😢 thanks ANC 🇿🇦🇿🇦
ОтветитьOverall, the people appear clean and at least in control of their day…I don’t see the real cringe? Sure there is trash and broken infrastructure, but this is the same in larger American cities. Watch a hood tour of Philadelphia in Kensington😮. Flippin zombies
ОтветитьThose walls are full of urine...smells and looks terrible there
ОтветитьANC has just made the place run down.
ОтветитьFun fact : this looks like Los Angeles
ОтветитьThis looks like a crime infested maze, and the filth 🤮
ОтветитьThis looks like some of our poor inner cities in America. The lack of road & infrastructure repairs, poverty & lack of law enforcement.
ОтветитьFar worse conditions can be found in USA
ОтветитьWell, the proof of the pudding is in the eating eh ?