Variable Fonts: Exploring the future of typography

Variable Fonts: Exploring the future of typography


4 года назад

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@azounx - 07.11.2022 23:38

What happens if you access a variable font with an application that doesn't have the necessary capability (like Microsoft Word)? Can you still use the base font?

@tech3425 - 02.06.2022 13:30

Good video. Please mind the sound volume variation between voiceover and intro music

@captainkeyboard1007 - 15.02.2022 02:54

Tonight, February 13, 2022, this show is the second I have watched. I have learned about typography that I could find in the computer magazines during the 1990s decade. Thank you for your font forum, and I subscribed to you before I watched this episode.

@gepettowins - 05.10.2021 00:32

so basically if you stretch or squish the letterforms using variable font parameters, it's the new hotness. but if you stretch or squish the letterforms by other means it's a big typography no no?

@iyappans7427 - 17.09.2021 20:39

Thankyou Sir

@paradisdunord6111 - 11.06.2021 08:54

Intro is too long bro, but nice vid anyway

@vilava100 - 13.04.2021 23:01

Perfect video, congratulations!!

@ShirishWaghmareLEVVO - 21.10.2020 15:19


@timboehnert6994 - 14.05.2020 09:35

This was very helpful. Thanks for the explanation. I used two variable fonts for the typesetting of my PhD thesis without knowing much about the background. After printing I have got some wired artifacts/gaps in some of the letters in the serif font I used. Are there any considerations regarding the usage of variable fonts in print products or is this something which is not recommended in general? Thanks

@Safeway_Sage - 12.05.2020 21:31

This is a super interesting post. Thank you!
