Neverwinter Mod 16 Companion Changes

Neverwinter Mod 16 Companion Changes


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Aaron Blanchard
Aaron Blanchard - 19.03.2020 23:42

Hey silvery...where are everybody getting these dang succubus and incubus companions???

Acquired Cents
Acquired Cents - 17.10.2019 11:31

Look in the item collections, there's gear that spawns stuff from Undermountain to fight with you briefly. Hear me out... It's 990 IL atm, it allows combat advantage with an augment for the first 15 secs. 👍👍
I haven't seen or heard ANYBODY talk about those.. (look under item collection undermountain) I still use Fear Bringers on one of my 2 mains, they're gloves i think. i use Barbarian and Fighter, I'm looking now it's under armor of the successor.
Oh.. I just made a new wizard and I'm just leveling for the Neverember incentives, you can make 400 total (100 from leveling, 100 from AI) that's 400 I believe, i THINK 2 characters, might be only one... so if you want 400 (200???) tokens this month, holla; I'm @Killallogist I get bored n enjoy good company.
It's 10/17 and I'm enjoying the game more than i thought.
***I do like you get 4 encounters with Wizard, that's crazy! I didn't even know.
Take care! 😎

Aaron Campos
Aaron Campos - 19.08.2019 00:40

By any chance, does anyone know how to increase companion damage? My companion only does 2 or 3 damage per hit for some reason. (I'm level 36)

Yogizilla - 07.07.2019 21:54

That reminds me, what happened to all the slots people bought. I still see idle slots on the AH. To think of all the comps we discarded over the years from events, especially Simril gifting. LOL.. Glad I'm a hoarder.

Nigelnightmare - 05.07.2019 17:28

How do you get "The repentant cultist"/ where do you get the "Key" from?

NNAAARRUUUTTOOO - 02.07.2019 09:59

How do I get a companion. I don't have one

Shadow - 29.06.2019 22:18

Can you have a combat companion and an augment companion active at the same time?

3CubedGaming - 15.06.2019 02:22

Lowly console player here :-P We get the mod Tuesday. I have runestones on idle companions; will they get lost to the ether or will they automatically be removed and placed in my inventory?

Fábio Ferreira
Fábio Ferreira - 23.05.2019 20:23

Hey there, can some one tell me how does astral deva insight works ? It says Equip: 5% chance on hit to heal companion and player for 4000hp, is this whenever i hit something or wen the companion hits something? Thanks :)

Matt Tittle
Matt Tittle - 21.05.2019 17:31

Any chance that you can tell me what the Alpha Compy does now

Kevin Thomas
Kevin Thomas - 21.05.2019 17:29

Which runestones are going to be ideal for dc companion?

MrTilbin - 16.05.2019 21:26

Are we in a position now that we can pick what companion we want to display vs using for a certain power similar to mount skins? I always ran a tiger because of its meta attack ability, but it never really flowed into what I'd expect a Warlock to run around with. Or are will still in a situation where the tigers/con artists/sell sword debuff attack still means we use those?

ondrejuz - 16.05.2019 03:16

The thing i hate is that now you cant get rid of or discard your companion. Eg I decided to buy an epic Man at Arms for 200k instead of upgrading my green to blue then to epic for 300k but if you buy an epic for a companion you already have you cannot equip it since it says you already have that companion and no option for getting rid of it, so unless you wnna spend millions on upgrades id suggest staying away from green and especially white companions.

Hristo.Bogdanov - 10.05.2019 08:48

I'm a almost new player (have played before, but it was way before). I can't understand how to make my companions to work. My Con artist (or any other companion for that matter) does 1 damage against level 30 enemies. He is level 17. Now I know that his level is low, but 1 damage... It's a bit obvious that I'm doing something wrong. And there is that - all my companions do not have any gear - no idea where I can get items for them besides the AH (auction house). Please do not say "Get them from the AH"... I want to play the game, not the AH...

darthstrike - 13.04.2019 21:00

I had no idea companions were changing thanks for the great info. I always liked the celestial lion looks now I might dust off the cobwebs and bring it back.. great video

Rondo Stech
Rondo Stech - 13.04.2019 08:38

Awesome video's on the new Mod changes! LORD Greystoke THX you also (lol)

Mattia Bonci
Mattia Bonci - 18.03.2019 12:07

So: the companion are going to be a great buff in the new mod; so i am asking, they will be more easy to find or you have to farm AD for them abd then buy them on the action house as well as the legendary Mount?

Hexen - 18.03.2019 03:10

So, are companions mandatory even after the overhaul?

mT Qualified
mT Qualified - 16.03.2019 08:30

Hey quick question when you get a chance, i know the summoned companion has to do with the bolster rating, but is the summoned companion forced into the "top 5" category? Meaning i have 5 legendary companions that are beasts, and a green beast companion i want to have summoned, would i get the 5 legendary bonus' towards my bolster rating, or would it always count the green summoned one? Or would i be able to have any beast summoned, and still get the 5 leg bonus?

S P - 13.03.2019 18:55

all these questions lol, I do not understand people that are worrying about a freaking computer game!!! wake up people.

Mike Kuzmicz
Mike Kuzmicz - 13.03.2019 01:45

Holy shit, I've been asking for this for ages. Now I can use any companion whenever...always wanted this. It may be a nerf to many things, same as class changes, but hell, finally the game will make it more balanced and more fun. Can't wait to play the barbarian!

Luis Alberto Gomez
Luis Alberto Gomez - 12.03.2019 14:13

Then RIP archons

animewatcha - 12.03.2019 11:39

The archons in the preview.. What qualifies as 'additional active archon'? Is it each archon that you have in the active defense/offense/utility slots or is it just that you gain them period?

Also, what is the +x% hitpoint control bonus or whatever it was? Is it like how energon is for mod 15?

Gus Archer
Gus Archer - 08.03.2019 20:52

Great video, I'm appreciative of your time. I do have a few questions of you don't mind.

1. Does bolster bonus increase your pet's stats and thus increase the main toon's stats via bondings or does it just increase the pet's damage and have no effect on the main toon?

2. Can you only exchange Eldritch for bondings or can you exchange Eldritch for any type of runestones?

3. In theory, you can gain additional stats from bondings, bolster, and augment? If so, this will be very interesting.

Osric13th - 07.03.2019 23:01

So....How does it work with a summoned augment? Doesn't proc the bonds, can't attack to trigger an effect, basically the category bonus for the "type" of comp wont apply. or, am I completely wrong?

John Dukes
John Dukes - 07.03.2019 19:56

Excellent video, very informative. To the point, companion gear ok, no enchantments ok, runestones ok, but there needs to be a runestone for Armor Pen created since we are no longer able to use dark enchantments. So, AP and crit resist runestone please. what do you think ?

Edgar Lamas
Edgar Lamas - 07.03.2019 00:57

Are debuffs still the same 10% for tiger and 20% for dancing shield etc?

Dan Frenctoast
Dan Frenctoast - 06.03.2019 15:03

You are terribly annoying
And no one cares what u have to say.

Run Level Zer0
Run Level Zer0 - 06.03.2019 02:50

The thing that I don't like is when they change the stats/abilities of Zen Store companions. Someone paid cash for a product that they changed for the worse after the fact. That feels like a bait and switch. In those cases, they need to offer to refund the Zen back to the player.

possumverde - 05.03.2019 23:54

Great video. While I like the general design of the new system, the blatant cash grabbing intent behind the bolster mechanic really sours it for me. It won't affect me much personally but on principle it comes across as being a bit sleazy and taints an otherwise good design.

They could have simply left out the category aspect or used some sort of upgrade / training mechanic to increase the bolster % of an individual legendary companion rather than requiring the otherwise pointless acquisition and/or upgrading of multiple trash comps.

On a side note, would you happen to know what changes were made to the abilities used in combat by a summoned Priestess of Sehanine Moonbow?

Lunar Wild Rider
Lunar Wild Rider - 05.03.2019 02:05

Two things to enlight, the companion player power and the companion bonus itself. The bonus remain, chultan tiger still make party dps buff BUT the chultan tiger player power is different (add some run speed and power). So IF you summon the companion the old bonus remain, in the case of archon, the air archon will still buff the dps .

Debbie Martin
Debbie Martin - 04.03.2019 22:54

Do you have more info on upgrading comps? Does it take the same amount of upgrade tokens/AD?

Gond - 04.03.2019 22:37

And no, you are wrong. Bondings dont work with Augments, because aguments don't have an ability that they can trigger in order for the bonding to give you the gift. The summoned companion wont trigger the bondings if they are not equipped TO that summoned companion in the preview server right now.

Gond - 04.03.2019 22:34

The bolster thing means nothing to us btw. Not worth making pets legendary due to the damage pets do is minimal as of right now on preview(unless they raise it).

Gond - 04.03.2019 22:29

Last but not least , wrecking all our favorite companions forces us to find new best in slots, which have already skyrocketed in price on auction. Not to mention that the best ones are UNOBTAINABLE because the Alpha Compy only came in a 10k zen pack from zenstore that is no longer sold and the Netherese Arcanist from the last quest in River District is only a low chance on getting which you can only attemtp to get one per character quest completion.

Gond - 04.03.2019 22:24

This companion change is nothing but a giant middle finger nerf to all of us who upgraded our companions to legendary which now provides no added bonus to the player character which is what matters. Not to mention all the best companions like the Archons are now worthless, because their abilities got changed to "chance on hit , gain 5% combat advantage" which is useless because being in combat advantage is extremely dificult to do as players move constantly and erratically wether it's to avoid damage or perform powers.

Ebenezer Scrooge
Ebenezer Scrooge - 04.03.2019 18:28

Mod16 companion changes? Haha. It's Mod16 companion nerf

jay mon
jay mon - 04.03.2019 17:55

Glad I've saved all my +4 companion gears

Sanford’s Wanderlust
Sanford’s Wanderlust - 04.03.2019 17:28

And just like that Lion's went to 500k :)

Alec Scronz
Alec Scronz - 04.03.2019 12:26

Thanks. Always pleasure to watch your content

Cribbzy - 04.03.2019 11:59

Was the ap gain from legacy snail changed or is it still 25%

Roni Ben-Ezer
Roni Ben-Ezer - 04.03.2019 11:18

If I have a HEALER PALADIN, how much of each slot am I going to have? Pleaseee answer fast before the market prices on xbox will get even more crazy

Virgil Brink
Virgil Brink - 04.03.2019 10:37

What changes were made to honey badger?

jorge hernandez
jorge hernandez - 04.03.2019 09:54

which armor and weapon ench is gonna b good for OP?😋

Yopp 3.0
Yopp 3.0 - 04.03.2019 09:36

And just like that all lions and augments are spiked on ps4.... haha thanks for the info. I will be happy to see new companions running around, some of the old ones are even awesome, check out man at arms haha

John Doe
John Doe - 04.03.2019 07:21

Thanks for the updates. Love the channel

RUNE - 04.03.2019 06:15

Any big changes to the Guardian fighter?
