API Key Authentication Best Practices

API Key Authentication Best Practices


1 год назад

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Roberto Guere
Roberto Guere - 02.07.2023 19:51

and sample code?

Noah -
Noah - - 23.06.2023 21:43

As a person who uses the notes app to store api keys, how do you make a vault? Also great video, it helped a lot!

Maxim Korsukov
Maxim Korsukov - 18.06.2023 03:24

Good practical ideas regarding the API keys! I appreciate an API key check schema at the end of presentation! Very informative!

WatchChat - 29.04.2023 17:34

I think your argument, if it is good enough for stripe then it should be good enough for you is greatly misleading. You have to account for the threat model. I’m sure the companies that use api keys have put that extra effort to secure the ecosystem. I always advocate for more security over ease of use…typically, things that have been made easier to use have hidden complexities so unless those hidden complexities are understood and accounted for the implementation could be at risk.

But also, I’m not advocating for JWT, there are better solutions. But in this scenario, JWT vs API Key, JWT. :-)

David Kennedy
David Kennedy - 26.04.2023 03:02

Great insights - thanks for the video. Quick question, how would you recommend generating the checksum?
