Skyrim: Home of the Nords Review (a Morrowind mod)

Skyrim: Home of the Nords Review (a Morrowind mod)


3 года назад

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T h e S e e k e r
T h e S e e k e r - 06.10.2023 23:37

I wonder if this mod has Paarthunax or a few wise dragons you can talk with. I don't mean fighting and killing, but talking to learn lore and wisdom. Thanks 👍🙂

glb1993 - 20.09.2023 10:50

I love skyrim but I've always liked the morrowind and oblivion style more, something like this really makes me wish we had gotten something more like this.

Makofueled - 19.09.2023 05:00

I love you, you morrowind preserver, you.

Crestfallen Knight
Crestfallen Knight - 29.08.2023 08:25

You know, when I watch your videos I get those "late 90s - early 2000s" game magazines vibe when every piece of content on their pages was percieved as a miracle, something really interesting as if the game really existed somewhere. Sorry, I probably don't make a sense. Thank you for your effort and nostalgic vibes.

Dave Mardrov
Dave Mardrov - 25.08.2023 05:29

i recently started playing morrowind. its been a pretty fun time id say. takes abit of getting use to and all that. but nonetheless i like it. :D

nananana - 24.07.2023 03:53

How are you playing it without the massive fps drops?

Zetetick - 09.06.2023 04:49

Do these map mods fit together,
like this Skyrim mod with the Cyrodil one etc? Or are they all mutually exclusive?

Q Peak
Q Peak - 11.05.2023 22:45

How'd that thief character go?

Kevin Markham
Kevin Markham - 10.05.2023 01:19

are you using a survival mod? is it compatible with openMW?

Canned Starfish
Canned Starfish - 04.04.2023 19:09

Isn't the guard armor a bit too eastern?

supermelon928 - 29.03.2023 18:35

I may never get around to actually playing this mod so I'm glad you made this to show us around, gave us an idea of what the people are like, and took the time to stop and look at the smaller details

S - 17.03.2023 18:34

Also isn't it weird that H2H actually has directional attacks? Why does it have directional attacks?

S - 17.03.2023 17:52

I suppose this statue must have some religious significance to the locals.

Ecthelion - 12.03.2023 00:20

Just a tip... in English, "how" basically contains the meanings of "what" and "like" together. So, you could say "how Karthwasten looks" or "what Karthwasten looks like", but not "how Karthwasten looks like".

GlobstersMessenger - 11.03.2023 00:59

Kinda looks like Mount & Blade.....

Hortator Indoril Nerevar
Hortator Indoril Nerevar - 03.02.2023 10:08

While I love both Province: Cyrodiil and S:HotN mods, I think it's kinda sad that they have to exist in first place. Bethesda has butchered previously established lore so badly, that such projects are the only opportunity to explore more interesting worldbuilding they've unapologetically scrapped.

xav8orx - 29.01.2023 00:13

more like smart!

modddy00 - 09.01.2023 13:53

Damn, that mod did make me wish for a more developed Reach in The Skyrim Game, I can understand that some cities became villages and vice versa due to either wibbly wobbly timey wimey dragon break stuff and/or just passage of time, but showing more human side of the reachmen, puting a couple of reachmen villages there and there would be great

Tyler Holswade
Tyler Holswade - 04.01.2023 06:25

Loved your playthrough, narration and all, but I always liked imagining tamriel to be the size or mainland usa or india. A trip from Vvardenfell to the Reach taking at least a couple weeks. I always ignore the 'days passed' stat and imagine any high level character of mine to have been through at least a decade since their game start.

Ulfskinn - 30.12.2022 12:26

It is amazing just how shallow Oblivion and Skyrims worldbuilding is compared to Morrowind. In TES III Tamriel really felt like a vast and unique fantasy land, ruled by a multinational empire populated with many different peoples and cultures. Then Oblivion comes out and you get monocultural Cyrodiil with its boring, uniform terrains. Cyrodiil is supposed to be huge, with latitudes differing drastically from the very south to north. And in TES 5 Skyrim feels like mountainous Cyrodiil. The culture is pretty much the same but the names and accents are different. It doesn't feel like the Nords really have that many cultural differences from Imperials. The biggest surprise was the entire Nordic pantheon was reduced to curses uttered by bandits in combat. No honor duels or shamans fighting with enchanted weapons. The Reach is incredibly bland, with Reachmen only existing as Bretons with Gaelic sounding names and the Forsworn...who are reduced to bandits. I played the games backwards and enjoyed them all, but I never got that impression of a vast and detailed world like I did in Morrowind.

HIGHvoltageGaming - 24.12.2022 09:19

Need more parts to this series ive watched it twice XD

Herohammer Studios
Herohammer Studios - 23.12.2022 12:55

I definitely prefer proper Skyrim, but this looks awesome too. Would probably like it more if this were supposed to be Cyrodiil or something

Trent with a trident
Trent with a trident - 22.12.2022 18:46

I’m loving this series. Seriously might use it for a dnd campaign I’m building as ideas

Lagoon - 22.12.2022 14:33

God the Nords were so cool in Morrowind. They still had their own Pantheon, and the Draugr weren't mishmashed Dragon Cultists but instead dishonorable warriors or warriors cursed to live on Nirn. Nords had a much more Celtic/Ghaulish influence, and the Tongues were implied to be much more common rather then as mythologized heroes. The Tongues also fight people and cut off their tongues to increase the power of their Thuum. They completely neutered Nords in Skyrim.

StarvingGecko - 22.11.2022 07:54

The last I saw of it was in 2020, but I'd still love to see if that Shadowkey remake in Morrowind ever went/is going anywhere, I'd love to experience that game in a more familiar engine and easier setup. Seeing these fan-expansions really makes me eager to see more, especially with OpenMW and the like. Love these deep-dives and overviews!

Dino Bro
Dino Bro - 20.11.2022 18:38

People in this comment section either forgot or willfully ignorant that Todd made TES III Morrowind.
Great review though
I sure hope there are a mod like this but for TES V Skyrim version of the engine.

GioTheVax - 26.10.2022 06:16

>Gets released from jail on the condition that you're basically house-arrested to Vvardenfell and you've gotta do community service
>As soon as youre out of the census office make some cash and escape to your homeland of Skyrim

Chrissie - 01.09.2022 04:39

I now want to see you play The Frontier. xD

Chrissie - 01.09.2022 04:37

Chad Walockracy: Plays through half the mod and gets 35 hours out of it
Virgin Micky D: Fucks around the river for a bit and then goes to the edge of the map

Moriarty69 - 30.08.2022 17:03

>for me this is going to be a permanent install from now on
What other mods does Warlockracy always use besides obvious stuff like the code patch, MGE XE, MOP etc? Is there a list anywhere?

john kuch
john kuch - 29.08.2022 05:29

Still want I to play fornteir

MumwaW - 21.08.2022 23:00

I really do wish the reachmen were more expanded on in Skyrim, feels like we missed out on vanilla

Javi - 16.08.2022 22:42

Awesome video dude!

calcified dirt
calcified dirt - 16.08.2022 10:15

TIL Skyrim in morrowind looks a lot like like Gothic. anyone remember Gothic? maybe the second most 4/20 friendly rpg next to morrowind.

eightofwands - 15.08.2022 04:36

"More like SMART" gets me every fucking time.

The Technodrome
The Technodrome - 19.07.2022 01:41

I love how for guard armor they didn’t do any dumb looking fantasy shit (I’m not saying all fantasy armor looks dumb) they just gave them conventional medieval armor which is cool I love the look of lamellar

Squim - 18.07.2022 07:19

I want to switch to OpenMW, really, but I'm just so accustomed to all the QOL features that the Morrowind Code Patch. A weight dependent pickpocketing system? Female Argonians wearing male armor so they don't look like mammals?! How could I give up all these terrific features!

But then my framerate tanks in Old Ebonheart, and I start to reconsider...

Mr. D. Rektor Studios
Mr. D. Rektor Studios - 08.07.2022 18:05

you should've killed Jarl Jona

CDJ - 08.07.2022 07:20

This series helped me through COVID.

wesieboy56 - 05.07.2022 15:28

Just amazing!

SkinnyTalls99 - 29.06.2022 17:15

I'm rewatching your Morrowind Saga and am wondering what you're going to tackle next. Some big quest mod like Rise of House Telvanni maybe?

Ryan Johnson
Ryan Johnson - 14.06.2022 04:51

This is a really fun video series and has helped my friends get into the spirit of the game. Great job!

Hitomi Salazar
Hitomi Salazar - 01.05.2022 11:06

You know, there's that sort of absurd moment of giggles I get when you say: "The trip (to Skyrim) takes three days."

This hits me because well, a case of scale in game. Tamriel is supposed to be a massive continent after all. Canonically that is. Particularly if you use the size of the Illiac Bay in Daggerfall as a comparison point. Which means that tiny little boat there was doing absurd speeds in that regard to cross thousands of miles in 3 days.

But then you have the world of the later games and their scales were something like all of Cyrodiil which is supposed to be the largest province in the continent can be crossed on foot in about 15 minutes and is something like 17 miles across.

Either that boat is insanely fast (by Daggerfall measurements) or insanely slow (by Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim measurements). And I just found that realization slapping me in the face there absurdly funny.

Corto Maltese
Corto Maltese - 14.04.2022 05:01

Man, going back and looking at the Imperial architecture and design, I'm appreciating this aesthetic a lot more than the actual Skyrim game.

I miss Morrowind.

Dead Account lol
Dead Account lol - 09.04.2022 09:08

This seems like an actual expansion rather than a mod.
