D&D Story: Fave Nat 1's & 20's!

D&D Story: Fave Nat 1's & 20's!

Dingo Doodles

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Cimusic - 15.09.2023 10:14

Oh my gosh as a dm myself i know hiw much it can suck to have ur big bad crushed instantly by a nat 20. But the last story is soooo cool i think i'd love if that happed🤣

Boblin the Goblin
Boblin the Goblin - 11.09.2023 22:39

Dingo rolled against 1/8000

Mike Crane
Mike Crane - 11.09.2023 08:07

I get the humor here, but you do know that natural 20s and 1s are only guaranteed success/failure on attack rolls, right? Not for skill checks or saving throws, for those a natural 20 can still be a failure and a natural 1 can still be a success. At least this is true for D&D, I can't speak to the rules of other game systems.
sigh I gotta get my funny bone checked out...
edit: Death saves are a special case.

{JustHereToVentOk} - 10.09.2023 22:33


band kid
band kid - 10.09.2023 19:11

so hillarias

Caitlyn Wilson
Caitlyn Wilson - 09.09.2023 05:37

I've never played the game nor understand it and this was hilarious 🤣

Hynotama - 07.09.2023 22:42

I don’t think there’s a Nat 1 or Nat 20 in D&D history that beats dooming the world via karaoke.

Zenendrah Hernz
Zenendrah Hernz - 07.09.2023 20:41

Ohhhhh no wonder there's so much going on in Fool's Gold. Since ya killed his big baddie too soon too short, he decided t givu you guys a new big baddie in Fool's Gold.... *Trauma* 🥲

Johnny Darling
Johnny Darling - 07.09.2023 20:12

Great stories.
My best was when a party member tried to Intimidate a Gelatinous Cube, for some reason, and said "You look rather tasty", then roled a Nat 1, so the DM decided that the Player Character was instantly eaten by the Cube.

kome360 - 07.09.2023 10:34

The first time I wasted a Nat 20 in a D&D session, my character literally rolled a giant rock shaped like a d4 and it somehow balanced itself perfectly on a giant chessboard filled with deadly traps and then sink into the ground, thereby permanently representing itself as a testament to the existence of the supernatural.
It did nothing to benefit the party.
I had her laugh like a hyena for a few minutes.

Jeremyplays23 - 05.09.2023 05:13

Playing in my first campaign I’m a paladin with the Oath of the Stormwrought and I got a nat 20 on an attack roll after all my damage rolls I did 76 damage in one slash but I also had thunderous smite on that attack and the giant I hit failed his strength save and went flying 10 feet away from which isn’t a big deal normally but we were fighting on the side of a cliff and he went splat with 1hp left after the fall

Dræcken Dark Angel
Dræcken Dark Angel - 05.09.2023 00:03

it remind my first playing D&D, i was playing a big wolf of 2 meters, and we meet four racoon bandits,i roll a nat 20 and intimadated the first then when i try to it it with my double axe i rolled a nat 1,i just did the perfect intimidation and then did a beatefull spinning top.

yoyohayli - 01.09.2023 23:03

First campaign ever, I was a bard with pretty much the only healing capacity for the party. First session throws us in a dungeon with traps and a final battle against some weak monsters for us level 1's.

One of our party is down and doing death saves, having failed two and won two, when combat ends so I ask the DM if there's any way to stabilize him and he directs me to do a medicine check.

Natural 1.

I kill him in my bumbling.

So the DM decided it was just a dream all the PCs had together, to avoid needing to force one new player to make a brand new character for session 2 lol.

The Dockta
The Dockta - 01.09.2023 17:08

That's not how artillery shells work though. Even for a nat 1.

CandyCaneKnight - 01.09.2023 01:41


Henry Buck
Henry Buck - 30.08.2023 08:02

My friends campaign has a chair story. One person rolled a nat 20 to sit down and sat down perfectly and eloquently. The other person rolled a nat 1 and phased through the chair and hit the ground hard!

Mystic497 - 29.08.2023 04:26

Is it just me or does Dingo always play an animal themed character? Monkey, Toucan, Minotaur…

Daniel Jackson
Daniel Jackson - 28.08.2023 18:59

We did the 3 X Nat 20’s rule too. There was only 1 problem. I (the DM) was using a set of dice that I had gotten from a D&D branded kit. I thought nothing special of it.

Unbeknownst to me, they were cheater dice. Normal dice have the highest and lowest numbers on opposite sides. For a D20, every opposite face adds up to 21.

This set wasn’t like that. All of the big numbers were on one side, small ones on the other. I had cheated dice. I couldn’t believe how many 20s I rolled. Finally I killed one of my players with 3 Nat 20s in a row (don’t ever let the DM use this rule anyway, it’s bad Juju).

Afterwards, one of the players was like, can I see those dice? I was like, “sure, no problem.”

Then he revealed their secret. Boy did I have egg on my face.

Zachary archer
Zachary archer - 27.08.2023 20:57

i died at the sandstorm part lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Gunslinger Mando
Gunslinger Mando - 27.08.2023 17:01

I miss playing DnD so much

Nick Bumblebee
Nick Bumblebee - 27.08.2023 07:23

3 nat 20s in a row is a .0125% chance, and if you think of the pure and absolute chance of that natural 1 after that, it's like a .000625% chance

CaedenV - 26.08.2023 05:03

Me rolling a nat 20 for the killing blow of the boss: This is what I am here for!
Me 10 minutes later rolling a nat 1 on my 2nd death save from an environmental hazard: This is also what I am here for!

ByronTheUsurper - 24.08.2023 22:34

When I crit on my roll to joust in a tournament while having started practicing the evening before and riding a rampant hog berserker man with about 3 braincells i popped off so hard, all I wanted out of that Session was to win one and I DID! Then everything went horribly wrong but we don't talk about that!

Michael C
Michael C - 23.08.2023 16:59

Cute stories but i actually think its the sign of an inexperienced DM if they let a nat 20 make it do you can do ANYTHING you want to try

trenchcoatbandit - 23.08.2023 01:35

we need an update on the sentient mushroom. di you guyes even feed him?

Greenpanda 133
Greenpanda 133 - 22.08.2023 04:08

Fav nat 20s from both dm and player side

Had my players do a space campaign and at one point they were sneaking in some tunnels to get to a power plant and they see 2 guards around a corner. So they make stealth checks to take a closer peek. Rouges makes it cleric fails. They go around it saw them then turn around to talk about a plan to kill them. Guard A tills his head while Garuda B aims and shoots cleric in the back with a nat 20 almost killing him

While I was robbing a stone store I failed to pick a magic lock and it zapped me. So coming to the reasonable conclusion that it knew that I was not the right person I rolled to intimidate it into thinking it messed up and so nat 20 and it pops open

Fine Ol' Chap
Fine Ol' Chap - 20.08.2023 08:27

She used all her good luck in a 1 minute sitting to insta-kill the final boss that it would take years for her good luck to come back after that overdose.

Ryan Crozier
Ryan Crozier - 19.08.2023 09:09

The odds... The odds! That final story was 1/160000!!!

TheThumbIsAFinger - 18.08.2023 18:32

One time a friend rolled to point and laugh for some reason
It was a nat 1 and the DM suggested we point and laugh at him, which we did IRL

Rhyan Thompson
Rhyan Thompson - 15.08.2023 11:40

I took a screenshot of the “questionable things” you fed Jeremy so I may try them in the future. (If you missed what they were, there were bacon flavored soda, Mountain Dew flavored Doritos, and a bacon cheeseburger but with what looks like crispy chicken patties instead of buns.)

Tris080 - 14.08.2023 23:29


MiliMi - 13.08.2023 15:03


Spookert26 - 11.08.2023 06:17

One thing that my party has agreed upon is that when our Air Genasi Cleric gets a Nat 1 on anything, he just gets some snow in his eyes and goes blind for a second. It happened once because they were rolling perception on a high up mountain and it stuck.

MokeyPo - 11.08.2023 05:17

I don't know how to explain it, but you remind be of naval ruby from Steven Universe... in a good way!

1ce_Hunter - 11.08.2023 01:44

Just so you know, the chance of rolling 20, 20, 20 and 1 is 0.000625%

Benjamin Liverance
Benjamin Liverance - 10.08.2023 23:02

I just realized like one party member slaps an npc rolls three nat 20 and it just dead

Known as
Known as - 10.08.2023 23:00

These stories are great.

glenn Winn
glenn Winn - 10.08.2023 16:34

A friend of mine asked me to put together a D&D one off for his son’s birthday party (because that’s how he roles … I’ll stop now). Anyway, me having never done a campaign for 12 year old boys decided heck let’s do involuntary fight club run by a poly morphed ancient red dragon. The first round was against a roided out hobgoblin champion and eight goblin sappers (goblins with explosives that do 4d6). On the sapper’s first turn one rolls a nat 1 and blows up himself, the hobgoblin, and half his party much to the amusement of all.

Dudical!!! - 10.08.2023 01:57


Jimothy - 09.08.2023 09:45

There was a time where I was DM-ing for a group of my friends and I had a dragon fly over them. Of course, they tried to fight the dragon, and the first person to fight decided to throw a javelin up at the dragon. They roll a 1. So I had them throw the javelin straight up in the air, after that it came back down on top of their head I had them roll to dodge. They rolled another 1. So I had them roll for damage which in this case was the D10 (However I usually have the D10 work as 0-9 rather than 1-10 to help with how my games work.) They roll a 0.
So not only did they throw their javelin straight into the air and miss the dragon to have it come back down on them, they also fail to dodge their own attack that they saw coming, to have done no damage.
This has to be my absolute favorite story to tell.

DeGoulm - 08.08.2023 14:30

Hey cool, your Style reminds me of Jaiden Animation and that soo goooood. Glad to have found your Channel. Thats an Instant Abo from me

Akari 1221
Akari 1221 - 08.08.2023 10:30

Three nat 20s in a row, and a nat 1? I would have flipped the table.

Tuesday - 08.08.2023 02:21

I can't keep watching dnd stories it just makes me sad that I have nobody to play with

Bronte Goodman
Bronte Goodman - 07.08.2023 23:07

Tiny bullet of DEATH
And the shells?!
