A Guide for Hunter Pets - World of Warcraft Classic

A Guide for Hunter Pets - World of Warcraft Classic

Classic T.J.

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Classic T.J.
Classic T.J. - 09.01.2020 23:15

Hey guys, my info on the Gorilla pets were wrong. Thunderstomp has a much longer CD, making them a decent pet, but no near as good as I stated. Because of this, I recommend a Carrion Bird as the AoE tank.

Trucking with Louis
Trucking with Louis - 31.08.2023 01:11

I ONLY pvp with a spider, the web is much more valuable than a dps or charge pet

Adam Warlock
Adam Warlock - 31.07.2023 20:00

As a night elf hunter, I would always have a boar as a starting pet. Main;y, because they eat about anything. Easier to find food for it.

michael bailey
michael bailey - 31.07.2023 10:11

i tamed Echyeyakee as my pet. How do i teach him dash theres no space on his abliity bar

miskee11 - 17.04.2023 19:58

leveling: owl/bat/carrion bird/cat... or a boar (shit dmg but they eat everything and have ok threat)
pure dmg: cat
raid utility: cat (dmg), owl/bat/carrion bird (screech if tank has low survivability) or wolf (furious howl is buggy btw, so wolves aren't the be-all and end-all option for raiders)
pvp: cat/wind serpent (serpent has the only ranged ability in the game, decent utility)... or a boar (shit but boar charge is ok)

niche shit #1: wind serpent (twink pet)
niche shit #2: wolf (furious howl generates threat so you can transfer accidental aggros on pet without engaging in battle -- makes dire maul tribute solos easy)
niche shit #3: gorilla (thunderstomp to do ~150 damage to all targets aoe, but 1 min CD. this is kinda ok in speedrun lvling groups in dungeons where pulls and resting time is big)
niche shit #4: turtle (hunter tanking)
niche shit #5: scorpid (scorpid poison is 10 second dot that stacks up to 5, and it can be used to apply a dot to rogues when all else fails etc.)

everything else is garbage and not usable for any purpose.

oJackOfSpades - 14.04.2023 13:38

I´m back to classic era on my first ever horde toon. Troll hunter about to ravage the firemaw pvp cluster <3

I´m gonna level two pets at the same time and switch them out every 2 lvls when I need to learn spells anyway. Even with quests and rested xp, a quarter of my lvl means my pet will ding 2 lvls if I grind mobs with full rested xp for 1 whole lvl.. and the pet will ding at LEAST 1 lvl with me if I have full rested bar and turn in quests AND farm mobs.. so yeah, I definetly recommend new hunter-players to visist petopia webpage and check all the various pets that are around, find the ones you think are the coolest and rarest, tame then, nomatter what level and then have them throughout your journey.. So worth, especially if you wanna feel invested into your character.

Jeff  Again
Jeff Again - 09.02.2023 05:37

Great tips Buddy. Though I'm famil with the majority of your points, it's still good to drop back and review this before considering another additional pet.
Personally, I think Pets were given the short end as time progressed, with Blizz not really caring about any unique or key aspects the individual critters had.
Maybe it was part of the "dumb it down" aspect they seemed to focus on for a while to attract more casuals but personally, I think if they had provided focus on unique pet abilities as opposed to just giving us Hunters more pets (which honestly was just a vanity project with no benefit) it would have been a wonderful experience.
But, Blizz wants more money and if that means making things stupid easy for stupid players, well, that's where they'll focus. Pretty much Retail in general in other words.
(except for Raiding, I'll give them that).

Intrepid Hermit
Intrepid Hermit - 16.10.2022 23:23

It's also worth mentioning that Bears make excellent raid pets, as because they have a high amount of health, they can survive hits that would otherwise kill other pets. Allowing more DPS in the long run.

Michelle Jensen
Michelle Jensen - 20.07.2022 05:18

i wish someone could help me as im a hunter and my pet crazed dragonhawk has run away as it was unhappy and im level 59 wanting to tame a new pet do you know where i could tame a new pet at the level that im new at playing a hunter

Redstripe921 - 27.12.2021 22:29

Ścreech doesnt have aoe dmg in som i think it says single target dmg and aoe debuff to the enemys

Kacper Keska
Kacper Keska - 24.12.2021 04:37

I picked bear like Rexxar in warcraft 3 and it's amazing.
We couldn't find a tank for Uldaman so I tanked it with eyes of the beast! I'm so proud of her :D

Chintzy Swine
Chintzy Swine - 03.12.2021 00:49

I have always used cats except on my 29 twink which I used a boar. Was just recently playing Classic SoM and was having great fun leveling with the boar. We had several close calls but we both pulled through. Once I switched to a cat he kept getting wrecked. Mend pet just wasn’t cutting it. I’m switching back to the boar because they are more fun. Charge is great and they are way more tanks. Never have to pull back and avoid DPSing with the boar. Go Go Piggy Power! Haha.

jaco vander schaaf
jaco vander schaaf - 27.11.2021 13:31

so what i keep hearing is that pets dont learn rank 2 or higher, like charge for boars, and there for have to tame higher boar to keep or to release after they tamed to learn there higher ranking ability?

Meeğeehrabğahaaa - 13.10.2021 22:05

Thank you very much

Joe Mcginnis
Joe Mcginnis - 17.08.2021 03:03

Is this worth it if I can only play on the weekends or is turtle wow better

Florian - 19.06.2021 16:52

wait a cat can dash? Mine sure as hell cant i cannot learn it to dash only charge wich it says is for boars??

Flowmasta Flam
Flowmasta Flam - 30.05.2021 23:19

it's important to note that a lvl 60 tamed pet will never gain loyalty levels and therefore training points without killing high level mobs

Andreas - 21.05.2021 20:14

glad the robber got cought, but that collar on dog is fukin horrible to see and nobody is talking about it! damn medieval collar should put on that woman

jay - 18.05.2021 13:59

The rare black scirpid "Death Flayer" (I think) in durotar has increaed attack speed. 1.3 (again, I think.)

kenbe62 - 24.04.2021 16:02

How do you feed your pet? There is no feed pet icon when I learn tame. Only tame pet, dismiss pet and call pet are available. Is this game massively bugged? I hearthstoned back to an inn and lost my pet. My quiver once had the number of arrows left on it. Now that number is gone. The game is fun to play but the random this works now but won't work later is mind numbing and no explanations on how to turn things on or off. You have to click and click to figure things out. Tutorials don't answer the questions I have or things that appear to be problems in game I encounter. Any easy to use source of info available or do I have to spend unknown amounts of time sifting through forum comments hoping I can find someone who experienced what I am? It feels like the devs are relying on experienced players who already know the maps and quests and skills rather than providing good info for players new.

Jose Almanza
Jose Almanza - 21.03.2021 10:51

I found broken tooth for my hunter at lvl 38 after 10 minutes of looking. Then I ran past him randomly and sold the tame for 30g

Erik Brunemeier
Erik Brunemeier - 17.03.2021 09:36

I laughed a bit at the thunderstomp portion, great guide nonethless. However you are correct on 99% of the stuff so good job. Blood frenzied bats from zg, while an absolute pain to tame, I think are the best for aoe tanking. They have a 1 second attack speed, same as Broken Tooth, as well as an aoe spam that has a very short cd. I find them ideal for clearing out sm bosses while I farm fadeleaf / grave moss.

Bigboywantacheeto - 01.02.2021 05:50

Personally I think that if your not gonna speed level I recommend picking what pet you like games are for fun remember that

BullRed07 - 08.01.2021 03:26

I use a bat for leveling and screech does not do AoE damage. It does AoE debuff and single target damage

Ap1hw - 01.01.2021 21:00

I need a wotlk one of these ^^’

Eencog Neeto
Eencog Neeto - 06.12.2020 06:19

They should allow the pet the ability to loot, skin, pluck a herb, and mine.

That will be fun.

Puffin - One Handed Gamer
Puffin - One Handed Gamer - 19.11.2020 13:04

I think Humar the pridelord, the rare cat from the barrens that is level 22 or something like that has 1.3 attack speed

Castrated Banana
Castrated Banana - 17.11.2020 11:16

The thing that sucks the most and something that is NOT missed in retail is having to go around taming different animals to rank up your pet abilites... instead of them just learning as they go. Makes no sense lol. "Sorry, but I have to tame this other tiger so that you WILL LEARN YOU USELESS IDIOT TIGER!"

I am for however to taming different animals to learn their unique abilities. But taming to get the next rank of a ability is poop.

MF Walmart
MF Walmart - 12.09.2020 10:17

i'm a hunter, level two

Volitar - 12.09.2020 09:53

"Tank' pets are rubbish for leveling. What good is the tanky stats if it can't even hold agro vs your first auto attack. Better off using a normal pet and get use to bandage/mend petting it.

Johannes Dolch
Johannes Dolch - 12.08.2020 21:11

Great Guide. On a side note: It amuses me to no end that Americans constantly fail to use "can't be under/overstated" correctly .... Even though you are using it logically wrong, the predominance of this misuse almost counts as slang.

solen18 - 10.08.2020 00:35

Simple answer to the birds being pets, they are ugly little shits LOL

David Pomicter
David Pomicter - 05.08.2020 01:41

Green raptors in STV

HoundofJustice - 02.08.2020 21:10

As dwarf, u already see the intro/the picture u used. U just have to use a bear its the only thing looking good with a dwarf! :D

BadJuicy - 23.07.2020 23:30

I've tamed 6 pets now and everyone only had growl

Shiukaze - 10.06.2020 09:24

learned a lot nice vid

Ray Thomas Z
Ray Thomas Z - 07.06.2020 08:42

Can Boar Charge Crit? Can it benefit from the Devilsaur Tooth Trinket Buff?

Team Kuuki Food & Games
Team Kuuki Food & Games - 01.06.2020 19:43

At level 15 I trekked from SW to the barrens, just to get a turtle :) my dream pet

Torbjørn Hagen
Torbjørn Hagen - 29.05.2020 18:48

I used the black widow from duskwood, all the way up to legion. I liked having the web abbility as a marksman hunter, in order to pin down my targets, it was especially good in PvP 🙂

Jose Tejeda
Jose Tejeda - 11.05.2020 16:32

I have 2 questions....1) it is possible to farm the demons in Darkwhisper gorge with a hunter? 2) what will be the right spec, pet, pet abilities, recommended gear.... Thanks!

Shogo Yamada
Shogo Yamada - 02.05.2020 15:44

rank 3 thunderstomp costs 60 focus.

Nunya bizness
Nunya bizness - 30.04.2020 15:56

Owls are superior to carrion birds. They are arguably the best leveling pet, along with bats.

Samuel Koivisto
Samuel Koivisto - 15.04.2020 22:04

Bind your skills, dont mouseclick like a noob.

Samuel Adlakha
Samuel Adlakha - 13.04.2020 00:55

Surprise no mention of Humar

Mitchell's Turbo Garage
Mitchell's Turbo Garage - 27.03.2020 17:11

Oh no, I didn't know I even killed him... But I'm a hunter and I have the Hide of Lupos, not knowing how rare and good this mob is. Nooooo!!!

Roger Avila
Roger Avila - 26.03.2020 09:10

Theres only 2 kinds of pets

. Actual dps pets (serpent and raptor)

And all the other pets (garbage)

Cameron Mills
Cameron Mills - 10.03.2020 09:46

I have looked and looked. No one seems to answer does a pet level like a toon. So if i tame a pet 24 levels below me does it get limited xp like the reduction if i was a 24 hunter with a level 60 warrior?

Madison Chanchi Hang
Madison Chanchi Hang - 08.03.2020 14:38

i lost my pet...........

WTF DO I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ludvig Borga
Ludvig Borga - 03.03.2020 16:40

When taming new pets for abilites. Send them into battle so you ACTUALLY learn the new pet ability.

Henry Jurkiewicz
Henry Jurkiewicz - 03.03.2020 12:32

Where do I find the boars ?
