Glucomannan Makes Weight Loss Faster & Easier

Glucomannan Makes Weight Loss Faster & Easier

Dr. Westin Childs

1 год назад

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@wendiwilliams7081 - 19.03.2024 04:36

Thank you for this informative video! Do you recommend taking the powder or the pill supplement?

@ojettamiley9677 - 20.03.2024 21:25

Thank you so much for this vital information to assist me on longer, successful fasting!

@julieprice199 - 21.03.2024 05:26

I take Berberine HCI with Glucommann, I one week I lost 7lbs, probably water weight but the scale is moving and I’m going to stick with it because I have 100lbs to lose. I stopped energy drinks, chips, cookies, chocolate, snacking and eating grapes, bananas, legumes.

My cravings are gone blood sugar normal. I was always hungry before and would just eat whatever.

@kennyu2073 - 25.03.2024 02:15

Hello Doc, can one take Berberine and Glucomannan together? Thanks

@StrngAzDiamnds - 27.03.2024 18:47

Can someone tell me if I mix it WITH the water or chase the dosage with water?

@mollyrebollar4453 - 28.03.2024 04:49

Hi Doctor I'v only been taking these for 2 days but I get nauseous after eating, is this normal? Also are they safe to take with berberine?

@Ezirenua - 28.03.2024 20:44

Glucomannan vs Berberine? Can i take both at the same time?

@brandysoto4647 - 28.03.2024 22:55

Hello. Please help. I just started taking levothyroxine 25 mg and all I’m dealing with is rapid pounding heart rate.. ALL DAY and night. Making it hard to sleep.. what should I do? Stop taking it? You opinion please? Also I’m on it cause I have many symptoms and TSH was 4.4 with normal other tests..

@kirbyaugustine761 - 30.03.2024 17:17

Two videos in and me “likey”. New subscriber.

@christinaherren - 31.03.2024 22:09

Csn i use both? I nned to do something about my blood sugar so im srating berberine. But gliccoman helps with my appetite, fills me up so i eat less.

@taniamariani7064 - 01.04.2024 22:26

This guy is a Gem!❤

@followurheart1112 - 11.04.2024 08:58

Sounds like Constipation incoming 😅

@DivineDivaMel1 - 16.04.2024 04:51

If i take the bundle 4 supplements from your line. Should i still take my Euthyrox

@Sara-mh8uo - 18.04.2024 03:39

Should u take this if you have hypothyroidism

@anita6761 - 19.04.2024 21:08

It's not a filler It's fibre.there is nothing dangerous about it.

@freemanmt - 20.04.2024 19:09

I am taking Beta Glucan , soluble fiber from Rye.

@kims7387 - 20.04.2024 21:57

How does chia seed compare to

@sofiamurgado606 - 02.05.2024 07:58

You’re the best doc! Thank you so much for this super helpful info💛

@maranathahallejuiah8545 - 05.05.2024 17:53

@Dr. Westin Childs How much L-glutamine and olive oil would you recommend to take with the Glucomannan?

@kathleenhensley5951 - 06.05.2024 00:18

Thanks for this conversation...seeing Dean Cain was wonderful. I've recently discovered his TV show and watched it .. wonderful show, a wonderful version of the Superman mythos.

@soulnspired888 - 18.05.2024 03:09

I'm back into PgX also as Glucomman. I've taken ever Berberine i can find and no difference. I need something ton help me feel full and help with blood sugar. 😩 I pray this helps. Not able to afford Ozempic or any other of these meds.

@thomasrogers9146 - 23.05.2024 12:12


@MubiruFaridah-dp8pn - 26.05.2024 00:00

Thank u for this video.

@RamonaLuna-p4k - 31.05.2024 02:51

I’m so excited I found this. I already ordered mine on Amazon. I am 33, 5’3 and weigh 150lbs. My goal weight is 100lbs including muscle since I plan to tone up.

@Mrs.TJTaylor - 01.06.2024 14:33

Chia seeds and Konjac noodles.

@lindabradley8661 - 03.06.2024 21:16

Dr Weston I only have half a thyroid I had a nogal on one side, so they took half out after they got it out, they said it was the size of a 25-cent piece but there was nothing wrong with it and now i can't lose weight at all and it's just hard and now I went through menopause help

@junebreeze5620 - 07.06.2024 01:43

Thank you for addressing the runs that Glucomannan causes. I will try again and see if it stops after 7 days.

@gladitude9 - 14.06.2024 19:05

he lost me at feeding your good bacteria. Bacteria, good and bad don’t differentiate their food source, they all like the fiber soluble and non.. They all eat the same food. If you feed the good, you’re feeding the bad and should be taking steps to cleanse and heal the gut first and minimize endotoxins and repair a leaky gut. Throwing supplements to minimize appetite and eating the ingesting even ‘healthy; foods into a malfunctioning gut is a bandaid.

@speakgoodorsilence2205 - 17.06.2024 01:32

I read somewhere that I should stop use after 4 months. Should I then cease or continue using.

@priscillamedina1858 - 20.06.2024 19:49

What’s the best Glucomanan to take

@tochoozy - 20.06.2024 23:29

Does it cause bloating an stomach pertruding?

@linamarie84 - 06.07.2024 13:20

There are people who have weight gain due to inflammation and those who do not. There are tests you can order online for inflammation/mineral deficiencies and cortisol which are root causes to an insane amount of disease.

Also, in another video he mentions the use of Black seed oil and Probiotics. I can attest to BOTH. Id prefer to get straight to it. I dont want to guess, I dont want to buy 27252 supplements and assume I need em.

I ordered a test, enter my zip, it shows the closest quest lab and I get the results. Due to the changes in the farming industry, amount of stress etc..things have changed.

I just wanted a direct no garbage no guessing result that shows exactly where my levels low are they compared to where they need to be. That way I can simply take what is necessary in natural supplements to remedy and heal my body.

Probiotics are essential to providing good bacteria as we deplete ourselves of it through various aspects. Our microbiome is the second heart of our body. It controls many crucial functions.

Black seed oil is one he mentions OVER Berberine.

Black seed oil has extensive research to back it up. Make sure you check up to date research as both are listed and in older ones they don't show the new testing done.

Black seed oil isnt new and has been used for a very long time.

Its PROVEN to either relieve, reduce or reverse many diseases/areas of dysfunction in

Weight/Thyroid issues/metabolic/Cancer/diabetes/lower insulin resistance/blood sugar/kidney/liver/brain health and more.

Its an anti-inflammatry/anti cancer/antioxidant/antifungal etc also assisting with asthma, allegergies and more.

Each study has been done on individuals both men and women who struggle with these issues/rats and cell culture.

Im POSITIVE you'll see that in the comments for his other video about black seed oil, you'll read comments where people were healed of diabetes/cancer/kidney/lung issues/asthma stopped/body pain stopped/blood sugar lowered/cholesterol lowered.

Its not just in the research papers..People share what it has done.

Also in another of his videos he mentions black seed oil in regard to weight loss as well as the dosage..

This is a natural oil, and its not some pseudo science. It is something that absolutely works. Not all results are tangible. When your cholesterol lowers you dont know unless you get tested. There are some who experience the effects right away and those who need a few weeks.

Dont be discouraged. It will work. It does work.
Also, finding out the exact current state of where you are in terms of missing components critical to your performance as a human being is necessary. Take a test. Normally doctors wont. Our bodies won't react to what it isn't in need of.

Finding out our mineral deficiencies is important..
Iodine and Selenium are also minerals CRUCIAL to Thyroid functions. CRUCIAL. That is why I state to check that out please if its about weight see what one is making it hard for you. Please. I wish you all the best❤

@sophiascott772 - 09.07.2024 15:09

Are you guys taking the pill or adding it to your food?

@SadMother360 - 28.07.2024 01:24

Does the doctor own a comb?

@michaelbesosa6000 - 29.07.2024 15:51

Thank you Doc . Great info . ❤

@amaury1264 - 31.07.2024 23:23

Can you take these with hot tea? Does it have to be water?

@CaroleRicher-o5r - 09.08.2024 17:07

why why do we always have to watch all the talk talk talk I can't do it anymore just state immediately and how do we trust the info if you really want to help stop dangling carrots let them click if they need more this is for all these websites

@Oi-mj6dv - 16.08.2024 13:15

If someone has problems with diets not due to being unable to stick to it or not due to not knowing how to even structure the meals but their problem is solely uncontrolled hunger and appetite, glucomannan is 100% the supplement for it.

@SereneSelf-careHub - 29.08.2024 12:07

Hi, please can I take Berberine, Glucomannan while on Mounjaro?

@whosyourdaddy4579 - 04.09.2024 16:44

Wow! Excellent report on glucomannan! Thank you!!

@Abbasblesseddaughter - 12.09.2024 23:17

It blew me up. My body always does the opposite. 😏

@god563616 - 19.09.2024 22:34

I can't take Berberine due to medications I take but i would love to take this one. Thank you!

@lilymateoh1_259 - 21.12.2024 01:35

can take it with high blood pressure medication?

@Tony4TX2 - 22.12.2024 22:07

Excellent video...

@tiasiliconemom - 25.12.2024 04:53

Can you take it with other diabetic medicine

@sonamchoudhary2669 - 09.01.2025 18:19

@drwestinchilds I just purchased the now one in powder form? How to consume it? When its watery and just drink or when its solid and gel form?

@Kjazz-jazz - 20.01.2025 23:05

Cravings have nothing to do if you are actually hungry or not.

@katrinaewarak - 24.01.2025 12:26

I lost 12kg a few years ago taking glucomannan and following a whole food vegan diet. Now I need to loose weight again after two pregnancies, so started taking glucomannan again. Also take Berberin and NMN.

@mummyGoldStar - 06.02.2025 19:05

Best explanation

@Doll-ei6kz - 03.03.2025 20:41

Okay so, I am going to put this too the test. I struggle with commitment and motivation, I am always very tired due to my lifestyle, so therefore I am always hungry. I’m hoping this helps, this is my last resort haha. These should arrive tomorrow, I will keep everyone updated.
Ps. I go on holiday on April 4th, currently march 3rd. These should be enough to last me 30days(ur supposed to take 6 a day).
