The Rise and Fall of Dishonored

The Rise and Fall of Dishonored


4 года назад

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@autonomous8108 - 28.02.2024 00:41

The achievement that doesn't exist, but I set for myself, is completing dishonored 2 on very hard, no power, no detection, low chaos, no kills, while also finding every rune, bone charm, painting, and collectible, and completing every side mission. Some of the most fun ive ever had losing my sanity LMAO

@DJVideso - 20.02.2024 12:34

This guy used his gameplay to blame the second game. The game has canon, which he blatantly ignored. Most of his criticisms fall short

@ijjjiiijijj - 21.01.2024 22:22

ayoo??? when did the game fall?

@luizz3945 - 13.12.2023 21:03

Never let bro cook again

@mojoko8613 - 16.11.2023 15:19

That feeling YOU had high Chaos and Emily died

@amry_the_noob9846 - 17.08.2023 18:48

I like these games, i can commit war crimes with 0 restrictions

@Huss_D - 14.08.2023 04:53

I loved the first game but never played the dlc until now. I can’t believe how good and big it is. It’s pretty much a sequel! And it comes with the first game now. It’s worth getting gamepass just to play these amazing games. Also the first and third games have fps boost so they play great!
Also play Prey as well! Just because it’s amazing!

@earniebert3345 - 31.07.2023 14:37

These are some of your worst takes by far.

@Tarmin_ - 27.05.2023 03:14

My favourite way to play dishonored is to be a silent killer, hidden in the shadows but leaving a trail of bodies that never knew what killed them behind. I don't really like flashy high chaos 1v10 fights, I like to analize the area, maybe come up with a plan, execute it and stealthily leave no witnesses.

I go into the missions slowly as a ghost, and I come out running through the main hallway as a ghost that murdered anyone that could see him.

If a tree falls in a forest and there is nobody around to hear it, its because the tree massacred everyone that could hear it before falling lol

@dylanforrealin9539 - 16.04.2023 19:02

This guy had nothing to say about level design which is honestly what made the sequels feel not the same

@moth5799 - 31.03.2023 19:09

For me my issue with Dishonored was the exact opposite, I didn't feel like I was "punished" enough for high chaos runs. I want to see the city completely destroyed because I killed like 500 guards and 100 innocent civilians.

@augustvalek - 28.03.2023 07:07

as someone that payed Thief at nauseum, the stealth in this game feels good, take your time, learn the patterns, be patient, zero negative impact in the experience for me, I didn't like the second name because they got rid of the high contrast magic vision, I got extremely poor eyesight, I can't even type right, therefore as graphics get more and more polished and cluttered I struggole to see the important things, and the piss vision of the second game didn't help me at all to see the interactive items

@johnmurray7449 - 14.03.2023 08:54

I IM THAT player I Love stealth I Love re loading saves slowly progressing from being completely lost in a unfamiliar environment to completely memorizing the entire map and all The guard paths and behaviors and dishonored IS a stealth game I didn't even know that there was a combat system until I did a high chaos run and to be honest it's not bad it's actually pretty good...for a stealth game it's only 2-3 buttons and all the "combat" powers are just stealth powers that happens to work in combat.If you don't like stealth games that is okay but I would not recommend dishonored 😕 and PLEASE DO NOT RUINE THE GAME BY DOING A HIGH CHAOS RUN as a first play through I hate when I hear dumb reviews that complain that the game is punishing them for playing the "fun" way when it's clear you are not supposed to play that way that would be like playing a hit man game like a third person shooter and then being critical about how the game has bad gun play and then giving you a bad score even though it is just trying to tell you to play a hit man game like a HIT MAN game and actually have fun but you just insist on playing it like a shooter because they are more "fun" and how the story doesn't make sense because everyone talks about agent 47 like he's a cold calculating hitman but in game play he is a gun welding mad man. Thank fully arkane made a Rushed bad ending so it would not be THAT weird and it is rushed it's the same as the real ending but different poses and it's way shorter also yes the good ending is the real ending so if you don't want your first corvo the one you will explore new unknown locations with and experience the story for the first time with and the one you will remember the most to be erased from existence and to become un-canon to basically become fan-fic and to be replaced by a stranger who acts completely different then YOUR corvo as soon as you boot up dishonored 2 then please
Don't miss out on the complex hand made world that arkane spent years making by having basic self control and maybe not shanking something for at least 5 seconds instead of the rushed ugly sloge put together in 5 minutes.
Seriesly tho if you some how read through that stupidly long ramble and are a true dishonored fan please like this comment so that hopefully at least one person getting into dishonored will see this comment and it will cause them to rethink there approach and hopefully not ruin this incredible game we all love so they can truly get sucked into the world of the empire of Ilse and spend hours reading the wiki and still feeling like they have only scratched the top of the ice burg like we all have
And if at LEAST that happens then I think the hour and a half I spent writing will be well werth it
at least in my book🙂

@Tenno222 - 06.02.2023 19:59

I was a huge fan of the first game and finally got the second game a few days ago . After playing it , it seems like this game is made for people that write for the cw. Just gives off those vibes that a feminist was heavily involved or had some influence on the games direction

@ClamMan1989 - 21.01.2023 07:47

My first playthrough was minimal killing except where necessary or deserved. City guards got choked or ghosted except where they were arseheads or trying to kill me. Overseers, assassins and targets all got offed. And I came out with the low chaos ending.

@bucketheadwendy5358 - 10.01.2023 01:38

Another game rotted with woke

@jonasknorr2058 - 17.12.2022 03:49

I recently rebought the 2nd game on PC and something that i absolutely LOVE (and just found out about) is that you can use the heart to find out which guards are decent and which ones are just terrible human beings, and if you only kill the bad ones your chaos stays low, allowing for the good ending.

This for me is the perfect compromise because you're not limited to boring "sneak around everything" gameplay anymore to get the good ending and I'm not kidding when I tell you that I now run around with the heart 24/7 because It's just so much fun to pass judgement on those who deserve it 😈

@L251125 - 09.12.2022 09:24

I think that you're better off playing DMC or GoW, what do you mean the stealth is bad in Dishonored? You must be on crack.
We're talking about one of the best immersive sims out there, you know, a genre that thrives in stealth.

@evanbaerga6207 - 28.11.2022 03:52

pls tell me u have atleast checked out deathloop

@vergil2746 - 23.11.2022 22:05

I love stealth games. Like a lot. So when I heard about Dishonored I had to try it. So I did. I didn't like it. It just didn't click with me.

@snakesareadorable8515 - 11.11.2022 00:59

In death of the outsider, I always thought that you originally were able to modify the arm, and eye. This was because how the sword was, and you can inspect the sword, eye, and arm.

@StephenYuan - 23.10.2022 04:55

I find the Dishonored games too easy on high chaos. My high chaos playthrough of the first game was maybe 3 and a half hours. I went around headshoting unaware people with my crossbow.

This was my third playthrough and I knew my way around, knew the easiest and quickest routes but that doesn't change the fact that nonlethal is far more challenging than lethal.

@keanu6168 - 12.10.2022 11:32

The. Part where the guy said "what are you a tic tok star " made me laugh hard lol great job

@splurgy. - 31.08.2022 22:13

I’d like to note that Dishonored 2, even 1 to a very lesser extent. Both allow you to get the fucking badass fun of running through and beating bones in, but completely non lethal. My favorite run of Dishonored 2 was essentially a daredevil run where I would play loud nonlethal. It is super fun and doesn’t effect your ending whatsoever. It really made for fun problem solving, knock a mf out action.

@alfriesmacdonalds5879 - 18.08.2022 14:59

seems like a shitty game

@__-fi6xg - 05.08.2022 12:11

this game never intressted me, i think its the ego shooter perspective that i just cant get behind.

@MacianArt - 26.07.2022 03:05

Would like to see your take on Prey

@Monotheist137 - 25.07.2022 22:19

I loved death of the outsider. You can save him. To me it was prefect cherry on top.

@noahsains6227 - 19.07.2022 11:24

We forget that deatjloop and dishonoured are in the same universe

@ZodiacEntertainment2 - 11.07.2022 04:38

I can't believe you slammed the bank level of DOTO so hard. Completing a full ghost run of that mission was one of the best experiences in the whole series for me.

@weston407 - 11.06.2022 17:30

using mario sound effects to edit out profanity is the lamest thing ever

@thickrustykarrot3755 - 21.02.2022 18:03

Anyone else notice that convos silhouette looks like dio brando

@kalega311 - 29.01.2022 23:34

It's funny, I find the stealth approach quite enjoyable, challenging, and intense. Even if it does involve save scumming. I always do kill-less run on my first (and usually only) save file. But if it took you 5 hours to go through the bank...then yeah, I guess stealth doesn't translate for everyone lol. Great video as always. I too am a big Dishonored shill. I recommend the TTRPG if you're looking to continue experiencing the world in some other way!

@Rogerio_FM - 22.01.2022 07:12

Daud's DLC was sooo good, best thing about the series and the story was actually good, unlike the main game, which had great world building but sort of a shitty plot. But Daud, Daud had it all... even a voice.

@minhv5513 - 14.01.2022 09:31

Stealth turned into easy mode when you get the perk that lets you see through walls

@2bussy - 09.01.2022 17:40

> "Load times suck."

[laughs in NVMe SSD]

[reboots and does it again within seconds]

@2bussy - 09.01.2022 17:34

Wait a minute... you mean to tell me that wanton slaughter will see you punished... IN A STEALTH GAME!?

It's like everything I've ever known is wrong. This might be just the trick I needed in order to get past the very first levels of Thief 1 & 2.

@kylehund3556 - 20.10.2021 11:35

My first play was a medium chaos and then Samuel's quote made me so sad i restarted

@fozzy425 - 24.09.2021 15:27

The stealth experience was my first playthrough and I enjoyed it immensely. I tried a high chaos run a few months later and didnt care for it much. When it came to Dishonored 2 my only runs have been ghost, pacifist runs. Its all down to personal preference!

@yabo_san - 22.09.2021 21:37

I really wonder if the people defending dishonored's stealth have played other stealth games

@Gamez4eveR - 20.09.2021 13:05

lmfao stealth is always more fun imho

@jake.klusewitz - 08.09.2021 20:42

I love these games (and just replayed them all - working on platinum trophies 🙂 ), but I really appreciate this critique. Very clear and thoughtful with your praises, dislikes and suggestions.

@VegaIllusion - 29.08.2021 04:16

I remember disliking the first game. I played it as stealthy as I could and non lethal, but I had 2 issues with that. 1 was that once you knew the routes, the levels felt just become so short. 2 was that playing stealthy was often making me circumvent a lot of the content.

I just finished the 2nd game, and I must say that some of the content circumvention was kinda fixed. The levels still felt short when you know where to go. This is a common problem with stealth games such as this, so I am not judging it that hard, and there were levels that were longer, specially the final level and the conservatory one (in my opinion). The abilities and NG+ felt nice and fun. One of the cons must be how Emily’s powers felt a bit lesser than Corvo’s (slingshooting myself around, and spamming domino with the ocasional shadow walk), while Corvo’s powers were just god like (blinking around, completely stoping time, possessing humans, summoning rata and blowing people away),but once in NG+ where you can mix them both, you just become a god. (If you can stop time and slingshot around, why would you even need the other powers? Besides an occasional shadow walk or a domino for fun…)

@sawtoothhorse - 25.08.2021 00:52

Wait, one of your complaints is that by acting like as asshole in the the first game, characters think you're an asshole (as in they are correct)? It makes 100% sense that one ending would be locked off based on your decisions

@ZARKWARTZ - 20.08.2021 04:46

Man, I feel like we played this in completely opposite ways. I had so much fun perfecting my stealth to a point where when I played dishonored 2 my first playthrough was basically ALL non-lethatlity

@iziwi2910 - 08.08.2021 06:26

Why does this video have so many dislikes

@CerotheDemon - 06.08.2021 16:20

I just love all 3 of these games tbf

@johnvonshepard9373 - 29.07.2021 01:26


@ptlemon1101 - 14.07.2021 01:08

Wtf, emo KBash is actually hot
