Why American Men Are Choosing Christian Filipina for Asian Dating

Why American Men Are Choosing Christian Filipina for Asian Dating

Christian Filipina

4 года назад

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justsomeguy - 18.08.2023 03:34

Why dont these 'christian' filipina wonen like their own people?

Big white 🐓?

What a bunch of s**ts.

Todd Smith
Todd Smith - 10.08.2023 04:21

Beautiful smile ❤! Very nice.

Todd Smith
Todd Smith - 10.08.2023 04:20

Hi ! I think you are Beautiful 😍❤️? Very nice and sweet! I want a good woman to love. I'm trying to get myself together. Thank you ❤😊

Dennis hunt
Dennis hunt - 09.08.2023 08:45

Most Filipino women are gold diggers

Robert Stone
Robert Stone - 30.07.2023 17:05

I'm the forever skeptic when it comes to dating sites. I've also spent a decade of my life living in SE Asia and have seen the scams from the other side. I went to your website and the first thing it wants is all of my information. I'm not looking for a young woman to share my life with. I'm looking for a woman similar in age to me who has her head on straight and her heart dedicated to God, Christ first. But I can stay single for the rest of my life and be happy as well. If any of the women on your site were in this same category I might be interested. But definitely not interested in sharing my information with your website. If this is legit, Then God speed to you. God bless Have a great day.

Marco Mravco
Marco Mravco - 27.07.2023 17:41

Poor woman ready to do anything for Australian visa. Awful to see beautiful philipino woman sleeping with old stinky wrinkled aussie man who are not able anymore to score in brothel. Stomach more important than moral and self respect Anyone who is not capable to find woman in his own country should put gun at his head. Period.

apburner1 - 13.07.2023 08:53

I'm in my 50s, obese, and I play video games. Can you find me a chick that wants a green card in exchange for sex?

Doctor Lawrence
Doctor Lawrence - 05.07.2023 09:31

I love you guys so much thank you 😢😢😢😢😢 for helping me with my profile love you guys lots❤❤❤

Mr11ESSE111 - 23.06.2023 21:10

They don't care if it is christian or marsian religion,they take them to bang alot them

Zita Baleña
Zita Baleña - 15.06.2023 18:01

How to find here some one,, I'm single and 49 yrs old from Philippines

ELCAPULOVE FLECHA - 11.06.2023 23:16

Magandang gabii po. LOVEEEEEEEEEEE Filipinas.

David Marcy
David Marcy - 11.06.2023 16:08

It would be nice

Goroge Gerena
Goroge Gerena - 05.05.2023 03:01

Im American fine me one

Juan Hernandez
Juan Hernandez - 03.05.2023 05:42

Hi my name is Juan I'm mexican❤❤❤

peter beltran
peter beltran - 02.05.2023 19:22

men these woman only use to your to come into this country. beware. these woman women are heartless disgusting

The Moonlight Spartan
The Moonlight Spartan - 20.04.2023 01:12

What a fucking joke of an ad

Vanessa Normington
Vanessa Normington - 03.04.2023 03:35

I meet my husband Christian filipina long distance for 3 years ,now married for 1 year with 1 little baby boy were happy we compatible same character.if the man pay for membership I do believe they find serious relationship not for fun and play play😊

Jason X
Jason X - 01.04.2023 01:40

That’s something I wouldn’t do is marry a Filipino girl. They take advantage of men and mostly grandpa’s because they go for older guys. They are only doing it for the money and not the guys heart. Best advice… stay away from them Filipino bimbos. They are not what they claim to be.

Malcolm Cook
Malcolm Cook - 03.03.2023 05:14

She is Gorgeous. Malcolm

Héctor Puppy Guzman
Héctor Puppy Guzman - 28.02.2023 01:03

I want one!

Pogi - 11.02.2023 14:19

Why is it that you don’t respond to clients emails????

Craig Gossmer
Craig Gossmer - 04.02.2023 03:26

Maybe because they’re stupid😆😁😝🤮🤮🤮

Charles Daniels
Charles Daniels - 02.02.2023 21:50


Devon Duhart
Devon Duhart - 29.01.2023 09:42

That’s lie. Filipina women don’t trust. They think all men want sex and leave. They be asking for money alot. They are not serious. I been looking for Filipina since 2007.

Esoteric Fitness
Esoteric Fitness - 17.01.2023 03:21

I like me a Nice religious Filipina woman, preferably 😉 😏 wit some scratch 😋!!

JillBidens NastyPussy
JillBidens NastyPussy - 15.01.2023 00:40

Filipino chicks have stink pussies, like they weren’t taught how to properly clean their snatches

Coco Nut
Coco Nut - 12.01.2023 10:51


Coco Nut
Coco Nut - 12.01.2023 10:50

WHAT!!! You don't share Caucasians value... Hoy Pinay wag kang SINUGALING!! GAGA!!

Marcus Pratt
Marcus Pratt - 29.12.2022 03:26

As beautiful as many of these many women may be I somehow take offense to their collective cry for men other than their own. Unless there is a shortage of Philipines men i see this as terribly disloyal to their own and signs of them walking in a lost values system. Ladies, go back to your own men and preserve your own people that is what your womb is for. All I’m gonna do is stretch your womb all over the place. Stay home.

Wilkerson Joel
Wilkerson Joel - 27.12.2022 04:15

I am so afraid of a relationship after being destroyed by American women/my best buddy had a Phillipino & said they are the best- but I shiver like a dog who has been beaten & kicked/ God did not mean for man to be alone, but I am out of fear!

Coffee&Tea Time
Coffee&Tea Time - 21.12.2022 06:28

I'm single.

Charles Scott
Charles Scott - 03.11.2022 02:24

My Stepfather Fought In Ww2 And After That He Worked For Northrop Grumman Until The Early 1990's. He Was One Of The First People To Help Create The B2 Stealth Bomber For The American Government And Military Back In 1987,'88,'89,'90. And Basically Everything That I Learned From Him And The Central Intelligence Agency Is That Everything That We're Going Through Globally Is A Battle For Our Souls Right Now And Always Has Been Seriously !!! Everything That We're Going Through Globally Is Premeditated Murder / Murder On Us All Globally By The House's Of Aldobrandi, Breakspeare, Borja, Chigi, Colonna,Conti, Este, Farnese, Gaetani, Medici,Orsini, Somaglia, Pamphili, Wettin Who Are Actual Draconian Alien Reptilian Shapeshifters (Descendants Of Satan And The Rest Of The Fallen Angels!) And They Control The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, George Soros, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Joe Biden, Putin (Russian President! As Well As All Presidents Globally!) ,Newly Elected Charles, Pope's From The Vatican, The Illuminati, Freemasons, Skull And Bones Secret Societies Who Are Also Actual Draconian Alien Reptilian Shapeshifters !! Research Central Intelligence Agency's Projects Naomi,Blue Book,Frazzle Drip,Pizza Gate,MK Ultra,Mockingbird,North Woods,Harrp Technology (US6506148B2) ,The Act Of 1873,Agendas 21! ID2020! House Of Representatives Bill HR.6666 To Help You Understand What I'm Saying Here !! And Their True Intentions Are To Depopulate Earth Of 7.3 Billion People Globally Via Their Georgia Guide Stone's Instructions To Depopulate Earth Of That Many People Globally Right Now !! And To RFID Microchip The Remaining 500,000,000 Into Enslavement Via Their New World Order Agendas 21 ! ID2020 ! House Of Representatives Bill HR.6666 Taking Place Globally Right Now !! Don't Get Vaccinated For Anything Without Knowing That All Governments/ Hospitals/Medical Facilities/ CVS/ Rite Aid/ And All Major Medical And Pharmaceutical Companies Globally Already Have Fake Cures And Vaccines For Everything That We're Going Through Globally With Aborted Fetal Cells And RFID Microchip Already Inside Their Fake Cures And Vaccines For Everything That We're Going Through Globally Right Now !! Even The Flu Shots Have Aborted Fetal Cells And RFID Microchip Already Inside Globally Right Now !! Read Chapter 3 From The Book Of Genesis When Satan Shapeshifted Into A Snake And Deceived Eve By Telling Her To Eat Of The Forbidden Fruit Of Knowledge !! Read Chapter's 3(For The Permiscues Women),20,22 From The Book Of Revelations From The Holy Bible As Well As Roman's Chapter 16 ! Verse 20 !! Look Up Our Beloved Infinite Creator's Real Name ABBA Father God YaHaWaH BaHasHaM YaHaWasHi His One And Only Begotten Son Almighty Of Ancient Israel !! Look Up Doomsday Maps Of The World On Google/ Reddit Taking Place Globally Right Now !! Look Up These Numbers US9396354 !! 5676977 !! 6630507 !! Be Prepared For Earthquake's To Hit America / California/ Globally Hard At Any Day/Night Now !! Be Prepared For Nuclear Attack On America At Any Time !! Be Prepared For The Coming Of Our Beloved Infinite Creator ABBA Father God YaHaWaH BaHasHaM YaHaWasHi His One And Only Begotten Son Almighty Of Ancient Israel At Any Time !! Be Extremely Careful And Safe Out There Since The Central Intelligence Agency's Spreading The Viruses Like Crazy Globally Using Their Chemtrails And Harrp Technology (US6506148B2) To Spread Them Out Globally Right Now !! Protect Yourself !! Your Familia,Friends !! Pets !! Love You All !!!! Viva La Revolućion !!!!!!!

roppy peck
roppy peck - 21.10.2022 03:03

By the way. My friend met his wife on this site.

roppy peck
roppy peck - 21.10.2022 03:00

They just want men who have money. My friend married one. He finally admitted he started sending her money one week after he met her online. Before he married her he dropped about 100,000 in the Philippines. Then he paid for her schooling. Paid for her immigration and is still sending money to support her entire family in the Philippines She's chain migrating as many of her family over here as she can. She took over his entire life. She has control of all his financials. She has her family living with them for free. The ones She brought over so far. She pressed him to build a big house. My bet is as soon as it's finished she's gone with the wind. House. Kids. And all his money. Your a fool if you marry one of these gold diggers. Remember...The poorest American is way more well off than most Philippine people. They will do anything to get here. Lie. Steal. Even marry you and have your kids. After 2 years they can divorce you and get everything..but most wait until they get full trust and control. Then you die. They get it. Do you really think 20 year old girls want to marry a crusty old man ? My friend is nearly 30 years older than his wife. He dies. She gets the house. The business. All his assets. Take a reality check.

KBullion - 16.10.2022 05:18

Yeah yeah yeah, this $hit only applies to white men

Juan Loredo
Juan Loredo - 15.10.2022 11:23

Hello I would like to meet a nice lady like you

Anthony Ziemba
Anthony Ziemba - 01.10.2022 22:14

I love Filipino woman nice smooth skin beautiful body all natural boobs everything no tattoos and the most important thing they like to sniff their man there's nothing like a woman that sniffs a man's body the biggest turn on

James Brooks
James Brooks - 22.09.2022 03:32

These women are beautiful 😍 ❤

Bob - 21.09.2022 23:52

Nigro phony how Filipina.f.u

joshua deatherage
joshua deatherage - 20.08.2022 23:31

I found my forever partner, here at Christian Filipina , in less than a week they matched me with the most beautiful Filipina, same religious beliefs, same Love of rural lifestyle , everything I could dream of in a wife, it's been worth every penny that I paid

Roy Jones 3
Roy Jones 3 - 01.08.2022 00:02

Dont connect with an Ilocano chick. Their mom teaches them to wear the pants & their attitudes suck. lol!

Anthony Fritz
Anthony Fritz - 25.07.2022 04:58

Hi how can I join I am looking for a wife

slade4life - 22.06.2022 02:05

wish I could meet someone special

I AM THAT I AM - 05.05.2022 09:01

Wow that's wonderful

sophia theisen
sophia theisen - 29.04.2022 12:50

if y’all are dumb enough to think that these girls aren’t just using you for green cards you’re an idiot

Luzvie Dasalla
Luzvie Dasalla - 26.12.2021 06:54

GOD bless CF for your effort on this website. You are appreciated so much!Continue! Have a safety year 2022!
All the staff of CF, I love you!

Sam - 22.09.2021 05:24

i hate black people

Paul Colin
Paul Colin - 17.07.2021 03:56

I'm not American but European

megaman42951 - 02.07.2021 11:54

Calling this site a "Christian" dating site can never sanitize it! Hardship in the Phillipines has forced those beautiful young women to trade themselves off like cheap comodities to perverts, and nasty, crusty old men!

Denis Guerrero
Denis Guerrero - 30.06.2021 23:52

Wow thats awesome thank you for the info!

There's a lot of us single man here in the states we are looking for true love yes indeed!
