How to Ride a Lazy Horse

How to Ride a Lazy Horse

Amelia Newcomb Dressage

3 года назад

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@tagadaki - 07.11.2023 10:15

I rode a horse couple of time who was hilarious and was always stopping in the middle, cause HE KNEW, the middle of the carrier signed the end of the lesson lmao. So during one or 2 hours, he was always trying sneakily to go in the middle. He was really nice and chill but a lazy fucker.

@tagadaki - 07.11.2023 10:08

Story of my life, always take the lazy ones cause Im a bit speed, and I know it doesnt work when we are both too excited 😆 Got a question though, do you have any advice for people who are scared by horses, not riding but while on feet. Usually Im fine while riding but if I have to be in a stable with a horse Im not comfortable, or even when I have to groom him Im always stressed because it's a 600kg baby that could f*** me up if he wanted to. (Tbf, I got two accidents on feet, one I had a stallion trying to kick me on the stable and pushing me against the wall when I was a teen, and last one was 3 years ago, a rider didn't control his horse and it went on me ful galloping - so ofc he broke 5 of my bones in my left foot). So usually I groom them outside the stable, I try to force myself and I always take the same Haflinger who is a really good natured horse and chill, and he makes me trust horses again, but still if you have any advice I take them.

@sarahking2122 - 10.09.2023 12:46

Hi Amelia - wondering if you've done a video for the opposite issue - a horse who is a lot more go than whoa, so that as a rider I don't have to be constantly pulling back... how to encourage a slower pace?

@harmonywilson135 - 20.08.2023 05:45

Yes transitions half halts thru seat

@Ba_Sailor - 18.08.2023 06:42

I have this problem my horse is a VERY lazy horse he is a mustang and when i ask for a more collected canter he always slows down to a trot and I always have my leg on him but it seems to never work he is fine in jumping he just seems lazy in dressage/flatwork. Im also trying to build endurance for cross country as he has terrible endurance any pointers?

@samespley5392 - 31.07.2023 16:29

I have a super lazy horse in the school but her objection to me asking her to canter is buck buck buck; any tips on staying on when a fire is trying to fire you off ???

@rgb181 - 04.07.2023 20:34

I ride a lesson horse who is considered a bit "dangerous" in the barn, but I really believe in her. I've seen her do amazing things and I know that that amazing horse is somewhere inside, but I'm still somewhat of a beginner and I feel like I often can't communicate with her. She really is good to me, but really shuts down some lessons, I have to keep her constantly with legs or she will completely stop. I get frustrated a lot (I know, but somedays it's just so difficult) and I can't bring her out

@tangerine1215 - 09.06.2023 04:02

Thank you for good video, Amelia!❤

@Bethelhorses - 24.03.2023 06:42

Should I use spurs? I have not ever ridden in them. both my horses have more woah than go. Gelding seems bored in dressage arena, mare is just laid back. both my horses know I can get nervous as had a bad fall when a horse bolted. I think they know I prefer more woah than go! is it a mental thing? they are picking up on my vibes? Not sure. I hate nagging... and wanting to move up dressage levels

@AdamSilverman-ld7ze - 17.03.2023 14:40

Thank you. Very helpful!

@hawaii1995 - 15.03.2023 22:27

Dear Amelia, I have tried to find your response to my question in your Q&A videos, but un fortunately I couldn't.
I wonder whether you could give me and others with the same issue some tips how to keep horses active that have been activated successfully without them being on the bit, but as soon as asked to be more connected and on the bit slow down again.
I am sure I am not the only one with this issue and would really appreciate your help.
Thank you for all your videos, I just love them and watch them over and over again, and I even have my personal play list with my favorite ones 😊

@michawika8991 - 13.03.2023 17:00

Thank you, I found it supportive. Need to take care about removing my leg aids more.

@laurenw1168 - 02.03.2023 23:45

My horse likes to live on the slow side until he doesn't lol but he's had a rough past being ridden harshly by previous owners, and I've only just started riding him myself. I've ridden him once since he's been with the trainer who is tuning him up under saddle and he's doing amazing so I know we'll get there and I just need to be patient. We have an amazing relationship on the ground and I taught him everything he knows there, so I know our relationship from the saddle will take time to develop as well.

@JavierBonillaC - 22.02.2023 09:30

I’m going to watch this video every day before riding Kurioso because he has huge power that I have been able to tap on, but he tends to go to sleep as soon as Imlet him. I think I’ve been kicking too much.

@clarao131 - 03.01.2023 14:56

I think my horse is so lazy it won’t run from the lion

@LosVRC - 22.12.2022 06:37

My horse is the same. Terrible transition, and lazy dad first time on my horse said "damn, son than horse put a beating on my old bones" lol.....when i road my brothers horse it was like riding a Porsche....I wish i road more horses before settling....I guess this is one of those first time horse owner problems...for the future I know what to feel for in my next horse.

@alexandrapughpanther5624 - 04.10.2022 16:51

Help..... every time I reward my horse with a good girl comment... She stops. New horse only had her 5 weeks !

@garysmith3317 - 22.09.2022 09:58

love your videos

@veroniqueviaudFaspasie_1957 - 22.09.2022 08:16

Great video, thank you very much. I 'll use your good advices this afternoon dear Amelia. In a horse school, horses become lazy with riders beginners who kick a lot. It' s quite difficult not having a lazy horse, even thoroughbreds.

@iwonabr - 25.08.2022 20:22

Oh how I wish you could give me a lesson in person :)

@hawaii1995 - 18.06.2022 13:32

Hi Amelia, thank you so much for your videos! With a loose rein she reacts to the legs quite well, but as soon as a start riding her round and shorten the reins she starts slowing down. Any idea what I could do?

@adrienneliu3182 - 03.06.2022 01:48

A lot of us ride lesson horses, I see the kick and release. I'm sure she's getting a lot of the same from other riders.

@jeanbat9475 - 30.04.2022 23:24

I would prefer you use a REAL lazy horse for your demosntration...

@STAR4369 - 04.04.2022 00:15

I can get my horse forward at the trot and canter... but at the walk I swear he moves 1 foot at a time in slow motion. And if I try to encourage him to go more forward, he wants to trot. Maybe it is a timing thing, but I struggle at fixing the walk. Any advice for a horse like this?

@suzannahkolbeck6973 - 22.01.2022 23:46

The spooky part is definitely intimidating. I have attached an oh shit handle, though, and when the weather is better I am going to get at this.

@suzannahkolbeck6973 - 22.01.2022 23:40

Mine struggles to stop AND go forward brightly. He's an old lesson horse, so he is used to ignoring tugging and kicking. Some days are better than others - I try to work on stop transitions when he is feeling sluggish and go transitions when he's got more energy. Thanks for recommending this!

@maryschmitt2020 - 19.01.2022 16:56

This is great information if the horse is truly lazy, but there’s no mention of reasons a horse may not want to move forward….which should be checked and eliminated. Like ulcers, pain. Laminitis. ‘Laziness’ could be someone’s horse trying to tell them something.

@phatato - 13.01.2022 14:09

Thank you for your videos they're so helpful! This might be a silly question but is saying good boy/good girl enough of a reward? I feel like I shouldn't pat them when I'm busy cantering etc. right? I try to pat the horse as much as I can but I feel like that it probably shouldn't be every time.

@jessjones8592 - 13.01.2022 11:36

My horse slept through all my aides yesterday... Head down, sleeping... He ignores me totally

@eqellena8848 - 20.12.2021 09:41

thank you so much this really helps!

@Joshie2707 - 30.11.2021 05:40

👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I am trying this every time I go to my riding class, I’ve improved quite a lot. I always come see your video in keep the information fresh in my mind.

@charleencramer8574 - 10.11.2021 22:16

when i ask my horse to canter from the trot she bucks. what can i do to fix that?

@jaynechristy4590 - 05.11.2021 04:34

Great video thought you were talking about me and my horse lol, I made her lazy now I've got to fix it.

@lindabonds8655 - 17.09.2021 16:45

Well done Amelia👏

@michaelschulze6545 - 30.08.2021 13:33

You helped me. Thank you.

@sylvialaney4138 - 23.08.2021 16:35

could we have english please close your what?

@naunettemartin7450 - 23.08.2021 00:40

Can I ask you how do you stop a kiting horse that's kiting out win you ask a horse to some thing to some thing she kit out and I don't want her to that kit out thank you Nannette

@Soreiru - 30.07.2021 00:39

Lovely in detail video on leg aids for a less confused horse when learning to ride. Thank you.

@eliara-thevoice8430 - 01.07.2021 22:30

Excellent video. Thank you so much.

@dharmarachuri2821 - 27.06.2021 15:50


@bogdancostea294 - 18.05.2021 13:19

This is so right - we do make them dull, don;t we... It all seems so much safer on a hack if nothing bothers them. But then I want him up and light and graceful... can't have it all...

@Karosei0713 - 06.05.2021 00:15

Thank you so much for this! I'm having trouble to get the horse that I'm riding to trot because in my barn a lot of the horses are really lazy and I'm still a beginner, but I will try this in my next lesson :)

@anneclement8576 - 26.04.2021 19:21

This was fabulous. I’m finding your videos and tips really helpful. Thanks Amelia

@gigiburman6711 - 10.04.2021 00:36

You are such a good rider

@lm_equestrian6522 - 02.04.2021 04:31

This helps a ton! The only question I have is, I ride a lesson pony so a lot of people ride him. I ride him the most and that’s mainly why I’m watching this video right now because he is so lazy, but the other people that ride him are mostly beginners in riding. If I work on his laziness with him every time I ride (twice a week, sometimes more), do you think he will stick with it always? I’ve found that the beginners ignore his bad behavior and then he does it with me, so I’m wondering if the other people who ride him don’t practice this with him, will he just forget and I’ll have to start over? Thank you!

@luciemarinov129 - 26.02.2021 06:44

Thank you for your amazing teaching videos! Trying to get back a after 2 hip replacements one knee replacement 3 foot surgeries and Im 75 !

@luciemarinov129 - 26.02.2021 06:37

Thank you for your awesome teaching video, Im 75 and still riding after 2 hip replacements and 1 knee replacement and 3 foot surgeries! Trying to get back !

@unrulycrow6299 - 23.02.2021 21:40

It reminds me of the little Fjord mare we have at my riding school. She's incredibly gentle and fun, so she gets to do lots of beginners/low level classes (though she's also the greatest assistant during the weekly meetings with handicapped persons). Because of all the kicking, pulling and generally boring stuff, she became lazy. I've been advocating for her for some years now, because the rare times when I could get her out in the big outdoor arena and in the woods, she'd really come alive and have a great time doing her best. Of course, she's not a Grand Prix horse so a rider at my level accepting to ride her was and still kinda os frowned upon. Lately, I've been riding her more often and improved my position as well, and boy did I get some amazing sensations once I got her fully active and forward. She immediately rounds up and lighten her usually heavy front to the point it's featherweight. She's also doing a fine job at dressage despite being underwork and generally underrated.
Lately, she's been the object of a joke bet between an instructor and a rider in my class who also does dressage competitions (I don't because I can't afford it), about taking that little mare out on a low level dressage gig. When I heard about it, I straight up told them I'd make them of them both if the mare did well, because I knew she would, I know her and I'm used to horses like her who're looked down upon despite being awesome. Guess what? She did incredibly well for her very first dressage competition. She was a tad bit confused about being alone in the arena, and got distracted by someone flying a drone, but she remained very composed and quick to focus. I went and watched the whole thing, and was basically the rider version of a soccer mom. Her rider was also so pleasantly surprised she considered taking her out for competitions more often!

@loritrainer - 19.02.2021 19:08

Great information and clearly explained. Thank you.
