How To Fix Rainbow Six Siege Keeps Crashing [Updated 2024]

How To Fix Rainbow Six Siege Keeps Crashing [Updated 2024]

TDG Gaming

2 года назад

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@lesemma9557 - 01.07.2024 21:33

Videos like this shouldn't have intros, I've read the title now get to the point.

@domibeatsmusic - 04.05.2024 01:03


@julan9224 - 10.04.2024 20:51

crashes every game for me, the new update broke it i think. ill just have to wait

@NierBabu - 28.03.2024 17:41

The only game that crashes is r6, then rdr2, gtav, cyberpunk, nier and etc. no, I've tried cleaning the rams, the PC, watching all the videos and it always crashes, The only thing I need to do is update the bios and change some value so that something is different, on top of that it is one of the few that I enjoyed, the game fills me with problems (I have different rams, different brand and different speeds)

@kreiselbummser - 27.03.2024 21:08

trash video

@ScarQwQ - 19.03.2024 19:30

sorry to say this vid was pre useless anyone who plays games on pc would have done this by now/tried it...

@expectedmeat - 18.03.2024 08:34

For anyone having problems with it. My game kept crashing bc i had used Directx11 Rainbow Six Siege when i should've used Vulkan Rainbow Six Siege. I literally thought my pc set up was cooked, but thank God that he made me think maybe we should've used Vulkan to start up the game. Now, no more crashes. Directx11 was limiting my RTX7800 to 144 fps.

@SaadKing8BallPool - 29.01.2024 18:59

Mine has recently started crashing ive never had this problem but its now came to me i dont know what it is its not my ram ive tried many things but it doesnt work

@igotubied - 28.01.2024 23:49

this is the most look this up make video vid ive ever seen

@melvelazquez6155 - 12.12.2023 00:17

anyone keep crashing after recent update?

@agenda2175 - 05.11.2023 00:19

Has it been down for two days now?

@moothie7314 - 01.11.2023 07:57

I feel like all these are shit you do before watching a vid for fixes

@kaaliporane6412 - 16.10.2023 18:12

Bruh i bought the game, i have capped fps but high frame time, could that be why its crashing?

@Wonton422 - 28.09.2023 13:32

literally keeps crashing on the last fucking round or the very beginning of the match and people vote to surrender so theres no match to return to and i get banned multiple times because they cant fix their goddamn game... now the game crashed again and it reset all of my settings including all of my cosmetics.

@grass.avoider - 20.09.2023 21:10

Posts like these frustrate me (no offense man). They're literally the go-to fixes for any game that come up when you search crashing fixes for any game. These are the things you try before even bothering to look them up. I need the big guns bc my shit is FUCKED.

@Raven777777777777777 - 01.09.2023 22:54

Game was crashing for me almost at the same time about 6-8 minutes in. Usually half way through the second round of playing. Tryed so many "fixes" and none of them worked including one in this video. Recently figured it was caused by D.O.C.P Ram overclocking profile. Reseting Bios to Optimized Defaults worked for me but for now i cant run Ram on higher frequency than 2400Mhz even when it should go to 3200Mhz but CPU only supports 2933Mhz. I suspect my issue is either CPU, Motherboard or just Motherboard firmware but that is yet to be tested. If game crashes for you, you might want to try reseting Bios to see if that works.

@meouws - 25.08.2023 01:37

Wow. You cant tell me nobody did those things just out of routine...

@gel13a - 18.08.2023 23:11

This is not a how to video. this is like a Windows Troubleshooter's way of "fixing" problems.

@T-A.E - 15.08.2023 10:57

Anyone else deeply disturbed at the auto generated voice😅

@veszty9989 - 03.08.2023 15:59

my game has crashed in T-hunt, quick match, ranked, unranked, the settings tab, store, bp, opp list, banning phase, map ban, opp select, site select, spawn select, mid site setup almost every situation my game has crashed in, and none of these have helped ik my pc can handle siege bc i play warzone 2 all the time with 0 crashes

@firegod5457 - 03.08.2023 15:14

rainbow six siege crashes on my pc , but if i start geforce now and i play it on there, it doesn't have a problem
this is so fucking bullshit

@arongergely940 - 28.07.2023 02:10

Thanks man this helped me a lot.

@marioauditore2859 - 16.07.2023 01:12

This video could work for a 80yo guy, but everyone knows these things and surely tried it before get here

@IthosouShiro - 13.07.2023 16:28

Useless tutorial.

@OriginalJIGSAW - 12.07.2023 17:33

Its ubisoft problem their game suck dick and keeps crashing

@Jord200 - 10.07.2023 21:36

I got banned for 24 hours then 2 days and now another 2 day ban it crashes right at the ban phase and my team cancels the match and I get banned for abandoning a game 😐

@Izz._.R6 - 27.06.2023 07:09

I tried everything here. cant open the game anymore and it ran perfect last season. pretty sad now

@areg8763 - 25.06.2023 09:20

vid is useless

@GreenTeaTheTea - 23.06.2023 01:48

bro can't even voice his own videos lmao, that bum voice ai cloning garbage is so noticable

@hustlememory - 22.06.2023 15:41

Been banned for a month now due to the new update I have crashed mulitiple times in ranked mode, prior to this I have never crashed in 8years

@wickedgaming91 - 16.06.2023 16:55

I have R6 extraction and it won't let me add friends or accept friends, it crashes everytime. I can play multiplayer but i cant add frirhd

@MLT-ph3qi - 14.06.2023 19:57

Happening to me on Xbox series s it’s unplayable any fix?

@ronin3799 - 14.06.2023 00:33

I am so sick and tired of Ubi devs now that I am 100% sure they themselves dont want the game to do good, if that's not the case how the fuck is the game gonna survive 10 years when I myself who is been playing for little less than year is now so agitated with so many bugs in a game which has been going on from more than 7 years now

@strxter4542 - 05.06.2023 05:37

My game crashes at some random times
1. When leaving games (sometimes it doesn’t)
2. In the battle pass tab (sometimes I can stay in for 10-15 seconds but it crashes)
3. When looking at a specific op in operators tab
Please help, I’ve been playing like this for weeks and it’s horrible

@dr.monotone3827 - 04.06.2023 22:34

Unfortunately none of these worked, I believe whatever update they pushed recently has broke the game for many users.

@dion4581 - 03.06.2023 15:38

Hello my game has been crashing for about 5 days now I load up the game and when im almost at the loading screen it goes black. I have tried everything in this video and more. Still to no luck, any tips?

@colebreaker7912 - 02.06.2023 22:50

My game doesn’t make it past the launch screen. It will go to a black screen for 5 seconds then a Ubisoft tab appears saying send crash report.

@luca-is-him - 31.05.2023 18:02

I play on the newest xbox and a great monitor, the only tipped the work for me on xbox was literally restarting my xbox.

@Thglt - 23.05.2023 02:41

my game beeps then crashes

@maincapitol8813 - 22.04.2023 20:17

The game fully broke randomly for me. Idk what to do. Reinstalled the game and everything. My pc is thic as fuck so i have no clue why it crashes

@nitsuj6801 - 09.04.2023 11:58

Brand new PC, have tried everything. Even reinstalled the game like 4 times and completely reset windows. I play for max 15 minutes and I crash.

@_notFree - 31.03.2023 09:14

doesn't work

@kevingood2565 - 31.03.2023 01:08

this video bs, full basic advices help nothing (reinstall, update, check)... c'mon

@NotMm-b2i - 14.03.2023 21:01

"Verify Rainbow Six Siege Steam Files"

Proceeds to verify call of duty files

@jacobflores837 - 13.03.2023 16:54

My game will run fine but as soon as a equip the r10 runi for mozzie or aruni make game freezes and crashes and have yet had anything to work just wondering if anyone has had the same problem

@anthonythomas7912 - 11.03.2023 20:59

I just uninstalled overwolf. I can play now after 2 days not being able too

@TeacherMr.Corbin - 11.03.2023 19:57

I was having the exact same loading error for the past two days. I turned off my Overwolf overlay and it finally loaded up!!

@s4mmyzer030 - 11.03.2023 04:34

Especially now in Y7S1 my game does not want to start. I launch it literally 30 (im not kidding) times and every single time in the blue ingame loading screen it crashes. I am now updating my windows, thats the last thing i can do

@BLAZE_RIDER - 10.03.2023 11:31

OK hear me out
Last night in game menu there update pop up say there and update and i fast click it with air-head
(It really SUS)

After that i can't play it anymore it keep game off before enter in the game menu
