Why YOU are failing at Frostpunk! - 5 simple tips to improve

Why YOU are failing at Frostpunk! - 5 simple tips to improve

Benchwarmer WoW

4 года назад

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@poposisa - 18.01.2024 07:12

this game is not fun.I play video games to relax but this game brings anxiety to me... like wtf? why would I enjoy this? Bought it and asked for a refund instantly.

@danielcsmith5007 - 28.11.2023 06:55

Just pump coal like crazy and make sure your people are warm. Get the guard towers and make sure to use that a lot to raise hope

@mancamiatipoola - 23.11.2023 21:42

I like your tips about the early start and gathering posts. Some good info there.
However i disagree about child labour law. That is indeed subjective, but in my opinion, going the route of child shelter then gives you the apprentice program law which gives you the option to have kids help out in research or in medical buildings. Best option is to create engineer apprenticeship because that will give you a flat 20% research speed increase! This is SO much better than having a few kids as workers in the long run. I dont have to tell you all how important faster research IS!
Secondly you DONT need steam hubs so early in the game. Steam hubs burn a LOT of coal. You are better off researching heaters in order to save on coal and heaters will give you functional buildings even in -40 temp with low health risk. You should research steam hubs later on when you already have at least 1-2 coal producing facilities up and running at full steam (coal mine / coal thumper). Steam hubs are ideal after you set up your major resource producing plants (steel mills, saw mills, coal mines) and not before. However you will deal with a few more sick people.
My last tip is to ALWAYS research the better houses first when you unlock a new research tier because you will get an event that requires you to provide the next tier of homes which will give you a large boost in hope if succeeded.
You dont have to research everything from every tier. In my first playthrough i was always behind on research because i made this mistake and then when the housing event came up i failed it and lost a lot of hope.

SPOILER: make sure you research the tier 3 home upgrade before you send a scout team to Winterhome!

@kaboom3922 - 16.10.2023 05:40

Ok how does heat work because every steam hub i put down seems to do nothing and i die because I’m unable to heat homes

@sO_RoNerY - 13.10.2023 14:30

Turn off your generator during the day. Shut it off at 4am. It takes it two hours to completely shut off. They can handle -20c temperatures.

@TheTardisDreamer - 29.09.2023 13:50

I just finished New Home on survivor. My start was emergency shifts on two wood piles and one coal pile (using workers). No one dies if you use it on the piles but they will die if they're in a building. Put the rest on steel/ more wood. Built two med posts (a necessity on survivor as people get sick super quickly) and two workshops. Assigned engineers to fill both med posts and the workshop. But come morning fill both workshops and spread the remaining 5 between the two med posts. I first researched heaters, as in survivor the temp drops super quickly. The beacon next. Built a few gathering posts. By the start of the morning shift the workers on the emergency shifts have cleared their piles out. Then they go on the gathering posts and you can start setting up hunter huts. You'll have a heap of wood to build all the tents and basic infrastructure. Next get child shelters (which goes to them being engineer assistants) and so on.

Really, the best way to learn is just watch an expert player do a run. That's how I figured things out. :)

@Cloud_Seeker - 28.09.2023 16:13

I disagree with a few things here.

Coal is not actually that much of a priority. It is a priorityon day 3 to prepare for day 4 and onward. But the first 2 days can be used to only collect wood and steel.
I believe that insulation is far more important than getting more heat. That is why tents and bunkhouses, and then improved versions of worksites are more important than coal generation.
You can simply never turn on the generator until day 4 or so. A simple hospital tent or two will do just fine until it actually starts to get cold.

I do agree you shouldn't rush the Beacon, but you still kind of should. The faster you can get to the automaton the better. Research is very important to fix the issues that will show up. You should for that reason try to have 8 workshops and get more engineers as soon as possible. This is also a reason you want the Beacon up fast. More workshops means faster research.

I do agree that you shouldn't focus on buildig mines and stuff. Coal Mines are a noob trap. People think they are good but not as good as a coal thumper. The main reason for coal mines is for automatons as they can work 24/7 and that requires at least 2 automatons with a coal thumper.
The buildings you should focus on however are the infirmary. That building is just OP.

@Jinisinsane - 17.09.2023 03:20

sustain life 1
me:24 dead in the first day lol.

@icevariable9600 - 03.09.2023 10:00

Your suggestions make a lot more sense than all the other videos I've come across. They seem more hacky/gamey, whereas your approach seems more common sensical.

@tsunamio7750 - 02.09.2023 07:33

How does one ever fail at this game?
I mean, maybe if you just have mindless fun it can happen. But with minimal thoughts, you know what matters and what doesn't.

@hackentertainment3605 - 08.07.2023 20:12

So basically if you follow the tutorial you're gonna lose pretty soon.... That's why my people always get sick after few days and no matter how many med posts I plant there are always more people sick. I couldn't figure that out before this video. This game has a TERRIBLE TUTORIAL. Thanks for making this vid.

@Bowiiihowdy - 16.06.2023 07:48

I always try an automate as soon as possible

@jaetradescrypto2023 - 14.05.2023 03:48

How do we heat the tents when they ask us to heat the homes

@hobogreen3750 - 02.05.2023 12:13


@violetnv - 16.03.2023 01:53

Built a cemetery on my 1st run. Later tried the snow pit that opens soooo much better health care and food options. I never build cemeteries anymore. The organ donor and fertilizer just makes things so much better. I never do soup anymore either. Always sawdust.

@axcentrixx - 15.03.2023 22:48

I disagree about not researching beacon early. Faster gathering first and next should be beacon. Put 4 workshops and you'll research faster. Then send out your scouts to get more people then you could quickly add other buildings to go with the demand. Also quickly research another scout team so you can send two.. so they can scout more places until you've discovered places with resources. Then you can build outpost so if you're short of anything you can get some sent to you daily. I always prioritize the food (fishing) so even if my hunters could barely hunt, 100 raw food still get sent everyday. Also I always choose to dump bodies in snow pit. You can use the bodies later for other useful things like fertilizing hothouse and organ transplant to heal the sick (so some death can be a good thing). If you choose cemetery, workers will be off work for hours so if you have lots of death going on, this will be a major problem and work halted/slowed down. Later on, I always stick with religion faith path because it's way easier to bring down discontent and raise hope later on. One of my games ended with almost 500 population with no sickness, no death medical are complete and running, and all resources, raw food and rations overloaded where I have to keep adding large resource depot, almost no discontent and almost full hope. Also long before the storm even came I've already researched everything there is to research. Going through the cold storm was easy by then. This is what worked for me.

@Slider93 - 14.03.2023 10:42

My performance improved a lot when I rushed double medical beds. This is pretty much mandatory because you won't be able to find new staff for new medical tents for a very long time and you need engineers to do crucial tech early game.
Also there's a neat trick where hunters can gather at night, free them in the morning and send them to do other work. This can get you a bit of resources in the first couple of days

@kungpochopedtuna - 04.03.2023 15:51

Amazing game can't wait for fp2

@jaydenhite8142 - 04.03.2023 00:56

Something that confuses me is why none of my hunters are coming back, they were hunting for 2 days straight.

@Agatecheetah542 - 17.02.2023 09:29

Solid tips and straight forward. Thank you.

@spritemon98 - 05.02.2023 08:48

I'm stuck on day 22 and it sucks;-;

@spritemon98 - 05.02.2023 08:47

I need help with late game

@helghast_7203 - 02.02.2023 18:53

jokes on you, I won, through the power of Public execution and overwork!

@vexillarius3356 - 20.01.2023 03:37

My biggest weakness in this type of game, is I can not build a settlement like you do it.
Everything must be symetric and well organized for me, or at least by quarters who need themself to be symetric and well organized in there own disposal.
I spent too much ressources by buildings roads because this cookhouse need to be 4 tiles away of the houses and the residential quarter because the workshop and the scientific/industrial quarter on the other end of the residential quarter is 4 tiles away of the houses !!

I know it's a little bit weird but I can't help it haha 😅

@kealamorgan9910 - 16.01.2023 01:09

I’m so addicted to this game. Originally I was looking for something like Cities Skylines, but I play on console and I heard that the game was not as good as it was on PC. I ran into FrostPunk and instantly liked it. It’s a whole new world you can tend to. Love playing it while stoned also 🔥

@evolution.revolution101 - 12.01.2023 13:20

Only just downloaded this on ps5, struggling is an understatement.
Started playing before watching videos.
Great game but bloody hard

@ImBadWithNamesSadly - 07.01.2023 03:38

Somehow I managed to win the game in my first try, I'm surprise I even got to finish it I thought I would just get bored but somehow the game is extremely addictive lol

@fishdisc7022 - 11.12.2022 19:59

How do get the resources? I try building a camp to get coal but it's never finished before the first night and most people die. No videos show how to start getting wood or coal

@LabRynthisist - 26.11.2022 13:20

just deleted my day 17 file from the game, I bought this game recently and had a blast playing and stressing on what to do (I dunno what I'm doing most of the time) then came the raw good not coming in despite the hunter's hut built and the Londoners being successful on convincing people to join them. Now, I'm watching tips and came across this as one of the videos

@paulkleiner9389 - 25.11.2022 19:43

Just wanted to get some input from others, I’m a huge fan of this game and want to expand to other games that are similar. I grew up playing RTS games like battle for middle earth and loved them. Please comment similar games that you also love.

@Flawdapimpin - 28.10.2022 07:08

Followed everything, and still died fast lol

@Kyle_Riel - 21.10.2022 04:10

Some bad advice in this video

@bl6132 - 04.10.2022 00:43

Just started playing. This game is so fun. Subbed and will watch your other videos.

@karlshaner2453 - 22.09.2022 19:59

Thumpers and gathering huts, makes for a toasty game.

@upsetkidpanda1869 - 18.09.2022 21:34

thank you! i had no idea steam hubs have time schedules that you can adjust!

@neargrog685 - 06.09.2022 01:32

I followed this guide in the early stages & everything was going to plan. Then loads people got hungry. Before I could properly react, every single person became unable to work due to hunger. Ive tried a couple guides now & I keep failing miserably. No disrespect to you. I’m probably not doing it right. But I think I’ll make my own decisions & see how that goes. More fun that way - learning from my own mistakes

@inamoski123 - 25.08.2022 21:50

I love the music you use! Can you share it please!

@sinkmince1630 - 16.08.2022 18:12

I disagree with starting with tents. I start with the workshop and learn the bunk houses, and then I house my people, tents seem to be a waste of resources

@HeavenlyWarrior - 26.07.2022 21:49

No, I'm not failing at Frostpunk, I never played the fucking game to start with.

@robosergTV - 23.07.2022 14:27

many bad advices in the video. You dont need homes by day 1, you dont need the kitchen by day 2. You need a beacon after faster gathering.

@SloboTV - 07.07.2022 22:06

yeah thing is there are many different ways of playing this game :D

@uvnetter - 30.06.2022 00:53

I noticed you said you'd choose soup, I'm curious to hear your opinion - don't you find food additives to be more powerful?

@GamerAries124 - 25.06.2022 23:46

Won't mince words here. This is a bad tips video.

Nicole Cain in a lower comment has the more optimal starting strategy that I mostly follow (I don't use child labor and instead do 24 hour law to place on research to bump out gathering faster and beacons by day 2). If people actually want a "5 simple tips to improve" guide, Ignore tips 1 and 2 in this video and tip 3.5 should be heaters not steam hubs. Steam hubs like posts are mentioned too soon in this video (posts day 3 and steam hubs more day 8 or 9). the other tips are okay and tip 5 I agree with completely though that tip is rarely gonna be seen till after day 4 or 5 anyways so at that point you will have a feel if you game is going great, good or struggling.

@wikingkrig5801 - 27.05.2022 01:19

its a good game, and good game to get some challange :) Good video :)=

@theandychrist2599 - 15.05.2022 23:55

5 basic tips on how to improve. So you mean do the basic gameplay mechanics. Epic... forgot i needed tents

@__koksloks__4449 - 24.04.2022 23:32

I have tried a couple of guides from other people and none of them worked except for your videos. No kidding I watched two of your guides and beat the game in one sitting. Thank you for such amazing and helpful video.

@WJswed - 18.03.2022 11:30

Dude don't try to teach if you can't play the game. You are wrong on almost all points. For example prio on research is the most basic and wasting resources on tent day one is just stupid. You won't last through the first temp drop on higher difficulties.

@Damienetri - 25.02.2022 06:08

for me it’s usually warmth, or hunger. If I maintain one thing, the other collapses

@clargonaut6015 - 16.02.2022 04:10

Thanks for the tips! Maybe this time I'll make it past Day 8.

@andypantsxbox - 05.02.2022 19:57

No offense but there’s better tip videos for frost punk out there
