Home Automation: Alexa + Android Bridge +RM Tasker + Broadlink RM Pro 2

Home Automation: Alexa + Android Bridge +RM Tasker + Broadlink RM Pro 2

Harish Ramachandran

7 лет назад

3,714 Просмотров

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@schandran7 - 22.12.2017 06:03

Hi Harish

What is use of Android Bridge...

@9833582671 - 20.01.2018 15:54

Hi Harish
I have downloaded RM Plugin Lite 2.3.2 . Will this work.

Jayanta Das

@athulkerala - 16.02.2018 07:59

Hi can u do a hi to my Whatsapp no 9961415845. I hav some doubts

@adrianbonilla5537 - 05.05.2018 05:49

me interesa tu informacion sobre el tema. tambien estoy domotizando con broadlink y e tenido muchas fallas . me gustaria poder compartir mas informacion

@johnny90901 - 27.09.2018 05:07

Metallica!!!! Yes. Lol. Nice video thank you for sharing.

@duraisamykesavkumar3617 - 05.12.2018 03:28

Dear Sir Awesome presentation ,I've came across Hibbert's, Brett's,and Drzz's but yours is very practical,Great.I'm not a professional guy - due craze like you , I am planning to go with Broadlink RM pro+ and Sonoff, how to hide Sonoff basic and Sonoff 4CH Pro.Looking more vid's from you. Good job-:)

@jitendrapatil5065 - 08.01.2019 15:03

Common do not show what you installed, better create video how you achieved it, everyone looking at this video has some stuff at home need to learn more, I know you must have been learned from some where, so stop show off and get into practical

@yazanaltaher9975 - 29.01.2019 22:14

Hi Harish, do i have to make the same steps with google home rather than alexa ? Such as buying cheap phone, jail break it and download rm tasker plug for making bridge ??
