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Eroktic - 10.10.2018 21:26

Now, wait a day or two for that guy to upload brand new video "how to max out all the skill" or "how to reach advanced plus" lol
It is so nice to be a content creator <3

Magalaf - 07.07.2021 09:01

Is the server still alive?

logan ecko
logan ecko - 06.05.2021 09:45

skip the solid 3 and a half min of random BS and get to the video....i swear its a trend to waste peeps time these days

Muhammad Afham Kadir
Muhammad Afham Kadir - 11.03.2021 01:23

hello im newin scum. can i know why my survival and enginering max level only at 100,000. basic only i cant upgrade to advance or medium. thnks

Luke Savage
Luke Savage - 25.01.2021 12:54

Takes 4 minutes to get to the point 😂

ViperWolf264 - 08.01.2021 00:54


Phill Traynor
Phill Traynor - 30.11.2020 22:49

I don't seem to be able to show a throwing arc . When throwing the spear for instance. Am I missing something to show this ?. Love your input into this game

fmslogo - 25.09.2020 17:53

balkan? mislim pise ti kalkulator pa ono haha :D

Cheeky       Breeky
Cheeky Breeky - 20.06.2020 06:42

I love how he says you can tchrow rocks or any other stuff... hehe

LTW PRO - 19.06.2020 08:22

hello camper

Silent Zoner
Silent Zoner - 31.05.2020 19:56

hahaha soooo how is ur servers now.. im guessing there dead none wants to play on ur hardcore impossible loot servers

Indyday - 19.04.2020 05:08

3 Minutes of server promotion *skip*. Btt: Outdated. :( Most things have changed (a lot)

EspenFrafalne - 28.12.2019 16:30

Great video! Nice to know what helps and stuff - although i think exploits (like crouching in a bush) ruins the fun of "leveling up" or whatever one is doing. At least on single player. On multiplayer other people will probably be using the exploits, and then you may actually have to take advantage of it... I like solitude and freedom to do whatever i wanna do, exactly how and when i wanna do it - so im just playing single player :P

Izzoroth - 11.12.2019 03:46

Thanks for this upload, very helpful, it definitely made me reroll my character, especially for the awareness skill.

Cavan Clark
Cavan Clark - 09.12.2019 08:06

Awareness is leveled in multiplayer by dropping items on the ground and looking at them. Whether it's something you took from a crate or out of your pack. Drop it, pickit up. Each item gives 5 points of awareness. I think you also get awareness when there are items inside of buildings that are on the ground.

A55hol3 Actual
A55hol3 Actual - 16.11.2019 21:07

I guess you don't realize that the game does not load "all players" on entire map, but only the players in your vicinity or "town" rather.

The End
The End - 03.09.2019 00:41

great video, but from your research you have seen that this devs made the thing as much as good it was for players just to play to pull those skills up... the more you play the more you grow basicly, cuze i think that is also fuckin boring to spam an action to level up a skill xD ahaha But this video proof that you are a professional fuckin TESTER <3 i whould be fuckin happy having a fan like you if i was a fuckin developer ahahah <3 you just like me... you like to test and find stuff that 99,9% of players can't see <3

TONY'S HOBBY CHANNEL 💰 - 17.07.2019 21:47

AFK. ???

Crazy Fox
Crazy Fox - 29.05.2019 15:30

i think shaolin monk punch trees and walls in traning

Mr Exa
Mr Exa - 20.03.2019 07:11

pleaaaseee start again with sum scum tutotrials about the new stuff!

Paragon Hawke
Paragon Hawke - 18.01.2019 15:24

Ty for a good teaching video man! :) Underrated video. I hope your voice reaches the devs, and they fix the stuffs about spamming exprience on certain skills.

Jessy Normand
Jessy Normand - 15.01.2019 19:33

Whats your server settings for hard core ?

Jonathan Jay
Jonathan Jay - 21.12.2018 20:32

I was low, down and depressed.
Thinking life isn’t great.
It’s just not the best.
My mind runs fast.
A million miles per hour, or two.

I volunteer with the elderly.
Making people smile as I pass.
Wearing odd shoes on most days.
Giggling away seeing people smile.
I don’t care as they pass.

Yet I watch these creators all of the time.
I don’t think much, as developers commit crimes.
Forget to turn adblock off on some days.
Yet DMCA don’t take much to sway.

Just a push of a button is all it takes.
To shut someone’s mouth, crush some content.
Put it away.

There is something we can all do.
Push a button, enable adblock, for a video.
Or two…..

If the advert ain’t great.
Watch it anyway, what’s a minute or two.
It’s some of your time.
Be thankful this content is free.
Free for me, for you and everyone.
Just a minute of your time, or two.
There are bigger things going on in this world.
It’s just some free media/content/entertainment.
No one should abuse the DMCA to take it down.
Be a pro, respond/dispute/reply.
Eroktic is a pro, he can take being wrong Battlestate (and would have loved you even more)
Do things like that and someone’s gonna hit hard with something that hurts your reputation.
Properly though. Not like a child throwing it’s rattle of the pram.
28/315 100% AD ENABLED, COOKIE ENABLED, FULL TRACKING, play of EVERY Eroktic video. You just DMCAMON in the new of Erokticmon. Gotta read em all..... play some vids. Find em.

crafty tech
crafty tech - 06.12.2018 03:36

they could also make it so you cant level your skills by just doing the same action over and over. make it so crafting only goes up if you craft all different items, exercise based skills should defiantly have a rest period though. sneaking could be relevant to the ground you walk across (crawl over stone and hard ground crouch over grass) and if there is a player or entity nearby

MRZEDDA - 16.11.2018 14:59

Eroktic, I'm from Italy and I really enjoy watching your videos. I'm relatively new to scum and played just in one italian server before trying the "hardcore experience" I was looking for in SKRA eu#1. Unfortunately I realized pretty soon that the loot was set very high (0.8x), so you boosted it up compared to this video (0.5x) and also compared to my first server that eventually was the most hardcore still. I am disappointed. HARDCORE? WHERE?

Pete Ruckelshaus
Pete Ruckelshaus - 13.11.2018 19:23

Easy way to limit hoarding: limit players to 1 box.

Svartpepr AR
Svartpepr AR - 02.11.2018 06:13

Sad that all non monitord servers are full with hackers blatantly teleporting around rest of the cheats can only be speculated.

Sagarzi47 - 28.10.2018 04:34

no mames, tu pareces un zombie

RainyDream - 24.10.2018 15:32

and hacker will come and you gonna lose all your stuff at skra servers! If u survive from random chinese hackers attacks, while u were thinking to hiding behind the bushes or trees, but the admin's best friend top guys will see you anyway (thx to changed .ini files) and kill you immediatly. Don't waste your time at low loot & no admin servers guys. Trust me i have been there.

InDaZone - 20.10.2018 15:52

Since the update yesterday I can’t connect to the US server anymore. I connect briefly and then it says I was kicked from the server. Any known issues?

Denen - 20.10.2018 10:02

just to point out the punching of trees is used in real life martial arts training(high end training there's a crazy little girl thats some kind of boxing prodigy that trains her punching power/damage by boxing small trees) now punching those huge ass trees...it would not work...the bark would eat your hands

Mookie The Wizard
Mookie The Wizard - 18.10.2018 19:33

New to the game. Loving the servers! Thanks Ero!!!

Xyg0t - 18.10.2018 12:17

I can't seem to gain any stealth points....

charles b
charles b - 17.10.2018 00:39

I've been playing on your us pretty much since it came out.. Thank you by the way because the highly populated servers are eaten up with hacker killing you from anywhere on the map..but I will say with the auto resets that should help with any lag and server issues stemming from items or objects kept or made..I have to disagree on play style though, scum isn't your average run and gun. So hording almost will go hand in hand with this type of realistic player stats/upkeep, huge map etc, being your engagements vs searching loot is very one sided, your going to find more loot than players...the run and gun is in events not on the map..we the ppl I play with do like the less loot aspect and it is too bad you cannot make a 1st person only..I'm an admin for sasunity for the game miscreated and sadly that game has dropped off a lot over my 2100hrs and no longer has a player base when officials flooded the server list, sadly scum did this opening day and it reflects that..oh and I find cutting bushes is best for raising survival, bushes are are quick...

Jeff Vader
Jeff Vader - 15.10.2018 19:46

wait there is another way to level up camo it is not the quickest way but go prone and crawl, you will generate camo and stealth. You can also make it jump up by 200 - 300 point buy pressing c and standing and walking in a crouched position and then going prone and crawling again

Karthick - 15.10.2018 11:37

More ultimate beginner guides?

Outis - 15.10.2018 07:13

Could someone tell me about the plus skills? the "plus" bonus for each skill(the ones that actually activated right now) how to attain ets as i can't find anything on them right now thanks guys, and Eroktic thanks for the vid even if its not what i was searching for I always can get a ton of info on the topic never is a waste of time

alan griffiths
alan griffiths - 14.10.2018 23:24

oh and he's gaining fp because i'm looking for lootwhile pissed

alan griffiths
alan griffiths - 14.10.2018 23:21

i've just got my man pissed on absynthe an now he's staggering around lmfao

Martin Anschütz
Martin Anschütz - 14.10.2018 09:31

thworing you all things thowring and gain points

Mr. Chiweeni
Mr. Chiweeni - 14.10.2018 03:30

Bought this game because I loved your vids. Unfortunately you make the game look pretty easy but it is actually extremely difficult. The key combinations to do routine things are insane. You're awesome but I needed to get a refund because I only have two hands and ten fingers to hit buttons with. Three or four hands should be listed among the recommended specs. One other thought: why focus so hard on vitamin D, Calcium, bladder, colon, carb, protein levels and yet have complete disregard for sleep?

Tim Couzens
Tim Couzens - 13.10.2018 17:43

Great information as usual our rp server hit top 100 last night just 2 weeks old

DuBoy's - 13.10.2018 14:56

I guess punching collision objects makes sense as there is a form of boxing where people punch bricks and trees to attain calluses on their knuckles. It would make sense if punching trees for example stayed in the game but would damage you about the same as taking a punch from a player until you reach level 2 or 3 in which you would stop taking damage from hitting these objects replicating the discipline that some people have.

QuantumConcious's Corner
QuantumConcious's Corner - 12.10.2018 16:38

I was under the opinion that The FPS drop from items was due to things on the ground in the world not stuff in a storage box or lootable container as they are just code in a data base. Lots of chest however is an issue. For example 20 players harvesting animals and leaving stuff after harvesting it for points as well as cutting 100's of trees and refining them down and leaving stuff on the ground adding to entities on the ground

LimaBravo 130
LimaBravo 130 - 12.10.2018 12:01

@Eroktic: On the hording toppic. Just do as they do in most SCUM SP servers, to set a maximum of crates (4 modified wood crates or 2 metal crates) Done! No more hording and great fps :)

Alden Acosta
Alden Acosta - 12.10.2018 09:17

i'll see u guys on the skra us hardcore server! thanks eroktic :D

Sonny C
Sonny C - 12.10.2018 06:02

i got all the materials for the animal skin jacket and its yellow but it wont let me craft it for some reason...i get really into this game i like it alot but the lagfest that happens everytime you're near a village is annoying so i just logoff. and the last 2 days straight we've had hackers on our server killing everybody time after time after time and so on so i think im gonna take a break until they can find a way to deal with that crap i get fully geared up then a hacker comes in and kills everyone and you lose everything

downer - 12.10.2018 00:18

always top quality...master of the skrapocalypse

Voiceover Bob
Voiceover Bob - 11.10.2018 16:43

that sweater is 10/10
