The Prophet Muhammad in the Bible with Dr. Ali Ataie

The Prophet Muhammad in the Bible with Dr. Ali Ataie

Blogging Theology

2 года назад

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@alexkerimli777 - 26.11.2023 06:53

Genesis 21:14-15 and 21 totally obliterate any claim by Muhammad that Abraham built the Kaaba, that Ishmael lived and died in Mecca, and that Ishmael married an Arab woman.

@BharathaBhoomi-ww5lp - 25.11.2023 17:07

To know the truth, Muslims should find answers to the following questions and try to understand what the secular scholars and
researchers have to say about it:
1. How many centuries after the death of Prophet Mohammed the Quran was written down and how many Qurans were in circulation before it was
standardized?...Where is the real quran now?
2. Were the contents of the Quran copied from any other ancient texts? (Christian, Jewish, Pagan local fables and myths etc.)
3. Was there one or more than one Mecca? and where is the real Mecca?
4. What is the truth behind the Zam Zam well?
5. What is the real history of kaba? and who built it?
6. Do history, archeology, and science support the claims of Islam?
7. What is satanic verses and why is it important for the understanding of Islam?
8. 'Without lies, ...... dies' - about which religion it is said and why?
9. One of the major functions of a Prophet is to prophecy. What are the prophecies by 'Prophet' Mohammed and what are the ones that were really fulfilled? And What is the real name of Prophet Mohammed and what does it mean?
10. Are Muslims really the descendants of Abraham and if not, who really are they and what history says about it?
11. Who are the members of trinity? 'Father, Son and the Holy Spirit' or 'God, Jesus, and Mary', as 'revealed' to Prophet Mohammed by Allah, recorded in the Quran, and believed by the Muslims?
12. What about Prophet Mohammed 's flying visit to the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Did he really visit the temple and what is the evidence for it?
13. Whatbis the influence of islam vs. the influence of Christianity and Judaism on the culture, science, educaton, medicine, governance, democracy, international relations, rule of law, etc.
14. Is there any difference between a Muslim with exposure to western ideas, thoughts and education and a Muslim without any exposure to the above? If there is any difference, What is the reason for the difference and what is the basis for the western thoughts, educaton etc. that makes the difference?
15. I am giving below some of the names of the founders of modern religions and I am also giving some of the negative traits of ordinary humans. You decide for yourself who is the only person, who has all these traits
1. Founders of modern religions: Gowthama Budha, Mahaveer Jain, Jesus Christ, Mohammed Nabi and Guru Nanak.
2. Negative traits: Hatred, fanaticism, religious intolerance, violence, mass murder, womanizing, pedophilia, cunningness, coveteousness, mental imbalance, dacoity, slave trading, lieing and deception.
16. What is the history of the black stone and where was it before being placed in the quoba?

Everyone has the right to believe or not to believe anything he or she wants But see to it that no one fools you/ brain wash you in the name of religion.

@ummshams8954 - 20.11.2023 18:24

Ma sha Allāh. Still refreshingly informative & enjoyable to learn from after 2 years being up! Theology hasn’t been more enthralling presented. Ma sha Allāh. May Allāh preserves both of you gentlemen, and increase you in all that is good. Allāhumma āmīn.

@janrudnik6870 - 15.11.2023 11:09

I wonder why Allah and the prophet would obviously not enjoy Rachmaninoffs second piano concerto ?

@paulbennett9574 - 12.11.2023 13:33

Here we go again! What a twisting of the truth! The traditions of Jews and Christians are rejected, and the internal integrity of the biblical text is ignored.

This is nothing less than the lslamic revision of the Bible.

@newlifeprayerchain5859 - 12.11.2023 09:42

The Resurrection of the Dead
12Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: 14And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. 15Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not. 16For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: 17And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. 18Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. 19If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

@samuelgoudsmith7308 - 11.11.2023 10:01

Bible means "Storytelling"

@michelhaineault6654 - 09.11.2023 21:24

lol this is totally free assumption deut.18 is talking about the Messiah to come who like Moses will saves is peoples from slavery ( of sins) and conduct them to a promise land ( heaven ) Muhammad is a false prophet don't bring him in the true word of God, don't corrupt scripture by intentionally manipulating mind trough pure supposition for to credit your Muhammad as being prophecy in the bible BUT IT DONT .

@neokevin3 - 04.11.2023 00:59

Mohammed is never mentioned in the Bible. Muslims,being general plagiarists, simply love replacing references to Jesus with Mohammed. They are lying.

@saadaouiyounes - 03.11.2023 17:13

Allah protect you Paul Williams 💗❤

@neokevin3 - 02.11.2023 09:23

Jesus denied that he was the Father. He did not deny that he was the Son of God. Jesus made it clear that he, being the Son, was one with God.

@neokevin3 - 02.11.2023 09:05

Speaking of people twisting the meaning of the scriptures, these two guys are prime examples. They spew absolute nonsense.

@pratapdoddigarla3363 - 29.10.2023 08:12

You are Big fool and mental man

@DerpySloth - 22.10.2023 17:05

dr ali never misses one of the best

@user-xx4op5kf3o - 22.10.2023 09:26

Its hillarious how eager the Muslims are in pressing the fact Muhammad is prophesied in the bible. For such a man, we just don't understand for what purpose? I can only think of that particular verse in the bible ' Beware of false prophets who come in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves' Such a man can only stink the Word of God to Kingdom come. We suggest Muslims keep him in the quran ...😂😂😂

@yousifalyagota9727 - 13.10.2023 08:36

There is nothing in the whole bible that name . U explain it the way u like it . U lie at your followers as all like you did

@mattpalaque8628 - 11.10.2023 00:24

SubhanAllah Wal hamdulillah Wa la ilaha illallahu Wallahu Akhbar...!!!
You all, our brothers sisters, who do dawah voluntarily on the streets and everywhere on earth, with sincerity, your own efforts and willingness, are the best among the Ummah. We love you all. We therefore seek mercy and help from Allah SWT to grant our brothers and sisters with the strength, courage, bravery and good health, to bring the messages of our Rasulullah Mohammed PBUH to all mankind and grant you all, our brothers and sisters, with a place in Jannah. Aamiin Yarobbil Aalamiin 🕌 🌙 🤲🤲🤲 💖 🌹

@bernarddaniels2274 - 09.10.2023 19:34

Quote ting Scripture out of context and to think you are a Dr of theology. Leading millions down a path of destruction like your prophet Mohammad. Grace and peace to you in Jesus name.

@diegotomasarene-morley7249 - 07.10.2023 21:01

Reducing all Christianity to the Christology of one gospel seems like a stretch

@epoel634 - 26.09.2023 08:06

Thank you Allah for sending us the holy prophet and thank you also for letting us hear from prof Ali Ataie and Paul as well

@kumekiage_777 - 24.09.2023 09:52


@unkown2096 - 20.09.2023 14:47

Thank you both..... you have revealed to the heavens about and the earth below how false ISLAM is and also that Muhammed is a false prophet... thank you in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ.

@Nbovfm11 - 12.09.2023 14:12

Interesting how he recognized the usage of Aramaic bar in the Hebrew.
But doesn’t see the the usage of “ur” which was a city, in the Jewish tradition. They translated “ur” as “fire”.
The miss interpretation of the word “ur” resulted in a story in which Abraham was saved by god from a fire furnace.
This story is in the Quran.
So is the story of Abraham in genesis? No it’s not. Is the story of Abraham in the jewish tradition? Yes, by interpreting the word Ur not as the well known city but as Fire.

He doesn’t see that, he only sees the things he wants to see.

@lesliejamesmcauley-dj8sg - 05.09.2023 07:13

Blessings: Jesus(pbuh) in John 10:16- who are the other Sheep? 1.Children of Noah(Noahides), 2.Children(Great Nation) of Ishmael, 3.Children(Gentiles)of Nicea or 4.Children(Gentiles) of Paul((Paulinism)?

@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 - 05.09.2023 00:30

Quran 7.157

Quran 46.10 - some say its Moses, really? How about Abdullah ebn Salam.

Psalms 2.12 want to switch the word bar which means pure in hebrew but son in Aramaic... so they switch to Aramaic mid verse.

Psalms 110. Lord says to his lord...
One is in Full Cap on nrsv... one is God another is of a man, different words in hebrew.
Quran dsys they switch their lisan or tongue so they csn switch their translation but it's not and thry say it's from God, they Iie knowingly...

Quran 2.79 - speaks of they rewrote the text.
Says towra, josh and jeremiah history exposes this.

Quran 5.15 our Messenger clarifies whst you conceal.
Quran 4.46 jews switch words of places... ( swith genesis 21 and 22)

22. 00 -

Mormon admit Jesus is another God, trinity is beiled shirk.
Maimonides says don't enter a church.
Mark 10.18 Jesus denies being God, and says shemmai in mark 12.29.

Speaks of Surah iklas and intertext.

If paulines say their faith is based on towra why did rabins try to rajm Jesus, its a contradiction.
Either Jesus follows towra or doesn't...
Paulines should say we teach a new religion.
Deut 13 says rajm those callers to shirk.


Marcian admits xtn Jesus and tanakh is irreconcilable.
Ibrahim in Quran says have you considered what you worship?
He says Razi says this means they did taqlid.

False prophets work miracles too.

Most ppl say deuteronomy was not by Moses but by a school.
Says julias well house document hypothesis should be looked up...

Richard elliot freedman book who wrote bible.


Everyone knows Quran goes back to Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him.
Deut 34 has Musas passes before crossing Jordan river.

Consensus is Jesus never saw the 4 gospel writers.
Deut is psuedopigraphy
Deut 34 says even today we don't know Musa is buried...
Baruch spinoza says pentatuch isn't by Moses.

Jew systematic, like maimonides 13 principles is in 12 th century ce, 2 in response to Islam.

50.00 -

Deut 18.18 has 3 contexts, when revealed, when written and canon.

Says deut 12 to 18 is in 8th century bc and later the beginning and end came.
Yahwist were anthropomorphic.
E source wanted to emphasize transcendence.

Northern prophets.

Elija, do you call ball and not Allah best of Creator (what ayat?)

Assyrians conquered north lzreal... persom of towra went south judah kingdom...

Josiah finds deuteronomy...
ii kings 23 spoke of changes.

Deuteronomy rewrites laws.
Luke rejected much of mark and mathew...
Luke didn't expect to be next to them.

D school revised e school, orthodox say there is no changes.
Remember vs keep sabbath is different.

Tmud they say both are accepted

In exodus it says where God reveals Himself sacrifice can take place exodus 20.24,
In deuteronomy says sacrifice can only be in Jerusalem.

In exodus an abd must be payed after 6 years but nit in deuteronomy.

1.00 .00

In deut gurI abd is realised after 6 years and exodus says she must not be freed.

If abd wants to be an abd ear pierce in temple in deut
In exodus its in abds housr.
Levi or P school removes hebrew abds.

This is 3 schools.

1st 2nd chroniclers restated kings and samuels.
Bethsheba and uriah story of David not there.

Orthodox say unless all our contradictions are affirmed Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him is not a Prophet.

Nathaniel said he is for joyim only.

Magribi revert said, templehood preisthood Iaws couldn't apply.
380 says ark must be on shoulders.
Chabad says half mitzva are gone.

Jews say messiah will restore all Iaws.

So towra is not last book.
Orthodox believer in rolling of soyl or reincarnation for kids so they can choose good or bad... some say even adults so they can do of practice if different laws to go to jannah.

Quran 7.157 says Quran frees them.

Deut 4 says don't add ir delete the law...
They say Prophets Jesus changed Iaw so rejected but they did same.

Deut follows Assyrian code.
Code of hammarabi says similar.
Deuteronomy means 2nd Iaw.
Jeremiah uses d school positions.
Jeremiah 8.8.
Word shekir can mean vane but in many places it means Iies, including false Prophets.

1. 12.00 -

Is this deut correcting covenant code in exodus...
He will punish yuhhood, in v. 19.

Ebn ezra put deut last of the 5, to intro josh to ii kings written by 1 person called the d historian who thinks josh is Prophet like Mosa.

Author of Jeremiah ssid the Lord said unto me i will put my words in your mouth.

Yahya machova agrees with d historian.
Michael froback says deut 18 can be for many but its singular.


Pauline is forced to think josh was inspired ...
Peter says Jesus is Prophet like new Moses, mathew did to and made his gospel 5 parts.
Paul is forced to contradict Jeremiah and himself that bible doesn't contradict.

Bahyah says prophecy is only for jew tribe.
Tanakh and tmuf has non tribe Prophet.

Abraham, Loot and ishaq are not jews.
Genesis 16.12 written by yahwist... about Ismail ... says he dwells amongst his brethren.

Deut 18.16 - Hearing voice of Lord is to hard.
This is why prophet like Moses was sent.
Acc. To paulines who say its Jesus who is god, the Prophet like Moses is separate from God.


Muslims take shahadah in every state.
He vindicates Jesus, James, Ismail, Jacob etc.

D school changed laws just like they claim Islam did.

Quran 46.12 - on past book of Moses is true and this Quran. ..
Quran 7.145 - we wrote for Moses tablets, so hold fast to best of them.
Says hold on to general or appodictic Iaw.
Or casulistic Iaw changes.

Says appodictic laws Ataie says is in Quran.
Maybe has some of it's own universal laws.

Quran 26. 196 - is it not a sign scholars of lzreal knew him as true.

This surah is Mecca who learned yuhhood reverts before his hijrah.

Pauline say deut 18.20 can apply to Nabi Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him.

1.40.00 -

Paulines say it must be true due to embarrassment...

Ataie says carl Ernst rejects it.

Sadly some Muslims Iied on hadiths like kitabis Iie on their own book.

Quran 22.52 came in Medina while Surah Najm was revealed in Mecca.

There is hadith of sujud regarding surah najm in bukhari... but no mention of gharaniq...

Mentions ahl bida shabir ally.

P65 and 79 says in luke Jesus didn't sweat blud.
Luke is a calm philosophy pic of Jesus says don't weep for me he says to the gurIs...
Luke's gospel added that verse to refute marcians who said Jesus has no body.
Zero Qiraat on gharaniq verses. And its opposite of Quran. So this story never took place.

Surah 53 says Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him doesn't speak of his desires but gets revelation from the one mighty as in angel Jibril.

Paul williams says christine hayes has book of changes in bible.

@shawnglowka9627 - 03.09.2023 15:59

He isn't in the BIBLE your imbarrasing yourself it's been debunked long ago proven he isn't in the BIBLE stop with the propaganda

@TheAzimthedream - 02.09.2023 02:59

Why are there so many ads, I feel like they deliberately do this, Dr Ali Ataie is truly a gift

@gregonwum8813 - 29.08.2023 17:15

Dr. Ali Muhammad was not in the bible and never mentioned in it.

@abderrahmanulfat8928 - 21.08.2023 21:33

May Allah (swt) reward both of you in this world and in the hereafter for an excellent educational session. I enjoyed every moment of it and learned a great deal. Dr. Ali Ataie is a gift from Allah (swt) to acquaint the English speakers with the message of Islam at a time that many forces try to distort Islam.

@hhakawati - 19.08.2023 07:11

The Quran says “ bring your proof if you’re truthful “. Dr Ali is bringing all the proofs needed for Jews and Christians from their own books but will they believe. Allah guides those with a sound heart.

@robertpundsack1363 - 18.08.2023 22:15

Show me in God's truth the Bible. We're any Muslim prophet is. Because this is a lie. We are two different beliefs. We do not worship the same God.

@yassineboutout5515 - 12.08.2023 16:38

@snakejuce - 03.08.2023 14:02

Another one that has to be watched multiple times lol

@freenox1797 - 01.08.2023 06:09

جزاك الله خيرا

@mfsharuji - 07.07.2023 10:16

I am extremely impressed with Dr Ali.

Thank you Paul for your great works.

@RomeoSuvar - 07.07.2023 03:19

Its like sitting in a class of a divinity university. No... even better. Mr. Ataie is far more knowledgeable than most proffessor I've listened

@carefullychristian8657 - 04.07.2023 21:08

Dr.ataie has been refuted in all his stuff that mohamed is in bible.
The bible is corrupt but when.he wants to find mohamed its so clear and not corrupt.
Listen to other scholars on
Mohamed in
1.deutronomy 18 v18
2.deutr 33 v1 to 3
3.isaiah 29 v 11 to 12
4 isaiah 42
5.daniel 7
6.habakuk 3 v 1 to 3
7.john 14 to 16 as the spirit of truth,paraclete as holy spirit
Listen to others before ataie is a star
Research and see

@muhammadsharif7990 - 28.06.2023 07:53

Wonderful lecture! Very informative! Thank you brother!

@user-nh8ev5te5x - 27.06.2023 04:48

I thank you both, Mr. Paul and Dr. Ali, for this beautiful topic, and it opened my eyes to things that I did not realize before. Religious debates are difficult for a non-professional.

@unhingedconnoisseur164 - 24.06.2023 19:56

Recently I had a UCAS examination on Christianity (the grade for the paper contributes to predicted grades, which universities will see)

and as I looked at the questions, I could barely remember anything from class
BUT I still managed to provide answers for all of the questions to a degree that I felt really really good with, mostly because of knowledge from Ali Ataie
and BT in general

@MohammadAliKhalil - 16.06.2023 22:55

Christian pagans are indoctrinated to the max

@farabifarab3256 - 15.06.2023 04:22

Too much ads...
