Rails 7 API Token Based Authentication - Using devise-token-auth gem

Rails 7 API Token Based Authentication - Using devise-token-auth gem


1 год назад

6,813 Просмотров

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Roberto Furtado
Roberto Furtado - 14.04.2023 05:12

It seems that gem generates update in token user's table on each request. It doesnt cause performance issues on a heavy workload app?

Irene Rocabo Muyalde
Irene Rocabo Muyalde - 01.01.2023 17:21

hi I'm ruby villarubia that's my API work...and I did not receive token eversince.i have Google account but always remove my hacker

Andrei Erdoss
Andrei Erdoss - 31.12.2022 00:09

@MustaCode thank your for this video. It clarified some things for me. One thing that is not clear, what should an client do if a token is expired?

El Bozo
El Bozo - 29.12.2022 06:12

just use fucking OAuth2 + an IAM. implementing your own authentication system is the computer science equivalent of trying to build your own house

Asadbek Senior Developer
Asadbek Senior Developer - 02.11.2022 09:14

the video api will be displayed
everything is clear
good luck brother

FC - 04.10.2022 20:46

I keep having cors issues from postman even after I used 'rack-cors'. did you generate the project with --api flag or did something else other than configuring initializers/cors.rb ?

FC - 04.10.2022 02:10

should one send all those headers even if making a request from the browser? is there any way to reduce all those fields that you have added to the request headers? I thought you just need for example the bearer header in order to authenticate yourself. I'd basically like to save the generated token at database level and retrieve it manually, so it would be much easier to do that with a single field instead of so many.

FC - 04.10.2022 01:24

did you have to run any devise commands before using devise_auth_token? basically, for this tutorial, did you start from an already-built project of from a simple blank rails project?

MANISH KUMAR PATIDAR - 28.09.2022 12:53

sir can you please make a video on creating user management (sign_in,Sign_out,Forgot_password) using device_token_auth and API's

fabiantorresm - 21.09.2022 07:33

It's a great video, it helped me from start to finish. I am building an api in Rails 7 and this video helped me a lot, Thanks. What do you recommend to make use of RESET_PASSWORD of Device-Token-Auth I have followed this documentation for mobile but it does not work, when I send the URL from the client it generates Error, have you had experience using RESET_PASSWORD?

Khondaker Tanvir Mahmud
Khondaker Tanvir Mahmud - 19.09.2022 20:47

Please build a fullstack app using rails. Thanks for this video.

Emile GBENONCHI - 14.09.2022 20:45

Thank you for the tuto

how to do if I want users to log with email or username?

And Devise invitable option??

Muhammad Tayyab
Muhammad Tayyab - 28.08.2022 00:54

Extremely Helpful! Thankyou so much! Love! <3

isaka william
isaka william - 27.08.2022 16:48

My colleague asked me how he can interact with the token with REACT, If possible please make a tutorial of that with a front end FW

Edcel Jake Aquino
Edcel Jake Aquino - 27.08.2022 07:10

Thanks man for this tutorial! Really helped me in our project! Pls continue making more tutorials!

SHIVATHMAJ SHENOY - 22.08.2022 15:19

I would love to partner up with u to produce more videos . I'm a learner and really want you to continue making this . Please make more such videos your api ror explaining is really good it helped me a lot to get clarity I'm learning ror

kavya sudhakar
kavya sudhakar - 22.08.2022 06:42

This video really helped a lot ..pls do more videos on rails api .. and at last changing the header in devise token rb to false gives the same error need to be login ..can pls help with that

Okyanus Özşahin
Okyanus Özşahin - 18.08.2022 22:25

You deserve more than 5 subscribers, thanks man!

isaka william
isaka william - 15.08.2022 18:28

although i encountered an error at a ja.yml, i just commented the line with problems, that's the fix
sended_paranoid: ""すでにメールアドレスがデータベースに登録されている場合、 数分後にパスワード再発行用のリンクを記載したメールをお送りします。" is the name of he line i commented

isaka william
isaka william - 15.08.2022 15:53

thanks man, very helpful
