Fleet Tech and Research Academy | Azur lane beginner's guide

Fleet Tech and Research Academy | Azur lane beginner's guide

Admiral Neldrin

3 года назад

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Kaizer Phoenix
Kaizer Phoenix - 03.10.2022 12:37

Hello and wellcum

Nom - 08.08.2022 12:19

The fact this dude seriously said "Do the H - research projects" is particularly disgusting. That shit should ALWAYS be bottom priority in ALL cases. Who the fuck wants to use their cubes for a CHANCE at 1 blueprint? Since most new players are going to be free 2 play, I can only assume you added that part maliciously to ruin the experience of new players that dont know the importance of cubes yet.

Edit: Ok, this is definitely a troll video after finishing it, I cant believe you consider OIL at a higher value than CUBES... you should really rename this video to "Azur lane beginner's guide (FOR WHALES)".

Iron Legion
Iron Legion - 01.08.2022 16:29

so how do u get PR2 do u need PR1 first?

Sam Fae
Sam Fae - 15.02.2022 00:46

What I'm wondering though is the following and I hope you can answer:

I'm accumulating 700 Tech points to unlock Agir, do my tech points get spent after I finish developing her? Or would I still keep them? Because if I can keep them I pretty much have the means to do the rest of the Iron Blood PR ships after I finish Agir

Darth Nihilus
Darth Nihilus - 13.10.2021 07:25

I'm still waiting for the Northern Parliament Ships to be available

Lim Gwin Yeaw
Lim Gwin Yeaw - 07.09.2021 18:01

What if I have extra blueprints? The reason is because I have no idea that how it works for research focus and now I have extra neptune blueprints

時txkisvki - 04.07.2021 23:01

whats the 2 background songs you used? they were pretty catchy

RP S - 02.06.2021 17:20

PR4 Candidates so far



Dmitri Donskoi


Albemarle (Her gun is in game)
Jutland (and so is hers)

Marco Polo
Paolo Emilio


Pablo Benítez
Pablo Benítez - 02.06.2021 09:54

what is soul forming?, I can't find anything about it even in the wiki

Cade007XY - 31.05.2021 06:06

I'm waiting for a priority carriers.
But I'm short on cubes, as back to back reruns and new events are taking them all. As a result im unable to get UR ships.
Still struggling with fleet tech.

Shinji Pascal
Shinji Pascal - 25.05.2021 06:07

thanks keep it up

PhillyCh3zSt3ak - 28.04.2021 03:51

Take some advice from a long-time player who has all but the w13 ships:
Don't burn yourself out. Take it easy and focus on one PR at a time. Yes, there is the "waifu < meta" discussion a lot, but each ship has their niche use. There are a lot of videos out there and I hope that Neldrin will make a video for those of you debating which ship to sort of focus on in each PR season if you're going pure meta. But I say go with whoever you like the most. All of the PR ships are excellent even at Dev 20 and up. You like Champaigne and you got the tech? Go for it. You like the USS anti-air meta and like Seattle? Go for her. Like a possessive big tiddy German? Go for Roon.
As for PR4, that's a bit of a difficult one to estimate. The one requirement is that they have to be "paper ships" and never built. This means Iowa and Alaska (seriously, I want my mini-Iowa) are out. The second is that every ship is a Tier VIII-IX WoWs ship. Since WoWs hasn't had any big reveals yet for our established factions, I think we need to have a Russian and Italian PR ship; the Russians have a lot of ships that never made it out, and the Italians they'd probably need to go to Tier X. The only USS carrier that I can see coming could maybe be Midway, and that's only because she missed the war by like a week. Anyone else is pretty much up in the air. But I would expect a T8-9 ship to be used. If they run out of material, then we may see a T10 ship for the first time in AL.

Hakarasan - 18.04.2021 13:44

I understand this is a beginner's guide and resources, their management is very difficult when starting but I will mention few things regarding researches:
Basic researches (C ones): Unless you are very low on gold and cannot spend a dime on them I would be highly against doing them, I would consider them one of if not the worst researches in the game mainly because of how terrible the drop rates are and how time-consuming they are (but then again they are free so I guess that's to be expected).
Cube researches (H ones): Most players don't do them unless they have a very good amount of cubes saved up, the medium and large cube researches are horrible, however, the 1 hour one could be considered as one of the best researches in the game, it takes only 1 hour to do but the potential drops it can give you can exceed 8-hour research.
Cognition (Specific ship ones): If you have the money - you see them, you do them. They have good rates and overall are very worth to do no matter what ship you want to focus on.
The daily refresh: Try not to waste it unless there is not a single good research to do, or try to save it before going to sleep, I personally use it in hopes of getting an 8-hour research or so to make it time-efficient.

LightDragon Tutorials
LightDragon Tutorials - 17.04.2021 00:53

nice,i expected this video, thank you so much. mhhh pr4? i'm not ready for this now,but i hope the sister yamato and musashi.

D Day 44
D Day 44 - 13.04.2021 04:52

Really enjoy your content. Even on things I think know I can always find a tip or 2 I had no idea about. Keep doing what your doing.

Reidesuyo - 13.04.2021 04:01

bruh you literally have all my problems answered, ty

st schnorr
st schnorr - 12.04.2021 23:20

I just want seattle she looks cool as hell😔😔😔

Ant-2-one - 12.04.2021 23:06

What if you levels up a chips that is not from the 4 major faction (USS/HMS/KMS/IJN), does the stat bost and tech points still applies to the fleet or it does nothing ?

Kami - 12.04.2021 22:45

I'm hoping that PR4 will give us Grosser Kurfürst

Arthur Olmos
Arthur Olmos - 12.04.2021 21:37

I'm expecting USS Montana for PR4, it's about time for it to happen.

Gab Jornacion
Gab Jornacion - 12.04.2021 21:32

As someone who started exactly 8 days ago..this is a big help! Got very intimidated by the mechanics of the game haha
