A villain but make them the main character  (part 1) // playlist

A villain but make them the main character (part 1) // playlist


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asher - 02.10.2023 19:56

Heh, this really make me bricked up... so evil.

ArloSamples - 02.10.2023 04:38

"I am looking at things at a much higher perspective than you. I observe this world, this universe, the truth of all things. and I have realized humans must be destroyed. Out of all which the gods have made, mortals are their sole failure. In order to make this world, this universe into a beautiful utopia, I must remove humanity, in place of the gods who refuse to admit their mistakes."- Goku Black

MittelEgo - 01.10.2023 01:20

I remember listening to this during online class 2 years ago and feeling powerful 💀💀

Book Dragon
Book Dragon - 30.09.2023 17:46

Ngl. This is the best "Villain/Feel powerful" playlist I ever found on the internet. So thank you for choosing this songs, and put hard work in this playlist <3

girlkisser69 - 25.09.2023 19:58

i just took the fattest shit imaginable

Jegobo - 25.09.2023 10:31


Turtle Animations
Turtle Animations - 25.09.2023 02:35

dang i want to read all these comment stories, like, the book version.

Frieda Wollner
Frieda Wollner - 23.09.2023 21:35

Ok …..

funny supernova
funny supernova - 19.09.2023 22:40

perfect for making a sandwich at 3:00 am without getting scared by the shadow creatures in that disappear when you turn on the lights

Scrunkle - 19.09.2023 03:29

om nom nom <3

Junebug - 17.09.2023 06:54

"Savior, conqueror, hero, villain, you are all of these things in your entirety, slipping betwixt the constructs that are sacred to others, but I know you. Your actions are just chaos mistaken for complexity, but I've finally caught you. Your luck has run dry. Face me hero, and remember that you forced my hand. Die."

Ivan Larsen
Ivan Larsen - 16.09.2023 22:32

KIlling humans is illigeal. therefore i shall experiment on animals. "For now" (just a joke)

AnOtterWithADarkSide - 15.09.2023 20:39

"I'm the bad guy. So what? If I was the hero, then I'll never have any fun."

- One of my villain ocs, probably

Speed up Saturday 💜💙
Speed up Saturday 💜💙 - 14.09.2023 04:06

I love that this playlist felt like a villain themed vent playlist 🥰

Several Fandoms
Several Fandoms - 12.09.2023 02:41

“We are all the same but society saw my faults first.”

Dino_Nugget5734 - 12.09.2023 00:03

Is it bad that half of these songs I loved in middle school

현서 안
현서 안 - 09.09.2023 11:03

I've lost count of the times I listened through. Amazing work!

-TheSsSoupyBoi- - 06.09.2023 06:22

I was a victim. And now? Heheh, now I’m a villain. Funny how society works, isn’t it? And yet you still wonder why I strive to destroy it. How curious >:)

Gumdrop - 01.09.2023 21:16

“Y’know, sometimes, rage and anger fill your head. Sometimes, they get so bad that it’s all you can think about. Worst case scenario? you become them.
-Jack Olantern (a villain from my book)

aether - 28.08.2023 20:35

this makes me feel.... so powerful.... im sigma male..... 👿👿😈😈 im so sick... of teh suffering..... its time to let me inner demon out..... muahhahaahaha

Shurinha Malhada
Shurinha Malhada - 27.08.2023 17:01

essa musica é muito boa

Ryu_Deagon - 27.08.2023 06:58

“Its not their fault, they didn’t know how to parent and only had one chance. They didn’t make me into who I am. However, their actions and words spoke louder than the child’s selfless nature, and those same actions hid the good and brought the worst in me.

“You would think that with my backstory I would become a person who fought against abuse, which I am, just not in a way that society finds morally correct. Look around, Hero; do you see people who think like you? People who think killing me is the only option to save others? No, no you don’t.

“You want to know why, since your tiny little head is too unexercised to understand true reality? Of course I’ll explain, I may be a villain in law, but I’m not fully cruel, unlike you creatures.

“If I die, it wont change anything that is happening right now, the only thing that will stop are my killings. Actually, I lie, there are more things that will change, but not in your favor.

“I became almost a savior for people who suffered like me, and who just don’t have blood on their hands because they know I will not stop my quest until I am long gone.

“So I want you to take of your stupid rose tinted glasses, metaphorically and literally, and tell me: what do you think will happen, when all those people that depend on me to not murder others, find themselves without their comfort villain.

“You realize it now, right? If i quit my quote on quote ‘job’, the world will fall into ruins. Well, not the world, but a good part of most countries. So you only have one option left if you don’t wish for mass destruction and deaths to occur. And you don’t like it, do you? You don’t want someone escaping the law so others stay innocent.

“Well let me tell you this, now that you finally are seeing clearly. You can’t save the whole world. When you save one, ten others are forgotten, and that’s just how the world works.

“Of course that happens with me as well, but the difference between us is our different sides in the laws created by others, and how much of reality we wish to ignore.

“Guess how much difference that makes, why don’t you? While you question your whole calling, I’m going to leave and go towards my next target, and you are going to let me, because you have no other choice but to accept it.”

I think i just wrote a whole villain monologue HOW DID THIS HAPPEN-

X:[ . S p a c e . ]:X
X:[ . S p a c e . ]:X - 26.08.2023 15:44

gosh someone stole your video

PotatoSoupGirl - 26.08.2023 01:58

“You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain”
-Harvey Dent

Justine Barbarin
Justine Barbarin - 25.08.2023 22:40

-Your hero will not save you, sweetheart, stop being naive and join me.

-You’re a liar ! He loves me ! He’ll do anything to save me from you !

-Oh really ? And where is he now ? Do you know it ?


- Your dear hero is rescuing the President ! Don’t you understand ? He put the life of a corrupted, hypocritical politican before yours.

-… Really ?

-I may be crazy, but I’m not a liar.

-I… I thought he was good…

-Only for those who can assure him a pleasant, wealthy lifestyle. So… do you want to go back with him and be his little maid-wife in his 5-star mansion once he’ll save the world ? Or do you want to watch all of this scum burn and restart from the beginning with someone who’s ready to die for you ?

Rodimus Prime
Rodimus Prime - 25.08.2023 15:51

Die Hero or See you self as the villian

crazy - 22.08.2023 09:43

Jesus loves you I pray that you accept Jesus into your life and accept Jesus as your lord and savior God bless you 😁

Ginga - 21.08.2023 18:30

“In a world of locked rooms, the man with the key is king. And honey, you should see me in a crown.”- Jim Moriarty…The Napoleon of Crime

Fatima Ramiz
Fatima Ramiz - 21.08.2023 13:53

“You must regret not throwing me under the cars, you had so many chances, every single day” “What are you talking about?” She spat “But of course, I’d pull you in too” I said, remembering that joke. “What?” “Don’t you remember me? Your memory has really gotten dull. Let me jog it up a bit,” I said as I opened my mask and showed my full face to her.
She gasped, of course, just as I predicted. I’m surprised it even took her this long. Back then, she would have recognized me just by my eyes. But I have changed, I’m not that person anymore, the clumsy, stupid person. No, now everyone fears me, and I've become stronger than ever. “You? How ? We thought-""Yes, yes, you all thought i was dead, tragically murdered, or whatever. But, as you can see,” I said, watching her eyes travel down the scar marring my face, “ I am as alive as ever. Well, I was quite enjoying your curses back there. Please, do continue” “I-” “You were saying something about monsters and cowards right? Go on,” I said, a cruel smile etched on my face. But she stayed silent and stared. And stared. I preferred the hatred, but now there was another feeling in her eyes, that I’ve never wanted. “Don’t you dare do that. Hate me, call me names, but don’t pity me. I’ve chosen this, myself. Don’t wait for explanations, or a dire story of how i was forced, because I wasn’t” “Last time I checked, you hated this place, these people, you wanted to get out. What changed? What lies did they feed you?” “None. I just saw truth, and I chose my side. And if I remember correctly, you were never keen on choosing the losing side either” “I chose the good side, the right side, and we are definitely not loosing” “ Don’t give me that bullshit about good and bad, right and wrong. Your people are dying, starving, they are severely weak in every possible way. Not to mention, outnumbered. Their end isn’t far away” “Stop saying that! They aren’t just mine, they are yours too! You lived with them, laughed with them, we dreamt of the same future! Why are you forgetting all these?”, she screamed. “ That is the past. The present is far more bitter, and I can not afford to hold onto false hope and daydreams. I intend to rise higher than ever.” “ ANd you think you can do that in this…cult? Don’t you remember what they did to you? To us?” The memories tried to rise up inside me, consume me, tear me apart, but I pushed them back and said “ I have never forgotten. They made me into who I am, and I do not regret it” “But you could have gotten so much more. You would be with people whom you could actually trust and love, and-” “ As pleasant as this conversation was, I really do not have time for idle chit chat about childish matters. I have more important things to take care of,” I said as I turned away from her and strode towards the door. “What, you’ll just leave me here?” She said, voice full of disbelief. “ Oh yes, thank you for reminding me. Guard! Take her to a cell, and open her bindings,” I said to one of the guards standing outside the door. “And for once in your life, my friend, don’t try something stupid, like trying to escape. You did it once, but this time nobody’s here to help you. So try not to get yourself killed this soon, will you? I do have great plans for you.” This time she didn’t yell or struggle, but there was a determined look in her eyes as she was led away by the guard. I knew that as soon as they put her in the cell, she will start planning to escape. Because she still believes it will be exactly like the last time. If she does, then she is in for a rude awakening.

josh meinen
josh meinen - 20.08.2023 21:29

I feel the full Alfa inside of me surging from within. (put me in one of those slide shows)

♡jellyfish subliminals♡
♡jellyfish subliminals♡ - 20.08.2023 00:37

yall r so corny in this comment section im dyingg 😭😭

JPike - 19.08.2023 04:38

I may or may not have bloody knuckles listening to this 😅

メラニ・アルセ - 19.08.2023 02:59

Wow hasta esta ulike pluto y bryce fox es como si hubieramos tenido la misma vida o hubieran agarrado mi historial del 2016

CloudyDayz - 19.08.2023 00:09

I made a little POV for the ones who love their fake scenarios<3

(Modern Supernatural AU (Think My Hero Academia.))

Your life had become a mess at fifteen, your parents cast you out to save money, you had been starving for weeks until it finally set in that you had to steal to survive, and so, you did. Fast forward Six years, your name has become feared among society, people call you a devil, a witch, but the most important title stuck out to you... They call you . That seemed like a fitting title. After making new allies, new enemies, friends that had been lost to those damned heroes... Here you are, in front of the strongest hero, they were bleeding in front of you. The both of you had a battle to the death, to prove who was stronger between you two, and so, you prevailed in the end with minor injuries. - "Damn you...Don't you dare take me away from my life of comfort with my friends and family..." They spoke in a pained voice, their death was inevitable, but you didn't falter, your eyes had an almost malicious glint to them, almost telling a story...

"Maybe you shouldn't have taken my life away..." And so, you dealt the finishing blow, everyone watching stared in disbelief, their strongest hero had fallen to the hands of you, the now most dangerous villain, the one most sought after, the one with millions of dollars over your head, wanted dead or alive... And that was how the story of the greatest villain in history was created...

- To be continued? -

Hiya there! Hope you enjoyed reading!! My Wattpad is SimplifiedRye if anyone was interested! I'd be glad to post a story like this on there! Have a great day/night! I hope to see you around!

X:[ . S p a c e . ]:X
X:[ . S p a c e . ]:X - 17.08.2023 21:48

One person can cause a whole rockslide. A story about a villainous mute main character, their brother, a cat, and a quest for power. each part has 5841 characters (unless the word is long)
You wake up at dawn. No one else in your village is awake, yet a torch gets lit on the horizon. You jump up from your bed and run out the door. You grab the torch. This is your chance, show the world, not everyone. is. good. You blow it out. The magic from its flame drifts into your palm, then surges through your whole body. You run away, smiling as others wake. You know that there's magic in the forest, no one has touched it yet, so you will be the first. Whispers guide you to your destiny, your infamous fate. You flick your wrist, and a small flame appears above your hand. A squirrel climbs up a tree. You snap your fingers, and the tree breaks down behind you. One piece of magic, and already you feel powerful. Like you could end the world. Right now. But that would be overexaggerating. You stop. Someone's behind you. You turn. It's your annoying brother. You narrow your eyes, and he shrugs. '` Don't know why you just chopped down a poor squirrel's tree. All I know is that you're freaking me out. it doesn't seem like it bu-'` You put your hand across his face to shut him up. '`I hear something.'` he mouths, and you look at him like, exactly. You look around, then see a cat. It climbs up your leg, and onto your shoulder. '`Can we go now.'` your brother says as you lift your hand to pet the cat. You put your finger to your lips and turn. The whispers all around you start getting louder and louder as you continue down the small path. The cat meows. Your brother breaths heavily. You squint. You feel the whispers smile. Your brother gasps. You look at him, and he points ahead. There's nothing there. But as you look closer, you see a spark of blue. You smirk. Second piece to your victory. As you walk towards the glow, the trees start to grow thicker. But if they get in the way, they won't be a problem. The fire in your hand has grown larger. The cat jumps into your hair and hisses. You look down, a snake slithers before you. You grab the snake and twist it, making it turn around and try to bite you, but it burned and died by the fire before it reached you. Finally, you reach the blue glow. But your brother stops you. He looks at you, worried. '`Really?'` he whispers. '`We've been at peace for so many years! Why end it now?'` You just stare at him in disappointment. Doesn't everyone want to rule the world? He frowns, obviously defeated. You continue on and see Life's Tree. Sound good, right? Well, they messed up the name, cause it's not for good. you think as the cat touches their nose to the tree. The tree opens like one of those boxes that you basically stretch out and it has that inside with the stuff in it or something. You gesture for your brother to come over. He tries to argue, but the words couldn't come out. '`I- W- hnghhh.'` He walks over, an angry look on his face, but also kind of confused. You grab the glowing orb inside the tree. The cat runs down to it, and swiftly balances it on their head. You turn your head, wondering what the cat was doing. As soon as you could say hi, the orb was now a crown. The cat bobbed their head up and down, showing how much it balanced. '`What does that mean?'` your brother said. Before you could do little eye sibling language, the cat said, ''I can talk! And it means I'm the queen of cats.'` You raised your eyebrows, realizing, someone royal was on your side! That could get more chance of others on your side. ''This crown is too large.'' she said, then the crown shed off the largeness. The pieces turned back to the large orb it was earlier. '' I think that's...'` she grabs the orb with her little paws. She then hops down and puts it in your pocket. ''Here?'` She pulls out the orb, or now a sword! '` Thats for you.'` She gives you the sword, and you take it. Your brother backs away. '`Cool but......Are you going to... use that for anything......heh?'` You look at him, then say, '`Of course.'` He stumbles and almost falls but a tree saves him. '` AUHDUSH- I'm sorry...'` he mutters. '`We should continue before Mother and Father come looking for us.'` you say. '` Oh trust me, they already are. If anyone goes missing, everyone in the town is searching for them! This whole world is peaceful , remember?'` '`Whatever. Cmon.'` As you start walking, your brother starts up a conversation. '` So... why are you searching for magic again?'` '`It's always been my dream to lead the world.'` '` Really?'` '`Yea. I just never told you about it.'` '` You always acted normal! How did you hide it!!'` You sigh. He's always blurted out everything he's thinking. '`Don't say everything. Thats how.'` '` Oh... wait, was that a threat for me to shut up or...'` '`You're doing it right now.'` '`Sorry! I just talk and talk and talk and never stop talking again.'` '` Thats why you need to learn how to be like me, even though, I was technically forced to be silent.'` '`Hmm.'` '`There you go!'` '`Wha-'` '` You didn't say everything you're thinking about!'` '`Really?'` '`Yep. Just keep on trying.'` '`Okay.'` You stayed silent for a little while, then the cat said '`There it is!'` '`Huh? Where?'` '`Over there!'` '`Oh yay. a cave.'` you mumble. You clap your hands, and a shriek comes out of the cave. Every animal in the cave caught on fire. One lousy bird escaped, and you questioned many things. '`Let's go!'` the cat says, then walks into the cave. You and your sibling follow. As soon as you enter, you hear a rush behind you. The entrance had closed, and your brother was behind it. '`I don't like too many humans in here.'` a voice says. '`Oh.'` '`You'll get 'em back after.'` You turn around and look at the voice. The bunny was green, and all the items to magic were a different color. Nothing else was in the room, after all. '`I'm Soien. Demigod of Art.'` '`Bunnies can be... demigods?'` '`Just like you can be the queen of cats.'` | (you are now the brother) You rolled your eyes. It's a classic, trapping the sidekick out and leaving the... whatever side your brother/sister was on inside with the killer. The bird that had flown away was just circling overhead. '`What is wrong with you?'` The bird just chirps. Of course! It's a BIRDDD. What were you thinking? You continued on with life, a bird is no one's problem. You try to listen in to the voices in the cave. '`Do you just, be like the cat, but better?'` '`Hey! I eat rabbits for breakfast, and I would be eating this one right now if it wasn't full of magic!'` '`Ok, I know, many of your dumb peasants-'` '`DONT CALL THEM PEASANTS!'` '`What about villagers?'` Y/N suggests. Before you hear anymore, someone behind you spoke. '`Oh! I'm so glad I found you, dear!'` It was your mom. '`Oh-Uh-Hey! I was just taking a walk.'` '`Really.'` your father says. '`Yea!'` '`Explain why the torch is gone. And the orb in the Life Tree.'` '`That was... Me. I uh, didn't know they weren't just a source of light... heh.'` '`You know the torch is-'` The cave explodes behind you. Y/N smiles, about to say something, but he/she sees Mother and Father. '`Y/N! We've been searching for you both for hours and... oh no you didn't.'` Mother looks at him/her in disbelief and disappointment. '`Uh oh!'` the cat says, before turning herself invisible. Suddenly, meows all around could be heard, and soon, your parents were surrounded by cats. '`Run!'` You and your sibling run down the path before the parents saw. '`Such a weird escape.'` '`I know, but I had to do something! We're all little sidekicks, or, well, helpers. And in every story- '` '`Cats can read stories?'` '` Yes. Now in every story the sidekick/helper does something, right! Thats what I did.'` '`I believe your trying to be the comic relief.'` you say, laughing a bit after. '`No. Shes trying to be the nerd in every high school drama thing.'` '`Except this isn't high school drama.'` '`Sure.'` '`Or I'm just that main cha-'` '`Nope. He/She is.'` You say, pointing to Y/N. '`Mhm. They have all the power. And every main character has some kind of version of trauma.'` '`Wasn't really trauma, just me being mute.'` '`Mhm.'` '`Am I the comic relief?'` '`No, you're like... the good person helping the bad person.'` '`Maybe I'm that and the comic relief.'` '`Soien is more like a source of power and the person everyone hates.'` '`Oh, no. Thats you.'` '` At least I'm a source of power!'` '` I forgot to say, not the source of power part.'` '`Don't argue-'` '`Chirp!'` '`Huh?'` everyone said and looked up. The stupid bird had followed them. Before you could do anything, Y/N chopped its head off with his/her sword. '`Why'd you do that?'` '`Could attract attention. Don't want more of that.'` '`No one's gonna watch a BIRD! You attract attention MORE if you kill it!'` '` You said, no one's going to watch a bird.'` '`Well. I guess so.'` '`Nom. nom. nom.'` '`What are you doing?'` '`Eating!'` '`A bird? It could have rabies.'` '` I'm the queen. I don't get rabies, and even if I could I'd know if it had rabies.'` '`If you say so.'` '`Hey, do you think we're going on the right path?'` '`This is the only path.'` You look around. '`Maybe we aren't supposed to be on the path...'` you see an eye in the woods. '`What's that?'` '`Oh it's one of those trees with the eyes on them'` '`The fake eyes, right? Aspen trees?'` '`No.'` '`Then... we're technically being watched.'` '`Yea, but trees don't move.'` '` I bet they want my bird, but I ate it all!'` Whispers started gathering all around you, each one a different pitch. Everyone else seemed to be hearing them too, cause the animals were looking around. Y/N wasn't fazed though. They stared off ahead. You put your hand on their shoulder. '`You do hear that, right?'` They turn their head.

Muzan Kibutshuji
Muzan Kibutshuji - 17.08.2023 03:49

Heroes are good but Villains are more interesting.

ImLogan_btw - 14.08.2023 20:58

You know when u fully dedicate urself to someone and they dedicate themselves to u and that goes for awhile then suddenly they get super depressed and u try ur hardest to help and be there for them and they keep pushing u away and ignoring u and u stay there for them u stay there as much as u can and then eventually they hurt u as much as they can then leave u with there memories and months of struggle and self doubt and u just feel completely lossed betrayed like how could they do this to me they loved me i love them but its over i cant believe its actually over what do u do when u feel this lost

joel - 14.08.2023 20:13

me listening while writing a story: aggressively writes an angsty story

nyx - 13.08.2023 10:40

Lmfao yall going on my slideshow fr😭😭✋

Flame Claw
Flame Claw - 13.08.2023 05:30

Gotta love unlike pluto

Alexander Kazinakovic
Alexander Kazinakovic - 13.08.2023 05:06

sode pizda

Kirby - 12.08.2023 12:39

my favorite quote about villains: you should always fall in love with a villain, not a hero, because while a hero would risk you to save the world, a villain would risk the world to save you.

Anti furry private
Anti furry private - 11.08.2023 04:19

When you go down in a glass elevator looking outwards with your arms crossed behind your back

NajaDoesStuff - 11.08.2023 03:41

"The hero will change themselves to fit society. The villain will change society to fit them."

Replica - 10.08.2023 08:07

“Good” and “bad” are merely just concepts. Ideas to be played with.

ikatako1 - 09.08.2023 23:25

A hero wouldn't be a hero if the villians didn't exist.

Idk i just thought of this-

FOXX ERRORS - 09.08.2023 13:04

I’m writing a book where the main character is the villain. They don’t know they are friends. I think I’m going to make the book about not changing for other people, and that your never truly alone.

There’s going to be extreme trauma bc why not.✨👹

And a lil more might happen between the two 😋
