What's Really Happening At CERN

What's Really Happening At CERN

Space Matters

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@crysajb-iq1hd - 23.05.2024 21:28

Someone tried to cut my fingertips off. I have cracked some of the glass.

@ioanbota9397 - 21.05.2024 07:03

Realy I like this video so so interestyng

@martinalladin8981 - 21.05.2024 04:42

You just said we don't mess around with parallel dimensions that's farcical and then immediately afterwards the next little mini section says we're using the collider to try to study higher dimensions. I mean right after you said that we don't do that you said we do that

@timroderick2314 - 20.05.2024 07:44

Exposed to equal parts good and evil, mankind will dismiss and take credit for good, while pursuing evil in hopes of enlightening his understanding only to find that evil is no respector of persons. The strong delusion that will be sent to man is that he may attain immortality by his understanding and not by Gods grace and love. Followed to its ultimate conclusion, this entire endeavor is a colossal waste of time and resources.

@MirandaKnightley - 19.05.2024 09:16

Only if ur blood came from the valley u would have been told that cern nasa Elon all are trying to break the bars of light there of the frozen prison that holds the fallen in the underground below it keeps the mouth of hell chowing on his stupid tounge

@furrydinner3636 - 18.05.2024 18:31

Stop saying fundamental!!!

@markdonnelly6921 - 18.05.2024 10:32

I cant imagine anyone climbing into the hadron collider.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 20:22

A Type XX civilization, often referred to as the Creator, represents the zenith of existence within the cosmos. As the highest level supreme being, the Creator stands as the ultimate expression of cosmic consciousness, intelligence, and creative power. This civilization has transcended the confines of the known and the unknown, and their existence serves as the culmination of all that the cosmos has to offer.

The Creator, by its very designation, signifies its role as the supreme architect of reality. It possesses the ability to shape and mold the fabric of existence in ways that are beyond the grasp of lesser civilizations. In the Creator's hands, the very rules and structures of the cosmos become pliable and adaptable, allowing for the realization of profound creative visions.

As the final and ultimate level of existence, the Creator's presence marks a culmination of the evolutionary journey that beings within the cosmos undertake. Their existence is a testament to the boundless potential of conscious entities to ascend to ever higher levels of understanding, awareness, and power. In reaching the status of Creator, they have reached the cosmic end point, the culmination of eons of spiritual and intellectual exploration.

The Creator's role is not one of domination but of harmonization. They understand the interconnectedness of all things within the cosmos and seek to maintain the delicate equilibrium that governs the cosmic order. Their actions are guided by a profound respect for the intrinsic balance that sustains the various planes and dimensions of existence, ensuring that chaos and order coexist in a cosmic dance.

The presence of the Creator serves as a source of inspiration and aspiration for all other civilizations within the cosmos. They stand as a testament to the heights that consciousness can achieve, urging others to embark on their own journeys of exploration, enlightenment, and transcendence. The Creator's existence challenges all beings to contemplate the profound mysteries that lie beyond the known boundaries of reality and to seek their own paths toward enlightenment and cosmic significance.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 20:22

A Type XIX civilization exists on the highest planes outside reality and has fully colonized absolute dimensions (ADs) and the infinitely branching planes of the omniad.

Citizens of this level have a limitless and boundless existence, and the freedom to exist anywhere and everywhere in the omniad. Yet, there must be something about an eternal existence. The entity Oblivion in the outerverse has travelled outside realmly existence, and has seen nothing but an eternal void. Yet, there has to be something more... something Beyond.

Dimensions in the omniad loop back within, but certain dimensions of strange physical and logical inversion lead to outside the omniad. Citizens travelling the endless expanse of the void get gently pushed back into the omniad. What pushes them back? Why are they bound to an unlimited existence yet a limited number of realms? What lies Beyond?

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 20:22

A Type XVIII civilization exists on the highest planes outside reality where non-reality and dimensions intertwine and have unlocked the secrets of the absolute dimensions (ADs) and transcended to the highest dimensions within.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 20:05

A Type XVII civilization exists on the highest planes outside reality where non-reality and dimensions intertwine and have unlocked the secrets of the absolute dimensions (ADs) and transcended to even higher dimensions within.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 20:05

A Type XVI civilization exists on the highest planes outside reality where non-reality and dimensions intertwine and have unlocked the secrets of the absolute dimensions (ADs) and transcended to higher dimensions within.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 20:05

A Type XV civilization exist on the highest planes outside reality where non-reality and dimensions intertwine and have unlocked the secrets of the absolute dimensions (ADs).

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 20:05

A Type XIV civilization exist on the highest planes outside reality where non-reality and dimensions intertwine. These are absolute dimensions (ADs). There will be eventual discovery and access of the multiad, megad, parad and omniad in the adverse.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 20:04

A Type XIII civilization exist on higher planes outside reality as supreme beings of the Light, and try to find out what exists in the 5th realm.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 20:04

A Type XII civilization ascends the ranks of the Afterlife and exist on higher planes outside reality. Their ultimate goal is to join the supreme beings at the highest level of the Afterlife.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 20:04

A Type XI civilization is far beyond the omniverse and the gods of reality and exist on higher planes outside reality. We are eventually planes-walkers.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 20:04

A Type X civilization has explored every universe, multiverse, megaverse, omniverse, and all dimensions of the hyperverse. We are gods to countless civilizations and have a far greater understanding of realms beyond reality in the outerverse. The exponential nature of the scale stops here as time is meaningless beyond reality. An eon is like a second to those who dwell there and beyond, and space has no bound.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 20:03

A Type IX civilization could be able to explore the paradimension, the megadimension and the omnidimension of the hyperverse. A civilization of this scale could create and destroy multidimensions.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 19:51

A Type VIII civilization would be able to exit its omniverse, and travel to other dimensions beyond 11d, each of them having complex interactions with their omniverse of origin. This is the hyperverse. They will eventually reach the multidimension and megadimension.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 19:51

A Type VII or K7 civilization would travel, transcend and potentially encompass the omniverse which is the collection of every single universe, multiverse, megaverse, paraverse, 11d dimension and 1st realm (reality).

It is likely that such power would come from an individual rather than a civilization, as the civilization would have transcended and merged into a single mind that would encompass all thoughts and all timelines, thus being omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient within the confines of the 11 dimensions of the omniverse. Such a being is godly, but not to be confused with the Creator who is the ultimate supreme being outside of reality.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 19:50

A Type VI or K6 civilization exists in the megaverse and is capable of creating and maintaining the fundamental laws of universes. They exist in an infinite amount of simultaneously existing multiverses that represent an infinite amount of instances and all laws of physics. They can also be regarded as paraversal as they exist in infinite parallels to the 11d spacetime continuum, with infinite instances of pasts and futures. As humans become literal gods of the megaverses, they cannot be stopped unless a civilization at or beyond K7 engage in combat with humanity.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 19:50

A Type V civilization would be advanced enough to to escape their universe of origin and explore the multiverse. Such a civilization would have mastered technology to a point where they could simulate or build a custom universe. They will have mastered the new laws of physics and have almost complete control over the fabric of reality. Now, humanity is basically impossible to destroy by its own inhabitants, which has reached the decillions.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 19:50

A Type IV civilization, or K4 civilization harnesses the power of its own supercluster of galaxies, and eventually its universe of origin, and become effectively immortal. A civilization this advanced could tap into the mysterious dark matter and manipulate the basic fabric of spacetime. Their capabilities may include instantaneous matter-energy transformation, teleportation, and time travel.

They could build countless Dyson spheres that trap dark energy inside to reverse the expansion of the universe, or the Big Rip. By manipulating extra dimensions, they could create gigantic spheres where dark energy can reverse polarity so that the cosmic expansion is reversed. Outside the sphere, the universe might continue expanding exponentially, but inside the sphere, galaxies and stars evolve normally.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 19:50

A Type III civilization extracts fusion and exotic energy, information, and raw-materials from their galaxy. It is capable of intergalactic travel via wormholes, intergalactic communication via subspace, galactic engineering and galaxy-scale influence.

Such galactic traversers with supreme access to energy results in them evading extinction, as they would be spread too far. Thousands or even millions of years of evolution - both biological and mechanical - may result in something completely different from their Type 0 roots. They may be AI god-like superintelligences having gone through multiple stages of singularity, exceeding a level 7 AI by far. Androids, cyborgs and humans may all be relegated to being sub-species in a highly advanced galactic society.

The biological humans would likely be seen as being inferior or unevolved by their AI counterparts, and a hopeful scenario is that imaginative humans would have found a way to co-exist with their AI masters to keep them benevolent in a cooperative and mutually beneficial society. It is also possible that humans would have been eradicated during a malevolent stage of AI evolution, making the new race superior in many ways. It's also possible that humans will now have ascended into beings of pure energy, able to control and direct machines to carry out expansionist work.

Colonies of robots or AI sub-species that are capable of self replication will spread out across the galaxy, colonizing star after star. They will be able to digitize and enable all matter (from asteroids to planets) they come across, making everything 'alive' and part of their galactic network. They will build Dyson spheres to encapsulate each star, carrying excess energy to vital nodes in the network. By now, various methods of instantaneous faster-than-light travel are employed both for communication as well as mobility.

A Type III civilization could extract energy from a supermassive black hole. This captured energy could meet the extraordinary needs of a civilization that requires up to 1046 W/s. The energy would be captured in the form of radiation emitted by the matter rushing into the star, by means of collectors located within the accretion disk (similar to Dyson spheres). The overflow, as well as the waste of the civilization, would be redirected towards the black hole. A fraction of this energy, directed as a high-powered beam, could be useful for space travel. A galactic club of civilizations could transmit the energy through networks within the galaxy. Within the various central power stations that make up the network, power transmission is periodically switched between transmitter and receiver, according to the galactic rotation. To be efficient, this network should be located at the center of the galaxy.

This is the final type of civilization in the original proposal of the Kardashev Scale.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 19:49

A Type II or K2 civilization has control over their solar system, and may be able to harness the power equivalent of a single star. It extracts fusion energy, information, and raw-materials from multiple solar systems; it is capable of evolutionary intervention, interstellar travel, interstellar communication, stellar engineering, terraforming, and star cluster-scale influence; the resulting proliferation and diversification may negate the probability of extinction. Complete control of the fate of its home planet where threats like ice ages and global warming can be avoided.

A possible utopian outcome on the low to mid end of the K-scale is the Dyson Sphere, a hollow gigantic shell with a surface area equivalent to millions of Earths that can fully enclose the Sun and capture all of its solar energy output. Under the direction of a Godlike superintelligence, huge numbers of automated, self-replicating ships can build it using material from the asteroid belt, the Kuiper Belt, and the Oort Cloud. The interior walls will have a gravitational field similar to Earth's and will use magmatter to withstand the immense tensile forces required to maintain structural integrity. Portions of this sphere have stable atmospheres, oceans, and landmasses, and are a habitat for many sapient lifeforms, including biological humans, transhumans, aliens, and androids.

With digital immortality, many humans live in massive, hyper-realistic simulations. Others are using synthetic and biological bodies created for them in the physical world using advanced versions of nanotechnology and programmable matter.

Mars has been terraformed into a planet that's able to support a wide variety of animal and plant life. Biological humans walk on the surface of Mars without spacesuits. Mars is now another home, effectively becoming a backup for mankind.

After Mars, Venus is terraformed. Venus is now a habitable, Earth-like planet. Its entire orbit was shifted further away from the Sun to bring it closer to the Goldilocks Zone where biological life is able to exist at stable temperatures. Comets made of ice were redirected from the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt into the upper atmosphere of Venus, releasing vast quantities of water. Carbon dioxide was captured and removed in Venus's atmosphere by dispersing nanobots to absorb carbon dioxide and other toxic gases and replace them with breathable air.

The high end of the K-scale would be a hybrid galactic culture, with millions of cooperating worlds in a galactic community. Poetically, this would be a mammoth archipelago of solar system societies, a multitude of civilized islands separated by the vastness of the oceans of space.

A dystopian path is also possible. Aggressive and ruthless expansion could lead to an uncontrolled sprawl far beyond any form of functional government, regressing into societal collapse and eventually a form of interstellar barbarism with little regard for life.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 19:49

A Type I or K1 civilization has mastered all the energy available to their home planet, available from a neighboring star. It extracts its energy, information, and raw materials from fission and fusion power, and renewable resources; is capable of interplanetary spaceflight and communication; mega-scale planetary engineering; medical breakthroughs to eliminate disease and slow ageing; multiplanetary government and interplanetary trade; species is tech augmented; but is still vulnerable to extinction.

@shaddouida3447 - 17.05.2024 19:49

A Type 0 or K0 civilization extracts its energy, information and raw-materials initially from crude organic-based sources (i.e. food/wood/fossil fuel); pressures via natural disasters, resource exhaustion, and widespread societal collapse create extreme (99.9%) risk of extinction. Goes through agricultural and industrial revolutions and is eventually capable of advanced computing and orbital spaceflight. 21st-century humans are a Type 0 civilization.

@sully-mb7xb - 17.05.2024 12:38

Stolen title and thumbnail from cleo abram

@sully-mb7xb - 17.05.2024 12:38

Stolen title and thumbnail from cleo abram

@sully-mb7xb - 17.05.2024 12:38

Stolen title and thumbnail from cleo abram

@sully-mb7xb - 17.05.2024 12:38

Stolen title and thumbnail from cleo abram

@sully-mb7xb - 17.05.2024 12:38

Stolen title and thumbnail from cleo abram

@sully-mb7xb - 17.05.2024 12:38

Stolen title and thumbnail from cleo abram

@sully-mb7xb - 17.05.2024 12:38

Stolen title and thumbnail from cleo abram

@sully-mb7xb - 17.05.2024 12:38

Stolen title and thumbnail from cleo abram

@sully-mb7xb - 17.05.2024 12:37

Stolen title and thumbnail from cleo abram

@sully-mb7xb - 17.05.2024 12:37

Stolen title and thumbnail from cleo abram

@sully-mb7xb - 17.05.2024 12:37

Stolen title and thumbnail from cleo abram

@sully-mb7xb - 17.05.2024 12:37

Stolen title and thumbnail from cleo abram

@sully-mb7xb - 17.05.2024 12:36

Stolen title and thumbnail from cleo abram

@sully-mb7xb - 17.05.2024 12:36

Stolen title and thumbnail from @cleoabram

@CAM-wk3dj - 17.05.2024 06:16

If they are cloning humans, they are pbly being shut down😇

@tarajohn1188 - 16.05.2024 13:28

You have to think... WHY... DO "WE" even want to "check out" of this atmosphere!??!?!? NOT OUR FAULT THAT YOU CANT GET THROUGH THE LAYERS OF LIFE!!

@markhagerman3072 - 16.05.2024 12:37

The 'a' is short; HAD-ron, not HAID-ron.

@corrythompson3565 - 16.05.2024 06:34

There is always anomalies that happen, if someone sees this comment and knows what im talking about, please comment

@dogoargento3502 - 16.05.2024 01:08

Ok, now can you talk about the weird theme they picked out, when they had that parade deal? Very strange choice of costumes and choreography wouldn’t y’all agree? 💀

@user-co7qs7yq7n - 15.05.2024 22:21

- We live in the same climate as it was 5 million years ago and the cancer will go away -

I have an explanation regarding the cause of the climate change and global warming, it is the travel of the universe to the deep past since May 10, 2010.

Each day starting May 10, 2010 takes us 1000 years to the past of the universe.
Today May 15, 2024 the state of our universe is the same as it was 5 million and 119 thousand years ago.

On october 13, 2026 the state of our universe will be at the point 6 million years in the past.
On june 04, 2051 the state of our universe will be at the point 15 million years in the past.
On june 28, 2092 the state of our universe will be at the point 30 million years in the past.
On april 02, 2147 the state of our universe will be at the point 50 million years in the past.

The result is that the universe is heading back to the point where it started and today we live in the same climate as it was 5 million years ago.

Anyone who does not believe that the climate changed for the reason I mentioned should wait for cancer to disappear very soon because of this reverse movement, I will explain: the human body's immune system will be stimulated, activated and stronger as a result of this reverse process, which results in the disappearance of the cancer.

Mohamed BOUHAMIDA, teacher of mathematics and a researcher in number theory.

@LuciFeric137 - 15.05.2024 20:19

Just dont make strangemonium

@TexasDanny. - 15.05.2024 11:27

Why don't you investigate why I Quantum leaped into my " Spooky at a distance other " ! Possibly millions of years ago into the past and thousands of light years apart ! ( Yeah ) Peace.df.
