7 Best Brand Voice Examples (Tones Of Unique Brands)

7 Best Brand Voice Examples (Tones Of Unique Brands)

Brand Master Academy

2 года назад

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Faith and Healing Journey
Faith and Healing Journey - 10.04.2022 12:21

always good videos.. so helpful in my brand strategy business ❣️🙏

J G - 17.09.2021 17:56

Love your content and what your doing. Find it so very helpful. However, I feel on this video you didn’t really give many examples but rather explained what their doing in your own words or just read their bios and statements. Would love to see their packaging content, language examples from posts and website, etc. that would better back up what you were saying. Nonetheless, good for thought. Keep up the good work.

SKOTT MELLINS - 17.09.2021 17:38

hi, Just a little question please? Do you have a course to know how to build a brand from the ground zero please ? for beginners...?

Gia Energia
Gia Energia - 17.09.2021 13:51

I soo adore your content!! I'm just a solopreneur but I'm learning a lot through your content. Met you on Udemy and you've changed my life!! THANK YOU!! Thanks for the emails too!!
