If You Want To COMPLETELY CHANGE Your Life Before 2024, WATCH THIS! | Jordan Peterson

If You Want To COMPLETELY CHANGE Your Life Before 2024, WATCH THIS! | Jordan Peterson

Tom Bilyeu

3 года назад

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@yvonnekiwior9633 - 15.08.2022 14:42

True Gentleman which I appreciate!

@musicsnob4226 - 15.08.2022 17:08

I love listening to Jordan speak. Its like shhh the wise one is speaking. In listening to him though or maybe watching him i see the weight of the world he carries on his soul. He did ask for that. How everybody hangs on his every word some with malicious intent. How he is villainized for trying to help people being called a Nazi when he's the farthest thing from. People see somebody who in the moment is opposing their most important thing but he's seeing five or six steps down the road of, if this continues then the end is not going to be good and nobody's going to be happy. I worry that everybody is always trying to use him in their own selfish way whether that's somebody who's intent is to take him down a peg to then elevate themselves or somebody who's seeking that kernel of knowledge which will help them sort their life out and give them the easiest path to their best outcome without having to do the work. I worry that nobody asks him how he's doing? we need him. I hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes. There's a lot of sadness even though everything in his life is pretty fantastic that doesn't mean that he doesn't feel alone. I could be wrong but being empathetic and insightful, i usually hit the nail right on the head. He drew on all his ability to suppress that chink in his armor. He is a hero to so many though he never set out to be. I dont think it wouldnt make people turn their backs on him or call him weak for showing emotion, in fact it would humanize him and show others that everybody bears a beast of burden. If you keep suppressing it it will destroy you or someone you love. When he started to well up i would have thrown every thing i wanted to ask for my viewers or myself in the trash and said, theres no viewers no cameras no judgement, whats going on right now? Because if everybody's always milking the cow metaphorically but nobody's feeding it which is to say that people showing an interest genuinely in your well-being that's the food that satiates us it's taxing. And it's got to feel like I'm helping somebody people and nobody can even ask me how I'm doing. I see you Dr. Peterson. I see you.

@zartic4life - 28.08.2022 05:27

People attack Jordan because it's far easier to project your misery on to others instead of using that same moment to tackle the demons your expressing.

It's one thing to disagree during a exploratory exchange of ideas. It's another to simply hate.

@ashleywessel780 - 07.09.2022 23:15

I love how you just dive right into the conversations now. Not that the intros and back stories aren’t great, cause they are. But this is great too(:

@damroyalty - 29.09.2022 17:17

stay strong Jordan. thank you so much for this & everything you have done, provided us an archive of value i can't describe in words. love you both so much💜

@AbiAbi-mt3ie - 04.10.2022 16:35

Brilliant ! Thank you! You are worthy, Jordan, you are worthy !! <3

@madamcjwalker67 - 04.10.2022 20:39

I'm a die hard Tom Bilyeu fan but Peterson not so much. I decided to listen to this conversation anyway. Disappointed when Peterson essentially said people who are on the downside of income equality should basically just get over it. Not likely to happen as prices keep rising and wages stay the same as 30 years ago.

@behailumulugeta5062 - 08.10.2022 21:30

From ethiopia i will pray. U have no idea shape my life. Jordan is my feminine soul model.
Tom thanks for ur good hert ❤

@TheSharpeful - 12.11.2022 04:49

"We've got enough white people..." lol

White people are a substantial minority on the planet...
I'd love to see JP say that about any other race and still give off that silly laugh.

@JP-vj7fp - 12.11.2022 23:36

“We’ve got enough white people.” Juden Peterstein.

@beepresentthismomentisagif7930 - 03.12.2022 22:56

It hurts to hear you feel broken.💔 🥺 we need you Jordan you are beautiful being w a beautiful mind and such truthful messages ty ty ty you have made a positive impact on my life. Ty Tom for having him on.🫂💕😌

@GlynTaylor - 02.02.2023 15:42

I generally agree with this guy about most things. Let's just leave non-binary be the though. They are merely seeking a community of like minded people. We don't have to pander to the ones that are outraged about us not understanding them, just ignore them, they can't hurt you. Let the political culture war morons waste their life crying about it too. It's not productive to join them

@jeffgilmore8901 - 07.02.2023 04:41

Mr. Peterson is authentic, deep, insightful, tenderhearted yet monster tough. His star level popularity is because we are looking for this type of hero deep down. Above all he makes we want to get as smart as possible as soon as possible . Love this type of content! Thank You!

@anishkondepudi2520 - 23.03.2023 10:57

This was really nice to listen to, but I feel like JP interrupts Tom a lot during his questions.

@Get-Vertical - 20.04.2023 21:12

Tom I love and respect you so much for stepping into the realm of Jordan Peterson - I literally cried with him when he said he doesn’t feel worthy, how heartbreaking to hear from someone that has literally changed your world view 😭

@denizakpece413 - 22.05.2023 06:45

Sorry but he is all into the standardization of the Human— just helps spread the word on standard ways of being! All he preaches is “don’t be an anti-anything, just obey- so you can be liked, loved, and get what you need”. These are the artifacts created to deploy the rhetoric on many grounds!

@keyvan1981 - 24.06.2023 09:22

Tnx tom for all your efforts .I appreciate it. Can u do me a favor, is there possibly any way to have persian subtitles?

@austinshaver1991 - 26.07.2023 10:42

Jordan talks in riddles Andrew is a way better listen

@mariepretorius - 22.09.2023 17:22

Two of my favourite people in the world together in a ‘room’. What a wonderful interview, thank you so much! You both change my life for the better every day ❤

@bluemm2852 - 25.09.2023 09:08

It seems to me that this new found printing press called the internet is like someone unplugged the headphones and we're all of a sudden stunned by the noise...

@sunshinepadawan - 30.09.2023 05:47

Two amazing men

@salina3715 - 01.10.2023 18:28

This is the video that I first learned who Jordan Peterson is. I’ve been following him ever since. He’s fantastic.

@carone5822 - 03.10.2023 22:39

The reason he is so controversial is very simple.. his tone of voice! Or I can also say; is not what you say is how you say it. I do think he’s a very good communicator, that’s all.

@Medietos - 04.10.2023 17:55

Thank you. Jordan's empathic outline of crisis in danger does good. But evokes stress too, since there are too many perpetyrators, witheld information, malevolence and serios illness with hundreds of symptoms, many arisen or worsened by fatal mistreatment stress by others employed to alleviate sufferingand provide personal assistence.. I want to counsel with him, to define the situation, see whether I myself am really to blame fdespite reacting to being abused in 25 years of extreme sleep deprivation with involuntary isolation, triple burnout from authorities' maltreatment, instead of adequate treatment new unnecessary stress-diseases, in extreme ind my course of action It is 8½ years since they even took and destroyed my home, good name, legal rights and my money,. Since they are many, it has been organizedd b3ehind my back as if tyey had the right to me, my life, freedom, health and property, and my efforts to get help/counsel/info/treatment, survive with HSP Aspergers,, CPTSD and disease. withheld healthcare, being taken and locked in many times for no reason and without any point,, I am imploding in the added neurosis of getting blamed and harmed (punished) for symptoms of the state they themselves have put me in, at the same time as I have to show or prove my illness and urgent need of help and for the fatal situiation to be exchanged foer a viable one. Additionally, several specialists have said my ihealth to be serious and told me to assertively ask for and get adequate help. For which I de facto got harmed and punished instead, and they not empowering me by crisis- and stress treatment and a note to support those statements and urges. Not being believed and being let down and standing alone not managing and getting lied to, twisted, gaslit, cognitive dissonance and word salad and hate crimes has been so harmful to my body, etheric forces, sul and spirit, and being left in the air for DECADES without the opportunity to orientate, structure, dcide upon measures to take, make plans and act has wasted fdeccades of my precious life. . Not having a kind of social and professional life and supporters anything like Jordan P. and not the kind of relationship and support of family and friends, I have an impossible problem complex to solve.Sweden forwarding immigrants withpout competence instead of me, an educated, conscientious, loving, industrious Swede, is horrendously unjust and disturbing and several professionals have denied me their due help.They know I have Aspergers ,mtrauma and serious disease and dental catastropohe,thye ndon't tolerate stress themselves, they did rule for personal assistence. But have then withheld it , and put aunlawful guardianship on mje instead, for no reason, and without warning or ever providing the support and cowork they are employed to do and which i came for. I have worked for 42 years to turn my tragedy into victory, but they made it hell insyead.
How does one come to counsil with Jordan P?. I need an intelligent communication-partner.May be paying members can. I would have to pay afterwards. Should have the right to millions SEK of damages for 30-40 years destroyed for no reason.It's like a prison without walls, an unknown indefinite sentence for an unknown, non-existent crime without a trial and real attorney and judge..I want honesty, fairness, truth, my chance and my life now.

@mihaelaulieru3063 - 06.10.2023 17:37

When a Hero like Dr. Jordan Peterson whose work is helping humanity see the light and the way out of the current darkness, says "I'm ashamed of what happened to me" - it shows what a powerful effect the "System" has in destroying the true value that such gifted people, proven by academia and in entrepreneurship alike, can be crushed by what we call "Moloch". Time to read his books and see how we can change the game - Jordan's work helps us understand Moloch and understand how it is against our own evolutionary development! Read read read each of his words with much attention! Love you Dr. Peterson! Not you - but those who tarnished you are the UNWORTHY !

@Fawndelight - 07.10.2023 20:39

Our attention IS sacrifice. The story of Jesus is about sacrifice. "He sacrificed himself so that others did not have to", meaning no more animal or human sacrifice to commune with the ultimate role or system of meaning. Jesus' sacrifice also points out the nature of sacrifice. When we sacrifice our attention we create parmeters through which we navigate living. "I and the father are one" and "you are sons and daughters of a royal priesthood...these things I do, you shall do likewise and even greater...faith the size of a mustard seed" etc. These statements are all inclusive, we are all sons and daughters of God, as Jesus was both man and God. The sacrifice of our attention builds our world, and creates meaning in the midst of chaos of information we are bombarded with physically and mentally. It gives us a handle to process information into navigable, actionable behavior. Jesus' teachings concur with the first rule of magic. What we focus on gets bigger. What we focus on is the precursor to behavior. How do unscrupulous people control others? They capture their attention, their focus. This is how elections are won. This proves we can be focused on things we are unaware we are focusing on. The second rule of magic is basically the 10 commandments in a nutshell, "Do unto others what you would have done to you." This can be simplified to what you put out comes back to you and goes to the first law. How do we check the rightness of someone's actions including our own? Simply put is it harmful to ourselves or others? If so are there any mitigatable circumstances that would cancel the harm? For example , if surgery is needed to save someones life then the violence of cutting open the patient's body is superceded by saving the patient's life.

@yorkshirel_a_s_s - 10.10.2023 15:38

Two of my favourite people here, can't wait to hear this discussion, hoping for some pointers 🙏

@vivavictoria2010 - 13.10.2023 12:50

God bless Jordan Peterson.

@Bobby007D - 13.10.2023 15:00

If you want to get a hour and a half of free time , than just skip this video post and you'll have 90 minutes to do whatever "YOU" want to do ! Sort of .

@EricMHowardII-yh1rn - 13.10.2023 18:13

People who promote political correctness can not handle the truth. These same people are now woke .❤❤❤❤❤

@EricMHowardII-yh1rn - 13.10.2023 20:30

Learn from History or else repeat it. Professor Peterson.
Thank you ❤❤❤❤❤

@carltwelve2170 - 28.10.2023 19:00

Had a conversation early this month with someone who does not believe in G*d, thinks conservatives are stupid and is a fan of Sam Harris. When I mentioned Dr Peterson, he went out of his way to point out from his medical education, there is no such thing as a (true eats only meat) carnivore. And because Dr Peterson has mentioned (when asked) his carnivore diet, he must be lying about his diet. And I turn, everything else’s he says is discredited, so he refuses to listen anything Peterson recorded prior to the change in his diet. Go figure.

@1bryanneal - 08.11.2023 03:46

Wow! Thank you both! Tom, I'm relatively new to your podcast. I'm subscribed and am listening to you.

@Bibichnya - 12.11.2023 13:23

Great and sensitive interviewing, Tom👌Thank you 🙏

@AAC9991 - 27.11.2023 07:22

I am definitely that kid that never learned to play at 4 and fell behind, just honbies and games for me.

@user-uo8pp7kq7n - 23.12.2023 19:03

Thank you Tom Bilyeu for your kind words to Jordan Peterson in how you articulated how you feel .. how I feel also and soo many others that appreciate Jordan Peterson . I hope Jordan Peterson can gain some solace in his own belief from being on your podcast and reflect how joyous and beneficial he is to so many people. It is hurtful but understandable that many as I …feel his pain.- while soaking up his wisdom ..He is a wonderful human and a beautiful thing that he is here in our lifetime.
As you also Tom Bilyeu …
I am fortunate to be able to have the benefit of technology listening for knowledge!
Your compassion to your guests with your research about them is inspiring to listen to. Your dedication to your work is greatly appreciated and attributes to your success as an interviewer! 🙏🏻

@TrueXonE - 29.12.2023 09:39

I really want to turn my life around, I don't discriminate any culture or race sir. I think you misunderstood me sir, I don't know the rules.

@uzunleme - 02.01.2024 01:07

I love Dr. Peterson this is why I watched this video. But this guy (Tom) is such a lame person. This guy is full of clickbait titles with a self-help guru facade. Giving advice to people which he doesn't qualify to give in the first place. Uses buzzwords and phrases that he borrowed from other genuine thinkers. I bet this guy never had an original thought in his entire life.

@hugoroldan9130 - 12.01.2024 15:24

What you have shared about the knowledge of who we are (and I believe it is the main foundation of our tranquility and confidence, let's say happiness) shared here by Jordan, and as in all the moments I have been able to listen or see him, is so precise and correct, being so helpful for those who can listen to him. How fortunate to have you among us!

@patrickcox61 - 13.02.2024 23:52

Jordon you’re bad ass!! You’re the one person on this planet that has a substantial practical observation of humanity and the knowledge you have shared is priceless we all need you whether we know it or not. Stay positive please! Remember how lost a person can become and recognize that your critics come from that place. Thank you for your help in understanding people.

@Jonquilness - 21.02.2024 20:50

oh God, this man is golden... I saw this talk with JB Petterson 2years ago and it has so much value... Thank you Tom Bilyeu for this magnificent interview.

@goldfishi5776 - 22.02.2024 22:40

All things said: Jordan, I hope you get the worst you can handle. 🌅

@PhillipLipscomb - 26.02.2024 16:52

Jordan Peterson is a Special Human Being. God has certainly Blessed him. Amen.

@aquasapien9275 - 15.04.2024 02:32

When truth is the ultimate purpose and goal then those who settle will be pricked by consciousness... This usually turns into a myriad of expressions of anger until the lenz turns inward to self realization.

@martinnicol5130 - 18.05.2024 05:33

You are controversial because you offer an answer and people want to believe there are no answers which allows them to be messed up and not take responsibility.
