Everyone should be proud of there looks you don’t need makeup to look beautiful your beautiful just the way you are
ОтветитьWhat happen Rihanna
ОтветитьThey all look Gorgeous even with makeup or not, everybody is Beautiful and they should be proud of it. People think that makeup make you look prettier when they already are but they just don't know that makeup sometime hide something beautiful.
ОтветитьWhy the emojis at the end of each sentence??
ОтветитьSo you rly went and found the worst pictured you could and thought we'd be convinced they need makeup or something...good try, but I'm not stupid.
ОтветитьI- they all looked really pretty,, and normal? like bruh do you actually expect their skin to be GLASS?? 💀
ОтветитьGirls:we are prettier than boy Boys:so why do u use makeup?
ОтветитьI know u did not just put 😳 for queen Rhianna
ОтветитьThe way u tried to find photos of them looking ugly without any make-up is funny to me
ОтветитьGod I hate James Charles cause of what he did to those teenage boys :/