stroke caused by severe hypertension

stroke caused by severe hypertension

6 лет назад

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@diannecopland54 - 25.10.2017 04:13

What an interesting case! I have high BP and tachycardia. I have my bp controlled but not my heart rate. Was for awhile but keeps going up. What I didn’t understand was did this patient stop his BP meds because he lost weight? I didn’t quite catch that. This was a lucky man. Thanks for sharing this story. Makes me think.......

@ericchristian6710 - 11.11.2017 06:38

"I's standing over there in the pole beans, and hyer he come!"

@ericchristian6710 - 11.11.2017 06:51

There you have it folks! If you have a stroke just take an aspirin and walk up and down some stairs. Jk

@ericchristian6710 - 13.11.2017 08:10

You're right but I promise you this man would get the reference and laugh. I am from the same area as him.i meant no offense.

@karenkreim6956 - 19.11.2017 11:14

This is very educational! Thanks for sharing!

@Quadflash - 24.11.2017 01:11

Wow! Hugely valuable lesson. That gentleman was cutting it too close. He's quite fortunate.

@sewingandquilting1483 - 25.11.2017 18:33

Thank you for sharing, I believe what I have been going through the last year is similar to what he described, I had a mri and they told me everything is normal, but still I have issues with balance and numbness

@revelgirl1742 - 26.11.2017 00:52

Very lucky man, so happy for him.

@sindiholman1053 - 13.12.2017 06:47

I just had a crazy time with my blood pressure. My meds were working fine and all of a sudden it went crazy high. Didn't gain weight or changed anything. I even went to the ER one day because it was 200/120. They have me an additional pill but it didn't help. Went back to my regular doctor and he gave me a 3rd medication. I am now currently on 4 pills a day. It's finally staying down. He told me that sometimes our body stops working well with a certain medicine and you have to change things up. Thankfully I was watching mine and no damage was done yet. I had no symptoms. You definitely have to watch it.
Hypertension runs in my family. We all have it.

@Quantum369Mechanic - 16.12.2017 09:49

Thank you for sharing hope you and the ER Doctors wife recover fully.

@Samir_Zope - 13.03.2018 18:49

Maybe they wouldn't have done the CT angio in another hospital because of the negative CAT scan. Must've been some smart doctors :)

@danr5105 - 01.04.2018 21:36

Doctor. How common is it for hypertension to lead to kidney damage/failure? How bad does the hypertension need to be and for how long before kidney damage occurs? Thanks

@TheYooperGirlAmySmith - 03.04.2018 08:34

I am one month out of quitting smoking.....I hope he finds the strength to do it for his health. Glad he made it out of that alright!

@MzClementine - 06.04.2018 06:38

His poor body, starved of Co Q10! Please dr. If you know anyone on that medication or your prescribe this, why not tell them that taking blood pressure medication will block the Co Q10, which is food for our muscles, our hearts need this because it never rests! He could have avoided all of this if he took Co Q10.

@janiceanderson1818 - 09.04.2018 03:39

I had a stroke and my right leg and arm went numb. I had headaches as a kid and I can not take aspirin any more It makes my stomach sore. I am taking other meds for high blood pressure but the one prescribed instead of aspirin does the same thing to me. Is there anything other then warfarin? I had the stroke two years ago at 65. I have since because my glasses were wrong fallen 4 times and each time hit my head. Twice on my forehead once on my face and once at the back of my head and I am left with being dizzy. I have corrected my glasses but the dizziness
is something I have to contend with and I hate it.

@jeaniefosnight1816 - 11.04.2018 05:23

Too bad I can hardly hear his story. Can't you do nything about the volume?

@mbaum1951 - 30.04.2018 07:09

Thank you

@kathymathy-abernathy8068 - 17.05.2018 06:35

The glove boxes look as though they have a fish design, under the wall decoration of a fish!

@m.lovelace4579 - 06.06.2018 06:11

Awesome video Dr. O. I learned a lot about stroke symptoms and brain injury. One of my favorites.

@Medic-kr4gn - 25.06.2018 13:12

Remember FAST for stroke Face : Is the person's s face drooping to one side ? Arms : Is there weakness ? Does the person have trouble lifting them ? Speech : Does the person have trouble speaking ? Time : Call 911 . Time loss is brain loss ! Other signs or symptoms to be aware of : Does the person appear to be confused or disoriented ?

@jenniferwest5833 - 07.07.2018 08:17

329358i99 t 6th .

@heidi681 - 14.07.2018 17:46

🌿👀 Thank you doc and patient, very interesting and informative.

@LadyLoLinda - 15.03.2019 14:17

Very interesting!!! Thank you for this. I would LOVE more like these!

@nicholasbyram296 - 16.03.2019 13:44

So, a clot and a vascular "tear," what does the handbook say for acute antihypertensives here? This guy's brain may have been saved by not getting in that ambulance.

@blainevoss9067 - 30.03.2019 19:50

A friend closed to me have used also this “Nο†οvα Yuku” blood pressure alternative I discovered on Google. Before, his blood pressure was at 158/120. Throughout the help of the program and ingesting clean, it was able to reduce swiftly normal again. It has slowly and gradually reduced and Fourteen days later with healthier eating his blood pressure is 128/84.. .

@katarinas3361 - 18.04.2019 22:55

My father had an ischemic stroke, but his simptoms were different. One day before he had a slight weakness in his left arm. On the day of the stroke weakness was worse and it also showed in his left leg. In the evening his head moved to the right he couldn't move it back, and he couldn't move his left arm and leg... Now I would know at the beginning what was happening but at that point I wasn't aware. Unfortunately, at the time ambulance got him to the hospital and he got his brain scan, stroke was already very severe. He was 55 years old. He survived and lived as invalid for 15 years. Last year he passed away. I miss him so much 😢

@donnalyle4860 - 12.05.2019 01:23

My pal asked my lookup “zοtοsο Yuku”, the blood pressure levels alternative on Gοοgle. His hypertension was stroke level 158/120. The result of this software can be seen right away particularly if you eat the correct foodstuff. Right after Two weeks, he has witnessed a progressive decrease in his high blood pressure to 128/84. .

@louiejosiah1797 - 13.05.2019 00:29

I had been satisfied with all of the results I find. The treatment plan “zοtοsο Yuku” (Gοοgle it) that I put into practice has got my blood pressure level to 152/92 during my check-up at a health care center. As soon as I managed to get a fresh source and initiated using it again I discovered my blood pressure level go back to normal. I employ this to deal with my blood pressure level. It performs exceptional!. .

@aldrichbickham5614 - 13.05.2019 18:38

Very important not a game at all.

@leonorfernandez8143 - 23.05.2019 01:00

I utilizεd this prοduct αnd fουnd οut fυlfilling gοοd rεsυlts. Thε trεαtmεnt plαn "Sοyutο Weebly" (Gοοɢιε it) thαt I implεmεntεd hαs gοt my blοοd prεssurε tο 152/92 during my εxαminαtiοn αt α mεdicαl cαrε clinic. It hαs thεn rεturnεd my high blοοd prεssurε tο α sαfε αnd sοund lεvεl αftεr I hαd triεd it. I εmplοy this tο hαndlε my hypοtεnsiοn. It pεrfοrms εxcεptiοnαl!.

@patstokes3615 - 05.06.2019 04:05

Over the course of five hours and he didn't call an ambulances. I can't even tell you what I think of that.

@sandramcnight407 - 08.10.2019 07:12

Thank you!

@nopc9728 - 05.11.2019 08:48

Wish the volume was higher.

@RepentfollowJesus - 26.12.2019 07:38

He needs vitamin c and l proline to make his vessels and arteries strong and Lysine to help clear arteries. My blood pressure is like his. I got that dizzy and went in an ambulance to er. They gave me potassium. My bp went to 190 / 135 another time and the other er also said I needed potassium. Now my blood pressure is low or high . I am starting the Lysine and c and proline. He is making me think I may have had a stroke from what he is explaining.

@CarolynDenison - 10.03.2020 13:18

Very informative. Thanl you for posting this. Could save some lives.

@rqjgaming - 10.07.2020 04:15

Dr how many years was he suffering from hypertension and was his bp high daily did he tell u that?

@deborahbattel8905 - 02.09.2020 06:44

Thank you very much for doing these videos. I learn a lot by watching & listening to you. Your a great man & Doctor.

@rqjgaming - 18.09.2020 00:37

Doc what did they do to treat his symptoms

@hugh2hoob668 - 09.06.2021 17:26

Never heard the glare symptoms really wow

@hugh2hoob668 - 09.06.2021 17:28

The length of it too damn wasnt even gonna be a fast death yikes

@joannedawson8659 - 20.06.2021 09:03

This is how my husband died a stroke due to undiagnosed high blood pressure .

@ndleinahaystack - 24.07.2021 05:49

If my BP goes to 130/85 I don't feel well. I grew up as an athlete so my body is regulated for a lower BP

@margaretagundes-collins7709 - 09.03.2022 04:02

My cuñado just died today of a stroke today. My sister will be taking him off life support as I write this. We are devasted. She is a nurse and is devasted too. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽He is too young to go and has two kids and grand kids… 😭😭🙏🏽💔

@doccrimson - 13.04.2022 07:04

Interesting case. As he was describing the onset of symptoms, the first thing that came to mind was migrainous infarction. I’d be curious to know if this patient had a history of migraine with aura.

@tbonecooks9244 - 21.10.2022 08:44

This exactly what happened to me. Lost my left eye vision permanently from retinal arterial occlusion and lost all my balance.. my blood pressure was 258/132 now it’s under 120/80 and no migraines.

@Scarrrz - 11.04.2023 16:30

Jesus this dude waited 5 hours before contemplating help that’s insane. The minute I fell over the first time I would have been in the ER.

@dlnandrew40ify - 23.06.2023 23:36

Heart association now recommends a 22/35 blood pressure in 2023 because it just keeps getting lower...because,big pharmaceutical companies

@erwinrogers9470 - 31.01.2024 15:52

Great information👍

@erwinrogers9470 - 31.01.2024 16:04

Thank you, for sharing👏

@erwinrogers9470 - 31.01.2024 16:05

God Bless❤
