Dragonlance Lore: Cataclysm, Gods and Magic | Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen | D&D

Dragonlance Lore: Cataclysm, Gods and Magic | Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen | D&D

Dungeons & Dragons

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@atreyuzeusamen9347 - 20.01.2024 07:34

Raistlin Ftw

@stevenmichaelcunningham4760 - 02.12.2023 05:50

Imagine hurling a mountain that is on fire & ion enriched so as to force the exfoliation of mutated genetics both on impact & as a passive trait that causes no fatalities....in one throw.

Imagine......it was MAJERE. 🧐

@beastwarsFTW - 29.10.2023 13:06

The Cataclysm was coursed because the good gods didn't take Beldinas Pilofiro Kingpriest of Istar's power away and then though showing vague messages that aren't clear and then threw a meteor and got mad when the mortals asked why so they took away all healing magic other then Life Transference, Gentle Repose and Vampiric Touch from wizards which are Nuitari's doing (the three moon gods didn't abandon the world) leaving everon high and dry.
In short Tanis Half-Elven was right that the gods are arrogant, self-absorbed jerks who don't deserve reverence in the first place. Except Nuitari, Solinari, Lunitari.

Now I want to play a good black wizard that twists the code of black magic to become a Physician and take the power of healing from clerics.

@ProffessorYellow - 08.09.2023 03:19

@johngz3413 - 05.09.2023 06:20

Fizban is my absolute favorite character from every character in the Dragonlance books.

@injunjoe8967 - 06.07.2023 02:24

Listening to a PR from wotc discuss Dragonlance who doesn't even know the settings lore to begin with; you took a name and slapped your aesthetic on it. New Tales for 2e or 5th Age Saga system is more consistent than this overhyped splat book. Keep it. Still waiting for actual Dragonlance content. The 5e stuff isn't Dragonlance in any capacity.

@michaeldpa1333 - 02.06.2023 09:11

Next too J.R.R. Tolkien's LOTR series, deep background stories and world events DragonLance was next in line for EPIC story telling. I hope one day soon a great media company such as WB/NEW LINE CINEMA would consider DragonLance a worthy investment for another EPIC film series. It has such great potential.

@Choom7 - 04.05.2023 05:58


@liltwistofcaine - 09.01.2023 18:20

Is there going to be a button in the app so I can just pay when I’m playing dnd? I’m assuming that’s the next idea hasbro is attempting.

@brandonotto3031 - 08.01.2023 08:44

G\hey dnd hows the oil going. Boycott coming and we are already making a new game system

@tobybigham4196 - 05.01.2023 22:45

To be honest. The re-release of Dragonlance got me rereading the old 80's and 90's novels again. I am working on The Doom Brigade right now.

@jonathansimerly5550 - 31.12.2022 23:57

Loved this video. I'm 39 almost 40 and haven't played D&D in many years, but these are the stories and campaigns that I remember most fondly. Huma and the forging of the Lance, which also delved deep into the relationship of Magius and Galan Dracos, 2 of the most powerful mages to have ever drawn breth on Krynn. The decision of the latter to consign himself to Oblivion rather than face the wrath of the Dragon Queen and the ambitions and dreams of both. The Cataclysm and Istar. The mistakes made by Lord Soth that doomed him to life as a Death Knight, and was the last chance to avert disaster. To the Second War of the Lance, and the return of the gods. Paladine, Gilean, Tahkisis, the children of magic and the 3 moons of Krynn. Solinari, Lunitari, and Nuitari...takes me back.

@shakostarsun - 20.12.2022 22:06

So many issues where source material is completely ignored like to think any race can be a knight of Solamnia is clueless about who are the knights of Solamnia in the books or what was the nation Solamnia....a human nation.

@montyhedstrom1356 - 16.12.2022 00:50

Wotc is not being entirely honest here. There actually isn't enough setting info to run dragonlance outside the area where the adventure is set. It's an adventure not a campaign setting. They say it's both which is a stretch bordering on being disingenuous.

@Magnathyr - 08.12.2022 01:16

OK... Where are the Dragon Riders???... and don't say Drake Warden cause that's is not a dragon rider and can't even get your mount to fly while riding it until 15th level as a Ranger.
We had them in the 3/3.5 edition Dragonlance campaign setting. They are an integral part of the setting and with the dragonlance magical item, one of the features of the weapon is pretty much useless unless used by a dragon rider.
Was soooooooo looking forward to seeing this possibility as a PC realized once again and was quite disappointed.

@janhykel2364 - 03.12.2022 03:12

Feels a bit wrong to have such video without Tracy and Margaret

@DaVeO52 - 02.12.2022 07:54

Comparing this to Rime of the Frostmaiden is almost a deal clincher. I've been leading a group in that setting for about 3 years and it's been a fantastic ride.

@wizard380 - 01.12.2022 22:09

Just read it and it's very underwhelming. So little lore in it it's a joke.

@HowdyItLovll - 30.11.2022 23:28

Were the original authors given compensation?

@001skm - 30.11.2022 17:57

I hope we get more books in the world of Dragonlance further down the line. There is so much you can play around with in this world.

@snuggiethegoblin7101 - 30.11.2022 15:48

I wonder if Theros Ironfeld is in game?

@gunnarhassing5875 - 30.11.2022 15:29

I’m excited to run this adventure next year. It’s my first foray into the setting.

@jaysw9585 - 30.11.2022 13:50

There is no where near enough material in the book to run your own Dragon Lance game. The map isn't even annotated with major cities or landmarks. However, you can buy an older book for setting information.

@0Corin - 30.11.2022 13:17

I really wish they wouldn’t alter the setting. Such a disappointment.

@lucashayes346 - 30.11.2022 10:45

I absolutely love the book, I bought the digital/physical bundle and have been reading the digital early access in my spare time, everything i’ve looked at so far is simply incredible and as a long time DM I am very excited to tell a story in Krynn with my friends :) thank you for revisiting this setting and I hope you do more. At least a follow-up book similar to how Eberron was done, I would happily buy into that

@kurtoogle4576 - 30.11.2022 08:44

I am really taken by 5e focusing on the modular and open structure of play focusing on the greater world, yet tying it into being important. A good strategy, in contrast to the first Dragonlance module series.

@jaysw9585 - 30.11.2022 05:13

This is the first interview I have seen where I actually feel like they understand Dragonlance.

@DLSaga - 30.11.2022 02:28

I have a ton of lore videos about the Dragonarmies and Whitestone Forces, even how Dragonlance is a dystopia.

@Patrick_McCarty - 29.11.2022 23:42

“About 11 levels.” So 10 levels

@Neomagi125 - 29.11.2022 23:26

Just waiting for the video on Kender now!

@kodystinson1221 - 29.11.2022 21:07

The return of Paladines clerics is told in the original novels, you unread hacks.

@ReadingDave - 29.11.2022 21:04

Majere! I choose you!

@jacobdriscoll8276 - 29.11.2022 20:49

Reminds me of my DL character who resented the gods for visiting the Cataclysm on the world. Why was the meteor on the table in the first place? What Good deity only saves people if they pass a bunch of arbitrary tests?

@Crushanator1 - 29.11.2022 20:41

I really like the idea that there were other heroes given the same opportunity as Lord Soth. I know this is technically a recon, but imho it's a really nice expansion of the existing lore to have exactly one other one spelled out, but also it gives the opportunity for homebrew or campaigns in Krynn to extrapolate their own fallen heroes who failed or chose not to protect the world and avert disaster

@MrFernoid - 29.11.2022 20:32

Ha, Wes' description of Dragonlance lore is cracking me up and piquing my interest.
Nice video, looking forward to playing in Dragonlance!

@SANSd20 - 29.11.2022 20:29

Ok, so I am a bit confused. What time frame is this info regards to? Is this a bout the Cataclysm in general and not in relation to "Shadow of the Dragon Queen"?

@Fsudryden - 29.11.2022 20:26

The story was that evil held the planet for a time and huma saved the planet from evil. So now good took control and it eventually got so far good that even bad thought was outlawed. The gods were angry and the leader of Istar just tipped it over the edge. The gods gave the people chances to stop the balance of power but they didn’t do it. So it was them just throwing down the mountain and saying sucks to be you.

@CelticCubby - 29.11.2022 20:04

Thank you Todd and Wes. Dragonlance was the first setting I DMd in and I still feel close to it.

@RavenMinis - 29.11.2022 19:45

The Dragonlance novels got me through some tough times when I was younger, and I can't wait to share this setting with my friends!

@esmokems - 29.11.2022 19:43

I can't wait to reread the og dragonlance novels. It's been over 10 years.

@CharlesKhan - 29.11.2022 19:41

Lord Soth did nothing wrong.

@jeevesosiris - 29.11.2022 19:39

There looks to be some fantastic art in this book... I still want more Dragonlance official content though... more please!

@dragonmindttrpgs - 29.11.2022 19:37

"...So the campaign is called Dragon Lance..."

@autisticallyaccurate - 29.11.2022 19:29

Sounds Like An Ancient Apocalypse. Hehe

@sOlOnOmO11 - 29.11.2022 19:29

