Every Apartment needs this Upgrade! (WhatsApp/Telegram Notifications)

Every Apartment needs this Upgrade! (WhatsApp/Telegram Notifications)


1 год назад

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TheOpticalFreak - 03.11.2023 06:38

So the signal go's to a server website and then to your phone!?

Gothicgirl - 18.10.2023 22:28

Mmh why not use the ritto Relais Board to Activate it and through the smart home System?

Dave Butler
Dave Butler - 16.10.2023 15:06

That's absolutely Great, Scott!
Thanks for explaining everything including your modular approach to solutions.
Might be an opportunity to use the esp sleep function!?
To save a tiny bit of power.

VioletGiraffe - 15.10.2023 19:28

If my doorbell had a sound like that I would also rather miss it.

Victor Berbel
Victor Berbel - 03.10.2023 23:57

This is amazing! I wish I had the skills to create something like this because I'm always missing the doorbell.

Majk Ż
Majk Ż - 24.09.2023 03:47

Scott, make a system that will let the dog out when the postman rings the doorbell, then he will must have to give you the parcel otherwise the dog won't let him out of the yard 😆
You don't have to thank me, the problem is solved 😂

Andrés Pérez Pérez
Andrés Pérez Pérez - 20.07.2023 15:54

Hello, Is the code available? Regards!

Basel andriod
Basel andriod - 15.07.2023 01:43

Hi, did you consider the "Ring Intercom"? This will ring om the phone, allow you to talk via your phone and unlock via the phone

Ativerc - 02.06.2023 20:59

What esp32 breakout board is he using for programming it via usb?

B - 21.05.2023 16:36

Great! Now everyone who I invite home will start asking how come I don't reply right away, if my house alerts me for new messages.

MiM MiMiM - 09.05.2023 10:49

I did solve this problem by getting rid of headphones.

A neat sound system connected to a digital mixer serves for playing musical instruments as well as listening to music.

Also, a bluetooth to rca module connected to one of the stereo channels is the ultimate addition. Now you can play from any device... And feel the wonderful vibrations in your stomach 😂

Rosa Luxemburg
Rosa Luxemburg - 03.05.2023 14:12

Can you maybe make a followup episode where you show how to open the door by phone, using this method?

Alen Menendez
Alen Menendez - 30.04.2023 17:59

Which phone is that

David - 26.04.2023 17:11

I looked like it would have fit inside the telephone without the 3d printed part. That would have been a very neat finish

Simon Ntini
Simon Ntini - 31.03.2023 11:51

Lol Lets hope you landlord didn't kick you out😂😂...Anyways thanks for a great video, I wanna try this project over the weekend 😊

mrkiky - 30.03.2023 14:32

Would be better to just hook it up to a big bright bulb on your desk since maybe you forget your phone somewhere around your house anyway 😂
Plus it would be faster, instant really, and fewer points of failure, like the service or your wifi/internet.

Seanthiar - 23.03.2023 12:49

That was the reinvention of the tire. Had the same problem - the solution was a simple system for under 20€ from Reichelt with a sensor next to the bell that sends a wireless signal when it 'hears' sound and a receiver with a second bell or a light that flashes when the bell rings. No significant delay (maybe a few milliseconds) and you don't need an external service (a big plus). Something like that is sold for years for people that are deaf or need hearing aids or have a loud environment and works for every bell.
Ritto, the company that built your house phone, has relays in their catalogue to switch external non Ritto products when the bell rings and offers additional wireless remote bells or remote flashing lights. Other companies even offer a high power relay (8KW) that you can integrate in a fuse box to flash all lights when someone rings the bell. It is used when all people in a household are deaf.

Better Than Not Good MTB
Better Than Not Good MTB - 22.03.2023 16:41

I appreciate your use of the term "thingy". That is right on my level! 😂👍 Another method would also to be to integrate you desk/work table ambiance lights to flash when the door bell is activated. Another great video captain. Thanks!
