The Flawed Design That Led To The Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster | Spark

The Flawed Design That Led To The Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster | Spark


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Matt Smith
Matt Smith - 07.10.2023 12:17

There must be some chilling footage of the final moments they’ll never release to the public for obvious reasons.

賴志偉 - 05.10.2023 04:47

Yup, blame the politicians that you put into power. Typical.

Kun Lee
Kun Lee - 05.10.2023 02:32

Lol. She said,” NASA wanted the ultimate dream space vehicle but ended up with a jumble of fuel tanks and rockets with an airplane attached to it.” I couldn’t agree more. I can’t believe they couldn’t find a better way to get people into space. Let’s do better NASA.

Medieval Dead
Medieval Dead - 04.10.2023 23:43

“Hey this thing doesn’t work.”

“Then add a second one.”


Edward - 02.10.2023 08:47

Zzzz these documentaries always act like astronauts were borderline murdered by “flawed designs” and “negligence” lmfao. The Shuttle was and likely still is the most complex machine ever built by man, it was revolutionary and a risk in itself to even attempt to build and use. Astronauts knew that, and if they didn’t then they willfully tried not to know that. There are always going to be losses in endeavors like this, especially pertaining to space travel, something we’re not evolutionarily built to do. We’re curious explorers nonetheless and space is the only thing that matters as a whole as a species. It holds the answers to everything worth asking. Don’t try to restrain risks if they result in progress, as long as those risking themselves are aware of said risks going into it. The space shuttle was not a failure, it was a lesson, and still a lesson that accomplished something that no other spacecraft has to this day. It was a reusable super heavy lift vehicle rated for human occupants. Show it some respect.

The Common Sense Conservative316
The Common Sense Conservative316 - 29.09.2023 22:40

No it really wasn't a flaw design just flawed management

Luca Goes Offroad
Luca Goes Offroad - 25.09.2023 23:19

Trying to fall asleep with this video but her voice is too cringe

That Omnivore Teacher
That Omnivore Teacher - 22.09.2023 16:45

NASA making poor decisions knowing the consequences then pulling the surprised pikachu face when said consequences happen

LOVE HUMAN BEINGS - 17.09.2023 23:22




Bobpourri - 17.09.2023 15:10

IMO the biggest flaw design with the entire concept of the shuttles was the piggy-back method of getting them into space in the first place: Too many opportunities for damage.

mioryder on CGN p
mioryder on CGN p - 16.09.2023 11:11

Im sure space x can develop a new shuttle for NASA..🤣

RKGSD - 08.09.2023 00:48

The flawed design was there being NO escape system! In fact the original plans included such a system but NASA cut it to keep costs down! It's hard to believe that such a massive spacecraft was even allowed to be made without such a system!

Brad Haines
Brad Haines - 07.09.2023 14:45

The people who put this documentary together apparently have no clue how the American political system works.

The recurring theme that it’s somehow Richard Nixon’s fault - and ONLY Richard Nixon’s - is bullshit. Yes, Nixon wasn’t a fan of the space program, but there was the little matter of the Congress - WHICH AT THE TIME WAS UNDER THE STRANGLEHOLD OF THE DEMOCRATS - that also made it perfectly clear to NASA that they would NOT approve the funding needed to make the space shuttle what NASA had wanted.


Daniel Martens
Daniel Martens - 07.09.2023 02:15


Lannis31 - 06.09.2023 23:11

The fact that there are people who are not watching this video because a clueless person lied and said that 95% of the video has nothing to do with the title shows how easily people can be brainwashed.

Dave Brown
Dave Brown - 05.09.2023 18:01

Greed, its greed causes most accidents. Companies building and fabricating the shuttle and rockets want so much money that nasa has to cut corners and make do with inferior design and build quality. Humans think about themselves in this life on this planet and want money now, no thoights to the future until it becomes necessary. In my humble opinion.

Miles J Feulner
Miles J Feulner - 03.09.2023 10:07

The SHUTTLE is for me the greatest machine ever. It’s fuels my human instinct to explore and is the vehicle that launches me into the most exhilarating and terrifying missions only limited by my own imagination. I’ve spent months in Earth’s orbit w the instrument bay open watching the whole world spin by me at MACH 5.

I spent a cold 48 hours on the backside of the moon after NASA’s Lunar Rover blew a tie rod and spindle. The fine engineers at the cape were able to overnight the parts needed. Thanks to Space X (and Tesla) parts were a perfect match. That damn Rover fired right up and got me back to home base. I’m currently preparing for my latest mission to deep space. Apparently we need that gold record back that was sent along with voyager 2 50 + years ago. I’m not sure why we need it back, hopefully it will help us remember who we are, where we came from and where we are going. Anyway see you all in about 125 years. Wish me luck. From NASA space camp T minus 10, Sec.

Fando De Barnacle
Fando De Barnacle - 02.09.2023 07:26

The whole design was wrong. If the fuel storage is encorporated into this space place (shuttle) like the proposed Skylon for example It has been calculated that the vehicle does not have to return to earth screaming through the atmosphere because the speed is reduced at a much higher altitude.Boosters are not needed either when using the right propulsion system and not a system that has to carry so much o 2 when much of it can be atmospheric and cooled into a liquid during flight.

Scott Aznavourian
Scott Aznavourian - 31.08.2023 07:47

Yes the odd are you'd have disasters more often but the fact is In 30 years and a 135 space shuttle missions on y 2 had catastrophic failures neither of those would have happened if a bunch of sanctimonious jackasses weren't making launch decisions.

Nick Lindsley
Nick Lindsley - 30.08.2023 13:37

If Linda Ham was a "diversity hire", then diversity kills. Totally not up to the job that required a flare for engineering intuition.

Conrad Sieber
Conrad Sieber - 27.08.2023 07:11

As with Challenger there were concerned engineers but as with Challenger management created an unrealistic representation of the facts while over riding their own engineers. So the NASA person saying it was determined there was no risk of catastrophic failure for Columbia was LYING...

Conrad Sieber
Conrad Sieber - 27.08.2023 06:48

A NASA Engineer was very concerned about the wing strike by a large piece of foam from the main fuel tank but a NASA manager halted the engineer's attempt at further exploration of the problem prior to return...

Randall Harris
Randall Harris - 24.08.2023 13:10

Interesting that it's always some British podcast talking crap about America!!! At least America had the BALLS to explore space!! Don't anything coming from England exploring SHIT!!! Go stay on your little island and talk shit about something you're too scared to do your selves!!!

Jeffrey Harvey
Jeffrey Harvey - 23.08.2023 01:24

This video sucks. 133 of 135 shuttle missions were completed successfully. The shuttle was not a flawed design. That idiot with the beard is a jerk. I completely believe that bad luck as much as anything was the problem. Space flight will NEVER be without risk. A cold snap in Florida that far south. The chance that foam would damage the wing. Both were tragic accidents. That’s what they were. These after the fact armchair scenics have this” I told you so “attitude that stinks to high heaven. Even with the two tragedies the shuttle program was very successful. Enough to where the Soviets were copying it. This video is very misleading as to the success of the program.

N!Mm0 🇺🇦
N!Mm0 🇺🇦 - 22.08.2023 02:07

Classic butterfly effect but woodpeckers

Kevin Riley
Kevin Riley - 21.08.2023 01:05

The biggest concern I have for Starship is the same issue with the shuttle. The heat shield tiles Starship uses are very similar, if simpler, and they break off at a concerning rate. Starship is going to have a fairly significant "hot" phase on reentry, too, as it bleeds off velocity, even more so if it's coming back from an interlunar or interplanetary orbit. It'll even probably have to survive multiple heating and cooling cycles as I imagine they might adopt the skipping reentry that Orion did. Thankfully, the first flights will be automated, so very little risk to human life.

Zimmerman - 11.08.2023 07:49

How does this channel have so many subs, yet so few views on their videos?

OzzyInSpace - 07.08.2023 18:00

Seeing that wood pecker go to town on the ET like that. LOL Bruh

Villa Villa
Villa Villa - 04.08.2023 01:23

Sorry that I say so but 'they were killed' !
I meaning the crew of the Challenger January 28th 1986.
This mission had never ever be allowed leaving the platform if you look at all the information...
Greetings from Amsterdam, Holland🇳🇱🧡
RiP crew 🙏🏻

Tim Sheehan
Tim Sheehan - 28.07.2023 05:07

This happened 2 days before my 13th birthday. My science class watched this happen live, my whole class was silent

fiona wimber
fiona wimber - 16.07.2023 05:59

Oh for... would you STOP titling your shuttle videos like this?!
The shuttle did remarkably well, all things considered. And with Challenger, it wasn't the orbiter herself which failed but the boosters. With Columbia-well you find me one airplane that can stay together with a hole in her wing that causes melting from the inside!!!!!

LUXE THE MEDIUM ♡𓆪🧿 - 09.07.2023 22:32

That’s really bothersome knowing they were all stuck in the cabin 💔

Zakariah1971 - 09.07.2023 12:06

NASA idiot managers in Houston knew at launch about this fatal body damage. I think they deliberately this mission because there was a Nigra on board. Just like the Challenger mission in 1986 that was sacrificed due to a Nigra cosmonaut on board. Hollywood does the same, in every movie who always dies first? The nigras…. Same old story. Everybody Hates Chris…

William Fruhauf
William Fruhauf - 07.07.2023 09:27

Couldn’t the astronauts, during an EVA prior to re-entry, have examined the site of the damage?

BigBaron D
BigBaron D - 06.07.2023 07:39

The EPA is at fault. They made the original foam insulation on the large external fuel tank 'illegal' , and the new foam wasn't as durable.

Saul Teanuts
Saul Teanuts - 06.07.2023 04:07

It dates back to poaching Nazis and having them over for sleep overs.

desertstar - 03.07.2023 21:24

I am 100% sure, I've seen this video before. Published under another title.

Ansset0 - 03.07.2023 08:24

Another stolen content 🤮🤮🤮

Multiverse Joe
Multiverse Joe - 03.07.2023 07:47

Congress cut many millions from the build budget and NASA still went through with the project……in 1970s.

Buck Chesterfield
Buck Chesterfield - 03.07.2023 06:43

Design was not the significant factor behind the Challenger disaster. Political pressure caused NASA to operate Challenger outside its design specs, plain and simple.

V. Presto RPN, RCRT, LCRT - 03.07.2023 06:17


Zakariah1971 - 03.07.2023 03:25

Let the wrongful death lawsuits begin… no statute on murder… 😳

Scott Brower
Scott Brower - 03.07.2023 01:13

Yes. The space shuttle was a human time bomb.
And that's disgraceful.

albear972 - 03.07.2023 00:57

Damn! I remember watching this in Junior High School back on January 28, 1986 live on TV. The rest of the day was just twiddling our fingers and school let out early that day. In Los Angeles.

Dominic M
Dominic M - 03.07.2023 00:23

95% of the video has absolutely nothing to do with the title

Drew Pooters
Drew Pooters - 03.07.2023 00:09

Given that space exploration has provided new tech, new medicines, and new knowledge, we should be realizing that NOTHING is ever 100% safe, and those who choose risk ACCEPT the fact that it may not give them long lives. Its what seperates them from the ranks of the cold timid aouls who know neither victory or defeat. USAF SECURITY POLICE 1982-1997.

nelson 100
nelson 100 - 02.07.2023 23:08

NASA could have turned their worse disaster into their biggest success.. If only the crew had escape options like parachutes or ejection seats.. And a rescue mission could have been sent to save the other crew after the foam strike.. or they could have done a spacewalk to check for damage on the wing or viewed it through a telescope.. NASA did none of these things.. even though they knew the shuttle had been hit.. and then they talk about safety being their biggest priority

Ian Mowbray
Ian Mowbray - 02.07.2023 23:03

It cost $214 billon and all of poor men and women died. it was not worth it.
