EASIEST CLASS to LEVEL UP in Neverwinter! - Recruitment Event Incentive Fix (was bugged)

EASIEST CLASS to LEVEL UP in Neverwinter! - Recruitment Event Incentive Fix (was bugged)


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@billy_cross5580 - 15.12.2023 11:47

It past everything except for the last group of undead right where you spawn all those phones off to Alaska. You’re entering the top of tomatoes and then when Mitchell is doing his thing, you can just run up and wait for it to be done. You don’t tell anything anything just run up to the next bar and wait for it to end be done it’s all you have to do, when you run past everything else get to the bridge and then a post on the bridge you gotta kill everything kind of I mean it all cases no matter what you do I just always run all the way to the red wizard and until all of it nonstop and as a sidenote, it does pay to kill stuff because you can get it. I just noticed it can get in and event invitation so you might go into, that enclave already with an event that let you start the event

@billy_cross5580 - 06.12.2023 09:24

And by the way, in the interest of wasting, you know, I mean it doesn’t save you time, but you don’t have to protect makos I always go around to the right I start the encounter, then run back around to the right go up and kill the one or two enemies, and open the chest up in the right corner Come down and kill there’s a third enemy kill hit in about by that time. The timer is run out you don’t have to fight any of that shit that it doesn’t hurt and it doesn’t do anything to the time or to my knowledge you can honestly mostly skip past almost every enemy in that new player experience, including the final encounter at Valinda you you can just skip out of that by using the stock button

@billy_cross5580 - 06.12.2023 09:22

The thing is in my opinion and don’t give me wrong. I have a fully leveled up rogue and I know you’re the expert here but the road struggles in endgame because everything you do is up close in personal so on those bosses or tougher enemies that you know are doing massive damage you don’t have an option unless you change your I think that the other paragon path is more of a arranged, but it’s not a good trade off as far as I can see because you lose your close-up abilities right? Where is the Ranger can use ranged when he needs to but most of the mob clearing he can just do with me up close and he’s got good abilities unlike the road to run up to the next group Ranger usesability to dash up to the next group and it seems to me like his AOE abilities come back faster as well. I guess he just more versatile is what I’m getting at.

@ZombieSlayerTakashi - 27.07.2023 16:58

I'm just leveling Paladin because I'm a whor for Lawful good XP

@kdota5958 - 14.05.2023 17:38

Your voice kept the video interesting... 👍🏾

@billy_cross5580 - 28.01.2023 09:27

OK forget what I said I completely forgot the point of this video was just which character levels up faster not which character is most useful so yeah, OK if you’re just creating a character to level up and get boxes, then obviously rogue is easiest quickest and then doesn’t matter what happens at the end you’re just gonna transfer that shit to your main

@billy_cross5580 - 28.01.2023 09:15

You are just a I am it’s OK but you’re just in love with the rogue. The ranger is actually a more versatile more viable character for leveling because you have both a single target and a OE and you get your first you get your Mili stance and in your AOE melee attacks as soon as you finish the tutorial soon as you talk to Knox for the first time you get level two, which gives you your Mili stance refers I know level two gives everybody there are there mechanic you call the tab power. I’m calling it a mechanic like invisibility Maile stance your ability and wizard to have a fourth encounter things like that, you get that at level two so get a AOE encounter power and you saw you have two AOE encounter powers on your Ranger earlier before you even go to the graveyard but you also and here’s the catch you also when killing a boss can’t stand off with archery and do massive damage, especially with your daily your archery daily does more damage than your Maile daily I think you are just far to find of the Rogan that’s OK it’s not him obviously it’s a good character in but in the grand scheme of things, the barbarian is just fine the all three of the classes you talk about the barbarian, the rogue, and the ranger do find Ma Liang through all of the Contant, I mean the barbarian has single target ability right off all arena single target out will right off the bat will you could use that to kill the whole group another thing if you’re playing solo which most people are leveling solo right the wizard is hands-down the highest damage dealer, so Ed and you talk about now I’m a fighter I get it when you use the knockback ability then you gotta go chase him down sometimes in Colombia Jesus Christ they all rush you anyway on the wizard using your shield keeps you from taking damage while killing down and the single target damage is immense no offense by the rogue ability you’re using the one that does those knives everywhere at one levels that is near useless poster killing is done by going invisible and spinning the AOE you get on a roll get the beginning early and is not that useful the same with the AOE you get on a major early and it’s not that useful it’s supposed to route them and do damage to them. It literally does neither I mean it barely does damage and it doesn’t route them at all so and if you’re solo they’re all rushing you so if you get to the point where you have the shield as a choice, the shield is better every time you recasted you’re not some back yours individually killing them anyway so they don’t have to be up clothes are grouped you have no AOE that will kill them. You’re you’re a weird shit at that level so you’re individually killing them anyway, you might as well Markham back let them not hit you or at least one hour heating you it’s just eating on your shield and if you’re a human chose the right class and I have the right stats, you’re getting that she’ll back often enough bigger, recasting it before it expires which by the way, when it expires at all that you know, it also blows up and knock some back to recasted before it expires, I forget what the benefit is but there’s a benefit every class can clear Contant its own way and if you’re doing it single target if the character of the class is a single target character, I guarantee the damage it’s doing is way higher single target then your single target damage on the road so it’s all you know I want it perfectly balanced, but if there is balance there I personally found the barbarian to be much easier. We’ve been with that here we don’t spin and then anything left I use a single target on eventually I got that really high damage single target, which ours would save for the stubborn ones or the bosses because barbarian is Jess has a rough time with bosses, but alternatively, I could literally just keep going in the rage and using my Atwell power on him to kill everything every class has its own way to kill mobs and it’s not all about AOE damage

@billy_cross5580 - 28.01.2023 08:56

Like you talk about it like it isn’t the best class for most new players to start the three abilities you end up with by the third level are the abilities you use on that class all the way through and arms of head art starts out with a cooldown of only two seconds you are casting that nonstop every time something starts the cast statue. You knock it down every time something starts to hit you you knock it down a NN for the most part are from migraines if you don’t mind everything being on top of you all the time for a solo player working through barbarian or warlock our are the best rogue takes a little bit of skill to figure out how to play and I haven’t worked, but I’m just gonna go out on a limb and think that the road class doesn’t get as much strength as the barbarian class you know the base stats so even though the barbarians first AOE isn’t as strong I think it’s still hits harder because it starts out with more bass sprints and I just completed a barbarian and I tried the rogue. I have a Ranger pretty well up there in the Ranger you think would be the best because you end up with several AOA powers for Melee really early But he just struggles to kill shit without some complex gameplay like Dardan, AOE, AOE, and then switch stances. Use your boat to dart back out. I mean he can do the job but it’s complex gameplay barbarian just push a couple buttons move to the next mob push a couple buttons move to the next mob first couple buttons, you rarely ever fail at it, and when you get to a certain point, your Malay, I can’t think which Mary power it is, but that when you get the paragon leveled, your Malay power Jesus Christ all you have to do is AOE, AOE, and then Multi target melee and you get massive combat advantage you get that guy jumping around helping you kill shit by the phone. The little red guy starting around hitting it from behind a guy I guess not hitting it so much is giving you combat advantage oh, I mean, I literally could go into rage and just hold down. My aunt will power and kill everything easily.

@billy_cross5580 - 26.01.2023 10:04

I just came back I played years ago and I came back and found like three level 20s to avoid I got rid of and I bought some slots and I currently have like a level 14 barbarian or 15 maybe and I found them to be really easy to level I mean almost frameless just keep running into a Roman bing bang. Boom everything‘s dad and I have a Ranger that’s at about level 12 almost as easy but he doesn’t seem there is a factor is clearing mobs is the barbarian, but may be more effective on the boss because you can play around and use archery and just kill him and ignore the ads and it kind of occurs to me that you get your level to the moment you finish the tutorial so I’m assuming bet your first second and third are the rogue, the barbarian and the ranger Aaron tried the rogue but I’m pretty sure either of the three will let you quickly level. I think I will be at barbarian in about two hours to level 15 I think.

@oliverseiler2871 - 25.01.2023 14:38

Thx 😃👍🏻👍🏻

@zacharyward9278 - 15.09.2022 02:17

I've noticed with my ranger I'm able to down a pack of mobs quicker than an rogue

@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 11.09.2022 11:08

My second character in Neverember's Recruitment Event did not get her free load out. Was I supposed to claim it from the Zen Market before the event ended? I forget if I did that on the first one, but it's not there now.

So I have to wait until next year? 😮‍💨


@EugeeFGII - 08.09.2022 16:20

And the answer is--not wizard. LOL But seriously rogue or ranger because they get their core encounters really early.

@abccba5125 - 30.08.2022 17:08

I've almost levelled up to 20 2 toons, so no more incentives....I have a slot and would like a bard, so if I level it to let's say 3, I ll be able to open 3 chests from the event (w/o incentives) but If I finish levelling the other 17 levels when event is ended, can I obtain all the chests from all others levels with the event rewards? I still have some characters from year ago with levelling chests to open and they give me the next levelling chest, anyway I think them not be made during an event (only 12 levelling reward)🤔

@rremnar - 30.08.2022 11:15

Neverwinter seems to have unbalanced classes; it's a poor design. It's not easy to make things balanced, but in the end it's just a math problem. I am playing as a wizard because magic classes are my goto, but I do find it kind of weak and hard to defeat groups of enemies, even with decent gear. Maybe I should roll a rogue and see how it plays.

@dkufhaduaffaf8130 - 12.08.2022 17:23

If you purchased anything from the zen shop, you can claim them instantly at level 1. I got the wings (Mount power and speed through) and Eladrin as a decent starter companion. Then when you hit PE, you can claim all your account wide stuff from the rewards vendor. A legendary mystagogue makes leveling past 2 very trivial 😄

@rileypalmer7001 - 09.08.2022 06:45

I miss the old azure enchantments 😂 used to be able to cap out in one day. I did rogue to twenty casually in one weekend. Main it on PS5. Recently did barb to 20 on PC and the speed boost from your stamina and the AoE attacks was very fast as well.

@BirdsRntReal - 08.08.2022 18:26

Any new toon I make is 53k to start, pegasus+ new dragon bone artifact+ Regis is all I need to eliminate all mobs and bosses.

@jtoolr - 07.08.2022 08:45

Just finished my 3rd toon & realized it didn't give me any nevember incentives on this one.

@brianmason1772 - 07.08.2022 07:14

Have you heard anything about a fix on the missing free loadout voucher, the level 12 recruitment reward?
Can't seem to find much on it in the forums or anywhere to be honest.

@gacha_elanor638 - 06.08.2022 15:43

Yep... hours in a way wasted... to finish all and just get 90 Incetives coins :/... i thought to upgrade another character but idk... i hoped to get at least 150.. but 90? Is bad

@netkoizmase2630 - 05.08.2022 17:04

Rogue, regis, companions and mounts - account, movement speed ench and companion ench, and combat ench. For mount power toad or that horse - one target/big dmg. No need to use other ench. Tested a lot of combos for alt army. Nothing can copmare to that. Melting... Like hot knife melts cheese. And my main is fighter... Fighter is too slow for that. But nice endgame class.

@segishin2124 - 05.08.2022 16:09

They fix the buG??

@xovaqiin4844 - 05.08.2022 15:33

Gotta disagree with this video big time. I levelled up one of each of the classes a couple of months ago and Warden was the clear winner for me. Marauder's Rush and Marauder's Retreat helps you move through dungeons way faster than a Rogue can. The first three encounters you get as a Ranger are the same three you will still be using as a level 20 Warden. Excellent melee and ranged AOE at-will attacks are also helpful. Any class with a big speed boost or lunge attack is going to have an edge over less mobile classes. Your point that Ranger doesn't get stance switch til level two is misleading. You get level two right after the intro. The intro goes about the same speed for every class.

Full disclosure, my Main is a Ranger and I have the most experience playing Warden (but use HR for end game). You are probably the same way with Rogue. So generally speaking, the class you know the best is the easiest one to level up. But for me, Warlock and Barbarian were faster than Rogue. Not sure why, but Rogue was 4th fastest for me.

@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 05.08.2022 15:03

The Human's Versatile Defence, it's actually Versatile Defence and Versatile Offence now.

Which stats actually get the 1%?

And is that +1% on the RHS, or does it multiply Stat Rating by 1.01?



@asamax64 - 05.08.2022 14:15

Did with warlock , this morning , really fast

@JohnSmith-is1qc - 05.08.2022 13:36

movespeed is the key... waywizard you get for free... and it just performs as normal as well as it would as mythic :D nuff said

@jesuisbryan758 - 05.08.2022 13:00

The gond artifact has an OP aoe dmg for lower level toons. It can burn mobs and bosses.

@VtojeC - 05.08.2022 12:45

Alternative title:
- Why you should pick up a Rogue for fast leveling :)

@abccba5125 - 05.08.2022 11:57

So..now can I start levelling new toons? Incentives fixed?

@riuzlife7307 - 05.08.2022 11:44


@ARtumanka - 05.08.2022 08:58

Here's a tip: you can completely skip the last section of the tutorial. Once you spoke to Celeste and went through the gate just press H -> I'm stuck -> abandon quest. You'll still end up in PE, quest will be completed and you won't have to deal with all the skeletons and the boss.

@cosmicdogg - 05.08.2022 07:01

Aragon, for a tank, you're a pretty good rogue.

@MrPinballWizzard - 05.08.2022 06:05

I sure guardians strugle leveing? Are you 10000% sure? XD

@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 05.08.2022 05:55

Of course, you can level two characters for this, for 200 Incentives.

But if Rogue is the fastest, what's the second fastest?


@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 05.08.2022 05:46

Of course, you can put all your Insignia, Collars and Enchants in the Shared Bank for these characters. And buy them a full set of gear with Seals of the Adventurer. And then claim all the Account-Wide companions and mounts when you get to PE!

But then you get massively scaled down!

LOL! 🤣


@juanpaulovargas3756 - 05.08.2022 05:46

Do they give recruit tokens now during Neverwinter recruit?

@marshallodom1388 - 05.08.2022 05:29

I'm only interested in the SLOWEST class to level up with the most detailed story line and evolved game play. I got burned out on speed runs and hex editing characters way back in the 90s. I want quality game play, not fastest to cross imaginary goal posts that will just move again later.

@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 05.08.2022 05:23

It's absolutely outrageous that the event had this exact, same Incentives Bug LAST time! And they are not going to compensate people who lost out on the Incentives? They are the very reason for participating in this event! That's why they are called INCENTIVES!

What about people who spent cash on Zen to buy the character slots? This is utterly outrageous!

Luckily, I never stampede into a new event or mod for precisely this reason, so I've not even rolled the characters yet.


@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 05.08.2022 05:19

Thanks for this! How soon can we get Professions to a level where we can do Summer Festival?


@zkrings - 05.08.2022 05:05

Aww man, so I started my toon for nothing for incentives? Good job Cryptic fk >:(

@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 05.08.2022 04:54

Also, Daunting Light can be moved out of so easily and miss the mobs completely! before Mod 16, it was insta-cast with no delay, and then Sunburst would blow them away and they die as they fly.


@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 05.08.2022 04:51

I'm going to do two Menzo Renegades. Maybe a Ranger and a Warlock. I wish they'd already released the Druid!

OK, I checked and I have:
6 Cleric
5 Barbarian
4 Fighter
4 Paladin
4 Ranger
3 Rogue
3 Warlock
3 Wizard
2 Bard

I really don't much like Wizard, so I have to pick two out of Rogue, Warlock and Bard. although, as a Menzo Renegade is a Drow, I was hankering for a Ranger, and I like Ranger.


@pjtrant - 05.08.2022 04:50

completely agree. rogue is a breeze for leveling. warlock is probably 2nd.

@DOC_NO - 05.08.2022 04:49

Great time for you to start that Wizard you mentioned a while ago ;)

@thomassol9725 - 05.08.2022 04:36

Rouge is first by far. However,the bard for early game I think you overlooked something, for aoe they technically do get one before duet, at lvl 2 you get blaze flamenco, it has a 30 foot radius and does 350 magnitude, plus it buffs so their aoe at will from 35 to 55 and there single target at will fleche does 200 with the buff, as long as you use the aoe at will before the final twirl of fleche it actually goes by fairly quick. Definitely not as quick as rogue can go but faster than I think you give them credit for.

@smokingone - 05.08.2022 04:16

I disagree, Warlock has always been the easiest to play solo because of No Pity No Mercy (automatic Combat Advantage at all times)

@pudelinocacalat2951 - 05.08.2022 04:11

And here I am, making a paladin >_<

@OGBouncin94 - 05.08.2022 04:03

Or....... you can just Equip Regis on any class let him use his 1 shot then resummon him. But you are right Rouges are easy to level up otherwise Bard too with the Blaze Flamenco spam
