Ranking the Fallout 4 Perks in a Tier List

Ranking the Fallout 4 Perks in a Tier List


1 год назад

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Lemon Luke
Lemon Luke - 07.03.2023 02:40

Your opinion is wrong. >:(

lolnice - 06.09.2023 20:23

Intimidation is good for firefights with lots of people, as you can basically take out one guy instantly and kill him after

Stephanie Lane
Stephanie Lane - 03.09.2023 16:07

3rd level life giver in end game at least to me is a life saver and should be no lower than B Tier...I am sure others i will not agree with as well

Reagan Sido
Reagan Sido - 31.08.2023 18:41

one of the best uses of mysterious stranger is when you have nick in your party just to hear nick comment on his appearance.

Reagan Sido
Reagan Sido - 31.08.2023 18:17

so I've really just been making the game harder on myself by taking the lone wanderer perk AND taking no companions, including dogmeat.
sure is nice that the perk just has a silent exception to it.

Joseph Rockholt
Joseph Rockholt - 31.08.2023 03:49

I know I'm weird for this but I don't put any points into luck. I don't see what the point of that would be for myself, because I don't use vats.

Dom Cantrell
Dom Cantrell - 26.08.2023 17:32

Heavy weapon excuses was really stupid, the reason the reload speed is slow and the aim is bad is because there HEAVY WEAPONS.

Alex .Aguilera
Alex .Aguilera - 26.08.2023 08:07

As a peeson whit more than 1000 hs in this game, this video triggered me so much

Timmy Ingelbrecht
Timmy Ingelbrecht - 26.08.2023 07:49

When the world needed him most, he dissapeared

Cheese Moon
Cheese Moon - 24.08.2023 22:18

Can I know the name of the songs used in this video? They're all very good.

Wu Way
Wu Way - 23.08.2023 04:13

Can't you still get diseases from eating radiated food, even with rank 3 of Lead Belly? Such a bad perk lol

Steve T
Steve T - 19.08.2023 02:37

Im walking the path less traveled. Doing a stealth, sniper build. And trying to not use vats a single time.

Mike Shaver-Miller
Mike Shaver-Miller - 18.08.2023 06:23

One of the most fun builds I ever did was an automatic shotguns build. I had a wounding Lazer rifle that I converted to an automatic Shotgun that fired like, ridiculously fast. I used the Hip Fire perk to make the gun more stable and also get some cheeky bonus damage out of it, too. The basher perk is underrated, in my opinion. I play a lot of fast, up close builds and having the extra damage when you bash is amazing. With proper timing, you can knock opponents prone with a bash, leaving them vulnerable for damage. It's huge to also do big damage that way!

crazysquirell - 17.08.2023 15:16

You should do a run using only d and f tier perks here. Good assessment overall I would say. I mainly avoid chems and vats which turns off two major power boosts in the game.

44WarmocK77 - 16.08.2023 20:11

Science and Gun Nut are my personal bread&butter perks, not a single build where I do not use them since I do a ton of (modded) settlement building all the time. And as a VATS/sniper/sneaky silenced weapon addict: Critical Banker, Ninja and Mister Sandman for the win! ^^

Dawson Warren
Dawson Warren - 16.08.2023 13:15

I will not stand for penetrator not being S tier. It turns the strongest enemies in the game into fodder. Mirelurks, power armour, sentry bots, deathclaws, etc become super easy to kill.

Life giver is amazing in Survival cuz you have less healing options. At least B or A

Gun-fu is also ridiculously amazing. Get Kellogg's pistol and you have infinite VATs and clear out rooms in seconds. At least A, if not S.

Critical Banker is S on a VATs build. Even being able to store 1 crit is crazy. But more is better

Lukas Jackson
Lukas Jackson - 16.08.2023 03:05

Fun Fact if you have Dogmeat as your companion Lone Wanderer is still active

Gray Area
Gray Area - 16.08.2023 01:17

Intimidation perks and vans is busted dude you’re underestimating it way to heavily lol.

Gray Area
Gray Area - 16.08.2023 01:09

Imo chem resistant should be higher combining it with chemist is broken you can just spam jet whenever you want never waste caps on addictol or anything. Jet+psycho is busted

lesser - 15.08.2023 20:48

I think Night Person deserves a C at least. It doesn't look very impressive at first, but there's a ton of synergy for a stealthy VATS build. You are harder to detect at night and the perk bonuses incentivize you to make use of that. The night vision effect is quite nice since the Pip-Boy light will reveal your position, but if you really don't like it, a case can be made for just the first rank. My last two full Survival playthroughs were built around Night Person and they were a ton of fun.

Don't bother with the third rank though. You need to be level 37 to get it and you already have like 350 health with just one Endurance at that point. An extra 30 health is pretty bone-headed for a stealth build, should have been AP instead.

kehton hultquist
kehton hultquist - 11.08.2023 16:49

Good vid. I’d say aqua boy is so convenient in survival it’s almost not a convenience perk. It helps you travel faster, get away from enemies, escape death from mirelurks, avoid random rad ticks when you walk into water that’s too deep (so you use radx/away less or visit doc less (bc radiation or illness… which saves IRL time) save hella caps/death (again from both illness debuff or less HP). It saves so much IRL time. You can also get that magazine that makes you swim 25% faster. I could keep going but imma stop there. If you’re playing survival, I recommend getting it as your second perk or at least quickly, after idiot savant ofc (if your going for a decent luck, regardless of int.) it’s great. Helps in so many obscure ways. Saving your IRL time is my fav though.

emo the escamo
emo the escamo - 11.08.2023 08:38

blitz, ninja, rooted. khremvhs tooth, pickmans blade, throat slicer, deliverer. chinese stealth suit from either cc or unoctium. you got yourself a professional melee shadow walker.

Carl Nielsen
Carl Nielsen - 10.08.2023 21:35

Robotics Expert isnt needed for 90% of the robot crafting.. unlocks sentry bot parts, unstable weapons etc. Its not really necessary to make a very powerful robot companion. In the base game its effect is pretty lame.

Irn Fox
Irn Fox - 10.08.2023 17:44

Mysterious stranger is very powerful, especially if it happens to work against mirelurk queens and such but I never take it as it has soft locked my game way too many times...

DemonPumpkin - 10.08.2023 05:25

What's your opinion on the Creation Club?

Marcus Turner
Marcus Turner - 08.08.2023 17:01

if you pickpocket fusion core from people wareing power armor you just got yourself some new power armor

omg wind5
omg wind5 - 08.08.2023 13:51

No need to do Mysterious Stranger like that

BoneHead - 04.08.2023 11:10

Anything that pops up in the middle of my screen when activated instant f tier

SmEiF- - 30.07.2023 16:36

I am gonna do a survival run with a 10 luck and 0 intelligence 10 strength build. Then do a pure vats luck build in survival. Love the info gonna help alot

SmEiF- - 30.07.2023 16:32

Stranger is mid tier because if built luck you see him alot early and he is super super clutch I survival

Tyler Ward
Tyler Ward - 28.07.2023 17:46

Here ya go people. I play almost exclusively on survival so these should be geared more that way. Rad scrubbers in power armor (you can just carry an extra helmet if you really care that much). Hazmat suit will solve all rad issues like swimming and mirelurk cakes can solve water breathing. Just take strong back and trade carry weight for convenience in the mid game.

Residente - 27.07.2023 20:27

How can u put a 15%dmg perk on c tier is at least b But overall nice video I learned a lot

Legate Fantastic
Legate Fantastic - 27.07.2023 08:32

Toughness is soo good in New Vegas

Sam D
Sam D - 23.07.2023 08:09

Ricochet and Mysterious Stranger are perks that in my survival runs have sometimes been the reason why I didn’t die after not saving after awhile and losing valuable progress lol. Yes it’s true that in most cases it’s random and happens when you don’t need them, but every now and then I’m almost dead on my last leg and am about to die and someone ricochets and dies with the bullet that would’ve killed me and sometimes an enemy that will kill me and I’m struggling to hurt them in VATS gets killed by the mysterious stranger. For these reasons I have to put them in the B/A tier range. It really does feel like your character gets lucky sometimes.

Sam D
Sam D - 23.07.2023 07:40

I’m one of those that thinks lead belly is worth somthing in survival mode, same with aquaboy.

Mould - 22.07.2023 21:28

Aint no way blud put idiot savant at S tier

Reese M
Reese M - 19.07.2023 19:03

Big guns in b tier is crazy

FREEman - 17.07.2023 22:23

personal i dont like the lockpick or hacker perks because you could use cait or nick

FREEman - 17.07.2023 22:18

bethesda should have given us more special point to put into character creation because i never even have enough points into a stat to get most of them

Amorphis Bob
Amorphis Bob - 17.07.2023 19:14

90% of heavy weapons are garbage with just the heavy gunner perk but the Gatling laser alone makes it S-tier.

Kyle Wilson
Kyle Wilson - 16.07.2023 19:20

Cannibal was only ever useful when I did an unarmed, no medicine(stimpak, radaway, chems) run but that 50 hp recovery sucks late game. It would be better if it was a percentage based recovery

Kristoff Cain
Kristoff Cain - 15.07.2023 10:06

Nuclear Physicist should definitely be higher, not only is is essential for any PA build, but radiation weapons are some of the best in the game

POVgames - 12.07.2023 16:03

I’m going to get BLASTED for this but idiot savant is probably the objectively worst perk in the game unless I’m missing something. Lead belly and VANS are literally better than idiot savant because they provide buffs to your character even if minuscule. Idiot savant costs a perk point and gives you nothing, it’s very similar to but not quite as bad as “here and now” from fallout 3 which costs a perk point but increases your level immediately. Okay, but, now you’ve given up a perk point and when you get to max level you’re missing a perk point you should’ve had. Who cares what level you are when the game scales with you based on your level and not amount of time played?

I’m not stating my opinion on the perk just that a level 20 character that took idiot savant at let’s say level 5 is objectively weaker than that same level 20 character that had taken something else. I get that you’re able to get to level 20 faster but that is irrelevant to your power.

There can be a very good argument made that leveling up faster makes you weaker. I only play the game one life and with mods what give me disadvantage and one of the disadvantages I often have is 2x-3x XP gain since that means the enemies are using leveled listed weapons and armors much faster than I couldn’t been prepared to deal with them.

Durnrhaegar - 12.07.2023 13:37

Thank you for making such a tier list in 2023.
Right in time for Steam Sale as well as the release of Fallout 4 Lost World mod.

An updated tier list for Lost World would be welcome!

Hunter Wade
Hunter Wade - 12.07.2023 03:27

I use lead belly a lot

Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor - 11.07.2023 17:42

It would have been cool if you like...read what the perk actually does??? Are you assuming that every single person knows exactly what every single perk does? Dumb as fuck in my opinion, amateur mistake and an easily justified thumbs down.

Peaceful revolution
Peaceful revolution - 11.07.2023 07:18

Hey, great video, if you decide to redo it ever, it would be nice to have some minimal description of what the perk does included with the ranking. A lot of the perks you named I was not too sure what their benefit was ....
