Reflecting the Galaxy (Elite Dangerous)

Reflecting the Galaxy (Elite Dangerous)

Galnet News Digest

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@digitaldarkagestudios6844 - 16.05.2024 22:25


@mandiworld - 16.05.2024 22:27

Wait until Christmas

@cozmikal7832 - 16.05.2024 22:30

I just like to see some paint that doesn’t look like Jo Jo sewa designed them

@mikewaterfield3599 - 16.05.2024 22:34

Who do I have to drop into a black hole to get a Hutton mug in my cockpit?

@TheShugoBR - 16.05.2024 22:37

i dont play elite much, i missed that oportunity

@TheShugoBR - 16.05.2024 22:38

the goldem paint job that was more reflective, also got replaced with a boring yellow one

@salenstormwing - 16.05.2024 23:01

If they brought it back to the store now, they'd obviously raise the price to 15,000 ARX, mostly because they already raised the price on all the other ship paint jobs last week, why not rip off people for the rare paint job too?!?

@fishstix4209 - 16.05.2024 23:02

Same with the gold and golden...

@valemax2976 - 16.05.2024 23:04

well, i have it on 3 ships but doesn't look like anything like before since odyssey (at least for me).

@uhjn - 16.05.2024 23:32

shinies wont replace the new monetization of the game, my arx are going to remain unspent until further notice

@captainyossarian388 - 17.05.2024 00:08

Jeesh, if Frontier really wants to make cash, they should re-offer that paint job. I'd buy it in a New York minute.

@nrogado - 17.05.2024 00:35

This is definitely not normal! These people don't understand that just might be the case that not all current players of Elite were playing at the time they did this or that or put this or that to sell? SO FUCKING STUPID! I have no way to understand this ridiculous comments... are they ment to be funny? serious? ironic? what's the purpose? Oh, sure... the game is great, has no faults or the faults are the players and all goals, including financial, for Elite Dangerous were attained and so why not? Where is the good sense? Not here for sure! This Galnet could be amazing... instead it seems a circus... if it was at the level of Monty Python level then it would be OK I guess...

@BrianVaughnVA - 17.05.2024 00:46

God damn Galnet News became Fox news real quick.

@HotMail-nl7dz - 17.05.2024 01:01

I didn't have the chance to get them :( ... were they originally meant to be only temporarily available? Oh, and those polychromatic paintjobs! grrrr

@christopherjohnston6343 - 17.05.2024 01:02

We lost a lot of cosmetics

@MinistryOfMagic_DoM - 17.05.2024 01:26

Killing their whales by raising the prices of everything has caused a negative cash flow for Fdev so it's doubtful they'll be willing to spend the money to reinstate the older stuff.

@freekeess9245 - 17.05.2024 01:31

They do look good.

@andrewparkin4036 - 17.05.2024 01:35

I lmow it's a sore point given the current ARX situation with price increases, but surely it's a bit of a no brainer to bring back older/not currently available/previous paint jobs for those who want them this one as mentioned but also the wireframe paint job too and there must be others that have been "retired" either put on store or make them as part of a reward for a CG etc. I also think the ARX should be upped too it's way too easy to reach that 400 limit before the weekly turn over make it 1000 at the least.

@defiantsnow6055 - 17.05.2024 02:11

Those are so pretty! yeah lets bring those back, you want to generate Arx revenue...

@cmdrnuma7135 - 17.05.2024 03:36

The thing is, the chrome/gold didn't look so great originally in the old engine, which I think is why they were replaced. The new Odyssey engine/lighting flipped the coin, and now I wish I had bought more of them when it was possible. At least I have the gold Anaconda and chrome Cutter, Corvette, FGS, Vulture and Cobra. But I wish I had the FdL as well.

@williamvorkosigan5151 - 17.05.2024 04:22

We didn't get back the Wireframe Gold or White back either. The Python with the gold Wireframe Paint Job looks glorious. I was quite disappointed that they didn't bring it back with the rest of them.

@saifulazrinfoto9993 - 17.05.2024 04:30

It gives the impression that you are blending into the surroundings.

@Torrle - 17.05.2024 05:55

I would love to have access to the original Chrome paints! (And also hope the Scorch paintjobs come back)

@AtlasGaming4k - 17.05.2024 06:37

What the heck kind of galnet is this? Just teasing the other 90% of the players who didn’t buy them?!?

@cmdrblp - 17.05.2024 07:14

I do ❤ my chrome DBX. It is a thing of beauty, but I could only afford to purchase chrome for one ship at the time chrome was available. It should really make a long overdue return to the store.

@selbie - 17.05.2024 08:00

Ship kits are so grossly underutilized in this game especially with chrome detailing. FDev are letting easy money sail past them. The all-mirror finish look is cool, but some ships would benefit from some well-placed modular pieces. I'm sure paints can do that too, but some ships can't be saved with paint alone :P

@itenebrixi7592 - 17.05.2024 09:08

I hope they add cyan reflecting paint

@2020heinsite - 17.05.2024 11:53

For the record, FDev, you put these on sale (name your price) & you can have my orders. Deal?

@brynhughes7048 - 17.05.2024 14:09

I neeeeed that paint job, phantom menace Mamba

@CylusResi - 17.05.2024 16:06

Twice-in-a-row!!! Shout out to the Cobra MK.IV!!!

@ToriYamazaki - 17.05.2024 17:06

I'd buy them.

@slartythecyclops4643 - 17.05.2024 20:27

happy just equiping my fleet wit the fave colour from the renowned singer Hotblack Desiato before I too spend a year dead for tax reasons 🙂 bugger the shiny unless it comes in black x

@lazynoob7977 - 17.05.2024 20:31

Who? CMDR BUR? he quit from January right?

@tetiitet - 18.05.2024 06:25

Damn, i can't afford them anyway.

@OldManPaxusYT - 18.05.2024 06:58

This all makes me FURIOUS! Especially since i have WANTED those two-tone/pearl/metallic paint jobs for YEARS (i keep missing them when they come out) and even NOW when Frontier is trying to get more $$$ spent, they aren't listing them!!! 🤬

@bunker1213 - 18.05.2024 23:02

So lucky that I managed to hit the 10 second window when Frontier made the CHROME paint job available for Python Mk2!!
Seriously, I'm on my second buy-no-paintjobs period until the real chrome paint jobs comes back. The first time I held out for over 2 years.
