Landlords: This changes EVERYTHING!

Landlords: This changes EVERYTHING!

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@2525Hudson - 24.01.2024 20:35

The argument about a landlord selling up and there being no real effect, as it goes to either another landlord or a FTB who then does not need to rent.............. IS Wrong, the real world see's adult children never leaving home to rent, but jumping straight to buying their first home..... in this case an ex rental. So one less rental property on the market, i know this to be true as my children are doing exactly this. As a landlord myself the last thing i want my kids to do is RENT.

@indigoskywalker - 20.01.2024 08:30

so when presented with a list of issues my landlord has told me he is now selling his property and we have two months two find another property, he is lying and will put the property back on a the rental market

@indigoskywalker - 20.01.2024 08:26

and it stalled

@panayiotispanayides2141 - 18.01.2024 16:27

With all new anti-landlord regulations coming in, I would not even dream of a BTL property. Two words for current landlords ' Get out'. let the government find and supply housing for their tenants as they seem to care so much for them and dislike landlords. If you are thinking of a BTL property, don't bother. I have ditched all mine knowing there kinds of regulations and taxes will be imposed. Tenants will abuse these rules to the max I can promise you. Good luck with those that choose to remain.

@peteroriol8723 - 10.01.2024 09:51

Good landlords are being pushed out by gov. regs. It was never this bad for tenants, legislators make laws when they themselves have never owned a property. The big corps that own and manage thousand of properties keep raising rents. Law makers threaten rent control so landlords raise rents. Keep the government out of businesses. Ma and Pa owners are being pushed out.

@PeterHedditch - 06.01.2024 14:44

As a tenant who has rented on both sides of the Scottish border, there is a warning from Scotland. The shorthold tenancy agreements in Scotland work wonderfully in favour of tenants but we have now seen a collapse of the rental market, with availability of stock plummeting and huge competition for the remaining properties. Expect these problems to grow south of the border now too. Like a lot of people locked out of the housing ladder, I have suffered with rocketing prices too, but these changes will put rocket fuel under the law of unintended consequences.

@ryans1623 - 14.12.2023 20:35

Mean while, this all doesnt matter as the population throughout most of the world is in major decline, there will not be ashortage of housing just a shortage of people alive and breathing to live in them or repair them.

@ryans1623 - 14.12.2023 20:29

Or we could just have fixed leases, that is agreed upon at the start of the tennacy, would solve all these problems.

@jetbuggs - 12.12.2023 12:45

Boy am I glad I sold up. Good luck to those who choose to stay under this corrupt regime!

@tamquen - 05.12.2023 12:40

I think it's fair that landlords can give tenants 2 month notice after the 6 months
Because if you have a hostile rent arrearing tenant, to remove the tenant you'll have to go through court to remove them, and its the only right the landlord has to protect themselves without having to pay £434 for application, £350 for the court and £50 for reviewing the application

@tamquen - 05.12.2023 12:17

I think you see things more of from a tenants view point and that you might only be a landlord as a charity case

@Mr-sweeny - 05.12.2023 04:20

In my opinion, a housing market crash is imminent due to the high number of individuals who purchased homes above the asking price despite the low interest rates. These buyers find themselves in precarious situations as housing prices decline, leaving them without any equity. If they become unable to afford their homes, foreclosure becomes a likely outcome. Even attempting to sell would not yield any profits. This scenario is expected to impact a significant number of people, particularly in light of the anticipated surge in layoffs and the rapid increase in the cost of living.

@tamquen - 05.12.2023 02:09

Why do landlords have to pay for the ombudsman but not be able to use it to complain about the tenant?
Unless the fee can be included in their rent?

I think i should just finish paying off my mortgage in the 6 years remaining on my mortgage and then finally buy my final home that way i can keep this property as my london home and not have to worry about tenancy issues

Would have been nice for retirement though

@Lisaruthdecker. - 28.11.2023 04:37

As am American living here in the UK, I have always been dumbfounded on the mortgage market here. 2yr -5yr (rarely ever fixed) and renegotiate multiple times over the course of the loan. Too much of the UK's wealth is tied up in real estate. In the US, many have a 401k or reasonable pension to rely on for retirement. So, many have been brainwashed into thinking the only way to wealth in the UK is through property. Then, sell up and downsize for your retirement pot. Any sizeable correction in UK housing will basically cripple a generation's retirement and lead to bigger issues.

@elmafudd9703 - 22.11.2023 19:14

We will own noting and be happy. Keep the prey poor and keep the predators rich. Strange how the rich are choosing to leave the UK and the rest of us get to sit in there shit.

@DebrahYFoler - 15.11.2023 15:08

Predicting the housing market in 2023 is challenging because it remains uncertain how swiftly and to what extent the Federal Reserve can reduce cost surge and borrowing costs without negatively impacting buyer demand for various assets, including homes and automobiles.

@robertsmuggles6871 - 14.11.2023 12:11

Funny how you can always rely on the Government to make a bad situation worse. Chairman Mao singled out nine categories of enemies: landlords were no.1 on the list. Across China former landlords were humiliated, beaten and murdered. This is simply Maoism "with British characteristics."

@armonil7278 - 13.11.2023 18:31

Are these laws current

@Keyboardnut99 - 13.11.2023 09:34

Being a landlord has become too big a risk I have had enough and am selling up!

@niklar55 - 28.10.2023 21:07

The only way for a landlord to protect from crappy tenants, is to price them out.
So, any tenants who think this will mean cheap rents, can continue living in cuckoo land, or a tent.

@niklar55 - 28.10.2023 20:58

In the past, I have refused tenants with dogs, because, however lovable, they are disgusting animals, and their owners often match them.
My refusal was based on the fact that I didn't want my property turned into a dog shithouse.
I had previously consented, but when the tenants departed, the whole house, and garden reeked of dog shit!
So, regardless of the law, any dog owners will be met with, ''sorry, it's already taken.''!

@DavidTaylorChesterWebDesign - 21.10.2023 14:46

Will this bill become law before the next General Election and if Labour get into power will they support the bill in it's current form?

@CUNDUNDO - 17.10.2023 11:55

This is called the great plan of social cleansing, in a few decades the UK will have favelas like in many countries of South America.

@stevebroadway7274 - 10.10.2023 18:40

Landlords , it's over ? No borrowing to rent is over due to interest rates going up

@Harrybollox - 10.10.2023 06:03

To tenants who do you want to have as your landlord, the way it’s going it will be a large corporation with a call centre in India professionally trained to minimise expense on the part of the corporation, it will be like trying to claim insurance getting anything fixed. And rent will rise in line with shareholder expectations of profit. I would never invest in the uk. It’s called sovereign risk from years of buffoons in power who have no economic nous at all.

@bufordmaddogtannen - 08.10.2023 22:33

I get evicted every 12 months under section 21 "to avoid misunderstandings". This gives the landlord the opportunity to raise rent as a new tenancy agreement needs to be drafted.
Ironically in so called "third world countries" I would have more protection...🙄

@Soulboy63 - 08.10.2023 10:06

Maybe big corp will buy up property when prices hit rock bottom , maybe they go down 10 - 15 %more , also Tories dont want to see mass evictions if a crash is bad

@ashtongrist - 08.10.2023 08:11

Wooptido they made the process easier!!!!!!!! You have to be nice for yourn slaves

@martinspeer262 - 07.10.2023 12:05

Scummy landlords watch out... your days of making money out of other people's plight will soon be over.

@landlordnation - 04.10.2023 17:00

How do you guys feel about a tenant database that landlords use to register complaints against tenants? Landlords can search this database prior to renting their properties. Similar to the landlord database tenants use to search landlords.

@ultimate4199 - 04.10.2023 11:45

We have not missed a payment in 6 years and have a child with extreme special needs. The "church of england" that we rent from has now served a section 21.

5 children and all everyone is bothered about is equity. The crash is here they are all getting out, and like me , You will own nothing and be happy (wef)

It was planned big corporations will own everything.

We have shafted each other over 50 years to create this bubble and they will be the winners. We are merely pawns in their game.

Self cert mortages - interest only - tell a visions 📺 encouraging the flipping.

@wr6897 - 02.10.2023 14:15

Start considering motor homes

@blueskies666 - 01.10.2023 23:59

I viewed a flat a few years ago. It was lovely it was i think £1300 a month and we decided to go ahead. Day one of moving in the downstairs neighbours had their music on full blast all day, after speaking to them they turned it down but the next day same again then the flat under them had their tv on all night so you could hear it through the walls. They refused to turn it down. Clearlt there was no sound insulation in the property. Speaking to the agent they said tough, luckily we had a 6 month break clause, so we bought a white noise machine and had that on all day and wore headphones when working from home. I avoided going home and worked as much overtime as i could and stayed out as late as i could to avoid home. We managed to leave after 6 months of hell living there. To have the ability to leave within 2 months would have kept me sane. So im all for this. I understand landlords have to cover costs but its aimed at the onew that rent out shitholes knowing there are noise issues and you have a right to have a nice quiet home

@northamptonshireloyal852 - 30.09.2023 21:45

To think, since 2019 general election there are now a whopping 46% less private rental properties on the market. Landlords have seen and had enough.

@northamptonshireloyal852 - 30.09.2023 21:41

All for the tenants and zero protection for Landlords. We need a system where we can have a database on tenants so Landlords can contact other Landlords regarding prospective tenants. No point just asking a tenants' letting agency either. We need to know: How many times have the prospective tenants complained about petty issues? How much did it cost the Landlord to put their rented property back to how it was prior to the prospective tenant moving in? And the one killer question, "Would you let your property out to this tenant again?" But let me guess, these types of Landlord-to-Landlord references will be banned. Thank goodness we have taken steps to reclaim our three properties back and our three adult children can occupy one each. So there you go, with these rental reforms that's three more houses taken out of the private rental sector. The 'free-stuff' tenants have finally bitten off the hand that feeds them - and they are starting to pay the price. And if that's not enough, Labours' Lisa Nandy wants to 'shift the balance of power' from Landlord to tenant! The arrogance of these people need to remember whose name it is that is on the Title Deeds of a said property. And get this: L:abour want to go further and permit tenants to 'make small changes' to the property! And when their bodged DIY job goes wrong? Unbelievable. Rental Reforms - All because mainstream media brainwash the masses that 'Landlords are all evil millionaires'. Yeah, right.

@CRAZYCR1T1C - 24.09.2023 13:32

The great landlord witch hunt continues.

@JamieJeff-in9qo - 21.09.2023 15:56

I'm hoping there will be a housing crisis so I can buy cheaply when I sell a few houses in 2024. As a backup plan, I've been thinking about purchasing stocks. What advice do you have for choosing the best buying time? On the one hand, I continue to read and see trading earnings of over $500k each week. On the other side, I keep hearing that the market is out of control and experiencing a dead cat bounce. Why does this happen?

@GillerHeston - 21.09.2023 03:58

The issue is that either the renter or the owner must in some way pay insurance and property taxes if they want a "permanent roof" with utilities like electricity, gas and water. Because of this, many people at least in California, where I currently reside are living in tents. No taxes, rent, mortgages, or insurance. The number of people who tell me they live in their car that I meet amazes me. Its crazy out here!

@encompassvideo5429 - 18.09.2023 22:58

Excellent video; very informative. Glad I do not live in GB.

@hasinajahan6942 - 15.09.2023 03:25

Landlord needs short period notice power to evict difficult tenant who under rent arrears

@billygnasher - 18.08.2023 23:07

How many MP,s are Landlords, the whole rental market is not fit for Purpose, it’s a Sham.

@harlyslamm2888 - 08.08.2023 17:27

Landlords need to price in the future cost of rent into the monthly rent by increasing to a point where you can build up a pot to cover, including the cost of administration and the cost of renters reform. If tenants do not want to pay, they are free to go buy their own property and live there.  

Landlords are also advised to take up thorough legal cover, and ensure they take every tenant to court which will stop them ever getting a loan, mortgage and in all cases even a mobile phone contract. This will ensure we get rid of bad tenants and make it a council's problem which will be paid for through council tax so it will be tax payers problem

@northwestheathen8021 - 03.08.2023 19:15

I ain’t paying my money to pay a wealthy persons bills, your all dead beats pull your socks up and pay fir your own properties, we’re not your piggy banks! I live in the woods rent free and every worker should do the same! No more tennancy!!!

@scrapwomblecreatives6944 - 28.07.2023 06:16

its been used as a weapon to get anyone out of big ex council landlords you can be branded as a asbo for been il. if your rent is payed via and direct to the landlord they still class it as late rent it all stinks there is going to be ill on the streets i feel sick with worry am scared as hell am to ill to work i cannot even walk right anymore god forgive the poor and meek and send the government the sign they need let them feel water in their homes and parlament cellers flood wash away thier sins let them feel the wind and tempest at there homes let the have no power make them see lord what there doing to the helpless may it be soon lord as we cannot part the seas as you can

@FeelingShred - 27.07.2023 11:23

this landlord debate (even the usage of the word "lord" in it is so weird...) is spiraling out of control... take for example what is written down in Sting's biography (remember washed up celebrities? LOL) The guy, even being a born and raised native Brit had to resort for someone else helping him with the paperwork for renting an apartment back in the 70's, being that he already had an established state position job (teacher)

@ianeazy3815 - 19.07.2023 03:10

So do you think it's right that hmoz have the right to do this

@marklawrence909 - 18.07.2023 15:13

BlackRock are doing this in the USA, especially California, they push out the landlords, and then buy up at bargain prices, and then push the rent up. Think about Klaus Schwab from the World Economic Forum who stated "You will own nothing and be happy".

@RobSinner - 17.07.2023 20:56

UK Housing is a scam. Been looking for a room for months, its a fuckin scam. I don't know how people can live in such piles of shit. At least, clean the fuckin houses before advertising it for 750 a room. Never seen a bathroom so fuckin dirty and moldy, and they charge you like if you were gonna sleep in a hotel.
