How to Create a Landing Page With GroovePages - Step by Step

How to Create a Landing Page With GroovePages - Step by Step

Matt G

4 года назад

12,497 Просмотров

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@davidbuckley1332 - 08.10.2020 10:51

Hi Matt. I just watched your vlog on creating a landing page, and I've downloaded your free offer and singed up to your FB page, so well done, the page you created works.

@iamnamora - 04.10.2020 09:11

I watched the entire video and subscribed, you gave a lot of valuable information in this tutorial as a new user to GrooveFunnels, I am glad I found your video

@ReviewMarineProducts - 20.09.2020 09:41

Great tutorial, thanks. Have you done an update with the recent (Sept 2020) enhancements to Groove?

@dr.plague6897 - 29.08.2020 06:18

you seem familiar are you from shark tank? lol

@marcio5846 - 22.08.2020 16:15

The option "Host your site with us" is not on.
Can someone help please?

@smartmarketingpros - 10.07.2020 14:05

This was terrific training, thanks Matt

@veronyong1797 - 25.06.2020 06:51

Hi Matt, I’m new to this. I have open a free plan account @ groove . What must I do next? Pls help

@anndelaplus8712 - 20.06.2020 04:09

But How we can create a custom form (name , email, phone) on groove pages without Convert box ? It's not possible ???

@containableliving7642 - 17.06.2020 05:20

I just saw your video and you truly worked at my pace. Thanks alot.

@TWNerd - 17.05.2020 05:41

how do you attach the pdf product or make it send to them

@sujd18drheafaejfhoi59 - 16.05.2020 08:56

Hey Matt, Can you make a tutorial using Convertful?

Thank you!

@viclugo4073 - 15.05.2020 04:43

Awesome video! And I think I'm in love with ConvertBox! Had to pick up the lifetime deal. Thank you

@mikegomes7908 - 04.05.2020 03:13

Thanks for the Value

@MarkessAWilder - 30.04.2020 15:59

Thank you matt, a couple of things. 1. What do we do about pop-ups if we don't have convert tools? I'm not going to spend close to $400 on something that may soon not be needed. 2. Can you go over the different screen resolutions and how to make changes that only affect one size but not the others? Is that how the green dots work? How do you control them to get the results you want every time? It's been hit or miss with me so far.

@MarkessAWilder - 30.04.2020 15:29

Thanks, Matt, every issue you talked about I ran across. I really wanted the popups to work I think that is important to build pages. I'm glad to see I'm not crazy because I tried everything too. Thank God you can click a button and that works...

@marketingwithyoshi - 29.04.2020 05:06

Hi Matt, thanks for you support with GroovePages. Liked & Subscribed 👍

@rooseveltcooper - 27.04.2020 06:16

Thank you Matt!

@dwightperry9811 - 11.04.2020 14:36

Thanks man, I am new to this and don't know where to start your video helps a little. I need to learn more.🙏🏿

@YourMomsSideDude - 11.04.2020 04:15

Thanks, Matt.

@CoachDeb - 11.04.2020 02:59

oooh THANKS for creating this!
It's Groovey! :D

@MattG5050 - 10.04.2020 19:39

Thanks for watching guys! What kind of business do you run and what kind of funnel are you creating for it?
