BEST MAP SETTINGS For New Anno 1800 Players!

BEST MAP SETTINGS For New Anno 1800 Players!


3 года назад

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@krayzieegg7294 - 16.08.2023 04:55

Reason why i went to customs after beryl non stop attacked me because i allied with willie the weasel. Then i saw a video that you can change character didnt know that there are difficulties with characters i just saw bente and thought to myself who i wanna see often on my screen beryl or bente. Not a difficult choice.

@loulou3887 - 11.07.2023 04:18

Thank you so much, just got the game a couple of weeks ago and and had to restart multiple times from failure .This will definitely help.❤

@lasuzzoeaglegaming - 05.07.2023 21:06

Beryl got me on my first play through, but the second one I ended up just keeping all shares of her best island, bought the rest of her islands, and just blockading that last one so she wouldn’t touch my trade routes. That one island is giving me +$70k income and it’s very useful for building up my economy without going in red.

@kenneth69 - 22.06.2023 17:07

I can agree that 1800 seems more available for so many simply by looking at the difference in the number of mods! lol I have been trying 2205 too just in the last few days, and even the wiki is entirely barebones. Someone spent time to set up a wiki, but that was all they had the heart to do.

re: the two AI's you mentioned not expanding without your permission, well . . . they do indeed by some wicket I don't know. I often deny them, but at random times they just settle anyway. Hooligans.

@robosergTV - 20.06.2023 23:09

"new people still get to this game to this day" said in the video 1+ years ago. D
I came to this game only today, in summer 2023 :)

@Shorroth - 12.06.2023 10:01

I 100% did a Normal game as my first game, went in blind. I was oblivious to the AI difficulties, and Beryl annihilated the other two AIs but loved me.

@rolyatlaumas93 - 16.04.2023 00:12

Would love for you to release some new content towards the new console player that have just started playing. I've just found this channel and it's helping me on xbox.

@everquestfan - 13.04.2023 01:56

Beryl is so annoying with the "Beryl Take's a Slice" Qing actually started a war with me for newspaper propaganda, she gives major negative relations for propaganda my first play through. The war is pretty lacking to be nice about it. You basically have to crush your opponent before they will accept a cease fire. Then that AI will be picked on the rest of your game by the other two. Willi sky drops your cities with propaganda even with a non aggression pact , this has to be a permanent bug?

@evenvicius - 08.04.2023 19:42

Your videos saved me from Bankruptcy, depression and suffering! 🥲😂😂😂

@satibel - 29.03.2023 20:29

willie is easy to deal with, buy 4/5 shares in islands, he loves his "stocks and shares huh".
also I like him cause he can be a great source of revenue at the cost of a few islands.

@satibel - 29.03.2023 20:24

I had no problems with beryl, I nuked her out of existence crashing like 20 ship of the line on each island, prioritizing flamethrowers. (though I could've probably gone to steel ships and have a lot less trouble.)

@lvlxc01 - 13.03.2023 14:07

Great guide. Thanks :)

@jonasjohansson5038 - 09.03.2023 15:21

Amazing! Just what I needed. Thanks.

@vodkavecz - 09.02.2023 15:54

Gotta love Bente :)
I love hove the Jorgensen family is present in every modern Anno games.

@digitalhaze101 - 30.01.2023 14:23

Superb. Very helpful :)

@ivayola - 25.01.2023 23:56


@tsavin - 23.01.2023 14:48

Thanks, I wish I'd seen this before sinking 30 hours into a campaign and suffering severe outbreak of Beryl-itis, like pink spots over the whole map. And a forever war since she's unnaturally militarily advanced and strong economically she will literally never consider ceasefires. Sigh.

@MasonVeil - 02.11.2022 03:54

Isn't it easier to remove the traders so the NPC's can't abuse them?
Or does the AI cheat anyway.

@hasankhaddam540 - 27.10.2022 23:41

I remember in my first game Beryl made war on me and took 2 of my island. I cried a lot that day :(
Conclusion: she is a bitch don't start a game with her it's not worth it

@FermiToll - 08.09.2022 02:04

SOME PROBLEM WITH EASIER CHARACTERS: “they will never expand without your permission” like a year ago I made a game with those 3, worked as you mention, but after many hours of gameplay, Bente started to settle without asking, I just heard a notification like “a competitor just settled on an island” or something. I thought at first I missed something or the asking window, but started to happen 2 3 times and more… I read others happening the same so it’s not I missed something, I don’t know if it’s a glitch or works as intended, but what is going on? Since then I would like other player just to make it slightly more interesting but I hate AI expanding, so I don’t want to ruin my game after many many hours for this.

@adriandelgado-od5cm - 20.08.2022 14:15

Amazing game recently firts playes and the oportunnity to ad dlcs to a saved games is an incredible mechanic. Incredible channel too

@richardpidwell2207 - 11.08.2022 12:45

I've had the game since it came out and still haven't gone to the Arctic lol

@drkale2749 - 20.07.2022 14:57

Uhmm... Maybe turning off Eli from my sandbox series was a bad idea, I mean I turned him off because I never buy ore's from him but now that I think about it... I need Eli because of the specialist, but I don't know if I turned Eli off, I have kind of forget, my players for my sandbox is: Willie Wibblesock, Bente Jorgensen, and Dr. Hugo Mercier, Dr. Hugo is the one that expands faster than me but not so crazy like Beryl, I think, let me know if I'm correct Taka.

@davidderrett - 23.05.2022 06:19

Thanks so much for this very clear and informative video mate. I have started my first game and doing ok but like you said in the video it can start to feel overwhelming. Even though I'm doing ok I'm going to restart my campaign game. Cheeers!

@fred6er - 22.05.2022 09:18

I always suck at anno 1800 It's all fun and games up to artisan. After that it gets too complex for me.

@shelbyseelbach9568 - 11.05.2022 20:30

You didn't play this GAME as a child. You played this SERIES as a child.

@michaelgilday - 03.05.2022 01:49

Those two AI's you suggest drive me nuts after trying various AI combos I have found Hunt, Smith and the Fat Baron a good combo. As they tend to fall out with each other and Smith tend to be good for trading and more on your side early on. Hunt also comes round once you get your title at Crown Falls leaving the Baron but he gradually weakens as he is picked on by Smith and Hunt.

@oq1106 - 28.04.2022 15:01

The current year btw. is a very nice seed for Campaign. Any new player currently starting, I'd totally recommend 2022 as a novelty custom seed.

@Charvin - 26.04.2022 18:47

Was running around with beryl behind my back for months now. I should have checked this video out sooner. Thank you, will start over with a fresh game which will help me build, manage, enjoy and relax while being at it.

@jacobmorris7532 - 26.04.2022 09:26

I like to play sandbox with no a.i except vendors.

I am really hoping to get more scenarios the current 2 are very full. And a bit of a challenge

@oxer09 - 24.04.2022 10:23

1 tip for Willie when he get upset when you expand, buy one of his shares. He will easily be happy.

@oxer09 - 24.04.2022 10:18

Beryll O Mara suddenly declared war on me and crushed me on my first campaign playthrough. On my second playthrough, I buy all of her shares, which made me get up to 300K of income, then, when she declare war on me, I immediately buy all of her big islands. and left her with 1 small island to remind herself how not to mess with me. lol.

@mikeymy1603 - 14.04.2022 02:02

So I'm playing my campaign, and helplessy lost, then around hour 20 started watching your videos and begin making improvements. I messed up and picked normal. Qing, Willie and I are in a faction when O'Mara allies with Harlow and "death wars" us (zero ceasefire, zero peace deal) 60 hours later and wiped the faction off the map, boy though my game is fucked, economy fucked, everything tooled for spamming ship of the lines. Though, there is hope, thanks to your videos!

@JD_Mortal - 23.03.2022 23:58

Thank Covid for the success of home-games that require a longer attention-span than what a mouse has. After they burn through all the cheap "pay to play" or "free games"... They funnel into the games which those free game concepts were stolen from.

Limiting the addition of DLC into the game, is just stupid. It's not about "ability", because they can obviously add it. They just said "Nah... we don't want you to, so you can't, later-on."

@williamantonio9743 - 20.03.2022 12:54

Kinda funny that the Jailor is known as the "Soap King"

@randomblue2361 - 06.03.2022 18:11

I started playing anno 1800 on a whim then I found mods on nexus and scince I’ve spent a couple hundred hours messing around with it, I’m currently trying to build a mega city map with mods and no ai it’s awsome as just a city building game I much prefer it with no ai

@doughnutdoney997 - 13.02.2022 00:54

Im pretty much a veteran player of the Anno 1800 games but I still struggle to make money in mid to late game (when electricity arrives) but going back to even this early stage is very useful. I may start on the easier settings again and re-build confidence. Very useful video :)

@suxix7312 - 08.02.2022 01:17

I don't think high incidents change the frequency of the bad things happening. It changes the size of the incidents. Bigger fires and more houses that get sick. It's actually a lot of fun playing with high incidents. When they're on low I find myself wondering why I even have a fire station and hospital? With it set to high you actually get to use your fire stations and hospital. Maybe don't do that for your very first game. But if you're looking for more of a challenge and you pay attention to events happening in your city you may enjoy it.

@suxix7312 - 08.02.2022 01:13

Honestly of you just make 6 gunboats and park them outside of the pirates island in the old world they will only send out a pirate ship or two at a time. And usually the hard AI loves when you destroy pirate ships. Plus you can get a lot of good goods and specialists early in the game that will really help you. Plus like I said the hard AI will love you. Pirates are great for farming specials... Rum... Gold... Advanced and regular weapons. And after you farm for a while you can make friends with them whenever you want with diplomacy.

@suxix7312 - 08.02.2022 01:02

It's a really awesome game. The first of the Anno franchise I've tried and I LOVE IT! I just hope and pray that they don't ruin it like what seems to happen to every game I fall in love with eventually.....

@aggieking87 - 09.01.2022 20:43

Omgosh yes! Beryl being such a B my first sandbox game lol. Man this really making me want to start a new game but trying to build everything so can get better feel for endgame…

Also so tired of getting accused of “Willism “ lol

@grayhill6728 - 29.12.2021 02:58

This was very helpful.

@Soki1933 - 27.12.2021 22:50


@koxacbka - 25.12.2021 02:58

i think if you're new player leaving DLC on may be... not that good. they add mechanics that'll overwhelm even more. better leave them off til you at least get the basics.
also if you're going to play with others you'll be forced to use only dlc that everyone have. so learning the game from scratch may be also beneficial in this regard.

@loathsomedungeater7913 - 30.11.2021 20:11

For novices i recommend the campaing ^^

@murse4427 - 17.11.2021 07:22

LOVE this game, but what's next? What eras have they not done? I'm interested to know. What are your thoughts?

@PhongHuynh0981314893 - 01.10.2021 17:13

Just play expert for 1st in all the game. So the game will kick all shit to your face and you will learn fast. Playing in normal or easy is wasting your time. In Anno 1800, AI normal vs expert is huge change, make we change the meta.

@Snoogen11 - 21.07.2021 07:09

Once I get to engineers, I kind of get lost, I don't know what to do next, how should I expand, there is so many things to keep track of, I just get lost in indecision. It's a horrible feeling :\ Feels like your mind is being torn into 6 different directions at once.

@labasrytaskurva - 13.07.2021 09:40

I've played beta a few times and got my hands on the game only yesterday. And it's hard! Of course that's very good, cuz I like the challenge. But it would be harder without your videos! Thank you for all you've been doing and also your help on reddit!
