Tension - Aiming's Secret Weapon (advanced)

Tension - Aiming's Secret Weapon (advanced)

Struth Gaming

1 год назад

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@jimm6908 - 04.01.2024 04:24

I squeeze the mouse a bit in the flow state. Definitely increases precision.

@xAlphaSpiderx - 03.01.2024 15:44

Thank you 😊

@Brandon_Brown - 27.12.2023 15:57

I know when i first switched to m&kb i had a problem with death gripping my mouse. Once i got out of that habbit i noticed immediate improvement

@hamstergaming6533 - 17.12.2023 18:20

actualy I so mutch confused my selfe.. :( I playing an extremly Low sens in Valorant... Rainbow six siege and other games... but the think is Its extremly unconfortable BUT IF i Change My aim is VERY BAD!!!!! Im more of a Corshair placment master then aim master :( I can adopt to games so easy but I feel I can not aim... Most of my Kills is from corshair placemant in EVERY game not from actual aim.. I want to fix it.... As mutch videos and content watching from this I confusing my self more and more :( and its lead me to change my sens a lot... but I played enought long in Low sens to dont feal confortabe in higher sens.... my valorant hs rate 38.3% My Rainbow six siege hs rate 68-70% But still... I feal my aim is shit coz I dont see my aim the same as other people...

@Alex-nq1mc - 17.12.2023 04:09

if you use a high sensitivity you can always be relaxed. easy solution

@ZippaOfficial - 15.12.2023 05:25

is mouse acceleration good or bad

@ObliqueXuba - 04.12.2023 22:13

The more tension I use the better I aim, idk how that works...

@krunds - 22.11.2023 03:30

what i have noticed is that i tense more when i flick and relax when i track targets

@VicariousX - 21.11.2023 04:28

"Tension has a way of accelerating your perception of time." My god, I never put 2 and 2 together. Whenever I watch static/ ts vods, whether they're someone else's or my own, they always look so much slower paced than what I'm seeing while actively grinding. I'm even aware I frequently use too much tension lol

@dough710 - 17.11.2023 16:05

in game i naturally tense my arm to aim better but i practice relaxed

@sashabagdasarow497 - 14.11.2023 21:40

Before watching this vid, I'll say the following: You can't move something smoothly if you tense the muslce that moves.
Try tensing your hand and then drawing with that tensed hand a smooth ANYTHING. It'll be jittery mess.

@MrDjBanza - 14.11.2023 21:27

To me the downside of having tension is not the aim but consistency, playing for many hours small amount fatigue will impact my aim

@ImEhkia - 04.11.2023 07:58

I applied what you were talking about regarding tension to my training in Aim Labs and my gameplay in Valorant and immediately noticed results. Probably the best tip I've ever heard of. Thanks! :)

@maciejwilk6267 - 02.11.2023 13:36

true gamer hand XDDD

@veechaeuphrates8512 - 23.10.2023 22:15

Tension is basically a byproduct of two things. Lack of real control of your instrument or improper set up of your instrument. If you've set up your sensitivity properly and have the experience/ability to use your mouse well you should always be relaxed. Having said that I still struggle to always have a relaxed arm when in an engagement.

@FatheredPuma81 - 13.10.2023 09:59

The only reason you should ever think about any of this is if you've already developed an issue caused by training due to something you read. You'll naturally do what works best for every situation as you gain more experience and you're going to do it so much faster than he implies. I just noticed that when I move my mouse at a faster than normal pace I only tense up for the movement before relaxing a bit for finer tracking adjustments.

@TechSupportDave - 10.10.2023 05:40

You know this guy is very knowledgeable when he literally has a SINGULAR word for this entire thing - to be DELIBERATE.

It is actually the EXACT word I was looking for, because I struggle with this thing where I'm literally NOT deliberate, and it is my #1 issue right now, in many aspects of my gameplay, not specifically aim.

I'm an insane player sometimes, but more often than not I'm simply braindead, no idea how I'm a top 5% player.
I do things that I literally KNOW I shouldn't do, and I don't know WHY I do them.
Sometimes, I just completely forget things that I normally am very well aware of.
This is holding me and my gameplay back by a LOT.

And I think that it's because I just don't feel like I'm focusing enough on being deliberate - playing with a PURPOSE.

Only acting when I know there's a reason behind it.

I don't usually 'autopilot' or anything like that, but it's more that I just do the things that normally only autopiloting results in. It's kinda how the guy in the video mentions it, I'm "giving the enemy special treatment". I sorta "calm panic" and I begin to think that the enemy is impossible to beat.

I may be closer to fixing that issue thanks to you, although it is an issue that is mostly unrelated to aim. I have a good enough understanding of mechanics and improvement of mechanics to know what exactly I need to be doing to maintain them, but I really am failing at applying those "transferrable" concepts to other areas of my gameplay, outside of aim.

By the way, I mostly play Valorant, where active aim isn't even that crucial >.<

@Moshugaani - 08.10.2023 11:18

I wish I could aim as well as you. I almost always under or over aim and I can't track smoothly. I don't know if it's my setup or my hand-eye-coordination, but I haven't found a solution to the issue.
I feel like I could ace FPS games if I could aim more consistently, but alas it's not so.

@hiokeaim - 03.10.2023 15:48

my hand is always is tensed at 10 whenever i aim and dont know how to change that

@ake.no102 - 03.10.2023 12:28

Absolutely love your videos. much love

@junelua00 - 02.10.2023 03:16

wow this is what I do when im playing hanzo well. weirdly specific to him though.

@mouaxiong1620 - 26.09.2023 03:09

Interesting bruce lee once said be water u can flow…or crashh be water my friend

@PixelMoments774 - 22.09.2023 23:55

If I fix my sensor position with RawAccel, would it add any input delay by having the software running while I game ?

@HTLRsTopGuy - 19.09.2023 10:43

The best way to get better aim in Apex is to plug in the roller.

@shotarcherz1690 - 18.09.2023 01:49

This is what i was wondering as a controller player i put pressure down on my stick as if i was going to click it in but i feel like it helps my aim be steady at long range and i was wondering if anyone else does

@troy3984 - 13.09.2023 09:55

Wtf. I was aiming with a consistent tension of ~3 throughout all aiming styles. I just started changing tension up, increasing it as well as my mouse grip in precise tracking and immediately broke into masters scores after being hardstuck Jade for a bit. Thanks

@ragextico9004 - 12.09.2023 13:32

It’s literally impossible for me to aim good with a mouse. It pisses me tf off

@Zer0Maniak - 08.09.2023 06:16

I've seen your other videos on aiming and I'd love to say that its helped me tremendously. This video was definitely a breath of fresh air for me.

I've always overthought the fact that adding tension was detrimental to my arm, and not because I'm using too much tension. but I just had a thought that any tension was bad. so I always played with a relaxed aim.

I'll start to utilize tension slowly into some of my gunfights

@Kalita.. - 06.09.2023 03:47

hi, i thought this video was really interesting.(context: im a musician) im not sure if i agree or disagree with you, because i dont know a lot about aim techniques or styles. I was very curious when i saw this video because, as a trombonist, tension is extremely bad for slide technique and speed, you can actually play significantly faster with a very loose and relaxed hand and relaxed forearm. I have always been taught that tension is the enemy of good sounds, consistency, and speed (not only for the arm/hand motions but tonguing as well). I assumed the same was true for aiming but i never really heard anything about that in the gaming world until now. cool video : )

@Nyakusho - 25.08.2023 03:41

While I was testing using tension in game, I find myself loosening my grip and lowing my tension when I need to use my side mouse buttons. I'm wondering if using the side buttons in game Is hindering my ability to aim?

@Clx9z - 18.08.2023 10:42

a great way to have best of both worlds is to finger tip grip your mouse whilst still having that "fragile egg" thought in your mind it helps keep that speed and accuracy of the tension whilst having no punishments of over gripping and having too much tension in your mouse, trust me try it out it works.

@adamkaram1471 - 02.08.2023 18:54

Hello Struth, this mainly covers tension in forearm and wrist, but doesnt little about tension in grip. What are your thoughts on that ?

@jorgepereira9163 - 29.07.2023 19:23

In my experience, tension and relax are different states in your "aim journey", normally when im lets say "in tension" is because im consciously trying to improve some aspect or im focusing on certain task, even when i have a bad day i tend to apply more tension, by other hand when i have interioriced the task or whatever im doing everything is smooth, working in that smoothness i really think that helps to get better

@fuckfakefriends1131 - 27.06.2023 01:57

best chanel ever ,u deserve million subs

@pedro4959 - 23.06.2023 21:46

Hello Struth, love your videos. What mousepad do you use? Cheers from Brazil

@erykbugajski7747 - 23.06.2023 20:45

what mousepad you using? Great vid btw :D

@iEternalnite - 19.06.2023 23:11

I look forward to using some of this advice in my shooters. Per usual, there's a Goldilocks zone where everything comes together. I look forward to watching more of your content to see what I'm missing out on.

@Vinicinhocreycrey - 17.06.2023 05:53

Esse foi o melhor vídeo sobre mira qur vi ate hoje, pesquisei milhares e milhares de vídeos e nenhum havia respondido tantas perguntas minhas como esse, obrigado mano!!

@kingdomheartsasha - 14.06.2023 22:14

I didn't know it was controversial amongst the FPS community to have tension, because that goes against what the pro players actually do and sometimes even teach. If you look closely at shroud in montages where he is recorded, you can tell he is not totally relaxed, and this further shows when you see him shake his hand to release tension mid fight. If I recall correctly, there's a video where n0thing mentioned you want to keep the tension in your arm but away from your hands in order to not have your microadjustments and flexibility compromised while also keeping the speed.

@alangeorge4053 - 11.06.2023 16:51

can you do video about how to get smooth wrist aiming inorder improve in pasu horizontal

@alangeorge4053 - 11.06.2023 16:51

this was the video i was looking for thank you

@Creamyiest - 09.06.2023 15:35

I was a tension player due to my chair being a monoblock chair and my table was tall and not customized for it,
resulting arm placement higher and just planting my wrist on the edge of the table with no arm movement aiming,
it didn't give me any problem at all and gave me an insane muscle memory that I could do an insane flicks and and a perfect 180 everytime I do a wrist spin,
I'm also a claw player with a big cheap mouse resulting in more muscle usage,
I was so obsessed with tension aiming that I would play csgo everyday and before a match of rank I would load up aim map and play for like 30+ min until my arm hurts meaning I'm ready to play rank.
Now the biggest downside to this is after playing like a couple of games one your wrist hurts for doing repetitive flicks and only wrist movements alone,
and your performance starts to dwindle until you start getting that wrist pain as you increase the tension thinking it would do better but do worse instead,
you tried relaxing to reset but my habit on always playing with tension can't even let me rest.
Personally tension aiming depends on a person just like me I was a wrist tension aimer that requires just the wrist so its easier for my muscle memory since I'm only using the whole wrist for movement and not the whole arm itself.

@user-tk8mv9ct7j - 08.06.2023 21:48

would this work on a controller too

@eyeteyteras1717 - 07.06.2023 10:41

tension aiming gives you consistency

@PurrkourCat - 07.06.2023 01:46

Is it bad I just pick up my mouse and not use any forced tension?

@the_owori - 06.06.2023 21:53

I finally have an answer to a painful question for me =D

@paxtonjk - 06.06.2023 20:02

this is what I have always done
