FRM: Interest rate swap (IRS) valuation: as two bonds

FRM: Interest rate swap (IRS) valuation: as two bonds

Bionic Turtle

9 лет назад

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N3006Ci - 10.07.2023 14:17

Hi David, understood everything but the part with determining the floating rate coupons... can you elaborate on that?
Thanks for the video!

Truly Imad
Truly Imad - 02.02.2022 17:01

Thanks a lot David. It was really helpful! an old fan.

Rey B
Rey B - 20.09.2021 07:08

could someone give me more explanation on why the floating leg becomes par after the payment (reset date)??

Mo Jafari
Mo Jafari - 04.09.2020 14:14

Hi David! Thanks heaps for the video. It was really concise and to the point. Can you please put the excel file here as well? Cause in the other videos, sharing the excel file helped a lot. Cheers

Zakharov Invest
Zakharov Invest - 08.12.2019 23:06

Hi David! I am confused with your discount factors. Can you explain please why do you use continuous compounding? It's unrealistic, isn't it? In your example there is a semiannual compounding, should not your discount factor be like 1/(1+libor/2)^(n*2)?

Kiran Kumar
Kiran Kumar - 12.11.2018 08:34

Thank you David, Can you give brief clarification on how to calculate daily floating and fixed legs values?
i use to evaluate daily PnLs so i would like to know how to calculate them on a daily basis with using of LIBOR. take any of example and give me.

Tony Zh
Tony Zh - 07.11.2018 04:27

thanks for the video. and would you mind explain why fair price of float bond in 3 month is at par? thanks a lot again!

vishal kolekar
vishal kolekar - 28.10.2018 13:26

I spent hours looking at the note, couldn’t figure out. But this video cleared the concept

AHMED MAGDY - 11.08.2018 22:12

Excellent illustration .. do u have the valuation spreadsheet for this IRS, please?

Mayank Kumar Verma
Mayank Kumar Verma - 06.02.2018 18:10

Can some one answer please ?

Why did we use the discount factors of the FLOATING rates to calculate the present value of the FIXED cash flows??

Gameday0 - 25.05.2016 20:57

Thank you. I have spent hours trying to figure out how to price it and I couldn't figure out how the floating rate bond is worth only one cash flow. duh!

Seunghyun Kim
Seunghyun Kim - 20.04.2016 07:32


Maroun Saber
Maroun Saber - 18.01.2016 21:35

why did we use the discount factors of the FLOATING rates to calculate the present value of the FIXED cash flows??

chi zhang
chi zhang - 23.06.2015 06:07

Thank you so much!! Very well-organized and clear. You just save my midterm-exam from getting zero!!

Chris Johnson
Chris Johnson - 09.05.2015 02:45

Thanks for the video!

When looking on Bloomberg on a swap calculator, there is a DV01 per leg, but only one PV01. Can you discuss the differences here?

Rodrigue Chidiac
Rodrigue Chidiac - 07.04.2015 15:08

Thank you for the uploaded video.
My question is: why did you state that the floating rate bond in 3 months (that is the PV of all future cashflows by then) will be equal to the par value?

Su-N Toh
Su-N Toh - 12.10.2014 13:32

Hi David, thanks for this video!
Is there a similar one for currency swaps?

Rodrigo Cordova
Rodrigo Cordova - 24.09.2014 23:13

Thank you very much for the video. I am a lawyer and though as lawyers we don't need to go so deep when we deal with swaps, understanding the underlying functioning is quite useful! 
