Frontlines - A Wesk Commentary and Tips [BRD]

Frontlines - A Wesk Commentary and Tips [BRD]


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@WeskAlber - 07.02.2022 08:53

Edit: And I gave up on it. Way worse software than Vegas, which is impressive. Leaving this comment up otherwise to be extra "hey this was different software"

Also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give feedback if the video seems to be broken or anything. New editing software that I am giving a real try, and I don't want that to lead to broken uploads. Timestamps and all that help.

@FinalFrankie - 08.03.2023 20:14

I’ve been wanting to try pvp because they have some of the coolest glams, but I’ve been a bit intimidated by it. This helps a lot for me to kind of know what to expect. I’m not trying to be anyone’s dead weight in there! Thank you so much!

@zerratz2826 - 03.06.2022 04:23

This was such a great vid for learning to understand how to meaningfully make decisions in frontlines. With the GARO event live, this is mega helpful. Thank you, I learned a lot!

@majornougat5207 - 01.06.2022 18:08

I did my first frontline ever today because of your video and I am having a blast! Thanks for the quality content <3

@miquefan - 04.04.2022 21:24

Loved the video and hope you can break down the other Frontline maps someday, too.

@WiseFatOwl - 22.03.2022 22:08

A pretty neat guide for people dipping into frontlines for the first time. Though I do want to share my opinion on the focus only on the objectives mindset.
While it's good to focus on securing your objectives you musn't ignore killing other teams either. There have been quite a few matches where 2 teams battle it out in the middle and one team focuses purely on the objectives so much that this team later on gets farmed by the other two teams with their BH4s and BH5s. The other is also true when two teams just battle it out the entire match conveniently forgetting to do the objectives and giving the third team an easy win.
So it's always a good idea to have a mix of both securing objectives and getting kills on other teams so as to not get backed into a corner on the later stages of the fight.

@LiK.. - 14.03.2022 10:13

I’m a MCH main in Frontlines and I was thinking of trying Bard for it. This will be interesting to check out.

@edgarlarios4718 - 28.02.2022 22:00

Me, 3k hours into the game and enjoying pvp: "You have to click the oovoo?"

@yuhboik.g.8118 - 20.02.2022 07:58

I got kicked for saying "we should focus more on objectives, not so much on kills"

@lindaa9005 - 14.02.2022 01:40

Thanks for your guide, it' really should help a lot of people. 50% of the Frontline players would notice an improvement if they followed 5 simple rules: (1) keep their map open (2) organize their PvP toolbar (3) decide on a job to use specifically for frontlines - it DOESN'T have to be the one that you want to be the one that you want to get EXP on (if that's why you're there), try to find the job that fits best for you (4) stay with your party (5) don't give up, even if some jerk starts to call for that . I've had wins even coming from 3rd place, not always possible, but it feels great,

@grava4 - 12.02.2022 16:01

This is my first time ever even seeing frontlines gameplay before lmao. Thanks for the vid, will give it a go with some confidence now.

@TaneeShion - 10.02.2022 14:28

This is one of the best PvP videos out there. I love frontlines and I’m close to finish all pvp mounts. You made super easy for people to understand exactly what to do. I’m saving your video to my FC Discord as an exemple how to play pvp in FFXIV.

@obi-wan-pierogi - 09.02.2022 21:34

I've been trying frontlines lately and I actually got my first kill the other night after a couple roulettes of just completely being destroyed lol. I did this mode so I was more focused on getting my team to claim the areas but I managed to get some dude who was being destroyed by fifteen other people :). At least on my server the PVP community seems pretty chill and people just have fun with it so I haven't seen anyone getting toxic yet.

@Masters-rc9sc - 08.02.2022 17:12

Frontline PvP is cancerous.

@Bakakiba - 08.02.2022 04:44

I may try this as rival wings is slow to fill and I need marks, but I prefer that mode better.

@ubersheep6517 - 08.02.2022 04:23

Do you think you could make a mini series on job rotations for pvp? That would be really helpful since that could help when participating in group fights or rare solo fights on points. Also great video!

@silxer3154 - 08.02.2022 04:05

I have one small tip that I recommend from my experience as a newer player who started playing in Frontlines (which I honestly really enjoy personally on top of everything else the game to have to offer).

That tip is to have a separate hotkey for "target nearest enemy" to pair with your usual tab targeting hotkey you use to cycle though targets. I personally found having a separate hotkey to be very helpful when targeting those who dived into deep out of position or just a quick way to target an enemy close to you to get so you can get hit off and get Battle High off an assist.

Overall, this small addition simply helped me overall when it comes to targeting enemies in this mode, of course there are some cases where clicking on a specific target is better (like trying to focus an enemy healer), but having that additional option when it comes to targeting helps a lot for me at least.

In the end, it's best to simply play around with your settings and find out what works best for you when targeting enemies in Frontlines (as well as the other two current PvP modes).

@debrucey - 08.02.2022 03:10

I'd be lying if I said I understood much, if anything lol. But you've sparked my interest. Will probably have to give it a few more watches.

@Oggybert - 08.02.2022 03:02

I really liked this style of video, just being informative with commentary on a relevant background video. Not that i don't like your highly edited and scripted videos, but those require more work i suppose

@OfficialBrandonEmeka - 08.02.2022 02:57

I just do Frontlines for the large amount of EXP and the Wolf Marks. Get in & get out lmao

@seochis - 08.02.2022 01:42

How is it that when I seriously start to consider going into PVP for the first time, you release a guide on it ? Seriously thank you as the mentors I asked for tips only had this to say: PVP IN FFXIV IS BAD LMAO

@vedasisme - 08.02.2022 00:28

Nice to see PVP content from you -- most of the PVP guides out there are very low-quality or very old. I think if you do another version that has similar pacing and talking points like your job guides it would be very valuable. (similar to how you have a lot of great advice about MSQ duties and stuff that I got from your streams, and there's literally nowhere else on the internet that has that kind of tips!)

@tazersmurf4689 - 08.02.2022 00:00

My least favorite Frontline is Seal Rock (Seize) as most of the time my team will claim a node and then all leave to go pick fights with the other two groups. Only for a small group come and slaughter who didn't go with the group. Or the team feels the need in that mode to be too spread out.

Sadly to me at least the mind set of go beat up other teams, which has been there for years, is from those who get bored focusing on objectives. Course it doesn't help that two modes have a slower pace when it comes to giving an objective. To me Seal Rock suffers the most as it is a King of the Hill style map. The other one is The Fields of Glory (Shatter). Though Ice tends to pop up more often I find.

I'm not sure if the Kills > Objectives is from those who just want a faster pace of PVP or those who play frontlines when it's between Feast seasons. I am looking forward to the new PVP mode. As I do enjoy what we have for PVP. I just don't enjoy the times when I get yelled at for using my brain.

@ubaha_ - 07.02.2022 23:50

I always had interest in pvp but im not particularly very knowledgeable of it I try my best but I don't get very far anyway

@petrus9067 - 07.02.2022 23:31

Some other general frontline advice out there:
-you have your own LB in pvp its not party shared. You get more lb the more you do combat/assists/kos
Tanks: partywide 25% defensive buff. Use this to help your team survive longer, either defensively or offensively
Healer: 50% aoe heal for your party and also removes debuffs. Use it when under heavy aoe damage, or when even 3 people near you are are struggling. This and tank lbl are instant cast
Phys ranged: aoe line attack on your target that leaves a healing received DEBUFF on THEM. again to help push, its a little hard to aim but Bind helps
Mag dps: aoe attack in a circle that makes those hit RECEIVE MORE damage. This is really strong and very good to make the enemies retreat, when you see a caster using this turn your attention on those hit with the debuff. Summoner has an aoe skill that leaves stun, so combining it with this lb is really good.
Meele dps: the most straightforward, deals around 10k dmg in a single target in range (8 yalms). If they leave the range before you cast you will be interrupted
Lbs, especially the ones with castbar leave you very vulnerable (animation lock) so use them carefully.

-mounts: use mounts often between battles, the quicker you move around the more you help. Just be sure to not mount around enemies, if you receive a hit while mount you get a heavy slow, DISMOUNT IMEDIATLY, every new hit refreshes the debuff

Bolt and medkits: bolt is your pvp sprint, and medkits are NECESSARY to play if yiu are going offensive, they make you survive much easier

Survival in general: again having awareness helps a lot, but each job has their own ways to survive better. Tanks, meele dps and Red Mage have varying % of passive damage received reduction, plus whatever class specific skills you can use. Try them out so you don't die!

I hope this helps

@petrus9067 - 07.02.2022 23:09

Gonna give my own input here if you dont mind. Its a misconception that people with BH give more points, no. it varies by map, and in Onsal every kill is 8 points for your team, -8 for the KO'd team. And while i agree that killing should center where objectives are (kill to capture etc), the more battle high your team gets (easier done early on the match) the safer and easier it is to take oovos from other teams since you can win battles easier. Yes it depends on how many people there are ofc, but bh is an important aspect nonetheless. And directing people to good places is the best way to get that.

The pointing score at the end varies also. I dont check every single frontline i do, but abouf half of the time the winning team had not the highest oovo points of the 3, but won massively in kills. It depends a lot on oovo rng spawns (which is another reason BH is good, because if your territory gets less nodes its easier to fight the other teams for the ones they get) and the actual players on all teams. Having more battle high early by killing on objectives or winning mid makes it easier to turn the score at midgame. So it all depends on a lot of stuff imo, and the general player having more knowledge on their jobs and how to play offensive the right way gives some foundation on how to control the match (plus makes the games way more fun imo). But also indeed the best ways to give some security is STAYING TOGETHER AND NOT SPREADIN (please frontline players) and having someone doing callouts and leading the group.

Anyways still, you fought really well and killing stragglers should be the best way to kill especially early on, and we need more pvp coverage for this game in general. So thanks for the video a lot!

@Kzar5678 - 07.02.2022 23:02

Seeing just how little kills matter in the end actually helped a lot. I had a Frontline the other day where we were just getting bullied by the other 2 teams, it was insanely demoralizing and honestly I just gave up trying because they were just killing everyone left and right and I thought it was a lost cause. But then in the end we actually won because I guess they weren't doing any objectives

@CriscoJack - 07.02.2022 21:26

This is too trippy - I JUST picked up Frontlines as my mainstay about a week ago and Wesk drops this? Brother... Would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see more PvP/Frontlines content, especially with the revamp rolling through here in a second.

@Nick_Pixels - 07.02.2022 21:23

Very interesting vid! I literally did my first Frontline match yesterday and I was so lost so this is super helpful lol

As for the vid itself, I don't see any issues with quality and audio seems good all around too!

@LordMidichlorian - 07.02.2022 20:53

This is like the fantasy in reality Julio Cortázar said in an interview. This very morning, as I was playing a Front Line, I thought "it would be nice if I cound find some kind of video on how to play these things. A WeskAlber video on it would sure be one of the most likely to help me play this properly". And now here I am, seeing you just posted a video about it, which I'll play in a moment. Currently I'm getting into it, got decent performances as a dragoon and as ninja at least from numbers perspective, and starting to have a clue as to what's going on and am able now to make some decisions, though in every aspect I still have a long way to improve.
Thank you very much. I hold no doubts that at the end I will come out as a better player and with a clearer mind for a faster improvement in PvP.
I'll make a new comment if at the end I'm left with something more to say or somethinh.

@arzedeutwitchvods1670 - 07.02.2022 20:44

i really like this. PVP is something that I know people are trying to revive, and something I never understood. Now I do with this one. More guides would be amazing, and might make others better at this mode.

If I ever get time, I might work on timestamps.

@kosbebot6360 - 07.02.2022 20:12

Too bad free trials are locked out of pvp :(

@h3xfact0r - 07.02.2022 20:11

Always nice to see more PvP content out here! If you're interested, we have a group of PvP content creators that work together over at the Revival PvP community. Feel free to check us out!

@AshTreeDweller - 07.02.2022 20:01

Wesk! Love it!

@otorinthuzoth8624 - 07.02.2022 20:00

PVP is such a roller-coaster in this game...
