Lazy TikTok Girl Is Laid Off And Doesn't Understand Why

Lazy TikTok Girl Is Laid Off And Doesn't Understand Why

Matt Walsh

1 год назад

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A girl on TikTok shares her "Day in the life" video about working at Google where she shows herself doing little to no work and is surprised to find out she was laid off not long after!

Watch the full episode here: Ep.1101 -

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@kathys1285 - 03.12.2023 21:56

This young generation HAS NO CLUE what it is to work full time for a living good example: My job hired this girl on her FIRST DAY showed up a half hour LATE ⏰ she said ohh sorry I had to get a Starbucks coffee line was longer than I expected 😳🙄 ok 👍🏻 so we’re working well I’m working she’s on her phone 📱😲 not even five minutes into her “working” i need to go to the bathroom I just look at my boss like WTF 😳😤😠 go I said when she left my boss comes over to me and says when she comes back I want you to say nothing I’m like umm 🤔 ok?? ✅ 20 minutes later she comes back I’m still working next she says when can I take my break? 😤😠😡🤬my boss comes over and says now you can take it now as she’s walking away my boss says and don’t come back get your things and leave the premises 😊 😁😃😄😆😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m hysterical laughing she’s crying why I don’t understand what did I do ? My boss was like do I really need to explain it just go

@BabyDoll-fs3bu - 03.12.2023 19:43

First time here! 👋. Instant sub. 😅

@peterealey4004 - 03.12.2023 19:08

No one is irreplaceable! If you are , you would be working for yourself

@peterealey4004 - 03.12.2023 19:04

Hey that’s funny 😂

@dongray9852 - 03.12.2023 17:38

But Matt... without the phone, how will you know how victimized she is..?


@danvo1918 - 03.12.2023 14:24

Matt, it is the way they teach kids this day. the thing they call "none left behind" from Bush's regime is now back fire.

@sanguinemde5031 - 03.12.2023 04:53

She got...fired....and went to Disneyland? WTF!? The entitlement of these overgrown adult baby's.

@kellyneal9323 - 03.12.2023 02:19

Well, i hear there are alot of job openings associated with taking care of the homeless in that area.

@FireTurtle75. - 02.12.2023 23:10

There has to be some irony in the fact that she was more expendable than the people that make the free lunches in the kitchen at Google, because those folks are still there making lunch for the rest of the people that still work there.

@jamesgrimm9121 - 02.12.2023 12:50

I think she was not a negative performer, just near the bottom of the list of peers. I always try telling my people never to do the minimum or what the JD asks and always to do a little more. And always try to be above the 50% range in the peer group. Chances are you will never be considered lay-off material unless the whole group is going. When I worked at a company that liked to punish those just squeaking by, we had to negatively counsel those who were the bottom performers of the peer group. Didn't matter if they were doing the job. They needed to have an incentive to motivate them. If they received two years of negative counseling, they would be let go. I argued against that but ended up getting on a list myself. I might have dodged that bullet if my people had done a little more than what was required and not been the bottom feeder. Sucks, but the good news is that person got motivated and is still there. So, it partially worked.

@wickedbird1538 - 02.12.2023 06:12

😮😮I remember when my employer brought in a company to analyze our jobs. A month later 90 people were laid off in one morning. Some of these people were good workers, but their positions were disposable. I was lucky to be part of a team considered necessary. . . The lesson I learned was to always be in a position that was valued by the powers in the head office.

@SeekerGoOn2013 - 02.12.2023 04:02

You really think a 2-minute video is representative of someone’s workday? How about some actual research and reporting? Looks like laziness can be found in the mirror, Matt.

@gofigure84 - 01.12.2023 23:12

Musk is not the wealthiest in history. Inflation accounted for J.D. Rockefeller still holds that title at $410 billion as of 2022.

@chrissmurray255 - 01.12.2023 21:20

Girl makes a video of how little she does at work, then gets fired after posting it on social media. I'm shocked...shocked to my very marrow.

@ozzbud9049 - 01.12.2023 15:30

Gotta make sure everyone sees you cry!

@ninjaswordtothehead - 30.11.2023 20:20

Nothing says responsible like celebrating being unemployed by spending $100 on overpriced snacks.

@clement2780 - 30.11.2023 20:07

wait you get paid by tiktok or was she doing social media during her real job?

@enigmawrappedinaparadox7361 - 30.11.2023 18:21

She made it so easy to fire her

@mildredmartinez8041 - 30.11.2023 17:55

I work hard and to watch what she describes as a day in her workday is an unfamiliar concept. My work ethic is to actually work and not document it for everyone online. I was laid off in June and want to work.

@toomanybears_ - 29.11.2023 19:24

Imagine posting videos of how little work you actually do then being surprised when they can you.

@kenneth9874 - 29.11.2023 17:55

She's the kind of employee that enabled Elon to trim employees by 80% without affecting productivity....

@GeorgeXR40 - 29.11.2023 16:52

"...not performance-based..." This is the coming trend. When people are laid-off randomly, there is no basis for a lawsuit

@DJPLAST2 - 29.11.2023 03:47

After days like that day after day, where would you go to go on vacation? If you go anywhere you would have to cover all your own expenses, that would be devastating!
I have a niece who works for a tech company and lives across the street from google. Her dad got her a job there right out of college. It is “normal” to pay her share of the rent at a rate of $4,000.00 per month along with her room mates share. The problem will be when reality rears its ugly head and she tries to replace that job with one that does not exist.

@jm7578 - 28.11.2023 15:48

Her voice is annoying enough for me to wish that she’d not show up to work.

@hitmeup6969 - 27.11.2023 23:07


@kepcontube - 27.11.2023 21:32

The sensible thing to do when fired for someone who is already living in fantasy land.

@fuzzyj6142 - 27.11.2023 20:42

Putting out a video of how little work you do is a sure fire way of getting let go. Plus, companies have people they answer to and justify why they have as many employees as they do. Her, “look at me” video got a lot of people fired.

@obadel5092 - 27.11.2023 18:55

She was overpaid and over benefited expensive meals snacks massage machine they fired all so they can eliminate all those expenses and to put in place all the rest of underperformed employees

@alejandrohernandezcarrillo2436 - 27.11.2023 02:57

Her day at disney seemed more profuctive than her day at google...

@user-dv4wv5ob3i - 27.11.2023 01:33


@jamesbatten8659 - 26.11.2023 20:49

I’m 53 now and in my teens I was dogged , you were told learn it quick or go get a train home and don’t comeback .
The youth and I’m not saying all but your there to make a company money not just doing enough to pay for your wages otherwise there is no point in you turning up .
I still feel highly motivated and try and do my job to the best of my ability and with that attitude I have never been out of work ever. 😁👍🇬🇧

@kennethwers - 26.11.2023 20:27

Sounds like her "team" was not needed.

@veritas3179 - 26.11.2023 20:08

Entitlement. No sympathy here and why would you video yourself of doing nothing? No commonsense.

@lordlee6473 - 26.11.2023 19:06

I think she is unfairly targeted because most of her colleagues are just like her except they don’t make TikTok videos to brag about it. They probably use instagrams or only brag about it back home in India.😂 These laid off IT minions also were given very generous severance packages, BTW, which they totally don’t deserve. My point is that most of them are equally bad like her, and none of them deserved any of the perks they got.

@themanonthestreet - 26.11.2023 18:57

I am surprised there were no calls of racism or sexism in the decisions. Considering that in allot of these tech companies, a good amount of the dead weight just happens to be women. Watch her LinkedIn scroll, her boss was female, seems most of her 'team' were female as well... Wonder if the maintenance workers or cleaning personnel were hit as hard... Ima guess no.

@oldcurmudgeon3933 - 26.11.2023 18:46

"It was not performance based"?

@HadToChangeMyName_YoutubeSucks - 26.11.2023 18:10

How much does it cost to maintain a free cafe, massage parlor, restaurant, day care, etc on top of a probably 6 figure salary for someone who just attends a couple meetings between using all of the "free" services and goes home? Where I work we actually work, we do have free coffee to drink while we're working, and one of the owners loves to bake so at least once a week there's a cake or pie or maybe some cookies.

@martin09091989 - 26.11.2023 18:07

Seems like she hase more breake time at worke then i have in private! (other then sleeping)
Can´t think of a single reason why you should fire her!

@christinebicanic - 26.11.2023 17:47

She is wrong. People were consulted, just not her. My job has been outsourced twice, and i was never consulted.q

@jmnightingale9055 - 26.11.2023 17:15

She should stop wasting her time and that of others by pursuing a career as a mediocre tech worker and instead go back to school to get an Mrs degree. She would probably contribute far more to society by being a good wife and mother rather than being another unnecessary mediocre tech worker bee.

@roxter299roxter7 - 26.11.2023 15:30

They forget that wealth is only a byproduct of hard work and diligence.

@roxter299roxter7 - 26.11.2023 15:25

All she does is eat. Her life is as Bork g as it sounds.

@roxter299roxter7 - 26.11.2023 15:24

Steve Jobs would have fired her instantly!

@Miltz69 - 26.11.2023 15:20

A former boss who was a mentor and now a friend gave me the best piece of advice early on in my career. "Work hard to get to the stage in your career where THEY need YOU more than you NEED them!!"

I've spent over a decade getting to the level I am at now and have experienced redundancy/restructures along the way. Way to not be 1st on the chopping block is to show you add value to the company.

Don't think Google lost any sleep or even noticed she'd gone after being fired

@zukostryder - 26.11.2023 09:22

My husband loves itoen tea

@vikingmike8139 - 26.11.2023 04:26

[She] has rights.

@kkhalifah1019 - 26.11.2023 00:30

Her first video literally explains why she was on the chopping block to begin with. If an employee ever finds himself having it super easy at work for any length of time, it's actually a cause for worry coz that's how you know you're high on the expendable list.

@kevinquinn7645 - 26.11.2023 00:24

I'm not sure there's a good game of Russian roulette.
