Authentication in React Native using AWS Amplify V6 | DEVember Day 9

Authentication in React Native using AWS Amplify V6 | DEVember Day 9


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@aseroboiobi - 21.12.2023 10:52

i was following your AWS Amplify Authentication in React Native tutorial from last year and ran into so many version incompatibility issues... lessons learned!

@orikanner4873 - 10.12.2023 22:35

I'm not kidding; this is a must-see video for any entry-level dev in React Native. It has everything—encountering a problem, solving it, and explaining everything about builds. You should pin this video to your channel for better exposure; it will undoubtedly help others. I'm sure of it. Btw I can't see amplify....json it generated src folder with only aws-exports.js
