How do you grow as a software engineering manager? And other questions answered

How do you grow as a software engineering manager? And other questions answered

The Pragmatic Engineer

3 года назад

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Barbieee - 21.06.2022 01:15

How do I get in like what do I do to get into a job that is like this

Martin Lipchev
Martin Lipchev - 31.03.2021 19:19

Hey, thanks for these 3 parts and the great insight. My question is what is your take on the importance of academic qualification in order to get to these high-level positions. I have a Bachelor's but have been accepted for a Master's but I wonder if that will make a difference in the long-run for my career? Many thanks!

Spy007Dragon - 29.03.2021 04:07

So, what you're saying is my engineering manager, manager's manager, director, VP, and CTO all still think they can code even though they don't practice it. Enlightening

Nadbad - 24.03.2021 17:32

I feel like you and I are on the same page.
I don't enjoy coding as much as I enjoy talking and trying to understand how other people function (managerial work) as much. I am not a manager yet as I am still a junior/mid level developer but I am probably going to go with the managing route as that seems the best for me in the long run. It's more fun to work with people rather than working with machines/code.

I really enjoyed this video of yours and many more, I feel like it was very informational and I can't wait to see more of your videos <3

Eduardo Sánchez Bautista
Eduardo Sánchez Bautista - 24.03.2021 16:26

Whats the name of the service?

bala kumar
bala kumar - 20.02.2021 20:46

Great insights , Cheers !!

Anderson Santos Gusmão
Anderson Santos Gusmão - 19.02.2021 03:11

Congrats! Good advices!
