I smurf with 3Ks against 5Ks

I smurf with 3Ks against 5Ks


1 год назад

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Gold Deagler
Gold Deagler - 05.09.2023 13:38

21 - 0😅

Petrits Tamas
Petrits Tamas - 17.08.2023 02:38

Yo BSJ I love these gameplays. I never write anything but please make one with 4 herald team mates against 3-4k. Thanks!

Project → Agoraphobic Bar
Project → Agoraphobic Bar - 22.07.2023 15:47

How is it educational, exactly? It's not exactly showing the real game. There's too much diffirence in rating between the teams, and the main character of radiant is too high. How many veiwers will be in a circumstance similar to that? The BSJ playing with the mindset "I have to carry them alone and suffer for the content" In my opinion it's just not what the real game will be. The tips can be helpfull, sure, but certain takes on the game may be harmfull when it's applied in the wrong game.

Lord Hightower
Lord Hightower - 04.07.2023 19:19

Why is this guy farming when his teammates are having tfs

ankur dahal
ankur dahal - 18.06.2023 12:05

Bsj play meepo
Ive seen a lot not meepo ever

Magic Made Easy
Magic Made Easy - 17.05.2023 03:00

Sup BSJ. Big fan here. Hope you are doing great.
These series are cool, but I feel like you should communicate to your team more during the games instead of giving insight of what is going on in your head... you already do a bunch of that with replays and what not... I think people need to understand the importance of good, clear and important communication in dota.
Best regards and take care! :D <3

Sam Bagnall
Sam Bagnall - 06.05.2023 13:04

These videos are good, but I'm not sure how well they'd translate to pub games. It seems a lot easier to trust your split pushing core if you know he's an immortal smurf.

xaxa - 03.05.2023 15:40

but 5k dota xD this is bad :D you can smurf in 7k that would be nice

Otto Mann
Otto Mann - 23.04.2023 16:48

How are the top and bottom lanes roughly even in kills despite BSJ not really ganking and dire being way higher MMR?

Otto Mann
Otto Mann - 23.04.2023 16:19

Yes, suffering!

Al Gore
Al Gore - 18.04.2023 09:13

These games are not realistic since it's a private lobby

csSloth - 18.04.2023 06:27

That's cool and all but how do you win a game when your support is griefing you minute 1 by contesting all CS, then just randomly leaves you in lane underleveled with no gold and the rest of your team is just running it.

Jan-Hendrik Cilliers
Jan-Hendrik Cilliers - 17.04.2023 21:40

BSJ dude we need more content like this plz, this is the stuff we all learn from thx

Joe Martins
Joe Martins - 17.04.2023 18:42

Genuine question: Why the Falcon Blade? (I'm a genuine noob - started this game a few months ago)

Louie Sumrall
Louie Sumrall - 17.04.2023 16:51

This is a really interesting portrayal of the effect a higher mmr "captain" can have on a lower mmr team - signifying mmr averages are simply not enough to capture team effectiveness

ʍolɟǝɥʇǝsɹǝʌǝɹ - 17.04.2023 03:05

zzzz afk farm with map advantage for gold advantage....

3arooshy - 16.04.2023 14:00

great video, please do more of these especially difficult heros please because their mechanics are the hardest to master and they look so easy when you play it

RNJeazy - 15.04.2023 21:41

Hey BSJ, love the videos! Just a small suggestion - I think it would be better to put the "Every educational smurf game..." clip either at the end of or the beginning of the video. Cheers!

Armen Markosyan
Armen Markosyan - 15.04.2023 20:15

dear BSJ , I would like you try to smurf in a game where you have offlaner Storm Spirit with Manta first item and then MKB , when your support is rushing radiance and pos 1 is feeding , that would be a fun game to watch

colin - 15.04.2023 11:50

Doesn't really seem that you have 3k teamates vs 5ks. Cmon man stop playin.

alpha420 - 14.04.2023 11:31

smurfs are d bags

xncq - 14.04.2023 11:15

isnt bsj 5k?

Tony Gin
Tony Gin - 14.04.2023 08:53

too bad most smurf usually smurf 3-4k mmr below them, not so close mmr like this. heck, it's pretty normal to see immortal smurf in herald even.

Alshamsi AJ
Alshamsi AJ - 14.04.2023 03:12

More video with the same subject and idea thanks alot

Gnome Tabaquez
Gnome Tabaquez - 13.04.2023 16:36

This is actually very insightful as an immortal player constantly playing with my 3k-4k friends

TheGameCPT - 13.04.2023 15:30

what mouse and keyboard are bsj using?

Lucas Fonseca Sitta Pereira
Lucas Fonseca Sitta Pereira - 13.04.2023 15:15

The best content creator of Dota 2 period

MrTheSmoon - 13.04.2023 12:23

I wonder how those sidelanes went so even

BustyBlondeEnjoyer - 13.04.2023 11:25

Bsj: Getting super farmed is generally how you win these games.

Me: Noted coach, firstpicks naga every game and proceeds to get blackholed and chronoed and died.

BustyBlondeEnjoyer - 13.04.2023 11:19

Bsj against 7ks. With 2k teammayes

David Vogt
David Vogt - 13.04.2023 09:07

BSJ can you Smurf as a support? Does anybody know if anybody makes content like that? Is it even possible?

DiscombobulatingName - 13.04.2023 07:30

These 3ks are much friendlier and more communicative than the ones I tend to run into. It's important here because that means they are more able to play around strong teammates, which tends not be well reflected in an environment when everyone is roughly the same skill level.

Amin Ferdowsi
Amin Ferdowsi - 13.04.2023 04:58

enemy team had some accbuyers :D,they should have won lanes way harder

Ali Bazoubandi
Ali Bazoubandi - 13.04.2023 03:39

Tbh I think Magnus was a Chad this game🔥

Az Az
Az Az - 13.04.2023 00:50

Was it just me or were those 5ks so bad? They should've stomped

J.D. Arino
J.D. Arino - 13.04.2023 00:25

This is the first time I've listened to you play like this. It's so refreshing to hear what high level players think when playing. Making your own objective when someone is dead is a concept I never have thought of before, or may have thought of but not consciously aware of it. Thank you!

John Russo
John Russo - 13.04.2023 00:24

When i met Jenkins he had a BSJ shirt on, what are the chances I can meet BSJ and he'll have a Jenkins shirt on? 😂

Syed Ali
Syed Ali - 12.04.2023 23:50


Heavy Breathing
Heavy Breathing - 12.04.2023 23:28

Use ember spirit next, a hero without big ulty

Tom R
Tom R - 12.04.2023 23:11

30 min and the "5k" team did not do a single depush or play to get an objective (tower) themselves even when you mention your team is playing passive in your jungle. Please get some real EU 5k´s. If these players are followers of your channel I wonder even they ever grasp anything of what you teach. Also the fact that your team knew you were on their side (as mentioned in another comment by one of the players here) makes them play far more active on the map than the average 3k would since they feel confident following your moves. Try smurfing as pos 3, 4 or 5 with at least 2k mmr gap.

Victor Marques
Victor Marques - 12.04.2023 22:25

I'm hoping that one day we'll get BSJ with Heralds versus 5 Immortals

Tichondrius - 12.04.2023 21:13

Disruptor using voiceline to bm when BSJ tpd bottom and was glimpsed back. It feels so good when BSJ started to rekt him over and over every clash, even sent him to die back. Cherry on top was the cough. Lmao if you're reading this, git gud, disruptor.

Joel Mahon
Joel Mahon - 12.04.2023 18:53

now do the same as a carry where you have to lane with a 3k carry main playing pos5 😎

ashem2 - 12.04.2023 18:47

So you finally played almost equal game, your side have 27k mmr and their 26k? Just 1k more average mmr for enemies and we will see equal game, at least if you would play sup and not mid.

SuperrrSid - 12.04.2023 18:33

20 seconds into the video, as a mid player in the 4k bracket, this is the best video i will have seen. And I have watched almost all of BSJ's videos.

Noel Nemenjo
Noel Nemenjo - 12.04.2023 18:22

Next challenge, 1k Filipino players vs 5k EU

LackaLackaLacka - 12.04.2023 17:38

clearly the skill difference didnt really matter at this mmr, may as well drop down to Archon now and play against the same 5k players

MAFAMI - 12.04.2023 17:30

This is not a very useful series, because most ppl stuck at their rank because of 50-50 forced wnrate designed by valve to keep mmr reasonably relevant. Try real games and ppl will start flaming and the game balance became one sided favour
