Deriving Einstein's most famous equation: Why does energy = mass x speed of light squared?

Deriving Einstein's most famous equation: Why does energy = mass x speed of light squared?

Physics Explained

3 года назад

1,571,645 Просмотров

E=mc^2 is perhaps the most famous equation in all physics, but very few people actually know what the equation means, or where it comes from. In this video I would like to show one method for deriving this equation, as well as provide some insight into what the equation actually means. Along the way we will also touch upon some of the most fascinating features of Einstein’s theory of special relativity, including time dilation, the reason why nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, and the relationship between energy and momentum for massless particles.

Relativity - Albert Einstein
The Meaning of Relativity - Albert Einstein
Why does E=mc^2 - Cox and Forshaw
One, Two, Three, Infinity - Gamow
How to Teach Relativity to your dog - Orzel

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Finlay Johnson
Finlay Johnson - 28.09.2023 05:39

It doesn't - c is an illusion, it's a reaction that looks like photons speed. But as you know, space tho transparent looks black. Photons switch from particle to wave and back again. A period of time that if we assume they were travelling, would be a speed of 186,272.397 miles per sec. But Quantum mechanics shows not so, with your own A & B Tungsten Needle Test, which shows instantaneity... Like weight, tho recordable, BOTH are physical, recordable illusions - even optical illusions are recorded in drawings. Science has failed in the face of truth of Nature

Santosh Adhikari
Santosh Adhikari - 25.09.2023 22:53

in 500 years, muslims will say some muslim scholars had envisioned this way earlier than Einstein.

Mark Newton-John
Mark Newton-John - 23.09.2023 05:37

No wonder the clock in my car is always off .. 😉

Shakilabano Tadvi
Shakilabano Tadvi - 23.09.2023 05:29

Parvin Hurmat done whole may head not acept this Tadavi samaj allowance all majjid minister club prathibha patil sharad pawar draupadi tai eknath shinde minister club put sign do parvin panal raging cancel and go tihar jel today 👆 to whole life. Sattar Lalkha jaitun 1st 5 khatun huriwith children rubina kayyum to samshad go to jail parmanant acept zic
All voice cut cut Pol machinery cut acept nikola Tesla affidavit sanction zic acept this nikola Tesla

Shakilabano Tadvi
Shakilabano Tadvi - 23.09.2023 05:25

Please give script chkra and radars scrunity comitte final result give Tadavi samaj allowance all majjid raver yawal chopda taluka declear all India nikah done aalan every majjid Jalgaon district all Tadavi samaj allowance acept this nikah haji najir bhurhan sanad 15th August Silver jubilee 🎊.

jeba baskarnt95
jeba baskarnt95 - 21.09.2023 22:41

When we all depends on internet to find everything, It still amazes me how genius Einstein was to discover it with just pen and paper!!

israel sadovnik
israel sadovnik - 20.09.2023 03:29

1. Einstein asked: “Does the inertia of a body depend on the energy content in it?” and answered that the inertial motion of quantum particles (such as light quanta - photons), depends on E=mc^2.
Even light quanta with a constant and direct speed (c) require energy E=mc^2 to move.
2. Einstein's E=mc^2 was corrected by Dirac as E=±MC².

Planel Smederevo
Planel Smederevo - 19.09.2023 15:40

Nice one. Great job.

Limited State
Limited State - 19.09.2023 08:58

You lost me when you deleted air resistance.
You don't get to pick and choose your variables.

J Groovy
J Groovy - 19.09.2023 00:52

I don't know much about algebra or relativity, but does it mean there's an energy to mass ratio? Why is it so conveniently the speed of light squared? Why squared and not something odd and complicated?

Donna Kebabmat
Donna Kebabmat - 16.09.2023 19:34

Thanks mate. I learnt a lot from you today. Einstein would be proud.

Prodeep Ghosh
Prodeep Ghosh - 15.09.2023 01:23

Absolutely lucid and clear. Wonderful.

pelasgeus pelasgeus
pelasgeus pelasgeus - 13.09.2023 20:28

It's not Einstein's equation. It was Poincare who first introduced that there's a relationship between mass and energy. Also, it's an equation that remains unproven but most people take it for graded.

Fred Bowerman
Fred Bowerman - 13.09.2023 09:36

Everybody that understands this, you're very lucky. People like me don't have a clue what's going on. Weirdly so. I still enjoy watching these videos. Even though I don't understand 99% of it.

C .
C . - 12.09.2023 07:57

The time dilation argument improperly utilizes the Pythagorean theorem, which does not hold since Reimann geometry must be utilized in this context due to the different frames of reference specified.

Moritzvario - 10.09.2023 22:42

Can someone please explain to me why motion is relative, but rotation is not? We can always mesure a centrifugal force if an object is spinning in any direction

MajSolo - 10.09.2023 20:43

the product of years of work.

R H - 08.09.2023 05:50

Around 15 minutes into the video, were you suggesting time has momentum?

Michael John Little
Michael John Little - 07.09.2023 05:18

Isn't "c" the speed of causality?

Anders Welander
Anders Welander - 05.09.2023 09:10

Protons are made of massless quarks that fly around each other at the speed of light as seen from any frame of reference. So it makes sense that the package (=the proton) can't simultaneously drift in one direction at the speed of light. It would be interesting to write equations for the quarks in a proton to cast more light on what mass is and why E^2 = p^2*c*2 + m^2*c^4

Bill Green
Bill Green - 04.09.2023 20:05

Perhaps when referring to the equation E=mc^2, you could call it "De Pretto's equation" since Italian Olinto De Pretto was the first to publish it. Einstein only became aware of it a couple years later when Michele Besso told Einstein about De Pretto's earlier work.

Bill Green
Bill Green - 04.09.2023 20:00

You did a great job of illustrating just how there is no time dilation. It's just a matter of the path of light to be longer in a moving system to make the tick and the tock. d = rxt or t=d/r. With a longer distance the light will take longer time to tick and tock.

edwabr123 - 04.09.2023 08:38

Why start with relativity if in the end you still end up with E = KE + RE (rest energy)? Why not derive RE separately? Why do you need relativity for that? So much obfuscation while basically using classical physics to derive the equation. Moreover, the equation itself is derived trivially from the fact that an object of mass m converts to twice of kinetic energy of photons it emits since it stays stationary while radiating. One could assume it was obvious to the scientists of that time.

Roderick Beck
Roderick Beck - 03.09.2023 00:40

What do the higher terms of the binomial expansion represent?

ed Pottinger
ed Pottinger - 02.09.2023 06:17

Awesome video.Just think without Sir Isaac Newton and Principia Mathematica these equations would never have been possible.He was the inventor of calculus,changed everything.
Einstein took his work to a whole new level

Alejandro SalazAr
Alejandro SalazAr - 01.09.2023 00:37

Question why in our minds time seems too go slow example: when we are not busy or having a bad time on the opposite end why is time going so fast when we are having a good time or being very busy

Colz4r - 31.08.2023 17:49

Who actually gives a toss about this. Big deal. It hasn’t improved anybody’s life. In this sense it is meaningless.

Dante Rodriguez
Dante Rodriguez - 30.08.2023 23:46

I wish I could understand

Special K
Special K - 30.08.2023 19:01

Energy Frequency Vibration 😊

Peter Codner
Peter Codner - 30.08.2023 15:19

why might energy have anything to do with the speed of anything? Why pick on the speed of light and not any random number-say on a die or a card taken at random from a pack of cards?

riderNL - 30.08.2023 12:21

Quite a revelation that E=mc^2 can be derived with relatively basic mathematical tools.

DivisionBeatz - 29.08.2023 14:50

And he did it without the internet :D

Vote Loony OMRLP
Vote Loony OMRLP - 28.08.2023 13:53

Where do i start with 'you are wrong?' ... first read the Einstein was Wrong article on the vote loony website, because if the medium you are working with is flawed, then so will be the outcome. The first error came in the first minute or so, your train example: if you drop a stone from a train; how you view the stone depends upon the speed at which the train is moving... the stone will not drop straight but disappear backwards as the train moves forward faster...

Hell on Earth - The History Of Warfare
Hell on Earth - The History Of Warfare - 27.08.2023 14:11

whatt hhe fuck you talkking about? you cant just glaze ove bulshitt letter and just not exlain them..

Topher The11th
Topher The11th - 26.08.2023 06:42

I've only seen the title of this and it looks promising. Before I watch, let me say that too many people state that the significance of E=M(C squared) lies in its expression using huge numbers. But that's wrong. If you were to define units of energy, mass, distance, and time in the right way, you could make the equation read "1 unit of energy = (1 unit of mass) * (((1 unit of distance)/(1 unit of time)) squared). So all of the large NUMBERS just disappear, because they were only generated in the first place by choosing units that would cause the numbers to be large.

The BEGINNING of the RIGHT way to understand this equation lies in recognizing the need to get the UNITS (not the numbers) correct. So, setting aside the speed of light for a moment and thinking only of a can'non'ball s'hot from a can'non, why is Energy something that can be expressed as Mass times ((some speed) squared) in the first place? Is it not intuitive that the Energy contained in that cannonball is the same thing as "how hard does it hit?". I mean, wouldn't you say that, if it had hit twice as hard then it would have packed twice as much energy? "How hard does it hit?" and "energy" can in turn be thought of as either has "how much damage will it do" OR "if it hits the back end of a one-ton wagon on frictionless wheels on level ground, what is the resulting speed at which the wagon will roll forward?" In actual fact while those ways of thinking fit perfectly with intuition they're a way of talking about the MOMENTUM carried by the can'non'ball to make a wagon roll or make bricks shatter, which is DIFFERENT from Energy. The first, and most essential, part to understanding "E = Whatever" is to understand why Energy and Momentum are two different things measured with two different kinds of units. And the explanation of that must precede the application of that understanding to stuff like the speed of light.

Thomas Penoyer
Thomas Penoyer - 25.08.2023 17:53

I think he poked fun at all of us. It does not seem possible to me that any of us here will ever be able to travel at the speed of light, ( let alone quantity squared), without everything ( spaceship and people) degrading into particles, never to be the same again!

Mark Rubin
Mark Rubin - 24.08.2023 14:40

One thing that I feel is failed to be conveyed to those that are new to this thinking is that there is no way independently to feel that the rate of time has changed. Its only in comparison to another observer later on that it can be shown that time moved at a different rate. For an observer in a moving frame of reference that had a clock moving more slowly it is only moving more slowly in comparison to another observer in a different frame of reference that is moving.... or not moving.... at a different speed. To each observer in their frame of reference time will still seem to move along at its normal rate.... 5 seconds will always feel like 5 seconds.

Natalia Bordei
Natalia Bordei - 23.08.2023 22:51

I struggle to understand how does one know that if we would measure the speed of light relative to the spaceship, we would get c. Did someone do a simulation of such an experiment?

Jay Lego Ninjago
Jay Lego Ninjago - 23.08.2023 13:03

Crazy that such an important equation turned out to be so consice considering the monsters like the Lagrangian equation

The Beltway Bandits
The Beltway Bandits - 23.08.2023 07:50

Keep Spreading The Love ❤

Bloody Orphan
Bloody Orphan - 22.08.2023 08:40

E=MC^2 returrns a result in Degrees Celsius.

YK Chan
YK Chan - 21.08.2023 21:44

Emphasis in mathematics and language enables us In engineering and management and stop us from thinking and innovation.
Mass is mass but energy, also non intuitive.
C^2 on the surface is speed x speed rather non intuitive.
Maxwell gave us C*C=1/(u0*e0) so
E=mass*1/(u0*e0); make sense?
Q: What is (u0*e0)?
A: vacuum-Aether which is the only substrate in which all matters exist in the universe. It enables electric force to build electric / magnetic fields in it at a rate correlate correlating to c and hence lightwave. Light is energy but matter. Without vacuum-Aether, we and Einstein can’t see.

Vacuum-Aether attached to all matter exerts a force pulling all matter together that we mistaken it for an intrinsic force which we call gravity.
Finally E=mass/(e0*u0).
The mass in his equation appears absolute is actually (mass change) essentially atomic mutation mass delta.
This also implies that atomic energy can be correlated to a total force which holds particles into an original atom minus the net energy left to hold the mutated atom.
That can be correlated to Aether force, an electric force.
Since the equation was developed by playing mathematics it is unnecessary to think and understand where it came to being.

Bunny Killer
Bunny Killer - 19.08.2023 14:44

Autism and math dont work well together....
