Hybrid VS Plug In Hybrid | Which One Is Really Better To Buy?

Hybrid VS Plug In Hybrid | Which One Is Really Better To Buy?

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Marc S
Marc S - 05.10.2023 23:26

Thanks, after perusing much information and having some experience with vehicles, the information and discussion here is spot on. The basic point about how its a more individual-specific calculation about these cars is very important, and also noting that the car and its features are designed to educate drivers on efficiency and being efficient while operating the vehicle. With the plug ins, its not just a matter of a simple mile range, its that the hybrid battery can be managed better and even over the all-EV range the main hybrid battery may give you more efficiency and more power. These cars are designed for efficiency, also in terms of weight and size of batteries etc. It seems like these important considerations, and how impressive some of these cars are, is not something our US energy companies love. Its amazing to see the size of Canadian incentives, and in northern US many Canadians were driving down to the US in EVs this past summer. Great job, thanks again.

Huy Nguyen
Huy Nguyen - 05.10.2023 22:01


Lance - 04.10.2023 07:02

Additional bonus in owning a plug-in is having the ability to get FREE miles! Airports, Park n' Rides and even my work buildinga parking garage I am able to charge at no cost!

RiverDanube - 30.09.2023 09:56

You might save on gas but after four or five years which car is going to sell for more? The one with a depleted battery or the one with no battery?

Shakir Ahmed
Shakir Ahmed - 29.09.2023 23:29

Hy bro. Thanks for the descriptive video. Simple and clear. I drive around 150 - 200 miles to different locations everyday & don’t have an option to plug-in/charge consistently. What would be the best option?

Island Don
Island Don - 29.09.2023 04:32

At this point, Hybrid.

Daniel Warren
Daniel Warren - 29.09.2023 00:42

One thing you don't really go into is one of the major reasons I'd prefer a plug-in hybrid. If your daily commute is within your electric range then you almost never need to go to a gas station. I'm looking into buying a Ford Maverick because it's the only vehicle that meets my very specific needs (high mileage, small, and able to transport 4x8 sheet goods) and I really wish they offered it in a plug in version. It may seem petty, but I'd really love to never have to go get gas.

J W - 26.09.2023 17:56

Neither are very efficient. The tiny tiny gas engine has to use more gas to move around a battery that's dead or not being used. The tiny tiny battery has to use more charge to move a gas engine around that's not being used. You get more efficiency with either a gas car or electric.

Ben Johansson
Ben Johansson - 26.09.2023 06:10

30 MPG for that car is terrible Engineering i get 11 out of 4 litre 2 ton ford Territory

CSJ Rogerson
CSJ Rogerson - 25.09.2023 06:40

There are various pros and cons but overall a hybrid tries to be the King of both worlds and ends up the Master of none. It surrenders the benefit of an EV powertrain by having an ICE and all of its issues. If you are going to need an ICE, then get a clean efficient one and stop wasting resources and money on a baby EV system.

Joseph Charles austin
Joseph Charles austin - 25.09.2023 00:31

YOU talk a LOAD of S..T The figures you quote are a way off as I have a standard ford and a hybrid. Also you FAIL to inform that a plug in hybrid will charge as it is driven. Out of ten _1 Stay with your day job fool

Steven S
Steven S - 23.09.2023 01:06

Thanks for clearly explaining differences between Hybrid and PHEV vehicles. I really didn't know this. Currently driving a 2022 Kona Limited ICE and lease up next year this time. I am not sure what I'm going to do as by next October 2024, the 2025 models are out. Do I get a hybrid or EV? Do I buy my current Kona? A lot depends on what the costs for leasing and car loans are in a year. It may be cheaper to buy my current car (short-term auto loan) than pay $40K for a new car! I like the new Kona redesign, but no hybrids and I am also considering Toyota so lots to think about next summer when I start talking to dealers.

dathyr1 - 22.09.2023 21:47

Thanks for the great video. Myself, I went the full transition to an EV. I wanted to totally break away from the gas pumps. Note - I also kept my 21 year old Monte Carlo ICE vehicle to do odd small dirty jobs if needed - still runs good. My EV Range is about 250-270 miles on single charges, and it depends on driving habits and climate changes. My daily driving is at the most 15-20 miles around town. So i can go several days before I would need to charge up. There are other features on my EV that made me choose this type of vehicle.

Not sure where gas prices are going for the future because they tend to fluctuate so much and depends on which State you live in. That said I went with my EV vehicle.

i didn't research Hybrids very much and I sure they would work fine for many people. They are still dependent on needing gas though there are some Electric Power to help them get more mileage. If I hadn't gone for the full EV, I would choose the Hybrid Plugin so I could run mostly on the Electric Battery.

Thanks and take care.

motorcycle man
motorcycle man - 21.09.2023 03:08

We have the sonata hybrid We get fifty one miles to the

five hundred and eighty five miles on a tank

abeismain - 20.09.2023 13:53

The assistance for plugin hybrid is an incentive 😅
Thanks for the video.

James Bonner
James Bonner - 19.09.2023 17:01

Highway commutes vs city commutes must be considered. Highway commutes lessen your MPG.

SansinXyz - 16.09.2023 18:43

It makes zero economic sense to lease a hybrid. But it makes a ton of economic sense to buy a hybrid if you are planning to keep it for a few years, specially because most manufacturers are offering hybrids at the same entry price as gas-only trims. And other than environmental and convenience factors (longer range, so less visits to the gas station), hybrids also offer smoother ride compared to the corresponding gas only trims, and less stress on the gas engines.
But with the plugin tax credits gone, plugins don't make any economic sense any more.

Jim Vonn
Jim Vonn - 15.09.2023 01:33

To even consider a plug in -; you have to have a garage Half the population either park in an apartment complex or on the street. The PHEVs do tend to have a larger battery; this isn't inherit but it is how it is done; so all electric range suffers for straight hybrids; still it is often adequate. If you have a garage and a house and you live in a very sunny area; you may benefit from being able to charge via solar; which is an investment itself but could pay off. It is also now possible that your plug in could serve as a battery backup for your home. Price differential is hard to pin down because PHEVs typically have a list of added features you may not want that runs up the vehicle price.

TheOneTrueRobb - 13.09.2023 21:49

Wondering what the penalty is in a PHEV, in terms of room and weight.

Richard Hermans
Richard Hermans - 05.09.2023 20:58

I have a prediction for the future. Once everyone has transitioned to EV's, there will be a huge increase in the amount of electricity being used and needed...how do we solve this problem with the electrical infrastructure we have in place...do we build more nuclear plants to provide the uptick in demand? look around, do you see any being constructed? they take years to complete..
Have the climate change gurus spoken on this? has the media talked about it? no, all I see is this Utopian world images with brand new shiny electric vehicles, with mom, pop, 2.5 children and a cute dog jumping into it, and off to Disney World they go.
Secondly, the price per watt of electricity is going to go sky high...oh and what about those mandatory rolling brown outs that states like California impose once it gets hot and AC's are running 24/7.

I think hybrid vehicles are the perfect answer to make the transition, go slow, let people and countries adopt and work out the kinks to going all vehicle, develop a larger infrastructure to handle the higher demand for electricity, develop regulations to eliminate slaves being used in 3rd world countries to mine cobalt and other minerals for lithium batteries.
And come to the realization we can't keep dumping the world's trash in countries like India..."out of sight, out of mind" ain't gonna cut it.

Ugly Stick
Ugly Stick - 04.09.2023 21:48

once we get rid off the petrol and diesel the elecricity pirces will rocket high

Valentin Chiriac
Valentin Chiriac - 04.09.2023 02:57

Of course, driving a phev in pure electric mode, in time, will degrade the battery prematurely.

Me Me
Me Me - 04.09.2023 01:23

So in a plug-in hybrid, can you not charge it and have the engine charge it? I watched the entire thing. Not sure if I missed it. I assume no because he said you HAVE to have a charger?

bennie waker
bennie waker - 31.08.2023 05:53

So. After going through this comment thread I think I can safely say. Don’t piss off the wife and lose your home. Apparently it’s true. It’s cheaper to keep her. If you live in an apartment without a way to plug in, don’t buy a phev. Or get a better apartment. Most people don’t live in an apartment for 10 years plus, so when you do get a new house, guess what, you still have a phev. Problem solved.

My Review
My Review - 29.08.2023 19:07

BYD Chaser as PLUGIN HYBRID makes 50-55MPG

Garrison - 24.08.2023 02:38

Those who are interested in a hybrid should drive an EV before making a decision.

Horsepower and Talk
Horsepower and Talk - 23.08.2023 20:25

Don't plan on not buying gas witha PHEV. Plan to buy a full tank of gas at least 4 times a year after the seasonal formula changes.

Jason Bannan
Jason Bannan - 23.08.2023 15:53

Waiting for the diesel electric car. If a locomotive can do it, why not a car?

d Noll
d Noll - 22.08.2023 17:22

Good Report, plugin hybrid, has no heater on electric, the engine starts when you turn on the heater, no winter defrost of windows while driving on electric, must consider for colder climate, and damp days to keep window clean? At least on the Hyundai.

Technologist - 22.08.2023 06:27

Ford has made big losses trying to sell hybrids at competitive prices. It is not sustainable and Ford has even had to lower quality and they have now lost their reputation.

Hybrids will be a lot more expensive to repair. Toyota is Toyota. I would not touch a US nor American hybrid with a long stick. You can't or don't want to even build reliable combustion engined vars despite having a century or experience. German nor American manifacturers do not respect their customers and sell garbage.

Also I would never buy a used hybrid, even Toyota or Honda, older than couple of years, or more than 30-40 thousand miles on, because maintenance is extremely important with these things and the more miles, years or owners, the more likely it is someone skipped a service. Like a mechanic said, now people complain about paying 300-500 dollar for a repair, but soon you can add a zero behind it when these new kinds of cars start to break up.

Silpi 1
Silpi 1 - 20.08.2023 11:14

What about the auto regeneration of electricity in plug in hybrid?

LJ Prep
LJ Prep - 20.08.2023 06:22

I thought hybrids were the way to go until I looked deeper into it. They are far higher in repair costs and don't get good or many Emiles, either.

D. League
D. League - 17.08.2023 22:56

Hybrid was always the best for distance and it's ability to blend into any design. Fully electric is years or even decades from general use.

Allin7days - 17.08.2023 04:17

I use 15 gallons of gasoline every 2 weeks with my 25mpg ICE car.
15 gallons/2 wks x 52 wks/year = 390 gallons of gas/yr, meaning 390 gallons x $3.50/gallon = $1,365/yr
Assuming hybrid mpg of 40, that's 60% saving, meaning saving of $819/yr and $8,190 over 10 years.
If a hybrid car costs $8K more than my current ICE car, I'll be even in 10 years.
Something doesn't add up...

Shabbir Ahmad
Shabbir Ahmad - 17.08.2023 01:24

None.. Whichever is available to buy is the best? all dealers have zero inventory. a company will make a car after you buy it.

Jennings - 16.08.2023 14:13

I don’t want a plug in car!

Teams33 - 16.08.2023 02:19


Drive4fun - 15.08.2023 00:55

Hybrid is the best but plug in can be even better only in certain conditions and use. Two plugs are plus but also a minus .

mike herber
mike herber - 14.08.2023 22:41

So u didnt say what it cost to charge in real time ?????? Its not worth the money Go gs and get something worth a resale value

mike herber
mike herber - 14.08.2023 22:34

Add the price of a replacement Battery 4- 10 THOUSAND

mike herber
mike herber - 14.08.2023 22:32


O 123
O 123 - 13.08.2023 11:26

If I got anyone of them for nothing I would not take it, Electric or Hybrid will never take over, Diesel is the best, my Merc used add blue so all that coming out of the exhaust is vapor totally harmless to our planet. Electric cars eats tyres because of the very heavy batteries, in winter a charge goes 30% less, I could go on and on, don't even consider an electric car, maybe Hydrogen in 10 Years time......

lofuishere - 12.08.2023 14:30

Plug in hybrid is silly. I don't wanna charge and pump gasoline. It's double the work and juggling is silly. Better to get a hybrid that can regenerate the battery

TwoTone - 10.08.2023 20:59

The main issue or problem is that a lot of people don't understand ethanol in the gas tank and try to use just the electric as much as possible. 
After just one week the fuel and ethanol starts to separate and will make the gas stale and gum up your fuel injection system, causing damage over the long term.

k bedn
k bedn - 10.08.2023 18:39

None of these two.

John King
John King - 10.08.2023 18:22

I had a KIA Picanto 1.2 auto and it did 34 MPG.
I now have a Lexus UX 250h and it does 54 MPG.
The new price for the UX (£38k) is over twice that of a new Picanto (£16k).
The fuel saving is welcome but its not the whole story.

Andy Baez
Andy Baez - 08.08.2023 01:15

GOD bless you all!

Mo Notts52
Mo Notts52 - 07.08.2023 19:28

Many tx. Gr8 review. Was looking at BEV/PHEV till I saw review from The Care Care Nut -Toyota Hybrid Specialist. He said any hybrid not suitable if do less than 4k miles as battery requires regular cycles. Strangely haven't seen this considered by any other Reviewer.
