#11.1 Collection and Generics | Iterator Interface

#11.1 Collection and Generics | Iterator Interface


6 лет назад

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@SouravDey55500 - 09.04.2018 18:15

Love your videos sir.

@vishutiwari99 - 09.04.2018 18:21

More knowledge in less time.

@animeshchakraborty9908 - 09.04.2018 18:26

This video was so.. helpful.

@nischay5430 - 10.04.2018 11:56

Sir, please make a video on tail recursion with any example

@vinosharu7766 - 13.04.2018 20:36

Sir please make video on handlebars mustache in javascript

@crazystuff9812 - 14.04.2018 16:47

Hi Naveen,

I need your help. I have 4.3 Years of experience in IT Industry as a Manual Tester.
I studied Electrical Engineering and found my job in one of the best MNC's through Off-Campus after 6 months of struggle.
I was passionate about other dreams and tried hard to quit this IT job. But I failed in the same and compromised with the Software job due to some personal constraints.
Currently I'm learning Python. But I didn't see much jobs in Hyderabad with Selenium-Python.

We do have other testing opportunities like Web Services, ETL Testing etc.
Please suggest me what should I learn to get a good job and how to implement the same in real time as I already continued as 4.3 Years as Manual Tester.

Please help me.

Thanks & Regards,
Your Friend

@prajjwalchaubey2323 - 20.04.2018 13:25

Sir ...
You have two playlists on Java..
1. Core Java tutorial
2. Java tutorial for beginners

Is there any difference between them .
And if yes then which one to continue with . provided that I am a beginner in Java..

@TrendingCode - 22.04.2018 09:49


@pavanrai6196 - 25.04.2018 09:10

Sir please make some videos for Spring Boot. Please sir.

@firmanfirdaus373 - 26.04.2018 06:17

Where is the next part of this video / part #11.1 ?

@BijayKumar-kk7zq - 26.04.2018 11:56

Sir can u please make a video on how to use jqmath in android studio to show math expressions in android app

@aravindha12 - 01.05.2018 21:15

where are you sir, we miss you.

@KsJudas - 08.05.2018 19:18

As a Pole I know that my English (as some ppl say Ponglish) would be weird to other ppl, so to improve your videos please invest in a better microphone because your english is very easy to undersand but sometimes it is hard to hear clearly all the words. And thanks for all the good videos :)

@rachitmongia5993 - 15.10.2018 23:22

Can someone pleas explain this: Collection values = new ArrayList(); What is the meaning of 'Collection values' I understand that Collection is an interface, how can we basically refer an object to in interface ?

@mudaseer21 - 28.04.2019 11:52


@tameshwarsahu325 - 13.05.2019 20:58

Bahut badhiya sir

@tameshwarsahu325 - 13.05.2019 20:59

Sir kya aap software development me kya career hai aur salary package kya hota h aur work culture ke bare me video upload kar sakte hai?

@manikantadurga1659 - 09.06.2019 16:45

Ikkada arraylist endhuku use chesam....any specific reason ?

@kathiravanbalakrishnan3149 - 27.04.2020 14:05

Hello Sir, could please explain why iterator and ListIterator not throwing ConcurrentModificationException while add or remove the values from the List?

@mitrajsinhchavda5659 - 07.05.2020 08:55

Sir please name of intro music

@alixaprodev - 09.08.2020 14:36

Love your efforts ❤️

@vladanulardzic5859 - 11.08.2020 15:01

Very clear practical explanation of collection, interface, iterator, steps and errors. Well done. Keep on...

@techmaster6559 - 12.05.2021 10:39

I have a question. We are using hasNext() method which gives true if next element is present and next() method returns that next element.
But at start where does iterator points to?
As if it points to 0th index .. next() will give us the 1st index number at start only. But it gives 0th index number at start only. How does that happen? @telusko

@kikimayi4104 - 31.05.2021 13:35

can we not use if, else, while with belongs to(x : numbers), for each instead of this iterator thing to get the same work done? im so confused rn.

@LearnWithNeeraj777 - 14.10.2021 12:30

In arraylist we do have index number
